Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

All lives matter!

Come and get me!
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses. That's why WHITE LIES don't matter.
the only thing that matters to you is race baiting and keeping the hate alive.

whether you're really believing all the crap you say or you're just a low brow howard stern shock jock, don't care.

you're a dick. and that goes above racial boundaries and into it's own DICK level.
I live in the same world you do.

Great song.
View attachment 363169

Obviously you don't since you paint all whites with such a broad brush.

Perhaps you should read some of my threads down in The Badlands.



I paint the picture as it is. So I won't be listening to whining about painting whites. Because if all lives matter, you don't bitch when blacks say their lives matter as much as anyone elses.

View attachment 363171

Then you won't mind my painting your movement as Burn Loot Murder.

What's the body count up to for black children being killed by your "somewhat peaceful" movement?

Before you try to deny they're casualties of BLM they are so long as it's happening during your "somewhat peaceful protests" without the members attempting to stop it or turn those responsible in.



Those aren't protesters those are the criminals who take over after dark. Where the hell are the cops?I should say where the hell were the cops because this is no longer going on at all

Why aren't the "protesters" denouncing the "criminals"? And the cops aren't there because that's what the "protesters" want.
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?
By liberal interpretation, if they support Blm they are associated with them.
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?
If this wasn't BLM, why isn't BLM making sure they're not associated with the violence?
I live in the same world you do.

Great song.
View attachment 363169

Obviously you don't since you paint all whites with such a broad brush.

Perhaps you should read some of my threads down in The Badlands.



I paint the picture as it is. So I won't be listening to whining about painting whites. Because if all lives matter, you don't bitch when blacks say their lives matter as much as anyone elses.

View attachment 363171

Then you won't mind my painting your movement as Burn Loot Murder.

What's the body count up to for black children being killed by your "somewhat peaceful" movement?

Before you try to deny they're casualties of BLM they are so long as it's happening during your "somewhat peaceful protests" without the members attempting to stop it or turn those responsible in.



Those aren't protesters those are the criminals who take over after dark. Where the hell are the cops?I should say where the hell were the cops because this is no longer going on at all

View attachment 363187

You don't want the police.

Looks like you need to... police the area yourself if you don't like the Burn Loot Murder(ers) being placed in your ranks.

Now quit whining about it and man up get out there and clean up your own mess.



Of course no Democrat supports criminals and looters, and of course you are totally misinformed and hater duped....
Of course no Democrat supports criminals and looters, and of course you are totally misinformed and hater duped....
Oh no, "Of course" not. Cops refrain from arresting traffic blockers, rioters, looters (in cities with Democrat mayors), because they LIKE all these things, and they even like having rocks & bottle thrown at them. "Of course". ha ha ha.:biggrin:

Of course, Democrats, in general certainly DO support criminals and looters, as evidenced by their consistent and continual allowance of it, by Democrat mayors and governors. If there was any doubt of that before, there is none now, after the May/June riots, looting, traffic blocking, in cities all over the country.

Prior to this, there were some examples of this callous disregard for crime (as long as it fed Democrat agenda), in some cities around the country. Now the phenomenon has become an obvious, national spectacle.

You walked straight into this. :rolleyes:
Of course no Democrat supports criminals and looters, and of course you are totally misinformed and hater duped....
Oh no, "Of course" not. Cops refrain from arresting traffic blockers, rioters, looters (in cities with Democrat mayors), because they LIKE all these things, and they even like having rocks & bottle thrown at them. "Of course". ha ha ha.:biggrin:

Of course, Democrats, in general certainly DO support criminals and looters, as evidenced by their consistent and continual allowance of it, by Democrat mayors and governors. If there was any doubt of that before, there is none now, after the May/June riots, looting, traffic blocking, in cities all over the country.

Prior to this, there were some examples of this callous disregard for crime (as long as it fed Democrat agenda), in some cities around the country. Now the phenomenon has become an obvious, national spectacle.

You walked straight into this. :rolleyes:
Total b*******. basically right wing police unions protect their bad apples and in Democratic cities just love making the mayor's look bad. They just left that precinct building and sat back and watched looters which was going a hell of a lot farther than the mayor's ever wanted them to.of course you'll never get the real story on your propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. Leaving the daytime protesters alone it's nothing like leaving the nighttime looters alone....
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?
If this wasn't BLM, why isn't BLM making sure they're not associated with the violence?
They do, you just don't hear about it on your ridiculous propaganda machine duh.
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?
If this wasn't BLM, why isn't BLM making sure they're not associated with the violence?
They do, you just don't hear about it on your ridiculous propaganda machine duh.
Okay, where do you hear it?
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
Of course no Democrat supports criminals and looters, and of course you are totally misinformed and hater duped....
Oh no, "Of course" not. Cops refrain from arresting traffic blockers, rioters, looters (in cities with Democrat mayors), because they LIKE all these things, and they even like having rocks & bottle thrown at them. "Of course". ha ha ha.:biggrin:

Of course, Democrats, in general certainly DO support criminals and looters, as evidenced by their consistent and continual allowance of it, by Democrat mayors and governors. If there was any doubt of that before, there is none now, after the May/June riots, looting, traffic blocking, in cities all over the country.

Prior to this, there were some examples of this callous disregard for crime (as long as it fed Democrat agenda), in some cities around the country. Now the phenomenon has become an obvious, national spectacle.

You walked straight into this. :rolleyes:
Total b*******. basically right wing police unions protect their bad apples and in Democratic cities just love making the mayor's look bad. They just left that precinct building and sat back and watched looters which was going a hell of a lot farther than the mayor's ever wanted them to.of course you'll never get the real story on your propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. Leaving the daytime protesters alone it's nothing like leaving the nighttime looters alone....

