“You Sexually Assaulted Me…” – Tara Reade Responds To Biden’s “Bring Back Some Decency” Speech

Like you hate your country by going off the rails after 2016

My country rejected Trump by 3 million votes.

Then he gave us the worst plague in 100 years, the worst recession in 80 years, and the worst riots in 50 years, and we had to reject him by an even larger margin.
Tara Reade deserved that but was instead sexually assaulted by Joe Biden

So, it is your position that every single accusation is true and accurate?

Are you sure you want to go down that road?
So, it is your position that every single accusation is true and accurate?

Are you sure you want to go down that road?
Of course they aren't.
It was the Democrats who said 'EVERY woman must be believed' ... until one of their own was accused
Of course they aren't.
It was the Democrats who said 'EVERY woman must be believed' ... until one of their own was accused

And it was the Repubs that said they should not, till one not their own was accused.

Do you not see you have become the very thing you are fighting against?
Okay... not seeing how that is Biden's fault, exactly.

If he pressured Ukraine to accede to Putin's demands, you guys would be calling him Neville Chamberlain.
I am mostly concerned with the fact that when push comes to shove Joe Biden is suffering from dementia. Of all the times to have a mentally challenged President, this is definitely not a good time.

However even though he is suffering from senility Joe may be right when he said we are closer to nuclear Armageddon then we were during the Cuban missile crisis. During that timeframe we had a mentally sharp President in the Oval Office.

Putin may have already tired to detonate a nuke.

I am mostly concerned with the fact that when push comes to shove Joe Biden is suffering from dementia. Of all the times to have a mentally challenged President, this is definitely not a good time.
Then you probably need to stop watching Faux News and listening to Hate Radio. That would calm down your anxieties.

However even though he is suffering from senility Joe may be right when he said we are closer to nuclear Armageddon then we were during the Cuban missile crisis. During that timeframe we had a mentally sharp President in the Oval Office.
Really? The Cuban Missile Crisis happened because JFK kind of fucked up and authorized the half-ass Bay of Pigs invasion.

We are on the edge because Trump's buddy is a madman that he did little to contain.
Sexual assault is only bad for the right.

Its ok if someone from the left does it.

Kind of the opposite. The left holds people accountable when there is ACTUAL EVIDENCE of sexual misconduct. Which is why Mario Cuomo isn't around anymore. Which is why Al Franken isn't around anymore.

Trump is currently in court with a woman who claims he raped her, and unlike Tara/Alexandra Raede/McCabe (this woman has a history of using multiple names to keep one step ahead of fraud charges). Republicans have TWO Justices on SCOTUS who got installed despite credible accusations of sexual misconduct.

Then you probably need to stop watching Faux News and listening to Hate Radio. That would calm down your anxieties.

Really? The Cuban Missile Crisis happened because JFK kind of fucked up and authorized the half-ass Bay of Pigs invasion.

We are on the edge because Trump's buddy is a madman that he did little to contain.
I watch video clips of Joe Biden trying to figure out how to leave the stage after a speech. Your wonderful liberal news will not show you these clips.

The man has serious problems and is suffering from dementia. I’ll post just a few such clips.

Then you probably need to stop watching Faux News and listening to Hate Radio. That would calm down your anxieties.

Really? The Cuban Missile Crisis happened because JFK kind of fucked up and authorized the half-ass Bay of Pigs invasion.

We are on the edge because Trump's buddy is a madman that he did little to contain.
The fact remains that Putin did not invade Ukraine during the four years while Trump was in office.

A year after Biden takes office Putin makes his move. Today China is considering invading Taiwan and ”Little Rocket Man” is back to launching missiles over Japan.

The world is a much more dangerous place today under Biden than it was under Trump.
haven't read everything here but it seemed odd to me that bidum woulddo that kind of thing in a public place.. and if he did, why hasn't anyone verified Reade's story?

i haven' heard of anyone witnessing it..
I watch video clips of Joe Biden trying to figure out how to leave the stage after a speech. Your wonderful liberal news will not show you these clips.

The man has serious problems and is suffering from dementia. I’ll post just a few such clips.

If I followed you around with a camera 24/7, I could make you look like an idiot, too?.
Kind of the opposite. The left holds people accountable when there is ACTUAL EVIDENCE of sexual misconduct. Which is why Mario Cuomo isn't around anymore. Which is why Al Franken isn't around anymore.

Trump is currently in court with a woman who claims he raped her, and unlike Tara/Alexandra Raede/McCabe (this woman has a history of using multiple names to keep one step ahead of fraud charges). Republicans have TWO Justices on SCOTUS who got installed despite credible accusations of sexual misconduct.

