You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.

You do realize the military provides you with a GI Bill that goes towards paying for your education, as well as scholarships and grants for those who work hard at bettering themselves through the free public education they receive? Do we honestly want to strive for a better way of life, or simply look for a handout without all the effort?
It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.

Why do idiots on the right always assume that they earned everything they have, but others do not.

Why I worked in the city, my skills were highly sought after, and I received 3 weeks vacation, to start, 10 days paid sick leave, which you could use for medical appointments, fully paid supplemental benefits, including disability insurance, matching pension contributions, and profit sharing, and health club membership, Christmas bonus.

In a small town, nothing. Two weeks mandatory vacation, 9 sick days sick leave which you cannot use for medical appointments, and Christmas bonus. I'm doing the same job and working just as hard. The idea that I earned my benefits before, but now I don't is just ridiculous.

I'm in a different job market. There aren't many law offices in this area and I don't wish to travel to a higher paying area.

With manufacturing jobs gone, there is a lot of completion for the remaining lower skill jobs. Employers have a vested interest in keeping wages low and an oversupply of applicants means they don't have to give perks.

If another law firm opened up, which offered a better compensation package, I'd take it. Until that day, I'll take what's offered.
In your previous employment, you were compensated in a manner seen fit by that employer. That employer offered "fringe benefits".
Your present employer, for which YOU CHOSE to work, offers compensation for said work and fringe benefits that employer sees fit to use as an incentive.
Note the similarity. "Fringe benefit"....No where is the term "entitlement" "earned" used......Benefits are offered at the pleasure of the employer.
Benefits are NOT earned nor are they owed.
if your benefits were so good, why did you surrender your employment?....BTW, show proof that "manufacturing is gone"....
I'll straighten it out for you. That's a myth perpetuated by liberals longing for the days of overbearing coercive union bosses.
The fact is there are millions of manufacturing jobs in the US....However, gone are the days one could walk away from their high school graduation and into a factory job for the next 35 years. Manufacturing is highly technical. Those jobs require advanced training and education. Those jobs also much higher paying.
It's called Progress
Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party.

Yeah, the whiney, pot-smoking minority fry cook demographic was within our reach until I started giving you shit. Darn it.
paulitician is a democrat pretending to be a libertarian while he tries to destroy the republican party...

I'm not a Republican or Democrat. And your personal attack on me doesn't change the fact Jesus is very disappointed in you greedy hateful Republicans. Shame on ya. Pray for forgiveness and then make amends.
I'm not a republican ya moron.
This Ron/Rand Paul dick sucker thinks everyone who refuses to kowtow to his ideology is a republican. A term he uses as an insult.
He needs to be throat punched.

Calm down Mary. Go kill an innocent defenseless animal or something. Y'all get boners over that sort of thing, don't ya?
Gee, the echo from your empty head belts out a "clever".....
Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.

Why do idiots on the right always assume that they earned everything they have, but others do not.

Why I worked in the city, my skills were highly sought after, and I received 3 weeks vacation, to start, 10 days paid sick leave, which you could use for medical appointments, fully paid supplemental benefits, including disability insurance, matching pension contributions, and profit sharing, and health club membership, Christmas bonus.

In a small town, nothing. Two weeks mandatory vacation, 9 sick days sick leave which you cannot use for medical appointments, and Christmas bonus. I'm doing the same job and working just as hard. The idea that I earned my benefits before, but now I don't is just ridiculous.

I'm in a different job market. There aren't many law offices in this area and I don't wish to travel to a higher paying area.

With manufacturing jobs gone, there is a lot of completion for the remaining lower skill jobs. Employers have a vested interest in keeping wages low and an oversupply of applicants means they don't have to give perks.

If another law firm opened up, which offered a better compensation package, I'd take it. Until that day, I'll take what's offered.

Wise observation. And most greedy white Republican dudes don't even realize most of the basic benefits they enjoy today were fought for by brave Union folks.

Not too many white Republican dudes out there tryin to help anyone out. In fact, they've consistently fought tooth & nail against just about every advancement in Workers' rights. They are not good people.
Go shove a railroad spike in your eye, you racist fuck
'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.
Translation~ you are a victim and it's all whities fault your life sucks

Cry me a river and look into Pell grants, vote republican to lower your taxes, shop at thrift stores and work your ass off at Micky D`s , build up a resume while you go to night school

My coworkers 26 year old daughter who is a nurse aid just got a job down here in South Carolina for $30 bucks an hour.