Dem mayors, dem city councils, for generations, and you people don't hold them to account for their failures, and keep reelecting the same people that have proven time and time again, to not give a damn about you.
All lives matter!

Come and get me!
White lives have always mattered more than anybody elses.
Must be true, each weekend a hundred Blacks shoot each other and you dont hear a peep from BLM about it.
Whites don't seem to be much concerned with their own lives. Each weekend a hundred whites shoot each other too but you're so busy trying to denigrate blacks for opposing white supremacy that you don't care.
And you whine when "we" post about a pretty blonde who turns up dead. YOU say we dont pay attention to black lives. You pretty much whine about anything whites do.
I don't whine. The use of that term on people who point out continuing white racism is racial gaslighting. The whites in this situation started the confrontation when they uttered the n word and you're crying because I pointed it it.
We'll put you in the corner that believes an innocent young white girl deserves to die because SOMEONE said a word you find offensive unless you are the one saying it.
Total b*******. basically right wing police unions protect their bad apples and in Democratic cities just love making the mayor's look bad. They just left that precinct building and sat back and watched looters which was going a hell of a lot farther than the mayor's ever wanted them to.of course you'll never get the real story on your propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. Leaving the daytime protesters alone it's nothing like leaving the nighttime looters alone....
Cops have been standing down in cities with Democrat mayors fro years now. You;re just finding out about it ? Or this is more Democrat BS, to make us laugh at.

In 2012, the Obama/Sharpton race hustle machine went to work forcing Sanford cops to arrest Zimmerman. In 2014, TV viewers watched looter calmly looting while cops did nothing. Everybody sat amazed in their living rooms, saying "Why didn't the cops stop this ? Where's the National Guard ?" They were many miles away from the rioting, put there by Democrat governor Jay Nixon, who like all other Democrat leaders, was giving the rioters "SPACE TO DESTROY".
In 2015, they coerced Stephanie Rawlings, then mayor of Baltimore to have her police stand down, even when riot punks were throwing rocks at them.

You want me to do WHAT ?? Say what ??



In JULY 2016, Democrat mayor Bob Buckhorn, had cops stand down, when Black Lives Matter blocked traffic in downtown Tampa for 2 hours. Temperature was 99 degrees, Humidity 93%. Imagine being in one of those blocked cars for 2 hours, and some of them didn't have air conditioning. Imagine being a pregnant woman in one of those blocked cars, trying to get to the hospital. Imagine being the baby about to be born.

Imagine being somebody badly bleeding in one of those cars, rushing to the ER. Imagine being in a burning building hoping the fire trucks get there soon (but they're blocked by BLM )

Countless incidents (real stories) like this in Democrat cities all over the country, continual through 2020, when "SUMMER OF LOVE" :lame2:Brain mayor of Seattle, Jenny "Dunce" Durkan pulled police out of their precinct building, and allowed protestor loons to take over a whole section of the city.

And we have Democrat Bill DeBlasio in New York defunding the police. Democrat Garcetti defunding police in LA. While city council of Democrats in Minneapolis voting to abolish police force entirely. All this, while Democrat candidate for POTUS, Joe Biden, calls for defunding of police (you're reading this right) Pheeeew!!

But some misguided individuals think they can wash all this (and much more I didn't mention) away, by some jibberish about police unions. Oh yeah, :right: :puhleeze::rolleyes:

Trump and Republicans need to come to the rescue of folks in this cities in dire straits, having the unfortunate fate of living under Democrat insanity (but then they voted for these lunatics, didn't they ?)


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You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
WHITEwash!!! :biggrin:
You don't want the police.

Looks like you need to... police the area yourself if you don't like the Burn Loot Murder(ers) being placed in your ranks.

Now quit whining about it and man up get out there and clean up your own mess.

Of course no Democrat supports criminals and looters, and of course you are totally misinformed and hater duped....

Where did I state that BLM supports criminals?

If you look closely I basically said they(>BLM) don't want the police so they need to get out there and do it themselves if they don't want the criminals to be considered within their ranks.

There's nothing hard about this...... Or...... Could it be???...... They fear for their own safety when it comes to apprehending those criminals themselves?


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Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?
Ever listen to a rap song ?
Of course no Democrat supports criminals and looters, and of course you are totally misinformed and hater duped....
Oh no, "Of course" not. Cops refrain from arresting traffic blockers, rioters, looters (in cities with Democrat mayors), because they LIKE all these things, and they even like having rocks & bottle thrown at them. "Of course". ha ha ha.:biggrin:

Of course, Democrats, in general certainly DO support criminals and looters, as evidenced by their consistent and continual allowance of it, by Democrat mayors and governors. If there was any doubt of that before, there is none now, after the May/June riots, looting, traffic blocking, in cities all over the country.

Prior to this, there were some examples of this callous disregard for crime (as long as it fed Democrat agenda), in some cities around the country. Now the phenomenon has become an obvious, national spectacle.

You walked straight into this. :rolleyes:
Total b*******. basically right wing police unions protect their bad apples and in Democratic cities just love making the mayor's look bad. They just left that precinct building and sat back and watched looters which was going a hell of a lot farther than the mayor's ever wanted them to.of course you'll never get the real story on your propaganda machine, brainwashed functional moron. Leaving the daytime protesters alone it's nothing like leaving the nighttime looters alone....

Dem mayors, dem city councils, for generations, and you people don't hold them to account for their failures, and keep reelecting the same people that have proven time and time again, to not give a damn about you.
they do the best they can for regular people under our now 40 year old ridiculous give away to the rich GOP dominance. Blacks know they do a lot worse under Republicans. They offer nothing but garbage propaganda and money for the rich, brainwashed functional moron. And usually a corrupt bubble and bust economic meltdown in the end.

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