You REALLY think there's a god?

Aw, whiny little baby needs some attention. Can't find a mod to leg-hump?

Here is an idea: Stand outside his window and whisper to him. He will think it's Gawd giving him divine knowledge.

Oh is that so Jack? Well you're obviously upset and triggered about something yourself. Family issues perhaps? Whatever it is, take your anger and frustration out on God. Even though He didn't do anything, He's the one you're really upset at not us because we didn't do anything. Sad. Really sad. I feel sorry for you, I truly do. But yeah God's big enough to be able to take care of Himself though.
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What twisted, diseased, fuktarded, perverted, sick sack of shit god would allow this?

Just MORE proof there is no god.
My cousin all her life wasn't religious. Her brother was. Born again. In her mid 50's, suddenly she's a born again. Swears she's still fun though.

Only one problem. Now all her facebook posts are religious. Here's one.

The Earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. What nonsense.
Here's another one. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Yea, a lot of fun.

This is why I hate religion. What bullshit. What does that even mean? And I don't want an actual answer. Anyone who knows what that means is brainwashed. I'm not interested in getting brainwashed.
I believe there could possible be a higher power somewhere but not one that interferes in the lives of humans...."It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods or no God" Thomas Jefferson
It could hurt you. What if everyone around your neighbor started buying into this cult and soon the community shunned anyone not in it?

Or what if that religion is getting them to vote against their own financial interests because of social issues?

I think it makes for a dumber society. It's like the majority of us still believe in Santa.
This is why I hate religion. What bullshit. What does that even mean? And I don't want an actual answer. Anyone who knows what that means is brainwashed. I'm not interested in getting brainwashed.
Think of your way of life. Are there other ways of life? Of course. One of them is the way of God. That is why people who choose the way of God have a great interest in the Bible--studying the ways of those who have gone before us.
Think of your way of life. Are there other ways of life? Of course. One of them is the way of God. That is why people who choose the way of God have a great interest in the Bible--studying the ways of those who have gone before us.
I can see that if you truly believe, it would be fascinating every word that is uttered from any priest in that church or any words from the book. Like I said, I read the shit she posts and it amazes me those things inspire her. I don't even understand them and neither do you guys. It's just nonsense meant to brainwash. It sounds good, but means nothing. And this is how they sucker in the gullible. If you are shaking your head yes to things that don't make any sense, they already got you.
I don't even understand them and neither do you guys.
Some do understand. Many do not, and that is why I am such a proponent of Bible Study in our schools. The basis for understanding them is learning Biblical languages, histories, and cultures. It takes in depth study, and most today have no time for it, or make no time.
Some do understand. Many do not, and that is why I am such a proponent of Bible Study in our schools. The basis for understanding them is learning Biblical languages, histories, and cultures. It takes in depth study, and most today have no time for it, or make no time.
Yes, I've heard the explanations. And I'm not impressed. Tell me what is meant here

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

And was that suppose to inspire people or is she trolling for new members?

If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come? Huh? They need to rewrite the bible.
Yes, I've heard the explanations. And I'm not impressed. Tell me what is meant here

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17
In Paul's time, the old was a separation of the people from God. Priests were the communicators between God and His people. Sin separated people from God. With Jesus came the news, Sins are forgiven. We are in a new, personal relationship with God. We no longer need priests to speak for us. We can speak to God on our own. With this also comes the Way outlined by Jesus. Love one another as he loves. And love God.

Sins are forgiven. We are a new creation in the ways of Christ.

Some believe they have no sins worth noting. They have nothing to turn from, and perhaps you feel this. Jesus noted that he did not come for the healthy, but for those who are lost. Perhaps this is how your sister felt...that she had been lost, but Christ found her and introduced her to new standards, new ways.
In Paul's time, the old was a separation of the people from God. Priests were the communicators between God and His people. Sin separated people from God. With Jesus came the news, Sins are forgiven. We are in a new, personal relationship with God. We no longer need priests to speak for us. We can speak to God on our own. With this also comes the Way outlined by Jesus. Love one another as he loves. And love God.

