Youngkin Wins Thread

I think you should be asking the new governor for that information instead of expecting somebody on here to be his spokesperson. The bottom line remains, however, that Tmac dug his own hole and stepped in it when he said out loud that he didn't want parents to get in the way of the government schools' agenda. I know it's your narrative and an article of faith that it's all because of racism, but you're going to have to look beyond your narrow little world view if you ever hope to keep up.
I know that you folks still can't answer a simple question about his policy platform...because that is not what you care about...

But you can spend all day talking about something that doesn't exist.....which is CRT being taught to elementary kids...which it isn't......

Basically, CRT is just the name Willie Horton is going by in yes, it is always the fear of white replacement, it is always the racial paranoia that the GOP relies on to get votes.....

Because as you have evidenced on this damn sure wasn't the policies that motivated them...because your goofy ass can't even name any
It’s like when the lights get turned on and the cockroaches scurry.
As more elections reveal then the exterminator arrives.
I am loving the liberal contortions over last night. Make pretend feelings relegated back to the bullshit it always was.
I know that you folks still can't answer a simple question about his policy platform...because that is not what you care about...

But you can spend all day talking about something that doesn't exist.....which is CRT being taught to elementary kids...which it isn't......

Basically, CRT is just the name Willie Horton is going by in yes, it is always the fear of white replacement, it is always the racial paranoia that the GOP relies on to get votes.....

Because as you have evidenced on this damn sure wasn't the policies that motivated them...because your goofy ass can't even name any
Pure baloney and CRT and other fact absent hoaxes like this are being flushed
Pure baloney and CRT and other fact absent hoaxes like this are being flushed
What about American history triggers you the most??

The fact that Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort made in this country.....or something else?
I know that you folks still can't answer a simple question about his policy platform...because that is not what you care about...

But you can spend all day talking about something that doesn't exist.....which is CRT being taught to elementary kids...which it isn't......

Basically, CRT is just the name Willie Horton is going by in yes, it is always the fear of white replacement, it is always the racial paranoia that the GOP relies on to get votes.....

Because as you have evidenced on this damn sure wasn't the policies that motivated them...because your goofy ass can't even name any
I can't help but notice that you are far more obsessed with CRT than most anyone else I've seen, and CERTAINLY far more than me, because you continually accuse me of talking about CRT. Tell you what, find some quotes where I talked about CRT. Go ahead, I'll wait, for a little.

I've already told you where and when Youngkin's campaign took off, and it was when Tmac stepped in a pile of his own making.
Youngkin sent the Lincoln Project a fruit basket and the thank-you card.

Fruit........ BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The irony is mind-numbing.....

I love this guy already. Meanwhile the lincoln project continues to prove everything they touch turns to shit.... or is under 18.
I’m thinking that as libs loon wail, howl, deny and shriek at the sky Fauci well may cut their vocal chords.
What about American history triggers you the most??

The fact that Conservatives have been against every emancipation effort made in this country.....or something else?
It’s not fact portrayal of American history, it’s liberal feelings interpretation combined with feelings of how it could of or should have been.
It’s a liberal losing battle plan to impose today’s more enlightened mores on actions of 150 years ago and damn those actions, as if in the present moment, because they don’t match modern conditions. Thinkers know that and feelers clueless.
It's not my history...its OUR HISTORY...

Unless you aren't American....and maybe that's the problem...

Because I am American......and therefore, I ain't uncomfortable when American History is being taught....

honestly you guys are so full of it. LOLOL
I know that you folks still can't answer a simple question about his policy platform...because that is not what you care about...

But you can spend all day talking about something that doesn't exist.....which is CRT being taught to elementary kids...which it isn't......

Basically, CRT is just the name Willie Horton is going by in yes, it is always the fear of white replacement, it is always the racial paranoia that the GOP relies on to get votes.....

Because as you have evidenced on this damn sure wasn't the policies that motivated them...because your goofy ass can't even name any
Best post you ever made
Terry 'B...B...But Trump' McAuliffe got his ass beat as both Democrats and Republicans voted for the Conservative....

Sending Shockwaves through Marxist De.ocrats and snowflakes alike....and causing the Leftist Marxist surrogate fake news propaganda pushing media to have a complete meltdown athe board! board!


