"You are a bad witness": Why Darrell (The Criminal) Issa helps the Obama's reelection

I thought Boehner (R) said the priority of the House was "jobs, jobs, & jobs"?

I bet Fox/Murdoch TeeVee is doing 1/2 hr updates on this too :rolleyes:

The priority of the Congressional Oversight Committee is oversight.

Do you ask the cop giving you a traffic ticket why he's not out arresting real criminals too?

I don't blame democrats for wanting the oversight committee disbanded so they can all focus on jobs. Like the government could create a real job. Anything to stop actual oversight on this regime's criminal conduct.
Fast and the furious is a cover up of obama's don't blame anyone but him for it. obama is not above the law, just look what happen to nixon for thinking he was.

Would you like to explain in detail how you know F&F is a cover up? Do you have personal knowledge, facts, times, dates, example, names? Or are you a parrot, simply repeating a story told by those seeking an issue for political advantage?

the fact that we don't have all of the above and that the ag refuses to release the information proves it's a cover up not to mention the emergency "executive privilege"


In words, you don't (ever) have a clue. Now, maybe I'm wrong, so please explain the probative value of "when did you stop beating your wife?"
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F&F is one more effort by the right to find an issue to gain traction and influence the Novemeber election. It is pitiful that the Republican Party continues to legitimize elected officials and others on the fringe of the once and no longer Grand Olde Party.

Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Darrall Issa, Glen Beck, Dick & Daughter Cheney, Dick Armey, the Kock Brothers, et al are the greater threat to our democratic principles as they provide aid and comfort to our major competitors - Russia and China - by their continuing efforts to pit Americans v. Americans and remake our nation into a Plutocracy.

Fast and the furious is a cover up of obama's don't blame anyone but him for it. obama is not above the law, just look what happen to nixon for thinking he was.

Would you like to explain in detail how you know F&F is a cover up? Do you have personal knowledge, facts, times, dates, example, names? Or are you a parrot, simply repeating a story told by those seeking an issue for political advantage?

Exactly. There is no evidence there of a ‘cover up.’

One must have evidence to bring before a Federal judge to compel the Administration to release documents. Just saying there’s a ‘cover up’ doesn’t make it so.
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Fast and the furious is a cover up of obama's don't blame anyone but him for it. obama is not above the law, just look what happen to nixon for thinking he was.

Would you like to explain in detail how you know F&F is a cover up? Do you have personal knowledge, facts, times, dates, example, names? Or are you a parrot, simply repeating a story told by those seeking an issue for political advantage?

the fact that we don't have all of the above and that the ag refuses to release the information proves it's a cover up not to mention the emergency "executive privilege"

It doesn’t ‘prove’ anything, except this is motivated only by partisan politics.
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Exactly. There is no evidence there of a ‘cover up.’

One must have evidence to bring before a Federal judge to compel the Administration to release documents. Just saying there’s a ‘cover up’ doesn’t make it so.
You need to start posting differently your posting style of trying to hide what was said is fucking up the quote function.
Try again dumb ass
Judge Napolitano: Invoking Executive Privilege Opens Holder Up To Charges Of ‘Misleading The Congress’ | Mediaite
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The Right is still too idealistic about Washington and politics.

They think this is about justice.

They believe in their Washington politicians like most people believe in their minister.

They think Obama is evil and Issa is fighting the good fight - like a hollywood movie.

They don't get it.

The whole thing is a charade designed for morons on both sides.
Two interesting points; this is the first time Obama has used executive privilege compared to Bush, Clinton, and Reagan who used it many more times. What I find the most humorous about this whole thing though, is that we are seeing a case in which conservatives and Republicans are trying to convince us that gun control would have prevented someone's death. Imagine that? If controlling the access of guns would have saved Brian Terry's life, imagine how we could save between 5000 to 10,000 lives per year if we had real gun control in place.

Bottom line on this is that it is a BS from our politicians. If McCain had won, F&F would almost certainly have gone forward and then the Dems would be screaming about how the McCain administration was hiding something. And don't tell me McCain would never have allowed such a program; these programs are run without any regard to political affiliation.

First of all you have no idea what you are talking about.

