You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

it's nothing short of hilarious watching the endless stream of left-wing posts where the idiot left-winger blames others for teh failed Progressive agenda that has seen the very richest get richer and the very poorest get poorer on the Progressive watch.

Seriously why set about whining like a bitch all day, trying to impress people with your knowledge, when you cant even acknowledge who the current President is, what Party he's from, and how long his Party has been in power?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Appeal to popularity much?
It's not the President's responsibility to get your employer pay you more -- its yours.
You clearly don't understand what that fallacy means. Appealing to population refers to believing a popular concept despite overwhelming contradictory evidence
Your claim regarding the 600 economists carrier no more support for your position than citing the opinion of 6 dentists regarding the efficacy of toothpaste.
Oh right like that is supposed to work on a national scale for these corporations.
No on is responsible for you but you -- if you cannot convince your employer you that you deserve more money, why do you thnk someone else has a responsibility to do so?
Oh really? So I should trust scumbag republicans in office and ones like you over actual experts? 7 of those economists are Nobel prize winners. They are on the side of actual evidence you goon. You instead appeal to popular rightwing bullshit like Fox News. You have never even been to college obviously.
Sorry that you don't like the fact that your appeal to popularity nonsense is, well, nonsense -- but there's nothing I can do about that.

Now then -- rather than whining and crying to the federal government about getting you a raise, why don't you wipe the snot from your nose, the tears from your eyes, get off your self-entitled ass and show your employer you're worth more than $7.25//hr?
What you people are too dumb to understand is that this isn't about individuals, it's about the economy itself. If wages are low, consumer spending is low. A lack of consumer spending destabilizes the economy. This will only lead to more economic crises.

there you go still calling people dumb after i completely embarrassed you in front of everybody

when you whined about the website i cited; i provided you with the GOVERNMENT'S OWN SITE and the study the website was referring to.

AND where is said FLAT OUT THAT WELFARE, not just food stamps, REACHED RECORD LEVELS UNDER OBAMA????
Appeal to popularity much?
It's not the President's responsibility to get your employer pay you more -- its yours.
You clearly don't understand what that fallacy means. Appealing to population refers to believing a popular concept despite overwhelming contradictory evidence
Your claim regarding the 600 economists carrier no more support for your position than citing the opinion of 6 dentists regarding the efficacy of toothpaste.
Oh right like that is supposed to work on a national scale for these corporations.
No on is responsible for you but you -- if you cannot convince your employer you that you deserve more money, why do you thnk someone else has a responsibility to do so?
Oh really? So I should trust scumbag republicans in office and ones like you over actual experts? 7 of those economists are Nobel prize winners. They are on the side of actual evidence you goon. You instead appeal to popular rightwing bullshit like Fox News. You have never even been to college obviously.
Sorry that you don't like the fact that your appeal to popularity nonsense is, well, nonsense -- but there's nothing I can do about that.

Now then -- rather than whining and crying to the federal government about getting you a raise, why don't you wipe the snot from your nose, the tears from your eyes, get off your self-entitled ass and show your employer you're worth more than $7.25//hr?
What you people are too dumb to understand is that this isn't about individuals, it's about the economy itself. I
Why do you refuse to understand that the employee is responsible for the level of his wages, and for the increase in same?
Why do you refuse to understand that running to the government for higher pay is the among the worst forms of self-entitlement?
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You won t believe how little 8.25 an hour buys Oxfam America First Person Blog
Disgusting that this is possible in the "richest country in the world"
Cleaning the movie theater is part of my daughter's duties. But does her job actually pay enough to live on? Photo: Mary Babic/Oxfam America



For my hard-working family and friends who earn just above the US minimum wage, a paycheck doesn’t go very far.

My daughter struck it lucky when she landed a job for $8.25 an hour at the local movie theater. They pay 25 cents more than the Massachusetts minimum wage (which is already 75 cents more than the federal wage); they don’t charge her for the monogrammed black polo shirt that constitutes her uniform (unlike some businesses); they let her know her hours a few days ahead; and they are, simply put, nice people: film nerds who enjoy keeping an independent theater alive, who don’t mind if she reads a book while sitting in the box office and waiting for the next rush.

Still, it’s a business. Her hours each week never mount up to the point where they’d be responsible for her healthcare (30 hours a week or more); her schedule varies widely; when it’s slow, they let her go (and it’s been a slow year for movies). And, to reiterate: they pay $8.25 an hour.

