Young Democrat male are the greatest supporters of political assassinations (link to poll)

Fact...a young Democrat male traveled across the country to a Supreme Court Justices home with a knife, a gun, and burglary tools on a mission to assassinate him.

Try to get more factual than that.

One guy. Who actually harmed no one. You have an entire group of people plotting to kidnap and murder the Governor of Michigan. Another guy who set out to kill a judge and had a list of people he was prepared to assassinate.

When you have a "replacement theory" radical murdering 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, or shooting up a Walmart in El Paso, or shooting up mosques or synagogues, you have no room to talk about one guy that the FBI caught before he harmed anyone.
You have 487 People Marching down a NYC street chanting "What do we want ? Dead Cops , When do we want it ? NOW "
Yes it does. You didnt read the article.


Young leftists are vicious. They are the perfect demographic for radicalizing terrorists, as we've seen over the past 5 years.

Poll: Nearly Half of Men Under 50 in the Democrat Party Support Political Violence Including Assassination​

11 Jun 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft

A new poll conducted by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in April revealed that voters who identified as Democrats were more likely to support political violence, including the assassination of political opponents.
The poll released last week revealed that 44 percent of the “younger Democratic men” under the age of 50 support “assassinating a politician who is harming our country or democracy.”
Biden, Pelosi, Democrats, and their fake news media want you to believe the Jan. 6 protest was the most violent “insurrection” in history.
What they don’t tell you is that the protests were mostly peaceful, and the protesters caused minimal damage until their government fired on them with flash-grenades, tear gas, and rubber- bullets without warning.
The mainstream media reported the estimated damages from the January 6 protests came out to $1.5 million.
And, although this will NEVER make headlines in the fake news media, the January 6 protests (insurrection) caused 1/1,000th of the damages as Black Lives Matter and Antifa radicals caused across the United States in 2020.

These Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat antiwhite terrorist shock troops are the street thug units of the Uni-Party, meant to keep us cowed and victimized.
They were intentionally created through generations worth of racist antiwhite brainwashing propaganda.
These are the same people that want to use the power of the State to crush the strong honorable people that built this country because they are nothing like them. They want to take our Liberty, our guns, and ultimately our lives if we don’t submit and accept their worldview.


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