YOU same idiots blaming health insurance rate hikes... here is a major reason WHY


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It is so unbelievable what idiots, probably the same ones bitching about health insurance premiums so high they couldn't buy health insurance, that caused even worse idiots to pass Obamacare will do without one lick of common sense! Years ago these idiots doing these dumb stupid acts would be considered proof of Darwin's Survival of the fittest award!

And you same idiots complaining about health premiums... don't you get it? Our society is encouraging these dumb acts. TV commercials showing idiots on motorcycles, jumping over obstacles while cars barely pass them! Is it any wonder idiots do dumb things that put life and limbs at risk. And then you idiots blame the insurance companies! How totally ignorant!

Do you really think those people in that vid have health ins?
It is so unbelievable what idiots, probably the same ones bitching about health insurance premiums so high they couldn't buy health insurance, that caused even worse idiots to pass Obamacare will do without one lick of common sense! Years ago these idiots doing these dumb stupid acts would be considered proof of Darwin's Survival of the fittest award!

And you same idiots complaining about health premiums... don't you get it? Our society is encouraging these dumb acts. TV commercials showing idiots on motorcycles, jumping over obstacles while cars barely pass them! Is it any wonder idiots do dumb things that put life and limbs at risk. And then you idiots blame the insurance companies! How totally ignorant!

OK, so I guess the point of you posting this was to try and raise health care costs? You must know that watching a guy get his privates crushed by a hand rail is always going to invoke a hurtful laugh response. But what's up with the cats falling asleep?

Is your solution to outlaw parkuor? I hope you are not suggested to out law the stupid, I would definitely be effected.
Obama folks cost insurance payers $50K per each ghetto birth. The cost of each ghetto person after they are born? Figure at least $50K a year from taxpayers and insurance payers for all the free stuff.
It is so unbelievable what idiots, probably the same ones bitching about health insurance premiums so high they couldn't buy health insurance, that caused even worse idiots to pass Obamacare will do without one lick of common sense! Years ago these idiots doing these dumb stupid acts would be considered proof of Darwin's Survival of the fittest award!

And you same idiots complaining about health premiums... don't you get it? Our society is encouraging these dumb acts. TV commercials showing idiots on motorcycles, jumping over obstacles while cars barely pass them! Is it any wonder idiots do dumb things that put life and limbs at risk. And then you idiots blame the insurance companies! How totally ignorant!

OK, so I guess the point of you posting this was to try and raise health care costs? You must know that watching a guy get his privates crushed by a hand rail is always going to invoke a hurtful laugh response. But what's up with the cats falling asleep?

Is your solution to outlaw parkuor? I hope you are not suggested to out law the stupid, I would definitely be effected.

Who wants to outlaw things? What I'm trying to get idiots to recognize they ARE part of the health care costs. These idiots don't seem to realize that when they
do these stupid activities the rest of our paying! I would like advertisers to recognize they are indirectly endorsing stupid behavior and this costs money.

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