You can’t blame them; they’re generous at paying more than the legally required wage. But it is, even for my daughter, a measly wage. She lives at home, but she’s scraping together savings for college, living very simply, contributing to the household.

So what her earnings really translate to? I wondered, after seeing this helpful and harrowing piece on What Life Really Costs at $7.25 an Hour.

First, there’s transportation. After taxes, she brings home $7.62 an hour. Last week, after working for 27 hours (and commuting for about 8 hours), she got a check for $205.71. Just to get there and back: Slice the bus fare off the top (2.10 each way; 4.20 round trip; times four): 205.71 – 16.80 = 188.91.

A sandwich = one hour’s work. Some days, when her shift stretches longer than eight hours, she gets a plain chicken sandwich at the place next door: 7.43 (with tax). So she works a full hour to buy a sandwich. Without a drink.

A book = three hours. She loves books and music, and we visit the library every week. But sometimes she likes to buy the ones she loves the very most. Her favorite graphic novelist, Emily Carroll, just published a beautiful new book, Through the Woods. On Amazon, discounted, it’s $18.10. So she worked almost three hours to buy it.

Work shoes cost a day’s pay. We do most of our shopping at Goodwill, but every once in a while, she indulges. She really needed a good pair of shoes as she stands most of the time at work. She got a cheap pair of Nikes at around $50: Basically, a day’s pay.

And what about college tuition? Again, she got lucky: Smith College offered her a whopping scholarship, covering about half the cost. Which left her with a bill of (only) $24,000 for a year, not counting books, art supplies, etc.

So if she wants to cover one year of college – at this deeply discounted price – she’s going to work 3150 hours. Or 61 hours a week for a year. If she wants to go for the full four years… it would take 12,598 hours. Of course, she couldn’t eat. Or pay rent, take the bus, buy shoes, or get her hair cut. At least she can go to the movies…

So she’s lucky in some ways. But so many workers do not enjoy her luck. In fact, the vast majority of low-wage workers do not match this “Poster Child” profile of the minimum wage worker.


Source: the Economic Policy Institute.
Indeed, the average age of low-wage workers is 35. A third have dependent children at home. In our (extremely fortunate)Congressional district, 34,000 working families are using food stamps, and 71,000 are living below the poverty line .
i even gave you a break moron; the other way welfare recipient is defined, by Census Burea data; is even BROADER, AND includes beneficiaries of public housing, WIC, SSI, and "other cash assistance programs"
You clearly don't understand what that fallacy means. Appealing to population refers to believing a popular concept despite overwhelming contradictory evidence
Your claim regarding the 600 economists carrier no more support for your position than citing the opinion of 6 dentists regarding the efficacy of toothpaste.
Oh right like that is supposed to work on a national scale for these corporations.
No on is responsible for you but you -- if you cannot convince your employer you that you deserve more money, why do you thnk someone else has a responsibility to do so?
Oh really? So I should trust scumbag republicans in office and ones like you over actual experts? 7 of those economists are Nobel prize winners. They are on the side of actual evidence you goon. You instead appeal to popular rightwing bullshit like Fox News. You have never even been to college obviously.
Sorry that you don't like the fact that your appeal to popularity nonsense is, well, nonsense -- but there's nothing I can do about that.

Now then -- rather than whining and crying to the federal government about getting you a raise, why don't you wipe the snot from your nose, the tears from your eyes, get off your self-entitled ass and show your employer you're worth more than $7.25//hr?
What you people are too dumb to understand is that this isn't about individuals, it's about the economy itself. If wages are low, consumer spending is low. A lack of consumer spending destabilizes the economy. This will only lead to more economic crises.

there you go still calling people dumb after i completely embarrassed you in front of everybody

when you whined about the website i cited; i provided you with the GOVERNMENT'S OWN SITE and the study the website was referring to.

AND where is said FLAT OUT THAT WELFARE, not just food stamps, REACHED RECORD LEVELS UNDER OBAMA????
Um I think you got me confused with a different member...
Your claim regarding the 600 economists carrier no more support for your position than citing the opinion of 6 dentists regarding the efficacy of toothpaste.
No on is responsible for you but you -- if you cannot convince your employer you that you deserve more money, why do you thnk someone else has a responsibility to do so?
Oh really? So I should trust scumbag republicans in office and ones like you over actual experts? 7 of those economists are Nobel prize winners. They are on the side of actual evidence you goon. You instead appeal to popular rightwing bullshit like Fox News. You have never even been to college obviously.
Sorry that you don't like the fact that your appeal to popularity nonsense is, well, nonsense -- but there's nothing I can do about that.

