You own nothing, and are happy, the elites will still own everything. 14 states sign on to no meat, dairy or cars by 2030

Oh God, another 10 million people moving to Florida.

Too bad they won't all be going to that Miami shithole.
"While the World Economic Forum is contributing to reflect about how to sustainably and nutritiously feed a growing global population, our organization has no plan to restrict people's nutrition," said Yann Zopf, the group's head of media, in a July 7, 2023 email, calling the claims "completely false."

From your OP linked articles source
But they are encouraging more carbohydrates and sugars and less fats and proteins, a recipe for health disaster. Who the hell are these people?
meat, by the way, is not good for you. i gave it up (mostly) a few years ago. put down the cheezeburger and live a little longer
I love meat. I generally avoid any meal that doesn’t have at least some meat in it. I can’t remember ever having a dinner without some form of meat included. I’ll die happy, even if it’s sooner than necessary.
The Exodus has been going on for decades. This is an effort to make city centers livable again.
It will have the opposite effect. Those who are desperately needed will be the first to flee. No city can survive with only leftist elites living there.
It will have the opposite effect. Those who are desperately needed will be the first to flee.
Who would flee a more livable city? Being able to walk to a lot of great places is the best part of downtown living.
How many of those cities are worth living in now?
You and the Federalist Society are shameless liars . Here is a link to the C40 Cities Website. I defy you to show us where there is one word about banning meat, private cars, or anything else that you claim. You people are sick!

Who would flee a more livable city? Being able to walk to a lot of great places is the best part of downtown living.
They’d be a lot more attractive with restrictions on where powered vehicles may operate.

The Exodus has been going on for decades. This is an effort to make city centers livable again.

Depends on your perspective of what a 'livable city' entails. You are talking about air quality from vehicle exhaust, when in fact that exodus is happening more because of crime and stupid laws such as this
great. my city made the list. i particularly like the banning of private vehicles in densely populated areas.

meat, by the way, is not good for you. i gave it up (mostly) a few years ago. put down the cheezeburger and live a little longer.

Did you know that meat and animal fats are very good for you and provide alot of essential B vitamins and others as well as necessary minerals that your body needs to sustain mental health???
Who would flee a more livable city? Being able to walk to a lot of great places is the best part of downtown living.
Does 'livable' include the cost of housing? I would think that is the most important metric. If one can't afford the rent all the rest is meaningless.
Depends on your perspective of what a 'livable city' entails. You are talking about air quality from vehicle exhaust, when in fact that exodus is happening more because of crime and stupid laws such as this
The areas where this sort of thing is envisaged are usually not high crime. Every city has its dangerous areas, but that’s not what we’re talking about.
Does 'livable' include the cost of housing? I would think that is the most important metric. If one can't afford the rent all the rest is meaningless.
Why would rents change? We’re talking restricting vehicles.
Straight out of the Pol Pot playbook. Good luck in your new world, Leftards. You voted for it, you’re going to get it good and hard while I sit and watch you while I eat my cheeseburger and sip my milkshake.

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Is it just the cities or the suburbs?
Who would flee a more livable city? Being able to walk to a lot of great places is the best part of downtown living
If it’s walkable then it’s close enough for them to deliver. I won’t even drive into an urban area without being armed to the teeth, never mind live there.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but will this include surrounding cities? My two favorite cousins live in Annadale and Lorton which are not far from Washington D.C. They have lived up there in that area all their lives.

God bless you and them always!!!

If it’s walkable then it’s close enough for them to deliver. I won’t even drive into an urban area without being armed to the teeth, never mind live there.
We appreciate that.
America. Democrats are coming for everything you own. They want your ac units, your gas stoves, generators, live stock, cars, and much more.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for the WEF and their Great Reset in America.

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