You can't yell wolf in a crowded theater!

Nancy Pelosi needs a lobotomy.

She is a special kind of stupid.

She's already had a lobotomy.

Then drill a hole in her frontal cortex or something.:confused:

Going in past the lacrimal fossa with a leucotome is the preferred method.

Nancy Pelosi needs a lobotomy.

She is a special kind of stupid.

She's already had a lobotomy.

Then drill a hole in her frontal cortex or something.:confused:
if Pelosi thinks people yell "Wolfe" in a crowded theater, I wonder what she thinks people yell on a 747?

Blulooloolooooo!!! Allahu Ahkbar!!!! Bluloololooooooo!!!
i usually yell,,,,,Get Out Of The Bathroom Already,,,Bitch !!!
are we to assume that every time Nancy Pelosi goes to a movie,,she winds up sitting next to a wolfe munching popcorn/with a diet pepsi?
Forget about, "how did this woman become an elected official?"... how the hell does she manage to make it through the day without drowning in the bathtub or walking in front of a bus? I realize she is from California but don't they have some sort of procedure you have to go through to get your name on the ballot? How can someone this utterly stupid know how to run for office? Seriously!

It just takes a special kind of stupid to get your name on a Federal ballot in California.
i wonder what Maxine Waters yells in a crowded theater?.....The Russians are coming ????
I remember when Pelosi launched into her CIA is out to get her conspiracy on the House floor, thoughtful Dem's escorted her out of the chamber, she looked confused and rattled. :laugh:
Nancy Pelosi, defending the left's new mission to tear down the First Amendment, said in a recent interview, "You can't yell wolf in a crowded theater!"

Forget about, "how did this woman become an elected official?"... how the hell does she manage to make it through the day without drowning in the bathtub or walking in front of a bus? I realize she is from California but don't they have some sort of procedure you have to go through to get your name on the ballot? How can someone this utterly stupid know how to run for office? Seriously!

Now, of course, what the dingbat meant was "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater." But that's not really true either... You CAN yell fire in a crowded theater, especially if there is a fire! The saying comes from the landmark case from 1919, Schenck v. United States and actually had nothing to do with yelling fire in a crowded theater. Ironically, it was a case about draft protesters having the First Amendment right to advocate draft dodging. SCOTUS ruled unanimously, they had no such right and their convictions under the Espionage Act were constitutional.

Since 1919, we've had several other landmark cases regarding the parameters of the First Amendment. The left now wants to advocate censoring free speech on the basis of deeming it "hate speech" or those who speak as "hate groups." This is contrary to the very essence of the First Amendment.

I honestly, never in my life, thought I would see the day when the liberal left openly advocated censoring free speech. It's just blowing my mind. Do they think this is a one way street? That only speech they find offensive will be squelched? That only their authoritarians will ever be in charge of defining "hate speech" and "hate groups"?

This is a dangerous slippery slope the left is dancing around on. Better be careful what you wish for. You never know when a pack of wild wolves might invade your local theater. Just saying!

Pelosi is bat shit crazy and should embarrass any intelligent Dem. They keep voting for her so that can only mean that her supporters are as nutty as she is.

Banning people from yelling 'fire' when there is no fire in a crowded theater has nothing to do with free speech. If the theater is on fire, it's a warning. If the theater is not on fire, it's merely causing a panic for no reason. Yea, people could get hurt and the person should be responsible for what happens. It's like yelling hijack on an airplane.

We should also ban anyone from yelling "Allah Akbar" in a public place since that has become more frightening than a fire.

People who disagree with liberals are not endangering anyone. Some of it could well be considered fair warning. If libs get their way, we are doomed. Hillary would have focused on disarming Americans and moving toward one world government. Before any lib calls me a liar, I would suggest they look it up. Hillary said she would fight the second amendment every chance she got and she stated her support for open borders and one world government in her speeches to Wall Street. Don't expect her to admit it to the masses because she also told Wall Street execs that it's important to have a public view that basically hides your real view. Can't tell people what you intend to do or they'd revolt. Say what they want to hear and screw them behind closed doors.

If we are going to condemn some speech, it should be speech that actually encourages or promotes violence, such as the antifa garbage.

