You Trumpers are going to get it if Biden wins


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
My friend Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune has been chosen as political cartoonist of the year.

And you are going to 'get it' as to why.

My friend Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune has been chosen as political cartoonist of the year.

And you are going to 'get it' as to why.

View attachment 389613

So, Jake, you mean that Joe is going to provide all the things that he couldn't just four years ago as Obama's VP for 8 years? But NOW he will! :auiqs.jpg:
My friend Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune has been chosen as political cartoonist of the year.

And you are going to 'get it' as to why.

View attachment 389613

That's funny, Jake, eleven years ago, the Democrats were telling us we HAD healthcare, BETTER healthcare, clean air and water, a living wage, and competent and ethical government!

I guess Obama and Joe lied.

We still have Obama's healthcare, we still have clean air and water, that is, except for the trees you burned in California and the water you polluted in Flint Michigan, we have an even higher living wage now, the most competent and ethical government in a century, and best of all, four more years of freedom from crooks and liars like Obumma, Quid Pro Joe and Crooked Hillary!
We already HAVE health care (from the VA) And if you guys would just join the military, you'd have it too. :biggrin:

We already HAVE clean air and water + we have electricity (unlike millions of Californians experiencing blackouts) :biggrin:

We're not gonna get ANY wage (due to your Affirmative Action) -
PS - under Trump, the US median wage has gone to it's highest level in US history. :biggrin:

We already HAVE competent and ethical government, with unemployment lowest in US history for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, the disabled, and folks without a high school diploma. Lowest for women in 70 years. US is #1 energy producer in the world. :biggrin:
The next 2-3 administrations will have to spend an inordinate amount of time repairing the neglect of the Trump administration. I doubt there will be much substantive change on the ground due to federal influence or lack thereof.
:right: "repairing" all those things I just mentioned in Post # 10, right ? HA HA HA!! :laugh:
My friend Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune has been chosen as political cartoonist of the year.

And you are going to 'get it' as to why.


You think all of that is "free"?

You think sending money to the already failed Paris Accord scam is going to clean your environment?

I'd love someone to explain the living wage concept. Sounds like companies in NY and Cali want to force small businesses to match what corporations pay, to undercut employees and keep them part-time.

Not one size fits all, that is why you have states and not centralized federal government that some want.
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Jake, Obama and Biden had eight years to correct the evils of the country and accomplished nothing so what makes it any different when Biden wins? Are you really that gullible? I guess you are. So for the next 4, most likely 8, we will hear how it’s all Trumps fault and end up with the short end. As we hear it Biden will have a majority in both houses. It should be interesting.
Actually, that cartoon is rather telling regarding how liberals view government. Where they see an entity that they can "get things" from, conservatives want a government that doesn't "get in the way" of earning their own things.
We already HAVE health care (from the VA) And if you guys would just join the military, you'd have it too. :biggrin:

We already HAVE clean air and water + we have electricity (unlike millions of Californians experiencing blackouts) :biggrin:

We're not gonna get ANY wage (due to your Affirmative Action) -
PS - under Trump, the US median wage has gone to it's highest level in US history. :biggrin:

We already HAVE competent and ethical government, with unemployment lowest in US history for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, the disabled, and folks without a high school diploma. Lowest for women in 70 years. US is #1 energy producer in the world. :biggrin:

Quick can you say that "we" already have free health care under the government by mentioning the VA? Out of all the 18 to 35 year old people in this country, only 30 percent are qualified to join the military (leaving out 70 percent of the nation), and out of that 30 percent, only 1 percent actually join and serve honorably?

As far as "free" health care? Nope, not quite any more. I'm a 20 year retired veteran, and just got a letter from the VA telling me that if I don't pay 12.50/mo, I can still use the VA, but have to do it on a first come/first served basis. If I don't pay for my health care, I will have to wait for an open slot, if one becomes available. Granted, 12.50/mo isn't that much to pay for health care, but it damn sure ain't free any more.

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