NJ was supposed to be a cake walk but it was close enough to scare the Marxist Extremists yo death....VA was a massive kick-ass bonus!

Comrade Democrats, your false people's mandate to turn the country into a 3rd-world Marxist hell-hole has been debunked/ revoked as the ideology and mandate of the far left extremists who took over the DNC was soundly rejected.

MN rejected the US Immigration Law-violating, brother-fucking squad member's insane attempt to defund / eliminate police officers...
- You Democrats can choose to follow the pro-Islamic terrorist, anti-Semitic, America-hating douch bag if you want, but she just proved she can only lead you to ruin...

The Red Wave has begun.

Last night proved Abrahams cannot save the Marxist Democrat agenda / ideology, Obama cannot save it, Biden cannot save it....

The mass majority of Americans have had quite enough of their shit...

A Shockwave was sent through every Democrat and snowflake last night....

Wait until you see 2022!

Best post you ever made
So no public school child has been told that American institutions are racist?

BTW - Official Virginia Dept of Education to help you with your answer:

Need more help?
CRT specifically stated:
Yes it does show just how power white ignorance really is. All of those people who believe American public primary, middle and high schools are teaching "Critical Race Theory" have proven that Republican voters are dumber than a sack of hammers.

One Republican voter said that "education" was the most important issue, and he didn't want kids being taught Critical Race Theory in schools. When asked what CRT is, the Republican said he didn't know enough about to offer an opinion, but he knew it was bad. When pressed as to what about CRT was bad, he didn't know, but he'd heard. If something is that important to him, why is this voter, not making an effort to find out what it is that he's opposing? Oh yeah. Because he's a Republican.

Youngkin was touting "charter schools" and "school choice" for parents, and banning CRT. What I heard is, "We're going to make sure that white kids don't have to go to school with black kids, or hear anything about America's sordid past". Because charter schools exist to marginalize poor kids. And CRT is NOT being taught in any Virginia school

Charter schools have been the destruction of American public education, because that's exactly what Republicans want to do. They want to end publically funded education in the USA, by making public education so bad, no one will want to use it but poor people. And we know who those people are.

None of the best education systems in the world are using charter schools. It's another "only in America" second tier nation initiatives. America's education system has declined in ranking since you started this nonsense of undercutting public education, and yet, like healthcare, you have the highest out of pocket costs in the first world.

Yeah, bull fucking shit.

Critical Race Theory = Mein Kampf with whites assuming the role of the Jews.

Critical Theory is the Marxist rhetoric that all humanity is divided between oppressors and the oppressed. Traditionally the middle class, or Bourgeoisie were scapegoated as the oppressors.

With critical RACIST theory, the roles are recast where Der Juden (whites) are the oppressors and colored people (POC) are the oppressed. So a white person working at McDonalds for $17 an hour is oppressing slave owner LeBron due to skin color.

You're butt hurt that you were exposed as the racist fucks you are, seeking to recreate the holocaust staring whites as "DA JOOOZZZ" but parents somehow didn't like you telling their 1st graders to hate themselves for the color of their skin. :boohoo:
No, both sides don't do this...

I listed what both sides DON'T do and you haven't refuted a single thing I said yet.....

There is no time in history where one side stormed a state capitol or US capitol to try the overturn an outcome of an election based on nothing but outright lies....

I take that back....this has happened a couple of times in the past....but you will have to go back to the early days after the Wilmington insurrection...where angry white Democrats stormed the government, burned businesses, including the city's only black newspaper, killed up to 300 people....and do you think they did it because the winning candidates were too conservative or too progressive??

Lie much, Herr Nazi?
This is the exact shit why they lost.

People are sick of it
That's right. People are sick of it.

The identity politics has got to stop. But if it doesn't, it will be to the demise of the Democratic Party.

Here is Youngkin tonight on Tucker. Youngkin said during the campaign, that "we are all equal under the eyes of God."

That's right. Equal.

I will love you like my Brother or Sister, as long as you are a good person. I could not care less what color skin you happened to be born with; you can't change that. All you can change is your behavior.

We are all of the human race. Let's start acting like it. If you treat me differently because of my skin color, it is you that has the problem, and things are not going to end well for you.




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