Sins are forgiven. We are a new creation in the ways of Christ.

Some believe they have no sins worth noting. They have nothing to turn from, and perhaps you feel this. Jesus noted that he did not come for the healthy, but for those who are lost. Perhaps this is how your sister felt...that she had been lost, but Christ found her and introduced her to new standards, new ways.
If I makes he4 feel good
What twisted, diseased, fuktarded, perverted, sick sack of shit god would allow this?

Just MORE proof there is no god

Aliments and maladies are simply part of "mortality"..........everyone is born with an expiration date. God plays no favorites.......everyone faces the same obstacles along life's journey. What most refuse to acknowledge we are mortal (even though some pretend they will live forever), we must face the fact that we will all know illness and death if we live long enough and do not die by other than natural means. Illness and death are mankind's constant company.

Man was cursed to die because of Adam's sin, so is the will of God that man is born with an expiration date. We were created with mortal flesh and bones, sickness and death are simply part of life. God does not allow "this" or stop "that" from happening by choice..........God has no respect of person. We all are at the mercy of our freewill choices. Even cancer is a product of someone's free will choice to come into contract with some pathogenic carcinogen .....either the person came directly into contact with such or he/she inherited the cancer causing gene from a familiar lineage of ancestry who contacted said carcinogenic agent, thus GOD DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER, man simply choses to be in the wrong places at the wrong time, or craps out with the genetic roll of the dice.

Don't blame God if you become ill and die an early death because you ate yourself to death or smoked, drank, toked or popped (self medication) yourself into an early grave, waiting until you become seriously afflicted and then begin to beg God for help. You reap what you soe.

God has no respect of person and would have all men to come to the knowledge of the truth and save your eternal spirit.....but sadly the vast majority will reject God's offer of eternal salvation for their spirit/soul because the offer comes with conditions ............Obeying God's Law that reflects morality is one such condition. You get nothing extra if you do obey God's simply will be trained to make better life altering decisions when you follow the advice of the ONE who CREATED US.
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What twisted, diseased, fuktarded, perverted, sick sack of shit god would allow this?

Just MORE proof there is no god.

The simple fact is, many people's reason why there needs to be a God proves there is no God.

If God has to exist for there to be a complex universe, the something complex had to have created God. And something had to have created God's creator, and on and on and on and on.
I can see that if you truly believe, it would be fascinating every word that is uttered from any priest in that church or any words from the book. Like I said, I read the shit she posts and it amazes me those things inspire her. I don't even understand them and neither do you guys. It's just nonsense meant to brainwash. It sounds good, but means nothing. And this is how they sucker in the gullible. If you are shaking your head yes to things that don't make any sense, they already got you.

You don't understand it, so you're projecting that onto us. Your lack of understanding.

That's just ignorant. It's what ignorant people do. Really.
Religion for all intents and purposes is just an excuse for having to die.....People have for thousands of years believed in one god or the other right or wrong they believed in their god....Right or wrong weather you believe there is a Sky Daddy or not no one here can prove there is not......Just like those who do believe cannot prove there is....I think it was Ben Franklin who said quote "I looked around for God's graces and saw none" unquote....A god in in the eyes of the beholder but either way no one has ever came back from the dead to say there is one.
Yes, I do believe in a God. I was convinced when I studied biology way back in high school while studying how a tree leaf worked. It struck me that there had to be a superior intelligence involved in evolution — a divine engineer or watchmaker to guide the process.

In Paul's time, the old was a separation of the people from God. Priests were the communicators between God and His people. Sin separated people from God. With Jesus came the news, Sins are forgiven. We are in a new, personal relationship with God. We no longer need priests to speak for us. We can speak to God on our own. With this also comes the Way outlined by Jesus. Love one another as he loves. And love God.

