~Your Cell Phone~

Palm Pixi.

It's a piece of shit. Don't ever get a Palm phone - I've had a few, and they've all been pieces of shit.
I got it because it was free with a plan upgrade, and I need a smartphone for work - but I'll never get one again. I've had to replace it 3 times in the year that I've had it.
I use my keyboard feature a lot when I text, but I still have to say, the touch screen still wants to slide the hell away from me!
What I really like most about my cell, besides being able to call and text, is being able to check emails and get online......makes life a little bit easier (I said a little bit) ~LoL~

Call me old-fashioned, but I actually prefer having my electronic devices separate, rather than trying to get one to do everything. I probably wouldn't even own a cellphone, since I really dislike telephones in general, except that I have two adult males, a teenager, and a toddler to keep track of. Being out of touch for more than an occasional, short period of time would be too difficult.

I own an iPod Classic, which I purchased years ago as a truck driver when the godawful roads in California killed three CD players in a row. I'm perfectly happy not having my phone ALSO playing my music.

I own a laptop for those occasions when I expect to need the Internet without being at home, but mostly I'm perfectly happy to wait until I get home.
any sm biz that entertains crisis management needs immediate contact, thus the c-phone

but i don't hear so well, especially when driving, and the things are about the size of a ciggy lighter, so i can't read anything either

when are wifi enabled sunnies going to come out w/ speakers in the ear pieces?

traded in my blackberry for an iPhone.

i love my iPhone.

i hated the blackberry.

What do you like specifically about the iPhone ?

ease of use. it's intuitive. if you think something should work a certain way it usually does because they thought about how people do things and how they process information. even the texting is easier. your part of the conversation is highlighted differently from what you're reading, so it's easier to process and read.

faster data access when online.

the camera is so much better than the one on the blackberry, i can't believe it.

that said, i don't do documents on my phone. i don't need to for work. if i did, i might prefer the blackberry ... and i say "might", not definitely... and it would only be for that.

as for the phone itself, i think the iPhone's is better and it's easier to dial and save/access contacts.
Further, why does every bit of electronica proliferating our lifestyles need a female voice?
I use my keyboard feature a lot when I text, but I still have to say, the touch screen still wants to slide the hell away from me!
What I really like most about my cell, besides being able to call and text, is being able to check emails and get online......makes life a little bit easier (I said a little bit) ~LoL~

Call me old-fashioned, but I actually prefer having my electronic devices separate, rather than trying to get one to do everything. I probably wouldn't even own a cellphone, since I really dislike telephones in general, except that I have two adult males, a teenager, and a toddler to keep track of. Being out of touch for more than an occasional, short period of time would be too difficult.

I own an iPod Classic, which I purchased years ago as a truck driver when the godawful roads in California killed three CD players in a row. I'm perfectly happy not having my phone ALSO playing my music.

I own a laptop for those occasions when I expect to need the Internet without being at home, but mostly I'm perfectly happy to wait until I get home.

I'm the same, I have a ipod touch for music but, because I use both my touch and my cell so much, I keep 'em separate to share out the battery life. I can't afford for my cell to die when I'm out.

The BlackBerry is by far the best for email, which I use a whole lot, it's robust (I've dropped this one several times and not a scratch on it), it has it's own messenger system and all my family - and most of my friends - use BlackBerry's so it's handy to keep in touch with everyone.

I used an iphone for a while but I really don't like touch screens without a keypad. Now I have the best of both worlds.
I use the cheapest service I could find...Staight Talk.

I am mostly satisfied with it.

I must say that telephonic communications is one area where competition and advances in technology really has worked to pretty much everybody's advantage.

If you're old enough to remember how much long distance used to cost back when we had to speak to an operator to make a LD call, you know exactly what I mean.
I use the cheapest service I could find...Staight Talk.

I am mostly satisfied with it.

I must say that telephonic communications is one area where competition and advances in technology really has worked to pretty much everybody's advantage.

If you're old enough to remember how much long distance used to cost back when we had to speak to an operator to make a LD call, you know exactly what I mean.