Now then -- rather than whining and crying to the federal government about getting you a raise, why don't you wipe the snot from your nose, the tears from your eyes, get off your self-entitled ass and show your employer you're worth more than $7.25//hr?
What you people are too dumb to understand is that this isn't about individuals, it's about the economy itself. If wages are low, consumer spending is low. A lack of consumer spending destabilizes the economy. This will only lead to more economic crises.

there you go still calling people dumb after i completely embarrassed you in front of everybody

when you whined about the website i cited; i provided you with the GOVERNMENT'S OWN SITE and the study the website was referring to.

AND where is said FLAT OUT THAT WELFARE, not just food stamps, REACHED RECORD LEVELS UNDER OBAMA????
Um I think you got me confused with a different member...

i was debating another billy
if i have you confused with that person i sincerely apologize
What you people are too dumb to understand is that this isn't about individuals, it's about the economy itself. If wages are low, consumer spending is low. A lack of consumer spending destabilizes the economy. This will only lead to more economic crises.

Consumer confidence has a greater influence over consumer spending than the minimum wage does.
If no one has confidence in your product ... Or the people with the money aren't buying the bullshit you are trying to sell ... Then economic conditions won't get better.

Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
without using money, that these people don't have, how do they get that education?

I have a 2 year degree and nobody cares who is hiring. So fuck education.
I think too many are still under the impression that greedy hateful white Republican dudes are gonna suddenly wake up and decide to do the right thing. Well guess what, no amount of reasoning is gonna change an angry greedy white Republican dude.

American Workers have no choice but to support the other Party. Angry greedy white Republican dude could care less about fellow Americans. He only cares about himself. You're not dealing with good people. Jesus is very disappointed in those Republicans who consider themselves 'Good Christians.' That's just the reality folks.
without using money, that these people don't have, how do they get that education?
I have a 2 year degree and nobody cares who is hiring. So fuck education.

It really depends on what you get an education in.
Take for instance ... Someone could spend a bunch of money getting a degree in Journalism with which they may or may not get the job they want.

That same person can take a six month class that certifies them as a Pharmacy Technician (federally required position and almost always in demand).
Not only that ... It is free of charge for the poor, and if you are on welfare (or have a minimum wage job in some states) ... They will actually pay you to take the class and get certified.

You may not want to be a Pharmacy Technician all your life ... But it will get your feet on the ground long enough to start building towards a better future.
You can spend time preparing for whatever you want next instead of struggling from check to check.
Some of the training options apply to jobs that can start over $50k annually ... With plenty of opportunity for advancement.

Or ... You can just say "fuck it" ... And be forever at the mercy of someone else ... Which is a shit plan, but I hope it works out for you anyway.

You won t believe how little 8.25 an hour buys Oxfam America First Person Blog
Disgusting that this is possible in the "richest country in the world"
Cleaning the movie theater is part of my daughter's duties. But does her job actually pay enough to live on? Photo: Mary Babic/Oxfam America



For my hard-working family and friends who earn just above the US minimum wage, a paycheck doesn’t go very far.

My daughter struck it lucky when she landed a job for $8.25 an hour at the local movie theater. They pay 25 cents more than the Massachusetts minimum wage (which is already 75 cents more than the federal wage); they don’t charge her for the monogrammed black polo shirt that constitutes her uniform (unlike some businesses); they let her know her hours a few days ahead; and they are, simply put, nice people: film nerds who enjoy keeping an independent theater alive, who don’t mind if she reads a book while sitting in the box office and waiting for the next rush.

Still, it’s a business. Her hours each week never mount up to the point where they’d be responsible for her healthcare (30 hours a week or more); her schedule varies widely; when it’s slow, they let her go (and it’s been a slow year for movies). And, to reiterate: they pay $8.25 an hour.

You can’t blame them; they’re generous at paying more than the legally required wage. But it is, even for my daughter, a measly wage. She lives at home, but she’s scraping together savings for college, living very simply, contributing to the household.