We have elected Dem officials saying they hope Trump is assassinated. Liberal celebrities have hinted that they either wish death to Trump or that they might do it themselves. But the left is more freaked out when people want border security. Of course, Pelosi thinks that the illegals here have as much right to be here as the citizens. If they believed a wall would not make a difference, why are they saying it would keep people out? Just another thing Pelosi can't explain.

She has the intelligence of a box of rocks.
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Nancy Pelosi, defending the left's new mission to tear down the First Amendment, said in a recent interview, "You can't yell wolf in a crowded theater!"

Forget about, "how did this woman become an elected official?"... how the hell does she manage to make it through the day without drowning in the bathtub or walking in front of a bus? I realize she is from California but don't they have some sort of procedure you have to go through to get your name on the ballot? How can someone this utterly stupid know how to run for office? Seriously!

Now, of course, what the dingbat meant was "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater." But that's not really true either... You CAN yell fire in a crowded theater, especially if there is a fire! The saying comes from the landmark case from 1919, Schenck v. United States and actually had nothing to do with yelling fire in a crowded theater. Ironically, it was a case about draft protesters having the First Amendment right to advocate draft dodging. SCOTUS ruled unanimously, they had no such right and their convictions under the Espionage Act were constitutional.

Since 1919, we've had several other landmark cases regarding the parameters of the First Amendment. The left now wants to advocate censoring free speech on the basis of deeming it "hate speech" or those who speak as "hate groups." This is contrary to the very essence of the First Amendment.

I honestly, never in my life, thought I would see the day when the liberal left openly advocated censoring free speech. It's just blowing my mind. Do they think this is a one way street? That only speech they find offensive will be squelched? That only their authoritarians will ever be in charge of defining "hate speech" and "hate groups"?

This is a dangerous slippery slope the left is dancing around on. Better be careful what you wish for. You never know when a pack of wild wolves might invade your local theater. Just saying!

Actually they are using the pretense that speech they don't like is endangering the public safety. You know, the old "speech equals violence" mantra.

Actually they are using the pretense that speech they don't like is endangering the public safety. You know, the old "speech equals violence" mantra.

Meanwhile, they act like the real violent acts committed by antifa and BLM are freedom of speech.
Actually they are using the pretense that speech they don't like is endangering the public safety. You know, the old "speech equals violence" mantra.

Meanwhile, they act like the real violent acts committed by antifa and BLM are freedom of speech.

Yep, how did Van Jones put it, inside out, upside down. It's all in the commie play book.

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And no one here standing up for those pushing to censor speech out of fear when so many have advocated for just that.

Why am I not surprised.
Nancy Pelosi, defending the left's new mission to tear down the First Amendment, said in a recent interview, "You can't yell wolf in a crowded theater!"

Forget about, "how did this woman become an elected official?"... how the hell does she manage to make it through the day without drowning in the bathtub or walking in front of a bus? I realize she is from California but don't they have some sort of procedure you have to go through to get your name on the ballot? How can someone this utterly stupid know how to run for office? Seriously!

Now, of course, what the dingbat meant was "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater." But that's not really true either... You CAN yell fire in a crowded theater, especially if there is a fire! The saying comes from the landmark case from 1919, Schenck v. United States and actually had nothing to do with yelling fire in a crowded theater. Ironically, it was a case about draft protesters having the First Amendment right to advocate draft dodging. SCOTUS ruled unanimously, they had no such right and their convictions under the Espionage Act were constitutional.

Since 1919, we've had several other landmark cases regarding the parameters of the First Amendment. The left now wants to advocate censoring free speech on the basis of deeming it "hate speech" or those who speak as "hate groups." This is contrary to the very essence of the First Amendment.

I honestly, never in my life, thought I would see the day when the liberal left openly advocated censoring free speech. It's just blowing my mind. Do they think this is a one way street? That only speech they find offensive will be squelched? That only their authoritarians will ever be in charge of defining "hate speech" and "hate groups"?

This is a dangerous slippery slope the left is dancing around on. Better be careful what you wish for. You never know when a pack of wild wolves might invade your local theater. Just saying!

You don’t have to be smart, decent, honest or even lucid to win the Democrat vote. Political purity is all that is required.

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