~Your Cell Phone~


May 13, 2011
Most people have one, if you don't, I reckon this thread wouldn't interest you~
But, I'm curious, what cell phone do you have??
NO, I'm not asking for your number or even your provider, which cell phone do you use??
I got a Droid2 and it's pissing me off....I am having some difficulty dealing with the touch screen, and you barely touch it, and it goes whizzing by ~LoL~
I have to get used to it....I have been using a flip open phone, which I was quite happy with, but my son thinks I have to be up to date with technology *haha*
So, anyone else have the Droid2??
If so, care to give pointers??
I wish I had went with the Blackberry now....but oh well.....
T-Moble My Touch 4G phone by HTC

I do not have Internet at my house.

I use my phone as a hotspot for my laptop in my house.

Plus my phone also has Internet on it as part of the package.

This phone is so good that I can be on the Internet while talking to someone on the phone and texting someone else.
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I have internet on my Droid too.....I had it with my last phone even. That was one of the things I liked with my package, I can check my emails wherever I go, and I can read posts on forums and search google and other stuff. I wish they would stop coming out with all this new fancy stuff. I probably use the computer on my phone more than I do my home computer :)
I have Dragon "speech to text"on my phone.

I always hated pushing the buttons to spell out my text because it always took so long.

Now I just talk and the Dragon software converts it to text. :cool:
Most people have one, if you don't, I reckon this thread wouldn't interest you~
But, I'm curious, what cell phone do you have??
NO, I'm not asking for your number or even your provider, which cell phone do you use??
I got a Droid2 and it's pissing me off....I am having some difficulty dealing with the touch screen, and you barely touch it, and it goes whizzing by ~LoL~
I have to get used to it....I have been using a flip open phone, which I was quite happy with, but my son thinks I have to be up to date with technology *haha*
So, anyone else have the Droid2??
If so, care to give pointers??
I wish I had went with the Blackberry now....but oh well.....

I have a Samsung Gravity 3 from T-Mobile. I really don't require my phone to do more than make calls and sometimes text, so it was the simplest phone T-Mobile had available. It slides open to show a mini-keyboard, which makes texting easier and faster. I hate texting, so I appreciate having it be as pain-free as possible when I have to do it. I don't bother to pay for Internet access on it.
Most people have one, if you don't, I reckon this thread wouldn't interest you~
But, I'm curious, what cell phone do you have??
NO, I'm not asking for your number or even your provider, which cell phone do you use??
I got a Droid2 and it's pissing me off....I am having some difficulty dealing with the touch screen, and you barely touch it, and it goes whizzing by ~LoL~
I have to get used to it....I have been using a flip open phone, which I was quite happy with, but my son thinks I have to be up to date with technology *haha*
So, anyone else have the Droid2??
If so, care to give pointers??
I wish I had went with the Blackberry now....but oh well.....

I have a Samsung Gravity 3 from T-Mobile. I really don't require my phone to do more than make calls and sometimes text, so it was the simplest phone T-Mobile had available. It slides open to show a mini-keyboard, which makes texting easier and faster. I hate texting, so I appreciate having it be as pain-free as possible when I have to do it. I don't bother to pay for Internet access on it.

My BlackBerry is both touch screen and has a slide up keypad too. Best phone eva!
I got the iPhone 3GS about two years ago. I've got the text and data plan as well. Definitely a lot better than the Samsung I used to have. I'll probably consider upgrading to the iPhone 4 in July when my next upgrade comes up.
I use my keyboard feature a lot when I text, but I still have to say, the touch screen still wants to slide the hell away from me!
What I really like most about my cell, besides being able to call and text, is being able to check emails and get online......makes life a little bit easier (I said a little bit) ~LoL~
Dabs see if you can download the Dragon speech to text app.

It is the best thing since sliced bread. :eusa_angel:
Most of the time my kids won't answer a phone call but they will answer a text.

I used to hate texting because it took so long to spell out all of the words.

Now I just speak into my phone and it types out my sentences.

The app was free for my phone.

But even if it cost $10 it's well worth it
Most of the time my kids won't answer a phone call but they will answer a text.

I used to hate texting because it took so long to spell out all of the words.

Now I just speak into my phone and it types out my sentences.

The app was free for my phone.

But even if it cost $10 it's well worth it

Ahh...sounds cool Sunni *smiles*
traded in my blackberry for an iPhone.

i love my iPhone.

i hated the blackberry.
Most people have one, if you don't, I reckon this thread wouldn't interest you~
But, I'm curious, what cell phone do you have??
NO, I'm not asking for your number or even your provider, which cell phone do you use??
I got a Droid2 and it's pissing me off....I am having some difficulty dealing with the touch screen, and you barely touch it, and it goes whizzing by ~LoL~
I have to get used to it....I have been using a flip open phone, which I was quite happy with, but my son thinks I have to be up to date with technology *haha*
So, anyone else have the Droid2??
If so, care to give pointers??
I wish I had went with the Blackberry now....but oh well.....

I am telepathic.

There is no need for anything as quaint as a cell phone.
Most people have one, if you don't, I reckon this thread wouldn't interest you~
But, I'm curious, what cell phone do you have??
NO, I'm not asking for your number or even your provider, which cell phone do you use??
I got a Droid2 and it's pissing me off....I am having some difficulty dealing with the touch screen, and you barely touch it, and it goes whizzing by ~LoL~
I have to get used to it....I have been using a flip open phone, which I was quite happy with, but my son thinks I have to be up to date with technology *haha*
So, anyone else have the Droid2??
If so, care to give pointers??
I wish I had went with the Blackberry now....but oh well.....

I am telepathic.

There is no need for anything as quaint as a cell phone.

Ok, what dirty thoughts am I thinking?? :lol:
I do not purchase stupidity..
I'm strange.

Well, I'm strange too...but which phone are you calling stupid??
Or are you calling all of them stupid...and all of us that use them??
For shame!

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