You could have heard a pin drop.

Wow. No lefty loons have anything to say to this. Interesting.

And why would we bother? There's no point being made, nothing to get into, just a lot of feel good words. Simplistic too. Nah, not worth the mental effort.

But please go on deluding yourself that it's got substance. :lol:
don't know if all that happened. Hope it did

Doesn't change the fact that 100% of it is all true.

You need to rethink your personal definition of "true"

Exaggeration, hyperbole, simplistic notions aren't related to "truth".
Do me a favor and tell me where the fiction is there?

Do aircraft carriers not have the capability to do everything listed?

Would France not be speaking abother language at the moment had we not intervened?

Please, let me know where the fiction is.

intervened? You didn't give a shit about Europe. Your president expressly stated that Europe was on its own.

Then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and suddeny everything changed.

Spare me the jingoistic bullshit.
As a conservative voting for Obama, I must say this is my biggest problem with liberals. They don't give a shit about where they live. They don't give a shit about anything but themselves. It disgusts me that we have McCain running and not someone more Reagan-like.

I was NOT being sarcastic. I love this country more than anything and the United States of America IS the greatest country in the world.

No it isn't, mine is, so there :lol:
If humiliating me means that I am an unfortunate witness to you and shogun's mutual bung-hole licking. :badgrin:

Me and Shogun have never licked each other's butts. Maybe it's just pure coincidence that both of us think that you're a cross-dressing, unfunny board whore. There's no need to imply collaboration or conspiracy. If you weren't you, and had to endure the torture of reading one of your many unfunny posts, you'd more than likely come to the same conclusion that we came to independently.
Was Rumsfeld with him? I don't think so, because if they catch him in Europe or the Hague, he'll be arrested and charged with war crimes.

Don't have to be outside the US to be arrested for war crimes. You can be arrested right here in the good ole US of A. Only problem with your sheep rhetoric is Rumsfeld hasn't done anything illegal. If he had he would have been arrested and charged by now.

You really need to put the kool-aid down. You have a permanent red ring around your mouth. Time to give reason and common sense the ole college try.
"I don't give a goddamn," Bush retorted. "I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way."

"Mr. President," one aide in the meeting said. "There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution."

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"

lol, god why do you hate this country?
Honestly, just fucking leave if you hate it so much.

I can't speak for anyone else but personally I hate what this country has become because of elitist pieces of trash like bush thinking they can do anything they want, and are immune to our laws because they had a rich daddy who was in politics. He is our PRESIDENT... not our emperor, dictator, or king.

Just leave? No...
This is MY country just as much as it is yours....
You may be ok with these ignorant inbred power hungry sadists raping you and your country and all that it once stood for but I am not!
There are alot of people who NEED to leave this country, on a one way trip to the international criminal court in the hague, but I don't believe that any of those people post here in these forums.

And WHEN WE DO take this country back from these sick bastards I hope people like you are exiled and have their citizenship revoked.
"I don't give a goddamn," Bush retorted. "I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way."

"Mr. President," one aide in the meeting said. "There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution."

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"

I can't speak for anyone else but personally I hate what this country has become because of elitist pieces of trash like bush thinking they can do anything they want, and are immune to our laws because they had a rich daddy who was in politics. He is our PRESIDENT... not our emperor, dictator, or king.

Just leave? No...
This is MY country just as much as it is yours....
You may be ok with these ignorant inbred power hungry sadists raping you and your country and all that it once stood for but I am not!
There are alot of people who NEED to leave this country, on a one way trip to the international criminal court in the hague, but I don't believe that any of those people post here in these forums.

And WHEN WE DO take this country back from these sick bastards I hope people like you are exiled and have their citizenship revoked.

How can you use the same rationality you are intending to discredit?
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You intervened? You didn't give a shit about Europe. Your president expressly stated that Europe was on its own.

Meanwhile, while he was saying that, American was sending England naval destroyers (on credit) and lending your bankrupted treasury enough money to buy all the arms we could ship them.

You are aware of that, aren't you?

I certainly hope so, since my father was on one of the vessels that was sunk while trying to arm your nation, even while FDR was assuring the American people that we were going to remain out of the fight.

Then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and suddeny everything changed.

Yes the mood of the American people changed that is for certain.

Spare me the jingoistic bullshit.

Jingoism is annoying as hell, I agree.

Facts on the other hand, have a jingo all their own and one that cannot be denied.
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"I don't give a goddamn," Bush retorted. "I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way."

"Mr. President," one aide in the meeting said. "There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution."

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"

I can't speak for anyone else but personally I hate what this country has become because of elitist pieces of trash like bush thinking they can do anything they want, and are immune to our laws because they had a rich daddy who was in politics. He is our PRESIDENT... not our emperor, dictator, or king.

Just leave? No...
This is MY country just as much as it is yours....
You may be ok with these ignorant inbred power hungry sadists raping you and your country and all that it once stood for but I am not!
There are alot of people who NEED to leave this country, on a one way trip to the international criminal court in the hague, but I don't believe that any of those people post here in these forums.

And WHEN WE DO take this country back from these sick bastards I hope people like you are exiled and have their citizenship revoked.

You're a fucking nimrod aren't you.

First of all you are getting those quotes froma source that comes from capitol hill blue?????? Have they been right about fucking anything? They don't list anmes just "unindentified sources" That story is probably bullshit.


Way to take what I said out of context you moron. I said that because I was simply defending the fact that even though that is probably a chain e-mail and might no thave happened does not mean that everything on it is completely true.

Sorry, i am not ashamed of my country. I never have been, never will. Even though we are not perfect, we are still the best. When something tragic happens around the world, which country sends the most aid? How much shit do we give to poor countries all over the world through programs we have?

No, I am not ashamed, you may be and thats your problem.

Like I said, if you are so ashamed and hate it so much, Canada or Mexico is not that far of a drive.
Sorry, i am not ashamed of my country. I never have been, never will. Even though we are not perfect, we are still the best. When something tragic happens around the world, which country sends the most aid? How much shit do we give to poor countries all over the world through programs we have?

No, I am not ashamed, you may be and thats your problem.

Like I said, if you are so ashamed and hate it so much, Canada or Mexico is not that far of a drive.

You are right about one thing, we are not perfect.
Tell me how proud are you that we throw millions and in some cases billions at other countries to help them out, when there are people homeless in our own country?
How proud are you that some senior citizens literally have to choose between their dinner or their medicine?

I'm sure the elitists will be glad to hear canada and mexico aren't far away, that means they wont have far to run.
As for me... I'll be staying... Someone has to help rebuild after they get done plundering and running this country into the ground.

It's great that you will all come to the defense of this country when someone speaks bad words about it, it's just too bad you're too ignorant to defend it from it's REAL threats.
I don't hate this country... I hate what these evil bastards have turned it into.
And I hate people so brainwashed that they will froth at the mouth and attack anyone who doesn't buy the same brainwashing bullshit that you do.
Keep singing the national anthem and waving your flag until they strangle you with it.
Must be a Freudian slip there. Where did I suggest that you licked each others asses? :lol:

Tell me shemail, was it your female persona that wrote this or was it your crossdressing male alter-ego?
If humiliating me means that I am an unfortunate witness to you and shogun's mutual bung-hole licking. :badgrin:

Unless there's another unfunny douchebag named glockmail posting on USMB then I conclude....
Tell me shemail, was it your female persona that wrote this or was it your crossdressing male alter-ego?

Unless there's another unfunny douchebag named glockmail posting on USMB then I conclude....

Main Entry:

: a hole for emptying or filling a cask

I conclude something different. :lol:

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