You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.
If any group is responsible for stagnating wages it's the Democrat Party, which has flooded this country with cheap foreign labor from third world countries. It's a hoot watching them try to blame their crimes on the rich.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.
If any group is responsible for stagnating wages it's the Democrat Party, which has flooded this country with cheap foreign labor from third world countries. It's a hoot watching them try to blame their crimes on the rich.
Esp. when there are more super rich folks in the democrat party camp.
Reality is, no one's lowering rents or prices. The cost of living is skyrocketing. Wages just aren't keeping up. It's a huge problem that has to be reckoned with. And most Workers now fully understand greedy hateful white Republican dude isn't on their side.

Republicans have pushed them into supporting the other Party. Republicans will pay a hefty price for their hate & greed. Future National Elections are gonna seem near impossible for them to win. But hey, they did it to themselves.
actually buys more of essentials......buys more gas and food than when I was on it.........housing and education have been artificially inflated
When I refer to right wing hatred of the poor, it's in the typical partisan nature of this forum which keeps growing on me, you do realize that statement refers to right wingers who believe the poor need no aid programs, lack any basic understanding of poverty.. You may be an exception, where do you stand on food stamps?

Sure, but in similar partisan fashion, you resort to making value judgements of people who don't agree with you. As a result, you assume every rightist on this board has no compassion for the poor because of it. Have you asked them?

You say they "lack any basic understanding of poverty" but odds are that you don't either. You lack any basic understanding of their situation.

And where do I stand on food stamps? I've considered applying for them myself. But I can just as easily get by on ramen instead of being one more straw on the camel's back. Besides, I've already applied for SSI. As a result, I am prevented from taking on any gainful employment until father government hands down his decision.

Aid programs take the poor hostage, they don't help them.
You live with your grandmother who supports you, which is a blessing not available to most Templar, and you have applied for disability....Yes, a Social program, that other tax payers and fellow citizens pay for to help you..... another blessing you should be grateful for....

I do understand your hostage comment.....this is no fault of the poor or disabled is the fault of lawmakers not thinking things through....the rules and regs need to be modified, so that if your life finances slightly improves, this does not stop the benefits cold turkey.
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by.

There are 330 million people in America... so your math is off by a few orders of magnitude. No, billions are not in poverty.

Liberals will never "get it." They don't get that they are the solution to their problems not the federal government or private business. They don't "get" that successful people do the HARD stuff....not sit back and whine about it. With so many entitlements available to them, they still whine.

It will never be enough for them.
The MW rate impacts a lot of people, not just those making min wage. It basically impacts all of the retail jobs that are out there.

Governments can do plenty to impact labor markets. Our own labor market is impacted significantly by China's government.

MW affects people making MW. It also affects people who buy products produced or delivered by MW earners. Raising the MW will put many MW earners out of work and will impact those who buy products because prices will go up. Its already happening in the blue city of Seattle. Fast food joints have reduced staff and raised prices----------------so tell us, who is benefitting from this increase?

As to China, jobs have gone to china for several reasons, a couple of them are US corporate taxes, unions, and regulations.

Are you happy that GE and GM are building their products in china and mexico?

The negative impact of MW hikes mostly involve markets reacting to the price shock. Once the price shock is adjusted to the impact on employment and prices is not nearly as disruptive. Obviously the higher wages help the people who get higher wages but it also reduces the need for those workers to rely on government aid. The US subsidizes low wage employment significantly.

The trade deficit with China is way worse than it is with Mexico and it is largely due to purposeful manipulation by the Chinese government.

If you make more but everything you buy costs more, you have accomplished nothing.

We need to play hardball with the chinese, Trump is the only candidate who knows how to do that

The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.
MW affects people making MW. It also affects people who buy products produced or delivered by MW earners. Raising the MW will put many MW earners out of work and will impact those who buy products because prices will go up. Its already happening in the blue city of Seattle. Fast food joints have reduced staff and raised prices----------------so tell us, who is benefitting from this increase?

As to China, jobs have gone to china for several reasons, a couple of them are US corporate taxes, unions, and regulations.

Are you happy that GE and GM are building their products in china and mexico?

The negative impact of MW hikes mostly involve markets reacting to the price shock. Once the price shock is adjusted to the impact on employment and prices is not nearly as disruptive. Obviously the higher wages help the people who get higher wages but it also reduces the need for those workers to rely on government aid. The US subsidizes low wage employment significantly.

