Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

All lives matter!

Come and get me!
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses. That's why WHITE LIES don't matter.

Hate to see intelligent people DEFEND the INDEFENSIBLE... Especially with nothing but marching slogans...
only indefensible on your crap hateful propaganda machine that doesn't mention the n word or that her boyfriend also was armed or that it was 3 a.m. or that the murder happened elsewhere after it looked like the problem had broken up. And you're taking the word of the family which I guess means the other armed guy etcetera etc. Why didn't he returned fire then. Etc etc etc you can be sure your propaganda machine won't retract it if it turns out to be b******* as almost always.
I live in the same world you do.

Great song.
View attachment 363169

Obviously you don't since you paint all whites with such a broad brush.

Perhaps you should read some of my threads down in The Badlands.



I paint the picture as it is. So I won't be listening to whining about painting whites. Because if all lives matter, you don't bitch when blacks say their lives matter as much as anyone elses.

View attachment 363171

Then you won't mind my painting your movement as Burn Loot Murder.

What's the body count up to for black children being killed by your "somewhat peaceful" movement?

Before you try to deny they're casualties of BLM they are so long as it's happening during your "somewhat peaceful protests" without the members attempting to stop it or turn those responsible in.



Those aren't protesters those are the criminals who take over after dark. Where the hell are the cops?I should say where the hell were the cops because this is no longer going on at all
hat word started the conflict. Had that word not been said by the white person there would have been no tragedy. This is what racist trash like you can't understand. So let me break it down for you.

So -- if we hear cracker/honky and we're locked and loaded, we just have permission from you to pop them????

Whatdafuck you defending here?? You REALLY WANT a race war??

I really think a black criminal with 91 priors, let loose by DeBlasio, who knocks an old white woman with a walker into a hydrant WITHOUT provocation, deserves instant execution... You giving permission???

THAT'S provocation...
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Any murder is a bad murder.
I decided to skip the hyper-partisan resources.
Here’s what I found.

SO how is your "non partisan" story any different or less disgusting???
That story provide the full context. To hear daddy tell it his baby was gunned down for saying all lives matter. What this article shows is that this woman was with a group of people, one of which decided to use the n word upon seeing blacks. That's how the confrontation started. The blacks say black lives matter so she just had to respond with all lives matter after a member in her group made the slur. Both sides drew guns.

Had the blacks got killed, we would be reading every reason why those whites had the right to kill them.
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses. That's why WHITE LIES don't matter.
FALSE! Since Affirmative Action began 56 years ago, white lives have been mattering LESS than black lives. LEFTIST LIES perpetuate the myth of white privilege, when actually, it is Black Privilege that has existed for all or most of our lives.
We both know that's a lie. I have 400 years of evidence that shows white lives have mattered first and foremost. Your sorry retort about a broad brush doesn't change that.

Slavery has existed for thousands of years and ended in the United States over one hundred fifty years ago so don't care about your evidence.

Quit crying about it pull your big boy pants up and get over it.

Less that 2 percent of the protesters have participated in riots and violence with many of them belonging to white extremist groups. Your side has stayed stuck on riots and defund the police.

Then catch those two percent two and turn them over to the authorities for prosecution if you care about appearances and want justice without police.

Therefore you have missed most of the prayer vigils, speakers, spontaneous singing and dancing as well as meditations and music.

So long as you don't the bad ones over and want to whine about how bad things are I really don't care about your hypocritical "supposedly peaceful" protest.

Whites have broad brushed us with court decisions, congressional action and public policy. So you getting pissy about me stating a fact isn't going to move me.

How many black people have held the office of President Of The United States?
ANSWER: At least one.

How many white German-American Catholics have held the office of President Of The United States?
ANSWER: None...... Funny they make up a larger percentage of the US population than the blacks.

I really don't give a frak about the slights you think you perceive.



That story provide the full context. To hear daddy tell it his baby was gunned down for saying all lives matter. What this article shows is that this woman was with a group of people, one of which decided to use the n word upon seeing blacks. That's how the confrontation started. The blacks say black lives matter so she just had to respond with all lives matter after a member in her group made the slur. Both sides drew guns.

Had the blacks got killed, we would be reading every reason why those whites had the right to kill them.
But instead, it's a white person who got killed, and we're reading why the black person had NO right to kill her.
Any murder is a bad murder.
I decided to skip the hyper-partisan resources.
Here’s what I found.

SO how is your "non partisan" story any different or less disgusting???
That story provide the full context. To hear daddy tell it his baby was gunned down for saying all lives matter. What this article shows is that this woman was with a group of people, one of which decided to use the n word upon seeing blacks. That's how the confrontation started. The blacks say black lives matter so she just had to respond with all lives matter after a member in her group made the slur. Both sides drew guns.

Had the blacks got killed, we would be reading every reason why those whites had the right to kill them.

But there was no provocation from the black group so there would no right to kill them.. Logic/reason bud.. When a WORD gets you shot -- a word that it is ENSHRINED in urban language and culture by those rich hip hop magnates -- that's appalling...

And "all lives matter" is a DEBATE --- not a reason for killing...
The n word used by whites began the confrontation.

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If that's your justification for murdering someone then those people protecting their home in St Louis should have been able to mow the whole lot of protesters down for trespassing and threatening them.



