You wanna know what the *real* international Jewish conspiracy is?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Okay. Look. You're right. There really is a conspiracy. It really is thousands of years old, and they really are controlling your mind. It's just not how you think. The conspiracy has nothing to do with world domination, control of the world's financial institutions, or any of that other nonsense. The real conspiracy is... wait for it... the existence of Judaism altogether.

Yup. You read that right. There is no actual religion called Judaism. The books were all made up to make the scam look more authentic. There is no actual Jewish people. Every "Jew" you've ever met was just someone in on it. They've been trolling you, just like they've been trolling the world for approximately 3,000 years now. I mean, come on. Look at the Torah. People made of dirt. Global floods. Talking snakes and shrubbery. Do you really think anyone actually believes that nonsense let alone an entire nation? Of course not.

I realize you're probably still a little skeptical. I hear you. "Ay, Pedro, estás loco. Necesitas una bala en tu cabeza." And I get it. It was hard for me to accept at first too. It's just the truth. They've been playing you all your life and you didn't even know. The people who bought into it have been the real joke all along.
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What I said. I get it. It's hard to accept at first. Just think about it. Have you ever wondered why they're all such good actors and comedians? Have you ever wondered why they mock their only supporters, the fundie Christians? Well, there's your answer. They don't believe in that shit either. They just pretend to as a way to screw with everyone. It's a joke - a game. And if you're not in on it then you're the butt of it.

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