You are not good people. Your hate & greed consumes you. You've made this Country a Robber's Den. Shame on you.
Greed?....You mean those self entitled liberal parasites who think the world owes them something? That same scum sucking leeches whose only care is their monthly check?
The same do nothings who see what others have and coerce government into creating laws that take from the producers and give to the non producers?
Tell me, WHO is greedy?
'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.
Translation~ you are a victim and it's all whities fault your life sucks

Cry me a river and look into Pell grants, vote republican to lower your taxes, shop at thrift stores and work your ass off at Micky D`s , build up a resume while you go to night school

My coworkers 26 year old daughter who is a nurse aid just got a job down here in South Carolina for $30 bucks an hour.

You are not good people. Your hate & greed consumes you. You've made this Country a Robber's Den. Shame on you.
drivel , nonsense anyone can be a millionaire in this country if you wanted it. My dad did I didn't want it.

Most of you greedy hateful white dudes are just victims of evil Corporate Propaganda. You truly believe it's all the poor peoples'/workers' fault. You've been brainwashed. Try to let go of that hate & greed. Pray for strength and repent.
LOL. Nothing but liberal pap.
Walmart wrote the book on driving down wages. Their practice of undercutting prices until competitors are driven out of business is part of it. So is their kindness is helping employees qualify for food stamps and Medicaid while articles in business publications tout them as the second most profitable company in the U.S. They are also known for "encouraging" suppliers to move to off-shore manufacturing in order to cut their prices. Last but not least, because they are the largest retail employer in the U.S., almost entire retail industry segment of the economy adopted similar practices and wage structures in order to remain competitive.
Drving down wages? How so?....
Walmart's business model is near perfect. The management figured out how to cut costs...
The first thing they did was cut out product distributors....These were the people between the manufacturer and the retailer. Walmart told the manufacturers they would not stock their products unless the manufacturer agreed to sell products directly to Walmart. Bye bye middle man.
The company also cut costs by taking their distribution in house. Instead of using contract carriers to transport goods from their distribution sites to the stores, Walmart bough a huge fleet of trucks and hired drivers as company employees. This also allowed Walmart to side step the Teamsters union which cost them too much and could threaten the flow of goods.
Walmart revolutionized the warehouse type of shopping. Instead of expensive flashy store fixtures, Walmart cut costs by going simple.
The consumer is the main benefactor.
Its a win win.
Walmart wrote the book on driving down wages. Their practice of undercutting prices until competitors are driven out of business is part of it. So is their kindness is helping employees qualify for food stamps and Medicaid while articles in business publications tout them as the second most profitable company in the U.S. They are also known for "encouraging" suppliers to move to off-shore manufacturing in order to cut their prices. Last but not least, because they are the largest retail employer in the U.S., almost entire retail industry segment of the economy adopted similar practices and wage structures in order to remain competitive.
Drving down wages? How so?....
Walmart's business model is near perfect. The management figured out how to cut costs...
The first thing they did was cut out product distributors....These were the people between the manufacturer and the retailer. Walmart told the manufacturers they would not stock their products unless the manufacturer agreed to sell products directly to Walmart. Bye bye middle man.
The company also cut costs by taking their distribution in house. Instead of using contract carriers to transport goods from their distribution sites to the stores, Walmart bough a huge fleet of trucks and hired drivers as company employees. This also allowed Walmart to side step the Teamsters union which cost them too much and could threaten the flow of goods.
Walmart revolutionized the warehouse type of shopping. Instead of expensive flashy store fixtures, Walmart cut costs by going simple.
The consumer is the main benefactor.
Its a win win.
Large Corporations drive down wages through collusion.
'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.
Translation~ you are a victim and it's all whities fault your life sucks

Cry me a river and look into Pell grants, vote republican to lower your taxes, shop at thrift stores and work your ass off at Micky D`s , build up a resume while you go to night school

My coworkers 26 year old daughter who is a nurse aid just got a job down here in South Carolina for $30 bucks an hour.

You are not good people. Your hate & greed consumes you. You've made this Country a Robber's Den. Shame on you.
drivel , nonsense anyone can be a millionaire in this country if you wanted it. My dad did I didn't want it.

Most of you greedy hateful white dudes are just victims of evil Corporate Propaganda. You truly believe it's all the poor peoples'/workers' fault. You've been brainwashed. Try to let go of that hate & greed. Pray for strength and repent.
Damn dude you are posting more strange everyday... You have to be living with mommy.

You should be more upset at the democrats that run off jobs and make your life miserable then at Republicans who create jobs, so you would have a better life, a better chance at it.

The evil rich Republicans bring jobs in to give you a chance

It's obvious..

The democrats run jobs away, also so obvious any one with a second grade education could understand it.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.