Bull. Shit. See Clinton, Bill. Mario Cuomo is dead you moron. It’s Andrew (your hero) who got busted stupid. Trump is in court for defamation, not rape. There are NO Republican justices with ANY credible sexual assault charges on them. As proven in public. Incel Joe slapped down again.
Bull. Shit. See Clinton, Bill. Mario Cuomo is dead you moron. It’s Andrew (your hero) who got busted stupid. Trump is in court for defamation, not rape. There are NO Republican justices with ANY credible sexual assault charges on them. As proven in public.

Clinton would never get away with what he did in today's environment. That you have to go back 24 years to find "A Democrat who got way with something.

There were very credible accusations against Thomas and Kavanaugh. the GOP chose to ignore them.
Clinton would never get away with what he did in today's environment. That you have to go back 24 years to find "A Democrat who got way with something.

There were very credible accusations against Thomas and Kavanaugh. the GOP chose to ignore them.
No, they weren’t credible. As investigations and actual testimony showed. You lose as always. By the way idiot, Xiden just in the last couple of days inappropriately touched a young girl AGAIN. But you support criminals and other scum like you.
No, they weren’t credible. As investigations and actual testimony showed. You lose as always. By the way idiot, Xiden just in the last couple of days inappropriately touched a young girl AGAIN. But you support criminals and other scum like you.

Stop listening to hate radio.

Thomas and Kavanaugh were accused by professional women who had more to lose than gain by coming forward.
Stop listening to hate radio.

Thomas and Kavanaugh were accused by professional women who had more to lose than gain by coming forward.
Stop lying. Hill and Blasé Fraud got national television to tell their stories and got proven to be lying. That’s a fact. No matter how much you cry and lie about it.
Here's more on Tara Reade

After her husband suffered a brain injury that forced the couple to sell the property, Wrye said, Reade turned on them.

“She became really difficult,” Wrye said. “She said, ‘You’re going to have to pay me to get me to leave.’”

“She was manipulative,” said Wrye, a self-described feminist and social activist. “She was always saying she was going to get it together, but she couldn’t. And ‘could you help her’?”

Wrye’s distressing experience with Reade wasn’t an isolated case. Over the past decade, Reade has left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances in California’s Central Coast region who say they remember two things about her — she spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped.

A number of those in close contact with Reade over the past 12 years, a period in which she went by the names Tara Reade, Tara McCabe or Alexandra McCabe, laid out a familiar pattern: Reade ingratiated herself, explained she was down on her luck and needed help, and eventually took advantage of their goodwill to extract money, skip rent payments or walk out on other bills.

Prosecutors in Monterey County, California, have opened a probe into whether Tara Reade, the woman accusing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault nearly two decades ago, lied under oath when testifying in recent trials focused on domestic violence, the district attorney’s office said.

“We are investigating whether [she] gave false testimony under oath,” Monterey County chief assistant district attorney Berkley Brannon said in a statement to ABC News.

The new probe was first reported by Politico, marking the latest development after news accounts last week questioned previous statements she had made about her credentials while on the stand. It's unclear exactly which portions of her in-court appearances prosecutors are currently reviewing, but trial transcripts obtained by ABC News suggest she may have misstated her credentials several times.

Ben Savage, who said his desk was next to Reade’s in the Biden mailroom, disputed her charge that she was forced out of her job in retaliation for a sexual harassment complaint she claims to have filed.

Savage, who worked as the office’s systems administrator, overseeing computers and information processing, told the NewsHour that Reade was fired for her poor performance on the job, which he witnessed — not as retaliation for her complaints about sexual harassment.

But according to Savage, Reade had been mishandling a key part of her job and an essential office task — processing constituent mail, something they worked on together. Savage said he recalls reporting these issues to his boss, deputy chief of staff Dennis Toner. After that, Savage said he began diminishing Reade’s duties, taking over some of her tasks and rerouting parts of the process to exclude her.
To go to those lengths to discredit a person is almost admitting guilt. You did the same thing with the fraud constantly repeating "baseless".
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If I followed you around with a camera 24/7, I could make you look like an idiot, too?.
Did you watch those clips? THAT IS IN NO WAY NORMAL BEHAVIOR. Joe Biden didn’t act like this a decade ago.

Your wonderful liberal media is hiding the fact that Joe has serious mental problems from you but that doesn’t change the fact that Joe has serious mental problems one bit.

Then you probably need to stop watching Faux News and listening to Hate Radio. That would calm down your anxieties.

Really? The Cuban Missile Crisis happened because JFK kind of fucked up and authorized the half-ass Bay of Pigs invasion.

We are on the edge because Trump's buddy is a madman that he did little to contain.
You don’t know history. The missile crisis had nothing to do with the Bay of Pigs. It was a response to the US putting missiles in Northern Turkey. The agreement ending the crisis was that both sides removed their missiles.

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