You know, Obama has semen ants.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
You know, Obama has semen ants.

Just watched this episode of Wilfred and heard this and couldn't stop laughing.

This is one of the best TV shows ever.

Flaunting it in front of my face.
Yeah, I hope you used protection.
I wouldn't like for you to catch Bear's semen ants.
Semen ants? That's the technical name for the colony of ants living inside Bear that sustains itself from the nutrients obtained from my semen.
Okay, I'm ending this line of conversation right now.
Well, see, that's the thing about semen ants.
No one wants to talk about it.
So how do we ever educate anyone about this epidemic? You know, Obama has semen ants.
He rarely talks about it, but he's got 'em.
(Joffrey coos) Are you gonna try and Google it? Yeah, you won't find it on the normal Internet, but it's all over the deep Web.
I'm not looking up Obama's semen ants.
I'm checking Facebook to see if Kristen is friends with Michael.
There was something off about him.
Good idea.
Find out what you can so we can expose him.
You know, if it wasn't for that Michael guy, Bear wouldn't have even been introduced to that backstabbing Bro Code violator! (Wilfred chuckles) What do you mean, Joffrey makes love to you the way you deserve to be made love to, gently and tenderly, but at the same time firmly and forceful? (scoffing laugh): Oh, really? Well, I find that hard to believe.
Okay, on the count of three, let's both say our penis sizes.
One, two, three Tiny! Wait, did you just say, "Thick as a brick"? (whistles appreciatively) She's not even Facebook friends with him.
How well could she know him? I mean, she's Facebook friends with her high school krump instructor.

Wilfred s03e03 Episode Script | SS

TiedyeVikki 6/30/2013 07:33 AM
Semen Ants: The colony of ants living inside Bear that sustain themselves off the nutritional value of Wilfred's semen.

TiedyeVikki 7/5/2013 01:16 PM
^ I'm still laughing about the semen ants. Wilfred says Obama's got them too, he just doesn't talk about them very often. lol What a show.
It wasn't on last night, but resumes next Thurs with episode 5. Looks like it'll be just one new episode per week from now on. Damn.
Bumping this now so that it'll be easier to find next week.

General Discussion Forum Thead: Wilfred on JamBase

Apparently this has some basis in fact.

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