"You Control Nothing". House Republicans Brace For Life In The Minority

About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.

New York times now taunting?

Holy shit is this how low a newspaper is going, first an anonymous letter and now this?

Pay back will be a bitch.
Most of the Democrat wins were because of fraud. How that fraud will be dealt with in 2020 is the question. We now know that even Roy Moore's loss was due to fraud.
About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.

The Republicans will survive. As far as I am concerned no one party should control it all anyways.

Landslide losses would have been the Senate also. No, the Dems have to put forth an agenda that people actually want or they will cost themselves those very same seats in two years.

So far all they have to offer is hating Trump and sucking illegals off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The number one issue with voters is healthcare. Immigration wasn't even on the page of concerns with the voters last month. After 3 months of nonstop caravan, and terrorist invader stories 24/7, the Republicans still lost. Big. It isn't going to be a winning issue for them in 2020 either.

Immigration is a loser for Republicans, so the Democrats have already kicked that issue to the curb, like the voters did with the issue last month.

Pelosi has already laid out the agenda, which will be healthcare, expanding voter rights, and working with the new Democratic governors and state legislatures that will put even more Republican seats in jeopardy in 2020. Also keeping in mind Republicans have 22 of the 33 Senate seats to defend in 2020. The Dems just need 3 pick ups, and they have that chamber also.

And if you're really delusional enough to think dotard is going to get a second term instead of a prison cell, the Dems should feel really good about their chances of getting the White House also.

You stupid mother fucker, Illegal's using emergency rooms are the reason why health care is more expensive.

I don't think the left has realized they don't control either the Senate or the Presidency yes they took the House and congrats to them on that but if they think that means they can get anything they pass signed into law they are either very naive very dumb or both.

Nancy Pelosi is a lot smarter than that. Just remember this. The House controls the money.

Let me say that again.


So unless Republicans in the Senate or dotard planning on operating for free the next two years, Pelosi holds all the aces.

Did I mention the power to subpoena anyone in dotards circle they want, and there isn't thing one he can do about it?

Do you know what underway with no way on means?

That's Trumps new position.
You do realize we had the same situation in reverse order after the 2010 midterms with Harry Reid and the Democrats controlling the Senate it became the place where legislation came to die. If you want convince your self that the Democrats will now be calling all the shots because they have the House so be it but the reality will not match up to your partisan fantasy.
About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.
Agreed, and a well deserved demotion against House GOPers who attacked and did harm to the well being of society, and engaged in other heinously treacherous things. Finally the majority voter voted in favor of their best interests at giving this deplorable GOPer House majority the boot! They are not leaders but destroyers as demonstrated.
About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.

New York times now taunting?

Holy shit is this how low a newspaper is going, first an anonymous letter and now this?

Pay back will be a bitch.
I don't think they are "newspapers" anymore.
There are no real americans, we functionally removed them via genocide, illegal murderous euro migrants maybe.

View attachment 237466

I love GIFS when reasoned arguments are not on hand, thanks!

It's a meme not a gif you idiot.

All are welcome idiot, got either?

Huge difference between a meme and a GIF


Thanks so much, I'm telling everyone I know right now.
About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.
Agreed, and a well deserved demotion against House GOPers who attacked and did harm to the well being of society, and engaged in other heinously treacherous things. Finally the majority voter voted in favor of their best interests at giving this deplorable GOPer House majority the boot! They are not leaders but destroyers as demonstrated.

I heard Michael Moore tell Chris Hayes last night, that the election really rattled the cage of the Republicans corporate backers. They weren't ready for the ass kicking they took, and are already fighting like hell to retain the ride on the gravy train they've had for the last two years.

They're getting ready to run aground on the sandbar Pelosi. The founders gave the House the power of the purse for a reason. Those tax cuts that got passed last year don't work real well if they are not budgeted for properly.

There are no real americans, we functionally removed them via genocide, illegal murderous euro migrants maybe.

View attachment 237466

I love GIFS when reasoned arguments are not on hand, thanks!
That is another old left bigot lie.
We didn't kill all of the Indians.

Read carefully my friend' There are no real americans, we functionally removed them via genocide, illegal murderous euro migrants maybe.

That was always the intent going all the way back to Papal Bulls of the 1500s.

You have a plethora of reading and due diligence to do before you can begin to discuss this. The denial you seem to have mastered.
The only "rude awakening" is going to be those Democrats voted out. The midterms were in no way a "landslide" and given the House Democrats' chasing after their pipe dream of "impeachment", they will be the most unproductive House this country has ever seen. The entire country's business will go to crap while the House chases after unicorns, rainbows, and big rock candy mountains.

Enjoy your brief flirtation with power, Dems. You're going to be kicked to the curb come next election not only because you underestimated what Trump is capable of, but you let down the American voters.
The midterms were in no way a "landslide"

Democrats win House popular vote by 8.6 million votes
About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.

No need for power in The House when you have ultimate authority via executive order....hahahaha
This is gonna be a kick ass two year run for us good, real Americans....hahaha
four years ago, attention was drawn to executive overreach. Should be good time to revisit.

Grab your popcorn...this nation has never seen executive authority exercised like it will be over the next two years. LefTards will need straight jackets and padded rooms starting in just a few days.
About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.
/—-/ The cost of flushing the RINOs out of power. We can rebuild now.,
The only "rude awakening" is going to be those Democrats voted out. The midterms were in no way a "landslide" and given the House Democrats' chasing after their pipe dream of "impeachment", they will be the most unproductive House this country has ever seen. The entire country's business will go to crap while the House chases after unicorns, rainbows, and big rock candy mountains.

Enjoy your brief flirtation with power, Dems. You're going to be kicked to the curb come next election not only because you underestimated what Trump is capable of, but you let down the American voters.
The midterms were in no way a "landslide"

Democrats win House popular vote by 8.6 million votes

About two-thirds of Republicans returning to the House for the 116th Congress this week have never experienced the exquisite pain of being on the outs in an institution where the party in charge is totally in charge. Majority control runs the gamut from determining the floor agenda to determining access to the prime meeting space. It will be a rude awakening for many who have known only their exalted majority status.

“They say you will have a lot more time on your hands and will vote ‘no’ a lot more often,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who was elected in the 2010 wave that handed control of the House to Republicans in President Barack Obama’s first midterm election.

‘You Control Nothing’: House Republicans Brace for Life in the Minority

I don't think the reality of the landslide losses the Republicans suffered in this years midterms, has sunk in yet.
Agreed, and a well deserved demotion against House GOPers who attacked and did harm to the well being of society, and engaged in other heinously treacherous things. Finally the majority voter voted in favor of their best interests at giving this deplorable GOPer House majority the boot! They are not leaders but destroyers as demonstrated.

I heard Michael Moore tell Chris Hayes last night, that the election really rattled the cage of the Republicans corporate backers. They weren't ready for the ass kicking they took, and are already fighting like hell to retain the ride on the gravy train they've had for the last two years.

They're getting ready to run aground on the sandbar Pelosi. The founders gave the House the power of the purse for a reason. Those tax cuts that got passed last year don't work real well if they are not budgeted for properly.


One of the really weird things about the ignorant Democrat Voters is their hatred of rich people and corporations.
The Democratic Party is run by rich people.
Corporations donate to the Dem politicians.
Barry the Magnificent spent 8 year going to fund raisers.
Pelosi and Schumer know that the Dem voters are real dupes.
BTW did you mean "knowwhatImean"

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