Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

All lives matter!

Come and get me!
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses.
Must be true, each weekend a hundred Blacks shoot each other and you dont hear a peep from BLM about it.
Whites don't seem to be much concerned with their own lives. Each weekend a hundred whites shoot each other too but you're so busy trying to denigrate blacks for opposing white supremacy that you don't care.
And you whine when "we" post about a pretty blonde who turns up dead. YOU say we dont pay attention to black lives. You pretty much whine about anything whites do.
I live in the same world you do.

Great song.
View attachment 363169

Obviously you don't since you paint all whites with such a broad brush.

Perhaps you should read some of my threads down in The Badlands.



I paint the picture as it is. So I won't be listening to whining about painting whites. Because if all lives matter, you don't bitch when blacks say their lives matter as much as anyone elses.
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All lives matter!

Come and get me!
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses.
Must be true, each weekend a hundred Blacks shoot each other and you dont hear a peep from BLM about it.
Whites don't seem to be much concerned with their own lives. Each weekend a hundred whites shoot each other too but you're so busy trying to denigrate blacks for opposing white supremacy that you don't care.
And you whine when "we" post about a pretty blonde who turns up dead. YOU say we dont pay attention to black lives. You pretty much whine about anything whites do.
I don't whine. The use of that term on people who point out continuing white racism is racial gaslighting. The whites in this situation started the confrontation when they uttered the n word and you're crying because I pointed it it.
total bologna as always.... Had nothing to do with BLM anyway....
"Black Lives Matter" was the phrase the perps used.
The n word used by whites began the confrontation.
total bologna as always.... Had nothing to do with BLM anyway....
"Black Lives Matter" was the phrase the perps used.
The n word used by whites began the confrontation.
So that is justification for murder?
total bologna as always.... Had nothing to do with BLM anyway....
"Black Lives Matter" was the phrase the perps used.
The n word used by whites began the confrontation.
So that is justification for murder?
I stated from jump that murder was wrong. But excuse me if I tell a bunch of people who have justified every killing of a black person who was unarmed and law abiding to go fuck yourselves. If those whites had not used the n word none of this would have happened.
All lives matter!

Come and get me!
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses. That's why WHITE LIES don't matter.
Only on Earth though.
Don't forget All Planets Matter.
I live in the same world you do.

Great song.
View attachment 363169

Obviously you don't since you paint all whites with such a broad brush.

Perhaps you should read some of my threads down in The Badlands.



I paint the picture as it is. So I won't be listening to whining about painting whites. Because if all lives matter, you don't bitch when blacks say their lives matter as much as anyone elses.


Then you won't mind my painting your movement as Burn Loot Murder.

What's the body count up to for black children being killed by your "somewhat peaceful" movement?

Before you try to deny they're casualties of BLM they are so long as it's happening during your "somewhat peaceful protests" without the members attempting to stop it or turn those responsible in.


The n word used by whites began the confrontation.


If that's your justification for murdering someone then those people protecting their home in St Louis should have been able to mow the whole lot of protesters down for trespassing and threatening them.


You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
I live in the same world you do.

Great song.
View attachment 363169

Obviously you don't since you paint all whites with such a broad brush.

Perhaps you should read some of my threads down in The Badlands.



I paint the picture as it is. So I won't be listening to whining about painting whites. Because if all lives matter, you don't bitch when blacks say their lives matter as much as anyone elses.

View attachment 363171

Then you won't mind my painting your movement as Burn Loot Murder.

What's the body count up to for black children being killed by your "somewhat peaceful" movement?

Before you try to deny they're casualties of BLM they are so long as it's happening during your "somewhat peaceful protests" without the members attempting to stop it or turn those responsible in.



We both know that's a lie. I have 400 years of evidence that shows white lives have mattered first and foremost. Your sorry retort about a broad brush doesn't change that. Less that 2 percent of the protesters have participated in riots and violence with many of them belonging to white extremist groups. Your side has stayed stuck on riots and defund the police. Therefore you have missed most of the prayer vigils, speakers, spontaneous singing and dancing as well as meditations and music.

Whites have broad brushed us with court decisions, congressional action and public policy. So you getting pissy about me stating a fact isn't going to move me.
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
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The n word used by whites began the confrontation.

View attachment 363181

If that's your justification for murdering someone then those people protecting their home in St Louis should have been able to mow the whole lot of protesters down for trespassing and threatening them.



I have not justified murder and whites have killed more than enough of us for no reason. You want to ignore what the whites did to start the confrontation. I refuse to do that. Had they not used the n word that woman would still be alive.
It figures. This is NOT a protest. It is a criminal enterprise.
No, the criminal enterprise lives in the white house.
No. Hitlery was defeated.
Like I said, the criminal enterprise lives in the white house.
All lives matter!

Come and get me!
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses.
Must be true, each weekend a hundred Blacks shoot each other and you dont hear a peep from BLM about it.
Whites don't seem to be much concerned with their own lives. Each weekend a hundred whites shoot each other too but you're so busy trying to denigrate blacks for opposing white supremacy that you don't care.

There's reasons WHY people think they NEED to shoot each.. Marching slogans aint one of those that most people would use as an excuse...
total bologna as always.... Had nothing to do with BLM anyway....
"Black Lives Matter" was the phrase the perps used seems they should have at least some culpability.
Murder might be a little more important if it's true. We in this country wait until there is an investigation and the police and the court says you're guilty. The whole party broke up and then it happened under a bridge. Damn hard to prove at that point if it's dark. I'm waiting for the investigation.
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
Who don't exist except in GOP propaganda in this country. Your garbage propaganda Stokes it. Your propaganda doesn't mention that the n word started it and that her boyfriend was also armed or that the murder happened later. God knows what happened I'm waiting for the investigation. You ought to try real news sometime.

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