I have not justified murder and whites have killed more than enough of us for no reason. You want to ignore what the whites did to start the confrontation. I refuse to do that. Had they not used the n word that woman would still be alive.


Looks like you're justifying murder over a word to me.


Whites don't seem to be much concerned with their own lives. Each weekend a hundred whites shoot each other too but you're so busy trying to denigrate blacks for opposing white supremacy that you don't care.
There is no such thing as white supremacy. There hasn't been for more than half a century. There a whole lot of back supremacy though.
I live in the same world you do.

Great song.
View attachment 363169

Obviously you don't since you paint all whites with such a broad brush.

Perhaps you should read some of my threads down in The Badlands.



I paint the picture as it is. So I won't be listening to whining about painting whites. Because if all lives matter, you don't bitch when blacks say their lives matter as much as anyone elses.

View attachment 363171

Then you won't mind my painting your movement as Burn Loot Murder.

What's the body count up to for black children being killed by your "somewhat peaceful" movement?

Before you try to deny they're casualties of BLM they are so long as it's happening during your "somewhat peaceful protests" without the members attempting to stop it or turn those responsible in.



Those aren't protesters those are the criminals who take over after dark. Where the hell are the cops?I should say where the hell were the cops because this is no longer going on at all


You don't want the police.

Looks like you need to... police the area yourself if you don't like the Burn Loot Murder(ers) being placed in your ranks.

Now quit whining about it and man up get out there and clean up your own mess.


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hat word started the conflict. Had that word not been said by the white person there would have been no tragedy. This is what racist trash like you can't understand. So let me break it down for you.

So -- if we hear cracker/honky and we're locked and loaded, we just have permission from you to pop them????

Whatdafuck you defending here?? You REALLY WANT a race war??
If somebody black uses that term in the faces of whites they are responsible for the consequences that come with it. Now fuck your race war bullshit. I'm tired of you bastards always trying to threaten somebody with a race war. I stated from the top that the killing was wrong, I am not going to keep repeating myself. If those whites had not used the n word that woman would still be alive. The fact that happened and she felt compelled to say all lives matter because the blacks responded to hearing the n word says something about her and it is not good.

And no matter how you twist it, the 2 words you used do not have the history of racial oppression as the n word.
hat word started the conflict. Had that word not been said by the white person there would have been no tragedy. This is what racist trash like you can't understand. So let me break it down for you.

So -- if we hear cracker/honky and we're locked and loaded, we just have permission from you to pop them????

Whatdafuck you defending here?? You REALLY WANT a race war??
If somebody black uses that term in the faces of whites they are responsible for the consequences that come with it. Now fuck your race war bullshit. I'm tired of you bastards always trying to threaten somebody with a race war. I stated from the top that the killing was wrong, I am not going to keep repeating myself. If those whites had not used the n word that woman would still be alive. The fact that happened and she felt compelled to say all lives matter because the blacks responded to hearing the n word says something about her and it is not good.

And no matter how you twist it, the 2 words you used do not have the history of racial oppression as the n word.

No see? The Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter was a conversation.. A lot RETARDED as a conversation in that form, but an attempt to state positions.. NOT something that should make you reach for a gun as the next point you want to make in that debate..
When killing is your FIRST RESORT for a slight -- you've lost the war... Simple -- all you defenders of the indefensible...
Whites lost the war 400 years ago then. The n word is more than a slight. So instead of understanding that the n word should not have been said either you want to ignore that and drop the white sermon about the n word just being a slight.
Whites lost the war 400 years ago then. The n word is more than a slight. So instead of understanding that the n word should not have been said either you want to ignore that and drop the white sermon about the n word just being a slight.
Let black rappers and other blacks quit using the N word, and then they can stop crabbing about it.
hat word started the conflict. Had that word not been said by the white person there would have been no tragedy. This is what racist trash like you can't understand. So let me break it down for you.

So -- if we hear cracker/honky and we're locked and loaded, we just have permission from you to pop them????

Whatdafuck you defending here?? You REALLY WANT a race war??
If somebody black uses that term in the faces of whites they are responsible for the consequences that come with it. Now fuck your race war bullshit. I'm tired of you bastards always trying to threaten somebody with a race war. I stated from the top that the killing was wrong, I am not going to keep repeating myself. If those whites had not used the n word that woman would still be alive. The fact that happened and she felt compelled to say all lives matter because the blacks responded to hearing the n word says something about her and it is not good.

And no matter how you twist it, the 2 words you used do not have the history of racial oppression as the n word.

No see? The Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter was a conversation.. A lot RETARDED as a conversation in that form, but an attempt to state positions.. NOT something that should make you reach for a gun as the next point you want to make in that debate..
Both sides reached for guns. The white claim of all lives matter is a disingenuous tactic being used to hijack BLM's call for justice. If all lives matter then you don't bitch when blacks are trying to bring an issue to the front that affects us.
So what's happening about the killer ? He/She is still at large ? They have find him, or this might happen again. Indiana is a death penalty state. That's what needs to happen, and don't drag it out over many years. Poke the POS.
Both sides reached for guns. The white claim of all lives matter is a disingenuous tactic being used to hijack BLM's call for justice. If all lives matter then you don't bitch when blacks are trying to bring an issue to the front that affects us.
Yeah. An "issue" like Affirmative Action.

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