So what her earnings really translate to? I wondered, after seeing this helpful and harrowing piece on What Life Really Costs at $7.25 an Hour.

First, there’s transportation. After taxes, she brings home $7.62 an hour. Last week, after working for 27 hours (and commuting for about 8 hours), she got a check for $205.71. Just to get there and back: Slice the bus fare off the top (2.10 each way; 4.20 round trip; times four): 205.71 – 16.80 = 188.91.

A sandwich = one hour’s work. Some days, when her shift stretches longer than eight hours, she gets a plain chicken sandwich at the place next door: 7.43 (with tax). So she works a full hour to buy a sandwich. Without a drink.

A book = three hours. She loves books and music, and we visit the library every week. But sometimes she likes to buy the ones she loves the very most. Her favorite graphic novelist, Emily Carroll, just published a beautiful new book, Through the Woods. On Amazon, discounted, it’s $18.10. So she worked almost three hours to buy it.

Work shoes cost a day’s pay. We do most of our shopping at Goodwill, but every once in a while, she indulges. She really needed a good pair of shoes as she stands most of the time at work. She got a cheap pair of Nikes at around $50: Basically, a day’s pay.

And what about college tuition? Again, she got lucky: Smith College offered her a whopping scholarship, covering about half the cost. Which left her with a bill of (only) $24,000 for a year, not counting books, art supplies, etc.

So if she wants to cover one year of college – at this deeply discounted price – she’s going to work 3150 hours. Or 61 hours a week for a year. If she wants to go for the full four years… it would take 12,598 hours. Of course, she couldn’t eat. Or pay rent, take the bus, buy shoes, or get her hair cut. At least she can go to the movies…

So she’s lucky in some ways. But so many workers do not enjoy her luck. In fact, the vast majority of low-wage workers do not match this “Poster Child” profile of the minimum wage worker.


Source: the Economic Policy Institute.
Indeed, the average age of low-wage workers is 35. A third have dependent children at home. In our (extremely fortunate)Congressional district, 34,000 working families are using food stamps, and 71,000 are living below the poverty line .

Low skilled workers get low pay.
To help them, seal the border.
Evict 20 million illegals.
Or just whine about the unfairness of economics.
The ONLY way to make it nowadays is a college degree. There are no exceptions. Tech school, college degrees. Anything less, tough road. Can be done but the odds are greatly stacked against you no matter how hard you are willing to work. That is the big lie in america. "If you are willing to work hard you can get ahead." That is not true whatsoever. Its not who is willing to work harder(dumber) but who is SMARTER. This willing to work hard stuff is nothing but fluff.
You won t believe how little 8.25 an hour buys Oxfam America First Person Blog
Disgusting that this is possible in the "richest country in the world"
Cleaning the movie theater is part of my daughter's duties. But does her job actually pay enough to live on? Photo: Mary Babic/Oxfam America



For my hard-working family and friends who earn just above the US minimum wage, a paycheck doesn’t go very far.

My daughter struck it lucky when she landed a job for $8.25 an hour at the local movie theater. They pay 25 cents more than the Massachusetts minimum wage (which is already 75 cents more than the federal wage); they don’t charge her for the monogrammed black polo shirt that constitutes her uniform (unlike some businesses); they let her know her hours a few days ahead; and they are, simply put, nice people: film nerds who enjoy keeping an independent theater alive, who don’t mind if she reads a book while sitting in the box office and waiting for the next rush.

Still, it’s a business. Her hours each week never mount up to the point where they’d be responsible for her healthcare (30 hours a week or more); her schedule varies widely; when it’s slow, they let her go (and it’s been a slow year for movies). And, to reiterate: they pay $8.25 an hour.

You can’t blame them; they’re generous at paying more than the legally required wage. But it is, even for my daughter, a measly wage. She lives at home, but she’s scraping together savings for college, living very simply, contributing to the household.

So what her earnings really translate to? I wondered, after seeing this helpful and harrowing piece on What Life Really Costs at $7.25 an Hour.

First, there’s transportation. After taxes, she brings home $7.62 an hour. Last week, after working for 27 hours (and commuting for about 8 hours), she got a check for $205.71. Just to get there and back: Slice the bus fare off the top (2.10 each way; 4.20 round trip; times four): 205.71 – 16.80 = 188.91.

