You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

Yes, Wal Mart and their low profit margin business will do fine.

It is hilarious that anyone would even think to fear monger over how well wal mart will be able to handle a minimum wage increase.

Who fear mongered? Where?
I just put real numbers to your claim that Wal Mart is fairly profitable.
Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

Yes, Wal Mart and their low profit margin business will do fine.

It is hilarious that anyone would even think to fear monger over how well wal mart will be able to handle a minimum wage increase.

So pointing out how government policies will harm people is "fear mongering?" Is that really the position you want to take?
The border isn't the problem. The problem is the lack of enforcement against employers who hire illegals. Fine these assholes to the maximum extent of the law. Make it painful for employers to hire immigrants. They wouldn't come to the U.S. If there was no work.

Did you bother to Google for Federal laws that prevent employers from hiring illegals??

The Law Against Hiring or Harboring Illegal Aliens 1999

So you reckon uncle sam bo could possibly start this off by doing his part??

Do I need to get you a copy of the federal immigration laws also??
I'm aware that the laws are there but they aren't being enforced. The laws are of no value as a deterrent if they're not being enforced.

When was the last time you heard of an employer facing charges for hiring illegals?
New Crackdown on Employers of Undocumented Immigrants
By Christopher A. Kerosky
This month the Obama Administration announced a new policy of more aggressively pursuing
prosecution of employers of illegal immigrants, changing the focus and methods of the Bush
administration. The policy was recently implemented following a worksite raid; in that case, the
undocumented workers apprehended were later released from custody and given temporary
status so that they could testify in a criminal case against their employer.
It coincides with new government efforts to target employers who hire undocumented workers
indirectly, through independent contractors, rather than putting them on payroll. Employers like
Walmart who hired subcontractors with illegal workers are now being hit with punitive fines and
Going After the Boss.
Starting in 2006, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) initiated stepped up
enforcement against employers of the undocumented. ICE began aggressively bringing criminal
and civil cases against employers and even seizing corporate assets.
Last year, 863 employers of illegal workers were arrested on criminal charges and over $30
million in fines were imposed. Federal prosecutors began to charge employers with money
laundering, harboring of illegal aliens, and violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act (RICO).
Courts have approved the use of federal laws creatively to prosecute
those who hire illegal workers. One appeals court recently upheld a conviction of an employer
for “harboring” an illegal alien if the employer had “knowledge or reckless disregard of the
alien’s unlawful status.”
Employers are now routinely being prosecuted under another criminal statute which prohibits
the “practice of hiring or continuing the employment of an unauthorized alien.”
The people getting paid more benefit way more even if they are paying slightly higher prices on some things. These people are likely to spend all of their money so it isn't like the money just disappears.

The issue with China is not so simple as that and in the mean time something has to be done.

Where does the money come from to pay them more? When faced with higher labor costs a business has 3 choices: 1. raise prices, 2. lay off employees, 3. go out of business.

So explain how putting more people on the unemployment rolls helps the economy.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable so they will have to decide what the best course of action is for them which may just mean less profit. The link below has this little game type of thing that can help you understand more about the decision process a company goes through when an input sees a price increase.

No matter the answer the economy will be able to adapt and move on just like it always does when prices change. The doom and gloom rhetoric surrounding a price change is kind of hilarious.

Practice Interview Cases

It is the Interactive case concerning airlines.

One of the biggest low wage employers is Wal Mart which is fairly profitable

Their net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.

Wal Mart would be able to survive the price change just fine.

please check out how many walmarts have closed since they raised the pay scale. Hint, more than 3 or 4.

but check it out, its important that you do your own research.

Walmart continues to expand. So i wouldn't shed any tears for the Walton Family. Somehow i think they'll get by.

Walmart is the very definition of 'Evil Corporation.' You know it's true because all greedy hateful white Republicans love to boast about it. Walmart represents them perfectly.
Let's be real, it's becoming more & more clear to most, that angry greedy white Republican dude doesn't have a soul. He enjoys treating Workers like shit. And he enjoys doin heinous shit like this...


Kinda people you're dealing with.
Hey fucko...What does THIS^ have to do with anything?.....BTW, the guy is from Minnesota. He probably votes democrat.

Just pointing out what you guys are. This is you. You guys do this kind of despicable cowardly shit all the time. Murdering innocent defenseless animals is a greedy hateful white Republican thing. It is what it is.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

Low and stagnant wages is something you greedy white dudes actually boast about. You guys are pretty warped that way. But i assure you, that mentality is gonna come back to haunt you. American Workers see no reason to support the Republican Party.

You guys love pushing Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But when it comes to poor struggling Workers, you guys are all about "Oh well, too bad for you. I got mine. Go fuck yourself." You're chasing American Workers away from your Party. They'll have to support the other one. Nice job.
Reality is, no one's lowering rents or prices. The cost of living is skyrocketing. Wages just aren't keeping up. It's a huge problem that has to be reckoned with. And most Workers now fully understand greedy hateful white Republican dude isn't on their side.

