You have GOT to be kidding!

Maybe it will be sure to wipe front to back :eek:
You know considering it has male genitalia :eusa_whistle:
You seem to have a bit of an obsession with the transgendered.

Oh yea? Because them shoving there warped, confused, probably brain-washed children onto other kids is NORMAL? FUCK that. I want a sane kid. I dont want my son to get warped from the liberals of our society. It is an abomination! A fuckin 6 year old confused about its gender when it has a cock hangin.. Yea Right!

Oh, and if this was in politics, I woulda asked that your post be removed, troll :)

I was actually refering to novesteve.

As to the child, no one wakes up one day and says "I think I'm going to make my son be a girl". Whatever is happening with that child, is something I'm sure the parents are struggling with. I'm certain the child sees a therapist and his parents are doing what the doctors recommend. I'm 100% certain the parents love their son, and only want what's best for him.

Also, I don't have a problem with the school assigning a special bathroom, its an issue that doesn't just effect this one child, but all the children around him.
You have some serious issues, novasteve.

Or, put more succinctly, you're nuts.

Have you met Katzennut?

Behold, folks, the mindset of the future Great Tribulation under Satan. Make no mistake about it. Christians, during that period, will be known as “the haters” in the face of the moral relativism of political correctness/multiculturalism, the paganist depravity of “do as thou wilt.” There will be plenty of so-called love and acceptance for every religion under the Sun, but Christianity, that one hated religion, the banned religion, which holds that no one comes unto the Father except by Jesus Christ!

Yep. Two diametrically opposed ideas can both be true at the same, in the same way, within the same frame of reference. Blah, blah, blah. Now, these dingbats can’t tell you how that’s rational, how that could be so, but that’s love and acceptance!

Oh, those haters, those Christians!

See, we’re crazy, but the those putting dresses on boys are sane! We’re crazy, but those making two plus two to be both four and five at the same time are sane! We’re crazy, but tolerance very every depravity, from abortion to sodomy, is sane!


Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
You seem to have a bit of an obsession with the transgendered.

Oh yea? Because them shoving there warped, confused, probably brain-washed children onto other kids is NORMAL? FUCK that. I want a sane kid. I dont want my son to get warped from the liberals of our society. It is an abomination! A fuckin 6 year old confused about its gender when it has a cock hangin.. Yea Right!

Oh, and if this was in politics, I woulda asked that your post be removed, troll :)

I was actually refering to novesteve.

As to the child, no one wakes up one day and says "I think I'm going to make my son be a girl". Whatever is happening with that child, is something I'm sure the parents are struggling with. I'm certain the child sees a therapist and his parents are doing what the doctors recommend. I'm 100% certain the parents love their son, and only want what's best for him.

Also, I don't have a problem with the school assigning a special bathroom, its an issue that doesn't just effect this one child, but all the children around him.

I just seen our threads got merged. Sorry Amy!
I think they are pushing the issue. Usually, to me, the hardest decisions for a child would be simple things.. if they want to sign up for basketball or tball or something liek that. Not what gender they are! They shouldnt even be asking that!
Oh yea? Because them shoving there warped, confused, probably brain-washed children onto other kids is NORMAL? FUCK that. I want a sane kid. I dont want my son to get warped from the liberals of our society. It is an abomination! A fuckin 6 year old confused about its gender when it has a cock hangin.. Yea Right!

Oh, and if this was in politics, I woulda asked that your post be removed, troll :)

I was actually refering to novesteve.

As to the child, no one wakes up one day and says "I think I'm going to make my son be a girl". Whatever is happening with that child, is something I'm sure the parents are struggling with. I'm certain the child sees a therapist and his parents are doing what the doctors recommend. I'm 100% certain the parents love their son, and only want what's best for him.

Also, I don't have a problem with the school assigning a special bathroom, its an issue that doesn't just effect this one child, but all the children around him.

I just seen our threads got merged. Sorry Amy!
I think they are pushing the issue. Usually, to me, the hardest decisions for a child would be simple things.. if they want to sign up for basketball or tball or something liek that. Not what gender they are! They shouldnt even be asking that!