When the ATF removed all safety measures in order to let those weapons go accross the border and did not track them.... that was a stupid move. YES those guns should have been controled (by not letting them go with no tracking devices) or at least followed.... Fast and Furious did not do that.... the operation under Bush (Wide Reciever) tracked the weapons, and even that operation was shut down due to its stupidity.

Im not going to speculate what McCain would have done... not a big fan of his anyway, but I cant imagine him letting this go on, especially knowing its stated objective was to cause stricter gun laws because idiots like you would fall for Holder's plan.... deny it? Read your own words... they are in red.
The Right is still too idealistic about Washington and politics.

They think this is about justice.

They believe in their Washington politicians like most people believe in their minister.

They think Obama is evil and Issa is fighting the good fight - like a hollywood movie.

They don't get it.

The whole thing is a charade designed for morons on both sides.

Let's stipulate that Congressman Issa did not perform within the confines of the usual highly refined artificial procedure in these Congressional hearings.

In fact, let's stipulate that he interrupted the witness and was rude and didn't ask the kinds of questions that might have led to getting useful answers from the AG.

Ok. And?

Does this make the performance of General Holder any less hideous?

And does it change the fact that the invocation (at Holder's request) of Executive Privilege, by President Obama, is baseless and dishonest and a cheap cover-up effort?

No. It doesn't.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the left, if Issa is less than a sparkling hero, that doesn't change diddly dick about what the Obama Administration, AG Holder and the DoJ did in the Fast and Furious matter nor does it alter their cover-up efforts. Those are the folks who need to be the focus of attention.

But you guys seem hell bent on deflecting, instead. For some reason.
The Right is still too idealistic about Washington and politics.

They think this is about justice.

They believe in their Washington politicians like most people believe in their minister.

They think Obama is evil and Issa is fighting the good fight - like a hollywood movie.

They don't get it.

The whole thing is a charade designed for morons on both sides.

Hyperbole is working overtime defending obama making you delusional that would make you say stupid shit?
The Right is still too idealistic about Washington and politics.

They think this is about justice.

They believe in their Washington politicians like most people believe in their minister.

They think Obama is evil and Issa is fighting the good fight - like a hollywood movie.

They don't get it.

The whole thing is a charade designed for morons on both sides.

What a vapid post. Good God, man. Seek professional help.
The Right is still too idealistic about Washington and politics.

They think this is about justice.

They believe in their Washington politicians like most people believe in their minister.

They think Obama is evil and Issa is fighting the good fight - like a hollywood movie.

They don't get it.

The whole thing is a charade designed for morons on both sides.

Hyperbole is working overtime defending obama making you delusional that would make you say stupid shit?

Damn.... have you seen the idiocy as of late??? OMG it is going to be a long hot summer.... I cant wait till November, so I can cast my vote AGAINST Obama. :badgrin:
It's like Reagan fighting the Soviets when the real nuclear bomb was our growing dependence on a dead-end energy future. It's like Bush focusing on bearded sand monkeys when the real nuclear bomb was the housing bubble.

These distractions only work because the public is stupid. The real nuclear bomb is that the U.S. spent 30 years shipping jobs to Asia and the 3rd world so that the investor class could enjoy the fruits of sweatshop labor. We replaced manufacturing plants and high-wage-paying jobs with shopping malls and credit cards. -all the while ignoring an energy crisis that was about to sink the economy with the $100 barrel. The jobs are gone, the credit has run out, and the energy costs are enveloping us. The game is over . . . and the serfs are too stupid to see it because they're tuned into superhero Issa fighting the villain Obama. Tune in next week when we will learn that Jimmy's gym teacher is making him gay.


(The people who take this stuff seriously also vote)

(God help us)
the right is still too idealistic about washington and politics.

They think this is about justice.

They believe in their washington politicians like most people believe in their minister.

They think obama is evil and issa is fighting the good fight - like a hollywood movie.

They don't get it.

