You might want to read the wiki article on the US

May 10, 2016.

Americans Are Pissed — This Chart Might Explain Why

Who was president in May 2016?

Yes, we were angry.

I'm very happy now.

You know you might think its funny that a lot of corps do not pay a thing in taxes but get refunds, they make billions and get millions back.

its the little man who has to pay taxes so the large companies can pay median incomes and take all the US to the cleaners.

PS: Got any opinions about healthcare in the US, what people die from, suicides and od's, and how most of the US population is overweight.

I am embarrassed to know everyone is reading this, they must think Americans are so stupid.

I don't know about all Americans, but anyone reading your posts knows you're stupid.

Do you need help to keep breathing?

The top income earners pay the vast majority of the taxes.

I so doubt it, the top earners keep most of their money. Time to even it out.
"depotoo, post: 22184611, member: 39553"]The claim they paid nothing in taxes is ridiculous. They paid in employment taxes for US employees, along with other taxes.
And wiki is not reliable, either, when it comes to political topics.
According to GM’s financials, they owed 7.6 billion in income tax alone in 2017.

United States - Wikipedia
Be sure to follow the links.

Health of the US was an eye opener, but nothing that many of us do not already know.

Income, poverty and wealth - was a real eye opener.
Source: Source: Fed Survey of Consumer Finances

Americans Are Pissed — This Chart Might Explain Why

We have nothing to be proud of, I'm sure income inequality is even worst now than in 2013 and about to get even worst thanks to Trump.

Did you hear how GM and Amazon paid nothing in taxes, and even got refunds , like many corps.

They make billions and get millions in refund even with the corp rate decrease. Man some people just worship the elites.

Witch is why I told you to follow the links and you will find its pretty accurate. No one is going to spoon feed you.
May 10, 2016.

Americans Are Pissed — This Chart Might Explain Why

Who was president in May 2016?

Yes, we were angry.

I'm very happy now.

If you go to the site, you will see Obama pulled us out of the greatest recession since the depression,
Federal Reserve Board - Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF)

watch the video.

Please, by all means, list the things Obama did, with links backing up your claims, that HE got us out of a recession. No, that moron KEPT US IN A RECESSION far longer than we needed to be. In fact, it was the slowest recovery since WW2.

And Ill make the proof sting even more, from CNN itself:

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII

Did you watch the video. We are still suffering from the Great depression, many of the poorest never recovered when they lost their homes.
May 10, 2016.

Americans Are Pissed — This Chart Might Explain Why

Who was president in May 2016?

Yes, we were angry.

I'm very happy now.

If you go to the site, you will see Obama pulled us out of the greatest recession since the depression,
Federal Reserve Board - Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF)

watch the video.

Please, by all means, list the things Obama did, with links backing up your claims, that HE got us out of a recession. No, that moron KEPT US IN A RECESSION far longer than we needed to be. In fact, it was the slowest recovery since WW2.

And Ill make the proof sting even more, from CNN itself:

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII
But it's a long U.S. expansion

Plenty of experts say "hold on." This recovery may be slow, but it's also lasted a long time -- far longer than usual -- and job growth has been good.

"We are in the fourth longest expansion in U.S. history," notes Achuthan.

Since World War II, the American economy has typically grown for about five years and then had a contraction. This expansion is already over seven years old.

Furthermore, the average pace of job growth in this recovery has already topped what happened during the 2001 to 2007 expansion under President George W. Bush (the Bush recovery was the slowest in terms of jobs growth, Achuthan says).

Over 14 million jobs have been added since the low point from the financial crisis. Job growth is as important -- if not more important -- than overall growth, many economists argue.

"We are experiencing the longest string of consecutive monthly jobs gains in economic history," says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics.
I doubt you read pass the headline, its a fact you can't compare this to after WWII.
I go to the source. I don’t need opinion pieces.
"depotoo, post: 22184611, member: 39553"]The claim they paid nothing in taxes is ridiculous. They paid in employment taxes for US employees, along with other taxes.
And wiki is not reliable, either, when it comes to political topics.
According to GM’s financials, they owed 7.6 billion in income tax alone in 2017.

United States - Wikipedia
Be sure to follow the links.

Health of the US was an eye opener, but nothing that many of us do not already know.

Income, poverty and wealth - was a real eye opener.
Source: Source: Fed Survey of Consumer Finances

Americans Are Pissed — This Chart Might Explain Why

We have nothing to be proud of, I'm sure income inequality is even worst now than in 2013 and about to get even worst thanks to Trump.