Republicans have pushed them into supporting the other Party. Republicans will pay a hefty price for their hate & greed. Future National Elections are gonna seem near impossible for them to win. But hey, they did it to themselves.

Wages are stagnating because democrats are importing mass quantities of cheap foreign labor. That drives down wages. American workers understand the problem. That's why Trump is so popular. Workers are tired of Democrats selling them down the river for votes.

The Republican Party has always fully supported foreign Slave Labor. Greedy Republicans are the ones doing all the Outsourcing. They've always supported the Open-Border policy. They still do. You need to do some more research.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Raising the minimum wage in this country isn't going to increase the average wage of low income workers. It will only put some of them on the unemployment line. Sealing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants who are willing to work for peanuts is the solution to the problem. Democrats are the main obstruction to getting that done.

If it were left up to you folks, Workers wouldn't have Vacation time, Overtime Pay, Maternity Leave, and most other worker protections you yourself enjoy today. You guys fought against those things tooth & nail. So why again should American Workers support the Republican Party?
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

Low and stagnant wages is something you greedy white dudes actually boast about. You guys are pretty warped that way. But i assure you, that mentality is gonna come back to haunt you. American Workers see no reason to support the Republican Party.

You guys love pushing Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But when it comes to poor struggling Workers, you guys are all about "Oh well, too bad for you. I got mine. Go fuck yourself." You're chasing American Workers away from your Party. They'll have to support the other one. Nice job.

When you're done with your whine break, get back to your fry basket.
There are whiners and bleeding hearts, and then there are those that work hard, learn and make a better life for themselves and their families. These groups are largely mutually exclusive.

Which needs to be supported?
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by. Whiners?
Maybe this liberal can teach you something......

Bono Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid The Beacon

I'm not sure that anyone would really argue with this. What is missed is the question of whether capitalism can provide this all on its own or if some intervention is necessary to get the ball rolling, which is pretty much the idea behind providing aid. Here in the US, if you are poor and cannot afford to go to college because you can't even pay your rent, then how do you get ahead? It is nearly impossible, and that is why we provide aid for people to be able to afford going to school to further their education so that they will better themselves. The biggest problem behind providing aid, in many cases, is that the people to whom it is provided are too dumb to take real advantage of it and therefore it goes wasted.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

Low and stagnant wages is something you greedy white dudes actually boast about. You guys are pretty warped that way. But i assure you, that mentality is gonna come back to haunt you. American Workers see no reason to support the Republican Party.

You guys love pushing Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But when it comes to poor struggling Workers, you guys are all about "Oh well, too bad for you. I got mine. Go fuck yourself." You're chasing American Workers away from your Party. They'll have to support the other one. Nice job.

When you're done with your whine break, get back to your fry basket.

Ha, i rest my case. Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party. You guys shouldn't be seeing the White House again anytime soon.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

It's not Democrats who keep blocking attempts to raise the minimum wage. It's not Dems who fight against legislation to protect workers, or to provide vacation time, maternity leave and other protections which are in place in every other first world nation.

W raised the earned income credit rather than increase the minimum wage, shifting the responsibility for employee compensation from corporations to taxpayers. Jeb Bush had said he supports doing the same.

Spot On. Thanks.
ROFL democrats are so worthless they need government to force employers to give them benefits.

The rights and benefits American Workers do enjoy today, were achieved by brave Unions. Even you greedy hateful Republicans owe them a huge debt of gratitude. You guys actually fought against it every step of the way. You have no shame.
No moron. I earned my benefits. I'm not in a union. I owe nothing to unions. I'm not a republican you fucking moron.
Wages continue to decrease or stay stagnant. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to skyrocket. I know greedy hateful white Republican dude gets a boner over that, but others actually care. We do have a serious problem.

The Republican hate & hostility towards American Workers is appalling. American Workers know not to turn to them for any help. They're forced to turn to the other Party. That's gonna really haunt the Republicans in the future.

are you really that dumb? the problems you bitch about have all been caused by dem and lib policies.

there is no republican hate and hostility to workers-------thats total bullshit.

what is true is that the dems want american workers to be slaves of the state.

Low and stagnant wages is something you greedy white dudes actually boast about. You guys are pretty warped that way. But i assure you, that mentality is gonna come back to haunt you. American Workers see no reason to support the Republican Party.

You guys love pushing Government intervention if it benefits the wealthy elites. But when it comes to poor struggling Workers, you guys are all about "Oh well, too bad for you. I got mine. Go fuck yourself." You're chasing American Workers away from your Party. They'll have to support the other one. Nice job.

When you're done with your whine break, get back to your fry basket.

Ha, i rest my case. Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party. You guys shouldn't be seeing the White House again anytime soon.

Good job chasing American Workers away from your Party.

Yeah, the whiney, pot-smoking minority fry cook demographic was within our reach until I started giving you shit. Darn it.

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