You gotta admit, Trump's obsession with Hillary Clinton is really, really weird.

Just heard an interview with Trump as he walked out of a meeting into a gaggle of reporters.

Trump Says He Is Willing To Talk To Mueller Under Oath

And what does he do? He brings up Hillary Clinton again.

Trump's obsession with Hillary Clinton is a sign of a deeper problem

At least it seems he gave up on Obama's birth certificate conspiracy and I don't hear anything else about the wire tapping conspiracy.

But Hillary? Why bother? He won. The only time I hear about her in the news is when Trump childishly calls her names.

What gives?

Weird? Really? Just what kind of news bubble do you live in, exactly? Hillary Clinton never shuts up about Trump and she is the central figure behind the opposition research and effort used to first try to knock Trump out of the race with misinformation, then to get an illegal FISA warrant in order to spy on him and build a case to frame him, using, incidentally, countless friends and plants of hers sprinkled all through the DOJ and FBI and elsewhere. And he might be the ONE person who has been the CLOSEST to the Clintons who has known the most DIRT about them that is still alive not yet having committed suicide or befallen some strange accident! But other than that, I can't imagine a single reason why he'd give her a second thought. o_O
She never shuts up? When was the last time she was seen in public?

And a warrant to spy on him?

I want to see the link.

Oh wait, I get it. More of that "secret society" nonsense. Got it.

The Grammys? Duh?

You're even more oblivious than usual today, R-Derp!
Who's really obsessive...Trump for pointing the finger at Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as the people behind a ridiculous Russian "collusion" investigation...or the main stream media for continuously covering something that it's become obvious months ago NEVER EXISTED!
Just heard an interview with Trump as he walked out of a meeting into a gaggle of reporters.

Trump Says He Is Willing To Talk To Mueller Under Oath

And what does he do? He brings up Hillary Clinton again.

Trump's obsession with Hillary Clinton is a sign of a deeper problem

At least it seems he gave up on Obama's birth certificate conspiracy and I don't hear anything else about the wire tapping conspiracy.

But Hillary? Why bother? He won. The only time I hear about her in the news is when Trump childishly calls her names.

What gives?
It is Trumps base that is obsessed with Hillarie so Trump feeds them what they want tohere!

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