If it were left up to you folks, Workers wouldn't have Vacation time, Overtime Pay, Maternity Leave, and most other worker protections you yourself enjoy today. You guys fought against those things tooth & nail. So why again should American Workers support the Republican Party?

Most of those things only hurt workers. Minimum wage means a lot of low skill workers are going to be unemployed, especially teenagers and college students. Overtime means employees will have their earnings reduced because employers don't want to pay overtime. They'll hire times or increase staff rather than allow their employees to work more than 40 hours a week. Maternity leave means that women of child-bearing age won't get a job because the employer is worried that they will get pregnant while on the job, and then he'll have to hire two employees to fill one position.

The one thing we know that has hurt workers more than anything is the flood if illegal aliens from third world countries that are willing to work for peanuts. They have been depressing American wages for the last 15 years and are the main reason for the stagnating wages of the bottom 80% income quintiles. And we know who is responsible for that: Democrats. The top 1% isn’t responsible. Republicans aren’t responsible. Democrats are the ones to blame.

The claim that Democrats care about workers is the lie of the century.

You guys have proven you don't give a shit about American Workers. You're all about worshipping the Corporate Elite Beast. American Workers should always fight to keep you guys out of power. When you guys get in there, they know they're screwed.

But that being said, i do agree that our border needs to be secured. That would go a long way in helping struggling American Workers.
are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.

If it were left up to you folks, Workers wouldn't have Vacation time, Overtime Pay, Maternity Leave, and most other worker protections you yourself enjoy today. You guys fought against those things tooth & nail. So why again should American Workers support the Republican Party?

Most of those things only hurt workers. Minimum wage means a lot of low skill workers are going to be unemployed, especially teenagers and college students. Overtime means employees will have their earnings reduced because employers don't want to pay overtime. They'll hire times or increase staff rather than allow their employees to work more than 40 hours a week. Maternity leave means that women of child-bearing age won't get a job because the employer is worried that they will get pregnant while on the job, and then he'll have to hire two employees to fill one position.

The one thing we know that has hurt workers more than anything is the flood if illegal aliens from third world countries that are willing to work for peanuts. They have been depressing American wages for the last 15 years and are the main reason for the stagnating wages of the bottom 80% income quintiles. And we know who is responsible for that: Democrats. The top 1% isn’t responsible. Republicans aren’t responsible. Democrats are the ones to blame.

The claim that Democrats care about workers is the lie of the century.

You guys have proven you don't give a shit about American Workers. You're all about worshipping the Corporate Elite Beast. American Workers should always fight to keep you guys out of power. When you guys get in there, they know they're screwed.

But that being said, i do agree that our border needs to be secured. That would go a long way in helping struggling American Workers.

why are liberals such stunted emotional basket-cases?
are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.

If it were left up to you folks, Workers wouldn't have Vacation time, Overtime Pay, Maternity Leave, and most other worker protections you yourself enjoy today. You guys fought against those things tooth & nail. So why again should American Workers support the Republican Party?

Most of those things only hurt workers. Minimum wage means a lot of low skill workers are going to be unemployed, especially teenagers and college students. Overtime means employees will have their earnings reduced because employers don't want to pay overtime. They'll hire times or increase staff rather than allow their employees to work more than 40 hours a week. Maternity leave means that women of child-bearing age won't get a job because the employer is worried that they will get pregnant while on the job, and then he'll have to hire two employees to fill one position.

The one thing we know that has hurt workers more than anything is the flood if illegal aliens from third world countries that are willing to work for peanuts. They have been depressing American wages for the last 15 years and are the main reason for the stagnating wages of the bottom 80% income quintiles. And we know who is responsible for that: Democrats. The top 1% isn’t responsible. Republicans aren’t responsible. Democrats are the ones to blame.

The claim that Democrats care about workers is the lie of the century.

You guys have proven you don't give a shit about American Workers. You're all about worshipping the Corporate Elite Beast. American Workers should always fight to keep you guys out of power. When you guys get in there, they know they're screwed.

But that being said, i do agree that our border needs to be secured. That would go a long way in helping struggling American Workers.

Ok, why are the struggling? Could it be that due to obozocare they can only get 29 hours per week? Could it be that entry level jobs are being taken by illegals? could it be that raising the MW has reduced the number of entry level jobs? Could it be that the highest corporate tax rates in the world have driven jobs overseas and stopped companies from expanding? could it be that there are billions sitting overseas rather than being brought home and taxed?
It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.

If it were left up to you folks, Workers wouldn't have Vacation time, Overtime Pay, Maternity Leave, and most other worker protections you yourself enjoy today. You guys fought against those things tooth & nail. So why again should American Workers support the Republican Party?