I know a few people who use that Straight Talk phone. And they love it!
So that's great for all who do have it.
On a lighter note, I have finally figured out how to work with my Droid2 very well :)
The touchscreen is very touchy, and so I find if I have to make a longer text, I slide out the keypad and use it that way. But when texting, and I want to say the word "fucking"..the damn thing kept changing it over to "ducking' ~LoL~
I finally figured out how to correct that problem..I use 'fucking' way more than I do 'ducking' ~LoL~

I was telling people..."You're ducking crazy" :lol:
I just use a nice little moto flip phone that has all kinds of features I do not use.
I use it as a phone and occasionally text with the grandchildren.
Strange how communication devices are helping end social skills.
Go to any gathering and see how many people are just sitting there with their heads bowed in prayer over their communications device.
I have an older blackberry curve and it annoys me to no end. My calls get cut off no matter where I am. I get good internet service with it usually if the ports keep up with the plug abuse but I've also had to replace it four times this year alone because of that. My husband has a touch screen something or other with a slide typing board. It also has hotspot. I am sure I would not like that because of the touch screen but I do want to upgrade. Once I do so the internet may not be the mystery it is yet to me. :lol:
T-Moble My Touch 4G phone by HTC

I do not have Internet at my house.

I use my phone as a hotspot for my laptop in my house.

Plus my phone also has Internet on it as part of the package.

This phone is so good that I can be on the Internet while talking to someone on the phone and texting someone else.

I have an LG Optimus V (V for Virgin Mobil, runs on the Sprint network), it's tethered via Quick Settings. I pay $25 per month for 300 minutes talk time with unlimited texting/messaging and internet.
I have an LG Optimus V (V for Virgin Mobil, runs on the Sprint network), it's tethered via Quick Settings. I pay $25 per month for 300 minutes talk time with unlimited texting/messaging and internet.

Wow...I have the Droid2 from Verizon, it's a Motorola. It's touchscreen plus keypad and I have unlimited texting, to anyone, whether they be Verizon or Sprint or AT&T.
I have 2000 anytime minutes.
Plus my calls on weekends and anytime after 9 p.m. are free.
It also has internet.
And I pay a whole lot more than $25 mind you :lol:
(I pay about $50)
I have an LG Optimus V (V for Virgin Mobil, runs on the Sprint network), it's tethered via Quick Settings. I pay $25 per month for 300 minutes talk time with unlimited texting/messaging and internet.

Wow...I have the Droid2 from Verizon, it's a Motorola. It's touchscreen plus keypad and I have unlimited texting, to anyone, whether they be Verizon or Sprint or AT&T.
I have 2000 anytime minutes.
Plus my calls on weekends and anytime after 9 p.m. are free.
It also has internet.
And I pay a whole lot more than $25 mind you :lol:
(I pay about $50)

$50 per month??? :eusa_eh:
I checked out their service recently and it would have been near $100 per month with the required internet fee and only 400 minutes. I have no idea how you're paying only $50.
I hate my fucking cell phone and leave the god awful thing turned off as much as possible.

Yep I pay for a phone for my convenience, not for everyone elses.

Damn teabaggers started sending me text messages. NOt sure how they got hold of my number. It is on the do not call list, perhaps politicians get that becuase they are exempt.
I have an LG Optimus V (V for Virgin Mobil, runs on the Sprint network), it's tethered via Quick Settings. I pay $25 per month for 300 minutes talk time with unlimited texting/messaging and internet.

Wow...I have the Droid2 from Verizon, it's a Motorola. It's touchscreen plus keypad and I have unlimited texting, to anyone, whether they be Verizon or Sprint or AT&T.
I have 2000 anytime minutes.
Plus my calls on weekends and anytime after 9 p.m. are free.
It also has internet.
And I pay a whole lot more than $25 mind you :lol:
(I pay about $50)

$50 per month??? :eusa_eh:
I checked out their service recently and it would have been near $100 per month with the required internet fee and only 400 minutes. I have no idea how you're paying only $50.

There are 3 of us on the plan, we get a discount :)

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