Did you hear how GM and Amazon paid nothing in taxes, and even got refunds , like many corps.

They make billions and get millions in refund even with the corp rate decrease. Man some people just worship the elites.

Witch is why I told you to follow the links and you will find its pretty accurate. No one is going to spoon feed you.[/QUOTE]
This is why Obama gets $500 K per speech at Citigroup and Goldman Sachs events.

It's why everywhere you see a Wells Fargo bank instead of the 'Farmer's Credit Union' or whatever used to be there.
"Mild recession"?

I ask again, what rock were you living under?
ONE MORE TIME for the tards.


With ANY OTHER PRESIDENT, the recession would have ended in 6 months.

OBAMA turned a mild recession into a DEEP RECESSION.

Feigning ignorance in reading comprehension isn't helping you score points.
United States - Wikipedia
Be sure to follow the links.

Health of the US was an eye opener, but nothing that many of us do not already know.

Income, poverty and wealth - was a real eye opener.
Source: Source: Fed Survey of Consumer Finances

Americans Are Pissed — This Chart Might Explain Why

We have nothing to be proud of, I'm sure income inequality is even worst now than in 2013 and about to get even worst thanks to Trump.

Did you hear how GM and Amazon paid nothing in taxes, and even got refunds , like many corps.
One second while I go change that wiki page.
United States - Wikipedia
Be sure to follow the links.

Health of the US was an eye opener, but nothing that many of us do not already know.

Income, poverty and wealth - was a real eye opener.
Source: Source: Fed Survey of Consumer Finances

Americans Are Pissed — This Chart Might Explain Why

We have nothing to be proud of, I'm sure income inequality is even worst now than in 2013 and about to get even worst thanks to Trump.

Did you hear how GM and Amazon paid nothing in taxes, and even got refunds , like many corps.
That does it! You’re moving to Somalia.
"Mild recession"?

I ask again, what rock were you living under?
ONE MORE TIME for the tards.


With ANY OTHER PRESIDENT, the recession would have ended in 6 months.

OBAMA turned a mild recession into a DEEP RECESSION.

Feigning ignorance in reading comprehension isn't helping you score points.
Lol, revisionist history is not fact.

I mean seriously kid, even the die-hard conservatives here admit the economy was in free fall when President Obama took over.

Get you nose outta tRump's ass and take a deep breath of reality
"Mild recession"?

I ask again, what rock were you living under?
ONE MORE TIME for the tards.


With ANY OTHER PRESIDENT, the recession would have ended in 6 months.

OBAMA turned a mild recession into a DEEP RECESSION.

Feigning ignorance in reading comprehension isn't helping you score points.
Lol, revisionist history is not fact.

I mean seriously kid, even the die-hard conservatives here admit the economy was in free fall when President Obama took over.

Get you nose outta tRump's ass and take a deep breath of reality
The housing industry wanted to correct. Dodd/Frank made things worse. The baby boomers slowed down their spending which caused the stock market collapse in the spring of 2000, Clinton's last year as president. Revisionist history is fun with you. The economy bottomed out when Obama was in office and it had no where to go but up. Tens of millions of Americans were reduced to part time jobs and no wage increases with artificially low interest rates giving no interest in bank accounts also. That was the recovery. And tens of millions more are now destined to die near poverty.
"Mild recession"?

I ask again, what rock were you living under?
ONE MORE TIME for the tards.


With ANY OTHER PRESIDENT, the recession would have ended in 6 months.

OBAMA turned a mild recession into a DEEP RECESSION.

Feigning ignorance in reading comprehension isn't helping you score points.
Lol, revisionist history is not fact.

I mean seriously kid, even the die-hard conservatives here admit the economy was in free fall when President Obama took over.

Get you nose outta tRump's ass and take a deep breath of reality
The housing industry wanted to correct. Dodd/Frank made things worse. The baby boomers slowed down their spending which caused the stock market collapse in the spring of 2000, Clinton's last year as president. Revisionist history is fun with you. The economy bottomed out when Obama was in office and it had no where to go but up. Tens of millions of Americans were reduced to part time jobs and no wage increases with artificially low interest rates giving no interest in bank accounts also. That was the recovery. And tens of millions more are now destined to die near poverty.
Lol, the housing industry was uncorrectable. The unregulated banks gave out mortgages they knew people couldn't repay.

The 1999-2000 slow motion market crash was the result of idiots realizing every single dotcom IPO wasn't worth $100 a share.

Off to school with you kid!

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