Most of those things only hurt workers. Minimum wage means a lot of low skill workers are going to be unemployed, especially teenagers and college students. Overtime means employees will have their earnings reduced because employers don't want to pay overtime. They'll hire times or increase staff rather than allow their employees to work more than 40 hours a week. Maternity leave means that women of child-bearing age won't get a job because the employer is worried that they will get pregnant while on the job, and then he'll have to hire two employees to fill one position.

The one thing we know that has hurt workers more than anything is the flood if illegal aliens from third world countries that are willing to work for peanuts. They have been depressing American wages for the last 15 years and are the main reason for the stagnating wages of the bottom 80% income quintiles. And we know who is responsible for that: Democrats. The top 1% isn’t responsible. Republicans aren’t responsible. Democrats are the ones to blame.

The claim that Democrats care about workers is the lie of the century.

You guys have proven you don't give a shit about American Workers. You're all about worshipping the Corporate Elite Beast. American Workers should always fight to keep you guys out of power. When you guys get in there, they know they're screwed.

But that being said, i do agree that our border needs to be secured. That would go a long way in helping struggling American Workers.

why are liberals such stunted emotional basket-cases?

its genetic. they all have a defective gene which has been identified as DRD4. Look it up, libs, you all have it.
It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.

If it were left up to you folks, Workers wouldn't have Vacation time, Overtime Pay, Maternity Leave, and most other worker protections you yourself enjoy today. You guys fought against those things tooth & nail. So why again should American Workers support the Republican Party?

Most of those things only hurt workers. Minimum wage means a lot of low skill workers are going to be unemployed, especially teenagers and college students. Overtime means employees will have their earnings reduced because employers don't want to pay overtime. They'll hire times or increase staff rather than allow their employees to work more than 40 hours a week. Maternity leave means that women of child-bearing age won't get a job because the employer is worried that they will get pregnant while on the job, and then he'll have to hire two employees to fill one position.

The one thing we know that has hurt workers more than anything is the flood if illegal aliens from third world countries that are willing to work for peanuts. They have been depressing American wages for the last 15 years and are the main reason for the stagnating wages of the bottom 80% income quintiles. And we know who is responsible for that: Democrats. The top 1% isn’t responsible. Republicans aren’t responsible. Democrats are the ones to blame.

The claim that Democrats care about workers is the lie of the century.

You guys have proven you don't give a shit about American Workers. You're all about worshipping the Corporate Elite Beast. American Workers should always fight to keep you guys out of power. When you guys get in there, they know they're screwed.

But that being said, i do agree that our border needs to be secured. That would go a long way in helping struggling American Workers.

why are liberals such stunted emotional basket-cases?

Too much estrogen.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.

Why do idiots on the right always assume that they earned everything they have, but others do not.

Why I worked in the city, my skills were highly sought after, and I received 3 weeks vacation, to start, 10 days paid sick leave, which you could use for medical appointments, fully paid supplemental benefits, including disability insurance, matching pension contributions, and profit sharing, and health club membership, Christmas bonus.

In a small town, nothing. Two weeks mandatory vacation, 9 sick days sick leave which you cannot use for medical appointments, and Christmas bonus. I'm doing the same job and working just as hard. The idea that I earned my benefits before, but now I don't is just ridiculous.

I'm in a different job market. There aren't many law offices in this area and I don't wish to travel to a higher paying area.

With manufacturing jobs gone, there is a lot of completion for the remaining lower skill jobs. Employers have a vested interest in keeping wages low and an oversupply of applicants means they don't have to give perks.

If another law firm opened up, which offered a better compensation package, I'd take it. Until that day, I'll take what's offered.

Wise observation. And most greedy white Republican dudes don't even realize most of the basic benefits they enjoy today were fought for by brave Union folks.

Not too many white Republican dudes out there tryin to help anyone out. In fact, they've consistently fought tooth & nail against just about every advancement in Workers' rights. They are not good people.
Go shove a railroad spike in your eye, you racist fuck

Just stating the truth. You greedy white Republican dudes have only done harm to American Workers. That's your history. American Workers should always work relentlessly to keep you guys out of power.
The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.

Why do idiots on the right always assume that they earned everything they have, but others do not.

Why I worked in the city, my skills were highly sought after, and I received 3 weeks vacation, to start, 10 days paid sick leave, which you could use for medical appointments, fully paid supplemental benefits, including disability insurance, matching pension contributions, and profit sharing, and health club membership, Christmas bonus.

In a small town, nothing. Two weeks mandatory vacation, 9 sick days sick leave which you cannot use for medical appointments, and Christmas bonus. I'm doing the same job and working just as hard. The idea that I earned my benefits before, but now I don't is just ridiculous.