The whole thing is a charade designed for morons on both sides.

hyperbole is working overtime defending obama making you delusional that would make you say stupid shit?

damn.... Have you seen the idiocy as of late??? Omg it is going to be a long hot summer.... I cant wait till november, so i can cast my vote against obama. :badgrin:

watching the left defend obama is like watching an old keystone cops movie
Pretty cheap shot showing a still from an old movie about slaves being whipped but it's typical of left wing arguments these days.
It's like Reagan fighting the Soviets when the real nuclear bomb was our growing dependence on a dead-end energy future. It's like Bush focusing on bearded sand monkeys when the real nuclear bomb was the housing bubble.

Wrong, dick-weed. The REAL threat nuclear threat was the Soviet Union with ACTUAL (and many) nuclear missiles. Damn, you're stupid. You let your mindless partisan hack hyperbole get in the way of reality.

These distractions only work because the public is stupid.

Wrong again, asshole. They weren't distractions. The fact that you try to label them as distractions is because YOU are stupid. True story.

It IS true that some politicians enjoy engaging in diversion and deflection. It is ALSO true that the FOCUS of some politicians is on more peripheral issues rather than on the more pressing and important or urgent issues.

But to claim (as assholes like you do, because it's easy to say) that all politicians do this is quite simply absurd. It is explained by the fact that you dick weed assholes are too timid to think and too lazy to bother with honesty.
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hyperbole is working overtime defending obama making you delusional that would make you say stupid shit?

damn.... Have you seen the idiocy as of late??? Omg it is going to be a long hot summer.... I cant wait till november, so i can cast my vote against obama. :badgrin:

watching the left defend obama is like watching an old keystone cops movie

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8jphxpi1ro]The Keystone Kops meet Pickles and Peppers - YouTube[/ame]
Of course Obama is guilty, but the people calling him guilty don't care about justice. None of them blame Reagan for selling weapons - a lot of weapons - to Iran, and then funneling the money to the Contras, which has a bloodier laundry list than many terrorist groups. None of them blame Reagan for removing Hussein and Iraq from the list of terrorist nations. These things are on the record, and they are a billion times larger than Obama's criminal mismanagement of a Bush era tactic of seeding weapons to drug runners for the purpose of tracking them. If you want to start really holding politicians accountable, why not hold them all accountable. It would be helpful if the Left and Right united to shine a light on all this stuff. Problem is, when their side has the presidency, the Tea Party will be magically re-absorbed into the Republican base - the criticism of Washington will stop. This is why nobody save Ron Paul criticized Bush until he was a lame duck.

It would be nice if Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party could team up to go after the bi-partisan structure that bailed out the large Financial monoliths that bankrupted the economy with unregulated derivatives. But do you really think the Tea Party is going to go after the private sector crooks who got bailed out? Of course not. The Tea Party is controlled by the big money which is funneled into their information sources in order to send them off to the next battle, to protect health insurance monopolies or fill in the blank. These useful idiots keep focusing on powerless bit players like Obama as opposed to the massive special interests which own government.

I would understand this stuff if the Left had an FDR or LBJ - but they don't. They have a weak president who has failed, time and again, to stand up to the Right. He has passed more tax cuts than any president in the last 50 years. He continued Bush's Patriot Act, which gives Washington more power to invade the privacy of free citizens than anything ever passed. He continued Homeland Security, which concentrates more power in Washington than anything ever dreamed by the Left. It is the largest, most wasteful, most secretive bureaucracy ever created. A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

Obama has done nothing to curb the Bush surveillance state. Why doesn't Issa investigate that? Why doesn't he take the gloves off? Does anyone on the Right listen to what Ron Paul or the Libertarian CATO Institute says? There are much bigger problems.
Not only did Obama continue the weapons-seeding tactic (which is a small piece of the crooked war on drugs started by Reagan), he is shill for the Right. He is choking government of the revenue it used to use to fuel consumer demand, and he wonders why the economy is dying. This is what a post-Keynesian America looks like. Demand dies.

Beneath all of the Republican and Tea Party grumbling about taxes, one key fact continues to be ignored. According to the Tax Policy Center, Federal taxes are lower than at any time since 1955. Obama has now reduced taxes by more than any president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

According to the Orange County Register, “For the past two years, a family of four earning the median income has paid less in federal income taxes than at any time since at least 1955, according to the Tax Policy Center. All federal, state and local taxes combined are a lower percentage of per-capita income than at any time since the 1960s, according to the Tax Foundation.

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