The trade deficit with China is way worse than it is with Mexico and it is largely due to purposeful manipulation by the Chinese government.

If you make more but everything you buy costs more, you have accomplished nothing.

We need to play hardball with the chinese, Trump is the only candidate who knows how to do that

The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.
The negative impact of MW hikes mostly involve markets reacting to the price shock. Once the price shock is adjusted to the impact on employment and prices is not nearly as disruptive. Obviously the higher wages help the people who get higher wages but it also reduces the need for those workers to rely on government aid. The US subsidizes low wage employment significantly.

The trade deficit with China is way worse than it is with Mexico and it is largely due to purposeful manipulation by the Chinese government.

If you make more but everything you buy costs more, you have accomplished nothing.

We need to play hardball with the chinese, Trump is the only candidate who knows how to do that

The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.
If you make more but everything you buy costs more, you have accomplished nothing.

We need to play hardball with the chinese, Trump is the only candidate who knows how to do that

The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

Yes, Wal Mart and their low profit margin business will do fine.
If you make more but everything you buy costs more, you have accomplished nothing.

We need to play hardball with the chinese, Trump is the only candidate who knows how to do that

The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

please check out how many walmarts have closed since they raised the pay scale. Hint, more than 3 or 4.

but check it out, its important that you do your own research.
Reality is, no one's lowering rents or prices. The cost of living is skyrocketing. Wages just aren't keeping up. It's a huge problem that has to be reckoned with. And most Workers now fully understand greedy hateful white Republican dude isn't on their side.

Republicans have pushed them into supporting the other Party. Republicans will pay a hefty price for their hate & greed. Future National Elections are gonna seem near impossible for them to win. But hey, they did it to themselves.

Wages are stagnating because democrats are importing mass quantities of cheap foreign labor. That drives down wages. American workers understand the problem. That's why Trump is so popular. Workers are tired of Democrats selling them down the river for votes.
MW affects people making MW. It also affects people who buy products produced or delivered by MW earners. Raising the MW will put many MW earners out of work and will impact those who buy products because prices will go up. Its already happening in the blue city of Seattle. Fast food joints have reduced staff and raised prices----------------so tell us, who is benefitting from this increase?

As to China, jobs have gone to china for several reasons, a couple of them are US corporate taxes, unions, and regulations.

Are you happy that GE and GM are building their products in china and mexico?

The negative impact of MW hikes mostly involve markets reacting to the price shock. Once the price shock is adjusted to the impact on employment and prices is not nearly as disruptive. Obviously the higher wages help the people who get higher wages but it also reduces the need for those workers to rely on government aid. The US subsidizes low wage employment significantly.

The trade deficit with China is way worse than it is with Mexico and it is largely due to purposeful manipulation by the Chinese government.

If you make more but everything you buy costs more, you have accomplished nothing.

We need to play hardball with the chinese, Trump is the only candidate who knows how to do that

The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

Walmart can pay the wages it does only because there are millions of recent "immigrants" out there willing to work for those wages. If you stop the flood of illegal immigrants from third world countries, then wages would go up. Democrats are the main cause of the low wage problem, not Walmart or the wealthy.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.
The border isn't the problem. The problem is the lack of enforcement against employers who hire illegals. Fine these assholes to the maximum extent of the law. Make it painful for employers to hire immigrants. They wouldn't come to the U.S. If there was no work.
The border isn't the problem. The problem is the lack of enforcement against employers who hire illegals. Fine these assholes to the maximum extent of the law. Make it painful for employers to hire immigrants. They wouldn't come to the U.S. If there was no work.

The border is one problem, fining employers is another. Either way, Democrats are at the root of both problems. Democrats are preventing the border from being sealed and Democrats are refusing to raid employers for illegals and refusing to prosecute them.
The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

please check out how many walmarts have closed since they raised the pay scale. Hint, more than 3 or 4.

but check it out, its important that you do your own research.

I am sure individual wal marts close for all sorts of reasons. I am sure you thought you made a great point there but you didn't.
The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

Yes, Wal Mart and their low profit margin business will do fine.

It is hilarious that anyone would even think to fear monger over how well wal mart will be able to handle a minimum wage increase.

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