Sins are forgiven. We are a new creation in the ways of Christ.

Some believe they have no sins worth noting. They have nothing to turn from, and perhaps you feel this. Jesus noted that he did not come for the healthy, but for those who are lost. Perhaps this is how your sister felt...that she had been lost, but Christ found her and introduced her to new standards, new ways.
I found this article interesting.


Sin is what takes us further away from God, and those actions are void of love. The way Jesus led His life here one earth, He was able to show great examples of what love looks like. From feeding those who were hungry to befriending those who were cast out by society, Jesus went above and beyond to help those that needed it the most. He offered them love and hope when no one else would. His life was a perfect example of what love in action can do for others.

Jesus dying on the cross was a sacrifice He made for us. Him doing so gave us the opportunity to ask forgiveness for our sins, and enter into heaven once we had passed. We only have a pathway to heaven because of the loving sacrifice that Jesus made for the world. We are still responsible for what sins we commit, but by turning to Jesus we now have a way to take that weight off of our shoulders.

Jesus did die to save us from our sins, but it wasn't a moment that wiped us clean from all responsibility. Instead, the Bible says that Jesus came to take away our sins (John 1:29), so that we would no longer be sinners. Jesus' death showed us just how amazing God's love is for us. He gave us an opportunity to escape the evils of the world and be reunited with our Father in heaven. Jesus’ death paved that avenue for us.
In Paul's time, the old was a separation of the people from God. Priests were the communicators between God and His people. Sin separated people from God. With Jesus came the news, Sins are forgiven. We are in a new, personal relationship with God. We no longer need priests to speak for us. We can speak to God on our own. With this also comes the Way outlined by Jesus. Love one another as he loves. And love God.

Sins are forgiven. We are a new creation in the ways of Christ.

Some believe they have no sins worth noting. They have nothing to turn from, and perhaps you feel this. Jesus noted that he did not come for the healthy, but for those who are lost. Perhaps this is how your sister felt...that she had been lost, but Christ found her and introduced her to new standards, new ways.
I found this article interesting.


Sin is what takes us further away from God, and those actions are void of love. The way Jesus led His life here one earth, He was able to show great examples of what love looks like. From feeding those who were hungry to befriending those who were cast out by society, Jesus went above and beyond to help those that needed it the most. He offered them love and hope when no one else would. His life was a perfect example of what love in action can do for others.

Jesus dying on the cross was a sacrifice He made for us. Him doing so gave us the opportunity to ask forgiveness for our sins, and enter into heaven once we had passed. We only have a pathway to heaven because of the loving sacrifice that Jesus made for the world. We are still responsible for what sins we commit, but by turning to Jesus we now have a way to take that weight off of our shoulders.

Jesus did die to save us from our sins, but it wasn't a moment that wiped us clean from all responsibility. Instead, the Bible says that Jesus came to take away our sins (John 1:29), so that we would no longer be sinners. Jesus' death showed us just how amazing God's love is for us. He gave us an opportunity to escape the evils of the world and be reunited with our Father in heaven. Jesus’ death paved that avenue for us.
I found this article interesting.
Jesus paying off sin debt is more a Protestant thing than Catholic, although I imagine most Catholics would agree even if we don't dwell on it simply because it is not in scripture.

My own perspective based on my own conclusions based on my own reading of the Bible focused on Jesus' words alone:

Jesus was proclaiming, "Sins are forgiven."

Temple authorities insisted he had no authority to say such a thing and to cease and desist. Such a statement would be a New Covenant (Testament) with God, and as such would require a blood sacrifice.

Jesus, as our Paschal lamb became that blood sacrifice--his assurance that sins are forgiven/repentance/turning away from the sin act for forgiveness of sins committed.

Today, Christ's words and actions have become so widely known, many (especially atheists) take them for granted. Little attention is paid to the fact Jesus also taught The Way--to love and forgiven one another. We will be forgiven by the same measure we forgive others.

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