SCOTUS to hear arguments on keeping Trump off 2024 ballot

Is she the Hispanic affirmative action pick? She’s very unimpressive.

I’m thinking maybe the black affirmative action pick will be the lone hold-out.
You talking about Thomas? Of course not, you are such a racist asshole. Nope, Jackson seems more than willing to take that off ramp. Sotomayer is the only one that has any damn backbone.
What part of individual States being given the ability to decide this ruining our election system don't YOU understand?
What you don't understand is that is precisely how the founders set up the system. Each state controls their elections. Did you know that Lincoln was not on the ballot in ten states, including North Carolina? He became president and yet he had zero votes in ten damn states. Seriously, what the hell, Trump wasn't going to get the electoral votes in Colorada any damn way. What is the damn problem? And yeah, Texas will probably remove Biden from the ballot, big flippin whoop, he wasn't going to get those electoral college votes any damn way. The SCOTUS is being a bunch of pussies, period. I mean I have said it time and time again, if you can't stand for something, you will fall for anything. That defines the SCOTUS as it is currently composed.
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The founders passed the 14th amendment?

Didn't know some of them lived to be 150 or so......
Du Huh, I was not talking about the 14th amendment dumbass. Article I, section 4, clause one. Look, if you are out of your element STFU.
Yes, I think we are looking at 8-1, a reversal of the Colorado decision. Yes, Sotomayor is going to have no part of the farce, because make no mistake about it, it is a farce.

Based on the oral arguments the SCOTUS is desperately looking for an off ramp. They didn't want to touch this decision with a damn ten foot pole. It is a lose/lose proposition for them no matter how they rule, and the American public is already deeply skeptical of them.

But they have found their off ramp, and it is damn flippin comical.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature,

The presidency is not listed. Nope, the president is not an officer of the United States. Nope, the president is special. The oath the president swore, well it just doesn't count. Now, the oath that the local dog catcher submitted to, that counts. Any other president, from Washington all the way to Obama, and Biden too, well the 14th amendment would apply. I mean I can't think of another president in our entire history that didn't previously hold a political office, was a member of the military, or was not an officer of the United States in some capacity. Ike was in the military, he swore an oath. So did Kennedy, Johnson was a member of Congress, Nixon was VP, Ford was VP, Reagan was governor of California, Clinton was in the military, Bush Sr. was in the military and head of the CIA, Bush Jr. was in the military and governor of Texas, Obama was a state legislator and senator, Biden was a member of Congress and VP.

Yep, that is the off ramp that the SCOTUS is going to take. As Sotomayer put it, any other president in our entire history could be disqualified by the14th amendment's insurrection clause, just not Trump. And while the SCOTUS gleefully takes this exit ramp, avoiding all the problems that affirming Colorado's decision would imply, like Texas removing Biden from the ballot for "insurrection", they create a bigger problem.

At some point in the future another person will be elected president that never held a state or federal office, that never served in the military, that never swore an oath to the Constitution. Hell, it might be Trump again in 2024. And come inauguration day, well he swears the oath on the bible and then rips it out of the Chief Justice's hands, spits on it, loudly proclaims "SUCKERS", and immediately installs himself as "Supreme Leader".

Soon enough, every Saturday morning we all have to go to the town square and sing the praises of the "Supreme Leader". College and professional sporting events will begin, not with the National Anthem, but with a vow of servitude to the "Supreme Leader". When historians look back and want to nail down the exact time that the Republic of America died, well it will all come back to this decision from the SCOTUS.

If they were looking for an "offramp", they simply could have punted. Most Americans will be reassured if it's a 9-0 or 8-1 decision.
What you don't understand is that is precisely how the founders set up the system. Each state controls their elections. Did you know that Lincoln was not on the ballot in ten states, including North Carolina? He became president and yet he had zero votes in ten damn states. Seriously, what the hell, Trump wasn't going to get the electoral votes in Colorada any damn way. What is the damn problem? And yeah, Texas will probably remove Biden from the ballot, big flippin whoop, he wasn't going to get those electoral college votes any damn way. The SCOTUS is being a bunch of pussies, period. I mean I have said it time and time again, if you can't stand for something, you will fall for anything. That defines the SCOTUS as it is currently composed.

If the ruling stood, this would go beyond Colorado. In fact, every blue state would likely throw him off the ballot.
I see you didn't listen to any of the oral arguments, now go sit in the corner and put on your dunce cap.

Yes, the officer of the US part of the argument, only one part of the argument. The main argument is the use by a STATE of the 14th amendment insurrection clause.

Just admit you fucked up and move on, mouthbreather.
Yes, the officer of the US part of the argument, only one part of the argument. The main argument is the use by a STATE of the 14th amendment insurrection clause.

Just admit you fucked up and move on, mouthbreather.
Winston owes you money, in case you’re unaware.
Was I drunk betting while US MessageBoarding again?

Usually don't play that game when sober.
No. Winston bragged that he intentionally didn’t work so that ALL all six kids could qualify for welfare. You and I helped support his children. Ask him - he’s bragged about it.
No. Winston bragged that he intentionally didn’t work so that ALL all six kids could qualify for welfare. You and I helped support his children. Ask him - he’s bragged about it.
OK, let's run the calculus. Let's take the money I took from the government to support my kids, and let's minus the amount of taxes those same kids have paid to the federal government. Just back of the envelope, I figure you owe me about a quarter of a million dollars, and that is only going to increase going forward.

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