I'm in a different job market. There aren't many law offices in this area and I don't wish to travel to a higher paying area.

With manufacturing jobs gone, there is a lot of completion for the remaining lower skill jobs. Employers have a vested interest in keeping wages low and an oversupply of applicants means they don't have to give perks.

If another law firm opened up, which offered a better compensation package, I'd take it. Until that day, I'll take what's offered.

Wise observation. And most greedy white Republican dudes don't even realize most of the basic benefits they enjoy today were fought for by brave Union folks.

Not too many white Republican dudes out there tryin to help anyone out. In fact, they've consistently fought tooth & nail against just about every advancement in Workers' rights. They are not good people.
Go shove a railroad spike in your eye, you racist fuck

Just stating the truth. You greedy white Republican dudes have only done harm to American Workers. That's your history. American Workers should always work relentlessly to keep you guys out of power.

Which ones? give us a list of greedy white republicans who have harmed american workers. Or, since you won't be able to do that, give us a list of bills that only republicans voted for that have harmed american workers.
'My House shall be called a House of Prayer; But you are making it a Robber's Den.' - Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

That sums up what greedy hateful Republicans are doing to our Nation. Yet most of them truly believe they're 'Good Christians.' Boy are they wrong.
Translation~ you are a victim and it's all whities fault your life sucks

Cry me a river and look into Pell grants, vote republican to lower your taxes, shop at thrift stores and work your ass off at Micky D`s , build up a resume while you go to night school

My coworkers 26 year old daughter who is a nurse aid just got a job down here in South Carolina for $30 bucks an hour.

You are not good people. Your hate & greed consumes you. You've made this Country a Robber's Den. Shame on you.
drivel , nonsense anyone can be a millionaire in this country if you wanted it. My dad did I didn't want it.

Most of you greedy hateful white dudes are just victims of evil Corporate Propaganda. You truly believe it's all the poor peoples'/workers' fault. You've been brainwashed. Try to let go of that hate & greed. Pray for strength and repent.
Damn dude you are posting more strange everyday... You have to be living with mommy.

You should be more upset at the democrats that run off jobs and make your life miserable then at Republicans who create jobs, so you would have a better life, a better chance at it.

The evil rich Republicans bring jobs in to give you a chance

It's obvious..

The democrats run jobs away, also so obvious any one with a second grade education could understand it.

Never met a white Republican dude yet, who gave a damn about anyone but himself. That's the reality. You guys offer nothing but misery to the poor and American Workers. It is what it is.
It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.

If it were left up to you folks, Workers wouldn't have Vacation time, Overtime Pay, Maternity Leave, and most other worker protections you yourself enjoy today. You guys fought against those things tooth & nail. So why again should American Workers support the Republican Party?

Most of those things only hurt workers. Minimum wage means a lot of low skill workers are going to be unemployed, especially teenagers and college students. Overtime means employees will have their earnings reduced because employers don't want to pay overtime. They'll hire times or increase staff rather than allow their employees to work more than 40 hours a week. Maternity leave means that women of child-bearing age won't get a job because the employer is worried that they will get pregnant while on the job, and then he'll have to hire two employees to fill one position.

The one thing we know that has hurt workers more than anything is the flood if illegal aliens from third world countries that are willing to work for peanuts. They have been depressing American wages for the last 15 years and are the main reason for the stagnating wages of the bottom 80% income quintiles. And we know who is responsible for that: Democrats. The top 1% isn’t responsible. Republicans aren’t responsible. Democrats are the ones to blame.

The claim that Democrats care about workers is the lie of the century.

You guys have proven you don't give a shit about American Workers. You're all about worshipping the Corporate Elite Beast. American Workers should always fight to keep you guys out of power. When you guys get in there, they know they're screwed.

But that being said, i do agree that our border needs to be secured. That would go a long way in helping struggling American Workers.

Ok, why are the struggling? Could it be that due to obozocare they can only get 29 hours per week? Could it be that entry level jobs are being taken by illegals? could it be that raising the MW has reduced the number of entry level jobs? Could it be that the highest corporate tax rates in the world have driven jobs overseas and stopped companies from expanding? could it be that there are billions sitting overseas rather than being brought home and taxed?

Yeah, cause you guys care so much about American Workers. Seriously, i'v never met a white Republican dude yet who cared about anyone but himself. Let's just take a look at your Platform the last several decades. Here's what you offer American Workers...

Pay them the lowest wages possible, give them as few benefits as possible, Outsource their jobs whenever possible, and replace them with Illegal Slave Labor whenever possible.

Gee, i wonder why American Workers are rushing in droves to support the other Party.

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