‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

Gay has nothing to do with it....skill and determination are what win games......why is it that how you have sex is so determining to left wingers?
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

There is no war on gay folks. There is an actual campaign against bakers, wedding photographers, pizza makers.......
Her time is coming when she will be replaced by a Male to female transgender "Woman" Soccer Player.
That isnt what she said.

She said that -
‘You can’t win without gay players,’

It was in the post title.

I think she was inferring that if we work as a team then we can achieve greater things.

Isnt that a great lesson for a world that is so divided ?
Logic would dictate that the opposite is true as well...you can't win without heterosexual players as well.

Rapinoe isn't extolling her team, not all of it anyway. Only a special part of it that she happens to be part of.

Once more she is virtue signalling and being needlessly divisive.
Seldom have we seen such a completely self centered athlete on the national stage. Imagine a woman loudly promoting
Trump and straight women....she would instantly become a pariah and an embarrassment to the US Soccer Federation.

It figures not very bright people like yourself seem giddy that Rapinoe is making this World Cup all about herself.

Having said that I hope England gets their asses handed to them in brown paper sacks so they can take them back home with them when they face the current champion on the second of July.
Yep. Speaking of "absurd": It almost - ALMOST - seems when they are not advocating in favor of murdering scores of Muslims (for some of them killing women and gays) they are arguing for Muslims to murder scores of women and gays.
Yes and it's a shame you can't quite honestly make your statement a true one, as much as you'd like it to be so. Such a pity.
Shocked about the anti American feeling on here from people who might want to be considered patriots.This patriotism seems to be very selective.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

They are playing the clan identity politics tropes when they should be playing the national pride trope.
Shocked about the anti American feeling on here from people who might want to be considered patriots.This patriotism seems to be very selective.

Sorry, but identity politics is not pride, it's trying to climb the pity pole for some form of power.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.
Like I have always said LGBT People are mentally insane… and All progressives are fucked in the head
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

What does their sexuality have to do with their gameplay on the field?
Shocked about the anti American feeling on here from people who might want to be considered patriots.This patriotism seems to be very selective.

We’re shocked by the anti-American feeling being portrayed by certain US women soccer players. To them being American isn’t enough, they have to represent some contrived political identity group.
What qualifies her to say anything? LOL

She runs around kicking the ball… Is Soccer even a sport?
The man that coaches my son's soccer team is gay. He does a fantastic job teaching the kids. The parents love him and so do the kids. I'm his assistant. We plan everything together. The coach stands for the anthem, buys the kids American flags for tournaments and is a proud American. But, he also doesn't like Trump (I'm a Trump supporter) and thinks some things need to change and you know what... that's totally fine. I can easily listen to his point of view and even agree because he isn't mixing soccer, social justice and politics, and he respects that the flag and anthem means something to us as a team even though we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Megan Rapinoe might be a star soccer player, but she could learn something from our coach.

In any event, I'm rooting for the US Team! Beat England!!!
She does realize that this has nothing to do with a person's sexual preference, but a person's athletic ability, right?

God bless you always!!!

‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.

She's just one more person with a bias, fantastic. Of course we all know being gay has nothing to do with being a good team mate. DO you actually buy into that?
The man that coaches my son's soccer team is gay. He does a fantastic job teaching the kids. The parents love him and so do the kids. I'm his assistant. We plan everything together. The coach stands for the anthem, buys the kids American flags for tournaments and is a proud American. But, he also doesn't like Trump (I'm a Trump supporter) and thinks some things need to change and you know what... that's totally fine. I can easily listen to his point of view and even agree because he isn't mixing soccer, social justice and politics, and he respects that the flag and anthem means something to us as a team even though we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Megan Rapinoe might be a star soccer player, but she could learn something from our coach.

In any event, I'm rooting for the US Team! Beat England!!!

Don’t leave your child alone with a queer like that.
‘You can’t win without gay players,’ says USA’s World Cup hero Megan Rapinoe

Megan Rapinoe showed no sign of stemming her outspoken ways after scoring the goals that saw USA march one step closer towards the World Cup final.

“Go gays!” she said after the 2-1 quarter-final victory over France in Paris and when asked to comment on whether it being Pride month made her contribution more personally significant. “You can’t win a championship without gays on your team - it’s never been done before, ever. That’s science, right there!

Proud women representing their country. Isnt it time that the war on gay folks was consigned to history.
.....it shows she is a hater and like the blacks, is so obsessed with her ''differentness''', that it warps her thinking
..there is no war on gay folks--you make your OP total bullshit by saying that

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