You Know Things Are Changing When


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
The ACLU once was a wonderful organization that stood up for EVERYBODY who were being mistreated by their government. Then they went full blown left, started making big money from the government by suing villages and cities and counties for having some religious symbol in their official seals or whatever and otherwise defended liberals but not conservatives.

Maybe they are tired of being seen as an intellectually dishonest partisan organization. (That probably cuts down on the donations they get too.)

But whatever their motives, this is definitely a step in the right direction.
The ACLU once was a wonderful organization that stood up for EVERYBODY who were being mistreated by their government. Then they went full blown left, started making big money from the government by suing villages and cities and counties for having some religious symbol in their official seals or whatever and otherwise defended liberals but not conservatives.

Maybe they are tired of being seen as an intellectually dishonest partisan organization. (That probably cuts down on the donations they get too.)

But whatever their motives, this is definitely a step in the right direction.
The ACLU was founded by actual Communists. I mean, dedicated, no-shit commies.

For them to go against the thinly-veiled communist Front Party, dimocrap scum, it must have really given them heartburn.

The Judge had to have completely stepped in it for them to come to the aid of OMB.

The Vengeance will be at once terrible and enjoyable to watch when he gets into Office.

He had no clue what he was doing at first in 2017. He fukked up so many trivial things, appointed so many idiots that it added up -- but now?

Now he's got a crew. He won't be sailing the ship alone. And people of good character are starting to see that he was right about the Deep State and dimocrap scum in general.

My concern is that he doesn't go to far. I think Drawing and Quartering, then hanging and shooting them is crossing the line just a little bit. In Public, anyway
The ACLU was founded by actual Communists. I mean, dedicated, no-shit commies.

For them to go against the thinly-veiled communist Front Party, dimocrap scum, it must have really given them heartburn.

The Judge had to have completely stepped in it for them to come to the aid of OMB.

The Vengeance will be at once terrible and enjoyable to watch when he gets into Office.

He had no clue what he was doing at first in 2017. He fukked up so many trivial things, appointed so many idiots that it added up -- but now?

Now he's got a crew. He won't be sailing the ship alone. And people of good character are starting to see that he was right about the Deep State and dimocrap scum in general.

My concern is that he doesn't go to far. I think Drawing and Quartering, then hanging and shooting them is crossing the line just a little bit. In Public, anyway
I don't know whether the ACLU could be classified as 'communist'. They themselves deny that adamantly. But then they insist they are absolutely non partisan too which for the last three decades or so is absolutely laughable.

All I know is for once in a long time they are doing the right thing and I have to acknowledge that and hope that is a refreshing new trend.
The ACLU backs a Conservative.

Somewhere, Cats are barking, Horses are flying
Actually, ACLU has always been there for our rights. When Rush Limbaugh got into trouble because of his pill-popping problems, it was the ACLU that came to his support.

This, even though Limbaugh throughout his career would deride the ACLU. Needless to say, after this incident, Limbaugh stopped berating the ACLU.

So, to the point - ACLU has always stood up for our rights. You idiots on the right get outraged when the same ACLU supports the rights of Blacks or gays but are thrilled when they come to your support.
The ACLU once was a wonderful organization that stood up for EVERYBODY who were being mistreated by their government. Then they went full blown left, started making big money from the government by suing villages and cities and counties for having some religious symbol in their official seals or whatever and otherwise defended liberals but not conservatives.

Maybe they are tired of being seen as an intellectually dishonest partisan organization. (That probably cuts down on the donations they get too.)

But whatever their motives, this is definitely a step in the right direction.

They took some low hanging fruit to try to re-establish their non partisan bonafides, but I don't buy it.

F.I.R.E has taken over from the ACLU the mantle of freedom of speech and expression champion.
Actually, ACLU has always been there for our rights. When Rush Limbaugh got into trouble because of his pill-popping problems, it was the ACLU that came to his support.

This, even though Limbaugh throughout his career would deride the ACLU. Needless to say, after this incident, Limbaugh stopped berating the ACLU.

So, to the point - ACLU has always stood up for our rights. You idiots on the right get outraged when the same ACLU supports the rights of Blacks or gays but are thrilled when they come to your support.

Not anymore. They support government surpressing religious freedom all the time.
I don't know whether the ACLU could be classified as 'communist'. They themselves deny that adamantly. But then they insist they are absolutely non partisan too which for the last three decades or so is absolutely laughable.