A sandwich = one hour’s work. Some days, when her shift stretches longer than eight hours, she gets a plain chicken sandwich at the place next door: 7.43 (with tax). So she works a full hour to buy a sandwich. Without a drink.

A book = three hours. She loves books and music, and we visit the library every week. But sometimes she likes to buy the ones she loves the very most. Her favorite graphic novelist, Emily Carroll, just published a beautiful new book, Through the Woods. On Amazon, discounted, it’s $18.10. So she worked almost three hours to buy it.

Work shoes cost a day’s pay. We do most of our shopping at Goodwill, but every once in a while, she indulges. She really needed a good pair of shoes as she stands most of the time at work. She got a cheap pair of Nikes at around $50: Basically, a day’s pay.

And what about college tuition? Again, she got lucky: Smith College offered her a whopping scholarship, covering about half the cost. Which left her with a bill of (only) $24,000 for a year, not counting books, art supplies, etc.

So if she wants to cover one year of college – at this deeply discounted price – she’s going to work 3150 hours. Or 61 hours a week for a year. If she wants to go for the full four years… it would take 12,598 hours. Of course, she couldn’t eat. Or pay rent, take the bus, buy shoes, or get her hair cut. At least she can go to the movies…

So she’s lucky in some ways. But so many workers do not enjoy her luck. In fact, the vast majority of low-wage workers do not match this “Poster Child” profile of the minimum wage worker.


Source: the Economic Policy Institute.
Indeed, the average age of low-wage workers is 35. A third have dependent children at home. In our (extremely fortunate)Congressional district, 34,000 working families are using food stamps, and 71,000 are living below the poverty line .

Good article it spell out the reality.

This is the reason the exemption for taxes should be $25,000 dollars. The same if you make $20,000 or $200,000.

Someone making $8.50/hr has taxes taken out so they are only making $7.62/hr? RIDICULOUS. Many large corporations use enough tax loopholes to avoid paying any taxes.

And it won't change unless the American people vote out the losers that continue this abomination.

Someone making $8.50/hr has taxes taken out so they are only making $7.62/hr? RIDICULOUS.

$0.65 is Social Security and Medicare.
The rest ($0.23) is state and federal, most of which she'll get back after filing her tax return.
On the progressive watch? Obama tried to raise the minimum wage but republicans blocked the attempt despite the fact that 600 economists signed a letter to congress in support of the measure
Appeal to popularity much?
Tell me how else is a president going to convince these corporate goons to pay more?
It's not the President's responsibility to get your employer pay you more -- its yours.
You clearly don't understand what that fallacy means. Appealing to population refers to believing a popular concept despite overwhelming contradictory evidence
Your claim regarding the 600 economists carrier no more support for your position than citing the opinion of 6 dentists regarding the efficacy of toothpaste.
Oh right like that is supposed to work on a national scale for these corporations.
No on is responsible for you but you -- if you cannot convince your employer you that you deserve more money, why do you thnk someone else has a responsibility to do so?
Oh really? So I should trust scumbag republicans in office and ones like you over actual experts? 7 of those economists are Nobel prize winners. They are on the side of actual evidence you goon. You instead appeal to popular rightwing bullshit like Fox News. You have never even been to college obviously.
Scumbag Republicans giving way to rich coporations Billy seriously?

The republicans in congress shut down the federal import export bank to try to stop corporate welfare and crony capitilism, quit spreading lies.

Your knowledge on this subject is clearly the democrat underground talking points
Jesus is definitely not proud of what the average white Republican dude has become. So much hate & greed. Heaven does not await them.
The ONLY way to make it nowadays is a college degree. There are no exceptions. Tech school, college degrees. Anything less, tough road. Can be done but the odds are greatly stacked against you no matter how hard you are willing to work. That is the big lie in america. "If you are willing to work hard you can get ahead." That is not true whatsoever. Its not who is willing to work harder(dumber) but who is SMARTER. This willing to work hard stuff is nothing but fluff.
you don't have a clue what you are talking about, we just promoted two operators to set up guys, , they just went from making around 22 grand a year to 35 grand and a set up guy to mold tech... Around 35 grand to now 45 grand a year

All with no college degree and it's not unsual in manufacturing
either you are a troll or you are greatly deceived into thinking that 45 grand is a good salary. Truth is its not much of a salary at all. Those who are uneducated will agree its a good wage. In reality, its not much whatsoever. But those at the top will have these people believe they have hit it big time.

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