You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.
'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.


That sums up what greedy hateful liberals are doing to our Nation.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

Low and stagnant wages is something you greedy white dudes actually boast about. You guys are pretty warped that way. But i assure you, that mentality is gonna come back to haunt you. American Workers see no reason to support the Republican Party.

You guys love pushing Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But when it comes to poor struggling Workers, you guys are all about "Oh well, too bad for you. I got mine. Go fuck yourself." You're chasing American Workers away from your Party. They'll have to support the other one. Nice job.

When you're done with your whine break, get back to your fry basket.

Ha, i rest my case. Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party. You guys shouldn't be seeing the White House again anytime soon.

Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party.

Yeah, the whiney, pot-smoking minority fry cook demographic was within our reach until I started giving you shit. Darn it.
paulitician is a democrat pretending to be a libertarian while he tries to destroy the republican party...
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford college, especially when stuck in a very low paying job. There are two sides to this. Education has become prohibitively expensive, to the point that some people are better off not going to college. As for those who are stuck in minimum wage jobs, I find that in order to stay stuck in a minimum wage job, one must really be limited in their ability to learn and grow. I have two sons. My nineteen year old is in the Marine Reserves and he is delivering pizza to save up for school. He doesn't want to have a ton of debt when he does get his degree. He averages $17.50 per hour with tips. My younger son, who will turn 18 later this month, works at a restaurant. He started out at McDonald's, then worked at Subway, and now he works at a newer fast food place that is an Asian Grille. They have rice bowls and sell bubble tea. They have two restaurants and are opening a third next month. They also have plans on opening two to four new restaurants per year. My son has been there six months. Within the next twelve months he will be a department manager making around $18 per hour. He is not a book smart kid, but he really enjoys working with food and is planning on going to culinary school, but he also plans on making this company a career. Once he gets his own restaurant, which will probably be in five years or so, then he will be making close to or just over 6 figures. The store he works at currently averages a little over $60,000 in sales per week, so it's a $3 million store.

The jobs are out there for those who are willing to work. I live in a city that is considered to be one with little opportunity when it comes jobs, yet my kids have been able to find decent paying jobs that pay much more than minimum wage.
are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

Low and stagnant wages is something you greedy white dudes actually boast about. You guys are pretty warped that way. But i assure you, that mentality is gonna come back to haunt you. American Workers see no reason to support the Republican Party.

You guys love pushing Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But when it comes to poor struggling Workers, you guys are all about "Oh well, too bad for you. I got mine. Go fuck yourself." You're chasing American Workers away from your Party. They'll have to support the other one. Nice job.

When you're done with your whine break, get back to your fry basket.

Ha, i rest my case. Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party. You guys shouldn't be seeing the White House again anytime soon.

Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party.

Yeah, the whiney, pot-smoking minority fry cook demographic was within our reach until I started giving you shit. Darn it.
paulitician is a democrat pretending to be a libertarian while he tries to destroy the republican party...

I'm not a Republican or Democrat. And your personal attack on me doesn't change the fact Jesus is very disappointed in you greedy hateful Republicans. Shame on ya. Pray for forgiveness and then make amends.
Low and stagnant wages is something you greedy white dudes actually boast about. You guys are pretty warped that way. But i assure you, that mentality is gonna come back to haunt you. American Workers see no reason to support the Republican Party.

You guys love pushing Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But when it comes to poor struggling Workers, you guys are all about "Oh well, too bad for you. I got mine. Go fuck yourself." You're chasing American Workers away from your Party. They'll have to support the other one. Nice job.

When you're done with your whine break, get back to your fry basket.

Ha, i rest my case. Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party. You guys shouldn't be seeing the White House again anytime soon.

Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party.

Yeah, the whiney, pot-smoking minority fry cook demographic was within our reach until I started giving you shit. Darn it.
paulitician is a democrat pretending to be a libertarian while he tries to destroy the republican party...

