Young people once for biden are going over to Trump

That’s because they’ve lost the young white male. They’ve been passed over for jobs, promotions, college spots, grad school spots, etc., etc., in order to give the opportunities to blacks, and mostly female blacks.
That’s because they’ve lost the young white male. They’ve been passed over for jobs, promotions, college spots, grad school spots, etc., etc., in order to give the opportunities to blacks, and mostly female blacks.
and if Fani and Letitia are examples of favoring Blacks in hiring (just bc they're Black??)

everyone, not just young white males should be appalled.
and if Fani and Letitia are examples of favoring Blacks in hiring (just bc they're Black??)

everyone, not just young white males should be appalled.
Americans who love this country, and want the best for it, ARE appalled. Selecting blacks based on skin color rather than merit means you end up with the best qualified only 12% of the time, and if you prioritize female blacks above all else, then only 6% of the time - and you get people like Fani, Leticia, the press secretary, the Chief of the SS, the VP, etc., instead of competent people.

Next thing you know….wheels will start flying off planes, roofs are left unguarded so an assassin can take a clean shot, mid-air collisions miss by a nose, even simple instructions at a bank or orders at restaurants constantly get screwed up.

Prioritizing 12% or 6% of the population for special advancement opportunities instead of just picking the best qualified is a sure-fire way to send a country into a decline. And if that isn’t fast enough, the Dems can always incentivize 10 million uneducated, semi-literate foreigners to come in and suck up tax-provided benefits.

Hard to figure out how stupid the Dems got, and so fast.

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