You can Point that Fucking Finger up your Ass, Mr. President!...

Has anyone in the White House poured over the volumes of contracts that exist among the parties involved in this blowout?
Has anyone in the White House poured over the volumes of contracts that exist among the parties involved in this blowout?

It's Date night, get back in Line Peasant!


the oil spill is Obamas fault?


You people are so going to continue to lose elections
This President has received the most money from BP of any other politician in America. This is fact. Has he given all his BP cash back yet? He has handled this terrible calamity very badly. I haven't even heard the guy criticize BP yet. He can deflect all he wants. This terrible calamity is on him.
More good news...This White House just approved allowing BP to dump more toxic chemicals into the Gulf to keep the other toxic chemicals from reaching shore. Yikes! This terrible calamity just gets worse & worse by the day. How could anyone defend this President's handling of this tragedy? How sad.
The blowhard President tells us that when corporate CEOs are yanked before a fucking Soviet style show-trial (the ones we laughingly call Congressional investigations) and proceed to point fingers at others, "HE" won't tolerate any more of this.

Fuck him.

As Mark Levin correctly noted (albeit with a bit more civility than I feel inclined to employ), we don't give a shit what HE will or will not tolerate.

And when that loudmouth currently infesting the oval office claims that we need to be more civil in our debates, it would have a scintilla of credibility if HE wasn't the kind to call Tea Party participants "tea baggers." Fuck yourself, Mr. President you gas-bag hypocrite.

And stop pointing your nicotine stained finger at us.

Newflash, Mr. President, you prick:
EVERY time you point a finger at someone else, you are pointing three back at yourself.
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The blowhard President tells us that when corporate CEOs are yanked before a fucking Soviet style show-trial (the ones we laughingly call Congressional investigations) and proceed to point fingers at others, "HE" won't tolerate any more of this.

Fuck him.

As Mark Levin correctly noted (albeit with a bit more civility than I feel inclined to employ), we don't give a shit what HE will or will not tolerate.

And when that loudmouth currently infesting the oval office claims that we need to be more civil in our debates, it would have a scintilla of credibility if HE wasn't the kind to call Tea Party participants "tea baggers." Fuck yourself, Mr. President you gas-bag hypocrite.

And stop pointing your nicotine stained finger at us.

Newflash, Mr. President, you prick: EVERY time you point a finger at someone else, you are pointing three back at yourself.


My, my, a teabaggers ire.

Real problem there for you, old boy. This President is doing well. And these CEOs need to be hauled before Congress, and then a court of law.

Economy improving, more jobs being created, Passed the bill on health that he promised. Two good Supreme Court picks, one confirmed, one in the process, and chances are that the President will be able to appoint two more to the Supreme Court before his second term is up in 2016.
Rush said this is not a big deal and the sea will take care of itself. Wow.
The blowhard President tells us that when corporate CEOs are yanked before a fucking Soviet style show-trial (the ones we laughingly call Congressional investigations) and proceed to point fingers at others, "HE" won't tolerate any more of this.

Fuck him.

As Mark Levin correctly noted (albeit with a bit more civility than I feel inclined to employ), we don't give a shit what HE will or will not tolerate.

And when that loudmouth currently infesting the oval office claims that we need to be more civil in our debates, it would have a scintilla of credibility if HE wasn't the kind to call Tea Party participants "tea baggers." Fuck yourself, Mr. President you gas-bag hypocrite.

And stop pointing your nicotine stained finger at us.

Newflash, Mr. President, you prick: EVERY time you point a finger at someone else, you are pointing three back at yourself.


My, my, a teabaggers ire.

Real problem there for you, old boy. This President is doing well. And these CEOs need to be hauled before Congress, and then a court of law.

Economy improving, more jobs being created, Passed the bill on health that he promised. Two good Supreme Court picks, one confirmed, one in the process, and chances are that the President will be able to appoint two more to the Supreme Court before his second term is up in 2016.

Wrong again, Moldy Cock. I am not (yet) a tea partier. YOU are likely a tea bagger. Note the distinction the next time you let some guy stick his sack in your mouth, ya liberoidal pervert.

And no. This President is NOT doing well at all. He is going to be personally responsible for a massive defection (from the Dim Party) in the midterms. For that, at least, I am grateful. He sucks donkey dick in hell.

But worse yet, the idiot is endangering the national security of America as well as her economic well being for generations to come.

He is reckless, irresponsible, ignorant, bombastic, stupid, vain and dangerous. No wonder idiotic liberoidal dufuses like you can't wait for a chance to let him stick his scrotum in your mouths. "Barack Hussein Obama Uhhm uhhhmmm uhhhmmmmm."
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Have you ever known a CnC to take responsibility? This is the standard practice.... They blame one another back and forth until they finally proclaim it something like it being a lack of communication or something else. No one will be held responsible... BP, HB, and Transocean will pay for the clean up and Obama will steam roll cap and trade through on the premise it would have prevented this disaster and the band will play on....

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