I'm not a Republican or Democrat. And your personal attack on me doesn't change the fact Jesus is very disappointed in you greedy hateful Republicans. Shame on ya. Pray for forgiveness and then make amends.
I'm not a republican ya moron.
Let's be real, it's becoming more & more clear to most, that angry greedy white Republican dude doesn't have a soul. He enjoys treating Workers like shit. And he enjoys doin heinous shit like this...


Kinda people you're dealing with.
Hey fucko...What does THIS^ have to do with anything?.....BTW, the guy is from Minnesota. He probably votes democrat.

Just pointing out what you guys are. This is you. You guys do this kind of despicable cowardly shit all the time. Murdering innocent defenseless animals is a greedy hateful white Republican thing. It is what it is.
Oh bullshit......Shut up.....
"you guys"....Generalize much, asshole.
And you are a pathetic self hating Caucasian.
The worst kind of human excrement.
In fact, referring to you as excrement is an insult to shit...
Fuck off.....
BTW, effluent between the ears, this guy votes democrat. He's a Minnesotan. Blue state.
When you're done with your whine break, get back to your fry basket.

Ha, i rest my case. Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party. You guys shouldn't be seeing the White House again anytime soon.

Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party.

Yeah, the whiney, pot-smoking minority fry cook demographic was within our reach until I started giving you shit. Darn it.
paulitician is a democrat pretending to be a libertarian while he tries to destroy the republican party...

I'm not a Republican or Democrat. And your personal attack on me doesn't change the fact Jesus is very disappointed in you greedy hateful Republicans. Shame on ya. Pray for forgiveness and then make amends.
I'm not a republican ya moron.
This Ron/Rand Paul dick sucker thinks everyone who refuses to kowtow to his ideology is a republican. A term he uses as an insult.
He needs to be throat punched.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
Brave unions? Those fucking thugs?
What's shameful is you demanding others kneel at the union labor altar. As though we somehow owe these mobbed up businesses something.
are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.

Why do idiots on the right always assume that they earned everything they have, but others do not.

Why I worked in the city, my skills were highly sought after, and I received 3 weeks vacation, to start, 10 days paid sick leave, which you could use for medical appointments, fully paid supplemental benefits, including disability insurance, matching pension contributions, and profit sharing, and health club membership, Christmas bonus.

In a small town, nothing. Two weeks mandatory vacation, 9 sick days sick leave which you cannot use for medical appointments, and Christmas bonus. I'm doing the same job and working just as hard. The idea that I earned my benefits before, but now I don't is just ridiculous.

I'm in a different job market. There aren't many law offices in this area and I don't wish to travel to a higher paying area.

With manufacturing jobs gone, there is a lot of completion for the remaining lower skill jobs. Employers have a vested interest in keeping wages low and an oversupply of applicants means they don't have to give perks.

If another law firm opened up, which offered a better compensation package, I'd take it. Until that day, I'll take what's offered.
It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.

Why do idiots on the right always assume that they earned everything they have, but others do not.

Why I worked in the city, my skills were highly sought after, and I received 3 weeks vacation, to start, 10 days paid sick leave, which you could use for medical appointments, fully paid supplemental benefits, including disability insurance, matching pension contributions, and profit sharing, and health club membership, Christmas bonus.

In a small town, nothing. Two weeks mandatory vacation, 9 sick days sick leave which you cannot use for medical appointments, and Christmas bonus. I'm doing the same job and working just as hard. The idea that I earned my benefits before, but now I don't is just ridiculous.

I'm in a different job market. There aren't many law offices in this area and I don't wish to travel to a higher paying area.

With manufacturing jobs gone, there is a lot of completion for the remaining lower skill jobs. Employers have a vested interest in keeping wages low and an oversupply of applicants means they don't have to give perks.

If another law firm opened up, which offered a better compensation package, I'd take it. Until that day, I'll take what's offered.
I don't assume I earn my salary and benefits. I know I earn my salary and benefits. Employers fight for the opportunity to have me work for them.
One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

Yes, Wal Mart and their low profit margin business will do fine.