Children instinctively identify by gender, especially at age 6. They probably don't fully understand the different parts, but they will naturally form in groups by gender and will emulate their same sex parent.
If my roomies girl asks why she does not have a dick, what should I say?
Apparently its not that you are a girl and you are not supposed to have one..
"We will get you one sweetie"
Is that good?
lol :)

Kinda like bein gay? You know, they are born with it. Maybe its MAybelline? :dunno:
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To me if a person does not like how the Lord made them, they should take it up with him and not drag the innocent lives into what is that person's problem and no one else's.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

College under fire for allowing transgender female to use women?s locker room ? LGBTQ Nation

^^ same story from a pro-gay site. The vast majority of the comments on the story are people appaled that trasngender woman would not be more senstive, along with an easy solution to the problem, privacy curtains( which the college already installed) and a policy of wearing swimsuits in the showers/sauna.

Most of the comments I'm seeing at that link seem unsympathetic to people who object. I'll read again in more detail.

Awhile back I ran the story by my lesbian friend with three daughters and after I apologized to her in case I seemed to be treating her like my spokesperson for the whole LGBTQ community, I asked her as a mother how she felt about that.

I wondered if her response would be like this comment from that page:

"Here’s an idea. Be honest and truthful with your seventeen year old about transgender people. Tell her that every person is an individual and nobody has the same exact body. Private parts are called private parts for a reason, and if you happen to see someone else’s private parts in a changing room, RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY."

Her answer was "hell no!"

She has spent years telling her girls to run as fast as they can if they have any feeling of discomfort around people who society might otherwise tell them they should trust. Her daughters know about transgendered people. But no way is she going to tell them that they need to be accepting of an adult male-bodied person undressing in the room with them. She's not going to compromise the common sense she's tried to instill in them in favor of political correctness.
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College under fire for allowing transgender female to use women?s locker room ? LGBTQ Nation

^^ same story from a pro-gay site. The vast majority of the comments on the story are people appaled that trasngender woman would not be more senstive, along with an easy solution to the problem, privacy curtains( which the college already installed) and a policy of wearing swimsuits in the showers/sauna.

Most of the comments I'm seeing at that link seem unsympathetic to people who object. I'll read again in more detail.

Awhile back I ran the story by my lesbian friend with three daughters and after I apologized to her in case I seemed to be treating her like my spokesperson for the whole LGBTQ community, I asked her as a mother how she felt about that.

I wondered if her response would be like this comment from that page:

"Here’s an idea. Be honest and truthful with your seventeen year old about transgender people. Tell her that every person is an individual and nobody has the same exact body. Private parts are called private parts for a reason, and if you happen to see someone else’s private parts in a changing room, RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY."

Her answer was "hell no!"

She has spent years telling her girls to run as fast as they can if they have any feeling of discomfort around people who society might otherwise tell them they should trust. Her daughters know about transgendered people. But no way is she going to tell them that they need to be accepting of an adult male-bodied person undressing in the room with them. She's not going to compromise the common sense she's tried to instill in them in favor of political correctness.

I agree, and I think the majority of parents would agree with her.

My 1st thought before I even clicked your link was "why are children naked in rooms with adults?" I don't care if they are the same gender or not, being a woman doesn't mean you're not a pervert, and there are plenty of issue that can come up exposing 6 year olds to naked strangers.
Colorado school bars transgendered 1st-grader from using girls' restroom -

A first grader is confused about HIS gender? I am sorry, but that is BS. I think the parents are pushing him for this. A fuckin 1st grader with purple hair? They got to be fuckin hippies..
I see NO good thing coming from him winning the right to piss with girls. I hope the school does not have to do shit!
My roomies 1st grader has problems deciding if she is going to wash her hair at night or ini the morning.. much less deciding if she feels like she should have a dick
Liberalism is destroying our country folks!

Let her use the teachers bathroom instead. They shouldn't have an issue with that, and she has a place to go where she feels comfortable.
A question for those who think Coy should be allowed to use the girls' facilities at elementary school:

Should the male-bodied middle-aged person written about at the link below be allowed to undress in front of girls as young as six?

WA state college allows transgender man to expose himself to young girls

Not the same thing. This person is 45 years old and sharing the bathroom with children. Children and adults should not be sharing the same bathroom.

What about when all are high school aged? Should parents of 14-year-old girls be asked to accept having 18-year-old male-bodied people in the changing room with their daughters?

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