All I know is for once in a long time they are doing the right thing and I have to acknowledge that and hope that is a refreshing new trend.

I also found the ACLU rife throughout those archives. So bad had been the ACLU in aiding and abetting American communists that various legislative committees, federal and state, considered whether it was a communist front. The 1943 California Senate Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities reported that the ACLU "may be definitely classed as a communist front." The committee added that "at least 90 percent of its [the ACLU's] efforts are expended on behalf of communists who come into conflict with the law." That 90-percent figure was consistent with a major report produced by Congress a decade earlier, January 17, 1931.

In my research, I also found constant approving references to the ACLU in CPUSA's flagship publication, the Daily Worker. The Daily Worker loved the ACLU. Moreover, I was struck by how early the ACLU had been challenging not just Christians but their most joyous holiday, with the Daily Worker's eager approval. To cite just one example, Christmas 1946, the ACLU sought to stop the singing of Christmas carols in California public schools. For that, the communists were most grateful to Baldwin and the boys. Aside from Roger Baldwin, there were two other especially influential figures comprising this not-so-holy ACLU trinity: Corliss Lamont and the Rev. Harry Ward.
Not mine. I'm a lapsed Catholic at best.

What I am is a supporter of Free Exercise, even if it gets SJW morons panties in a twitter.
Ok, prove your point that the ACLU "support government surpressing religious freedom". Go.
Much of southern and inner New Mexico was settled by Spanish conquistadors and the Catholic Church brought by the Spaniards was instrumental in changing and forming societies that have become what they are in modern times. That was further reinforced when Mexico drove out the Spaniards and made Catholicism the only official church in the territory known as Tejas that included a large chunk of New Mexico.

When the ACLU went from more ethical non partisan effort to full blown left to sue villages and counties and such for having a religious historical symbol--a cross or whatever--in their county seals along with other secular historical symbols that made up the history of the era, that's when the ACLU and I parted company.

It was not due to ideology though but because of a stupid federal provision that reimbursed the ACLU (and some others) for defending 'human rights' or some such nonsense. And those ACLU lawsuits attacking any official visible religious symbol qualified for that money.

But again, I am hoping the pendulum is swinging back to when the ACLU actually did some good along with meddling.
Actually, ACLU has always been there for our rights. When Rush Limbaugh got into trouble because of his pill-popping problems, it was the ACLU that came to his support.

This, even though Limbaugh throughout his career would deride the ACLU. Needless to say, after this incident, Limbaugh stopped berating the ACLU.

So, to the point - ACLU has always stood up for our rights. You idiots on the right get outraged when the same ACLU supports the rights of Blacks or gays but are thrilled when they come to your support.
Except for those of true Evangelical Christians. Thank G-d for Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice
Much of southern and inner New Mexico was settled by Spanish conquistadors and the Catholic Church brought by the Spaniards was instrumental in changing and forming societies that have become what they are in modern times. That was further reinforced when Mexico drove out the Spaniards and made Catholicism the only official church in the territory known as Tejas that included a large chunk of New Mexico.

When the ACLU went from more ethical non partisan effort to full blown left to sue villages and counties and such for having a religious historical symbol--a cross or whatever--in their county seals along with other secular historical symbols that made up the history of the era, that's when the ACLU and I parted company.

It was not due to ideology though but because of a stupid federal provision that reimbursed the ACLU (and some others) for defending 'human rights' or some such nonsense. And those ACLU lawsuits attacking any official visible religious symbol qualified for that money.

But again, I am hoping the pendulum is swinging back to when the ACLU actually did some good along with meddling.
The America Communist Lawyers Union gets awarded MILLIONS in Legal Fees when they win a certain class of case. Millions. And it is a Law.

And it needs to be changed.
The America Communist Lawyers Union gets awarded MILLIONS in Legal Fees when they win a certain class of case. Millions. And it is a Law.

And it needs to be changed.
No argument from me there. It is absolutely an abuse of government power.
They took some low hanging fruit to try to re-establish their non partisan bonafides, but I don't buy it.

F.I.R.E has taken over from the ACLU the mantle of freedom of speech and expression champion.
I thought F.I.R.E. was organized to help people achieve financial independence especially in retirement?
I thought F.I.R.E. was organized to help people achieve financial independence especially in retirement?


They used to be just about free expression in Education, but with the ACLU taking sides, they have expanded to 1st amendment rights everywhere.

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