It is hilarious that anyone would even think to fear monger over how well wal mart will be able to handle a minimum wage increase.

Who fear mongered? Where?
I just put real numbers to your claim that Wal Mart is fairly profitable.

OK so we all agree your comment had no connection to the conversation. Great.
'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.
Translation~ you are a victim and it's all whities fault your life sucks

Cry me a river and look into Pell grants, vote republican to lower your taxes, shop at thrift stores and work your ass off at Micky D`s , build up a resume while you go to night school

My coworkers 26 year old daughter who is a nurse aid just got a job down here in South Carolina for $30 bucks an hour.
One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

Yes, Wal Mart and their low profit margin business will do fine.

It is hilarious that anyone would even think to fear monger over how well wal mart will be able to handle a minimum wage increase.

Who fear mongered? Where?
I just put real numbers to your claim that Wal Mart is fairly profitable.

OK so we all agree your comment had no connection to the conversation. Great.

If you think a 3.5% profit margin is "fairly profitable".....great.
Ha, i rest my case. Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party. You guys shouldn't be seeing the White House again anytime soon.

Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party.

Yeah, the whiney, pot-smoking minority fry cook demographic was within our reach until I started giving you shit. Darn it.
paulitician is a democrat pretending to be a libertarian while he tries to destroy the republican party...

I'm not a Republican or Democrat. And your personal attack on me doesn't change the fact Jesus is very disappointed in you greedy hateful Republicans. Shame on ya. Pray for forgiveness and then make amends.
I'm not a republican ya moron.
This Ron/Rand Paul dick sucker thinks everyone who refuses to kowtow to his ideology is a republican. A term he uses as an insult.
He needs to be throat punched.

Calm down Mary. Go kill an innocent defenseless animal or something. Y'all get boners over that sort of thing, don't ya?
Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

Yes, Wal Mart and their low profit margin business will do fine.

It is hilarious that anyone would even think to fear monger over how well wal mart will be able to handle a minimum wage increase.

Who fear mongered? Where?
I just put real numbers to your claim that Wal Mart is fairly profitable.

OK so we all agree your comment had no connection to the conversation. Great.

If you think a 3.5% profit margin is "fairly profitable".....great.

Walmart is currently expanding in the U.S. So i'm pretty sure the Walton Family's doing pretty well. What do you think?
It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.

Why do idiots on the right always assume that they earned everything they have, but others do not.

Why I worked in the city, my skills were highly sought after, and I received 3 weeks vacation, to start, 10 days paid sick leave, which you could use for medical appointments, fully paid supplemental benefits, including disability insurance, matching pension contributions, and profit sharing, and health club membership, Christmas bonus.

In a small town, nothing. Two weeks mandatory vacation, 9 sick days sick leave which you cannot use for medical appointments, and Christmas bonus. I'm doing the same job and working just as hard. The idea that I earned my benefits before, but now I don't is just ridiculous.

I'm in a different job market. There aren't many law offices in this area and I don't wish to travel to a higher paying area.

With manufacturing jobs gone, there is a lot of completion for the remaining lower skill jobs. Employers have a vested interest in keeping wages low and an oversupply of applicants means they don't have to give perks.

If another law firm opened up, which offered a better compensation package, I'd take it. Until that day, I'll take what's offered.

Wise observation. And most greedy white Republican dudes don't even realize most of the basic benefits they enjoy today were fought for by brave Union folks.

Not too many white Republican dudes out there tryin to help anyone out. In fact, they've consistently fought tooth & nail against just about every advancement in Workers' rights. They are not good people.
'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.
Translation~ you are a victim and it's all whities fault your life sucks

Cry me a river and look into Pell grants, vote republican to lower your taxes, shop at thrift stores and work your ass off at Micky D`s , build up a resume while you go to night school

My coworkers 26 year old daughter who is a nurse aid just got a job down here in South Carolina for $30 bucks an hour.

You are not good people. Your hate & greed consumes you. You've made this Country a Robber's Den. Shame on you.

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