Your Chance to Meet William Joyce

Separation of races is Unconstitutional and ILLEGAL when forced. This group is all about JUST that.

"When forced," eh? What about when not forced? And what do you think of forced integration that goes against the will of everyone but the bureaucrats?
"When forced," eh? What about when not forced? And what do you think of forced integration that goes against the will of everyone but the bureaucrats?

People should be free to associate with whatever group that they like. If they want to limit themselves to associate with just one race, so be it.

I think that bussing and forced integration was needed years ago. Descendants from poor slaves did not have the same opportunity to live in good neighborhoods and attend the richer better public schools that descendants from rich slave owners had. We needed to give the Blacks a chance to have a real equal opportunity.

Now that time has passed. There have been reverse discrimination and special programs (including forced bussing) to help Blacks catch up. We have the EEOC and other things too. It is time for such racial things to end.

Without forced integration there might be “natural segregation”. If such is the case, so be it.
People should be free to associate with whatever group that they like. If they want to limit themselves to associate with just one race, so be it.

I think that bussing and forced integration was needed years ago. Descendants from poor slaves did not have the same opportunity to live in good neighborhoods and attend the richer better public schools that descendants from rich slave owners had. We needed to give the Blacks a chance to have a real equal opportunity.

Now that time has passed. There have been reverse discrimination and special programs (including forced bussing) to help Blacks catch up. We have the EEOC and other things too. It is time for such racial things to end.

Without forced integration there might be “natural segregation”. If such is the case, so be it.

Yes that is acceptable, but that is NOT what Joyce and his buddies want. The ultimate goal is the elimination by any means needed of all undesirables from this country. Anyone of color and anyone that isn't white enough.
Yes that is acceptable, but that is NOT what Joyce and his buddies want. The ultimate goal is the elimination by any means needed of all undesirables from this country. Anyone of color and anyone that isn't white enough.

I am probably a better authority on 'what I want' than you are. What I want is for my people to live in peace. Every other race and ethnicity gets rights. Whites should, too, don't you think?

Let me ask you a question, RGS. What do you think of Israel?
I am probably a better authority on 'what I want' than you are. What I want is for my people to live in peace. Every other race and ethnicity gets rights. Whites should, too, don't you think?

Let me ask you a question, RGS. What do you think of Israel?

What rights don't whites have?
are we ever gonna talk about hate crimes committed against whites?

and racism against whites, or is it too easy to gang up on one person, and not deal with the real issue
are we ever gonna talk about hate crimes committed against whites?

and racism against whites, or is it too easy to gang up on one person, and not deal with the real issue

the real issue is the agenda of this organization. Do you know anything about it?
RGS and MM are stretching it. Just because you show up at an event does not mean that you agree with the people at the event. You are not guilty merely due to association. I’ve been to anti-abortion rallies just out of curiosity. I’ve visited Planned Parenthood events. I’ve seen Republican rallies and Democrat rallies.

I have a copy of the Communist Manifesto. That does not mean that I’m a communist. If someone that I know sees me at an anti-abortion meeting and concludes that I’m anti-abortion, then that is his erroneous conclusion (fallacious leap in logic). I would not know what he thinks of my being there unless he brings it up. If he were to do so, then I might explain why I was there. It is as simple as that.

I think that you know my sentiment on the issue. Yet, if the event were held further south, I might be interested in seeing what they have to say.

I disagree. People are judged guilty by association every day in this country, erroneous conclusion or not. Apparently, you have to register to attend. Aside from the junkmail you probably can't run far enough to get away from, you are in fact allowing an organization with a specific agenda to list you as an attendee.
The simple right to live as a group, in peace, amongst our own, and keep out those who would do us harm. That, I think, is the most basic right. And we don't have it.

Most people do have that right. I have that right. I live as a member in several groups (family group, work group, community group, etc.) I live with them in relative peace and understanding. Concerning the notion of keeping out those who would do us harm is hard to do ahead of time. You don’t know who would do you harm until that that person has done you harm.

If you are so paranoid and concerned, I think that there are still some private gated exclusive communities available to people like you. Be careful, though. Many assaults occur in which the victim and assailant have been acquaintances or even relative.
Well, as of last night, the protestors did not shut down our conference.

I was there.

Those protestors sure were hate-filled. I like how the Hispanic one talked about "his community." What the fuck about MY community, bud?

There were angry protestors. Big deal. There are bitter and angry protestors at Planned Parenthood offices and clinics. There are protestors at Democrat conventions and speech rallies. Were you there to watch the protestors or were you there to have a meeting?
No, I'm not a public figure. But I am not, as some have accused me, someone who never leaves the house in pursuit of the issues I care about. If you would like to meet me, I will be at this conference:

I am happy to arrange a lobby meeting of some kind if you'll be there. You will have to be registered at the conference before I can talk to you, but believe me, it will be a great conference. Hope to see you there!

= visit the chicken-shit primate cage at coward zoo.
No, I'm not a public figure. But I am not, as some have accused me, someone who never leaves the house in pursuit of the issues I care about. If you would like to meet me, I will be at this conference:

I am happy to arrange a lobby meeting of some kind if you'll be there. You will have to be registered at the conference before I can talk to you, but believe me, it will be a great conference. Hope to see you there!

= visit the chicken-shit primate cage at coward zoo.

says the chicken shit internet tough guy
That's a bit of a reach, RGS. Posting a link to a political event, on a message board dedicated to politics, is hardly the kind of advertising that you're alluding to. It's no different than posting a link to a candidate's fundraising event.

Where it becomes "advertisement", is when the poster is soliciting for personal profit or personal gain.

I can completely see how an admitted Authoritarian such as yourself would see this as a golden opportunity to push for censorship, though.

So if someone wants to link to NAMBLA and claim a political agenda you do not mind? How about White supremists sites that are "getting out" the vote? The KKK?

Separation of races is Unconstitutional and ILLEGAL when forced. This group is all about JUST that. Their "politics" are about how they can force non whites and unacceptable whites into enclaves while they ensure the correct white man runs the Country and only white men are in high office. No Representation for anyone not of the right color or proper breeding. Their ultimate goal being to cleanse the country of all non whites and all whites that are not of the proper breeding.

All illegal activities, unconstitutional and repugnant to any sane person.

Excuse me if I do not appreciate advertising this garbage as if it were above board and mainstream. Forgive me if I made the mistake of thinking this board had some standards of right and wrong.

That you think it is ok for him to openly recruit on this board is unbelievable.
The irony....

ALL of this shit is being done by the bureaucracy against white people.

How do you think the demographics changed so dramatically in every community in such a short time?
No, I'm not a public figure. But I am not, as some have accused me, someone who never leaves the house in pursuit of the issues I care about. If you would like to meet me, I will be at this conference:

I am happy to arrange a lobby meeting of some kind if you'll be there. You will have to be registered at the conference before I can talk to you, but believe me, it will be a great conference. Hope to see you there!

= visit the chicken-shit primate cage at coward zoo.

says the chicken shit internet tough guy

I'm not the one pants-pissing afraid of skin color, champ.
No, I'm not a public figure. But I am not, as some have accused me, someone who never leaves the house in pursuit of the issues I care about. If you would like to meet me, I will be at this conference:

I am happy to arrange a lobby meeting of some kind if you'll be there. You will have to be registered at the conference before I can talk to you, but believe me, it will be a great conference. Hope to see you there!
Crawling Behind Cripples

Some Whites are more equal than others? Until you rens eliminate birth privileges, we'll continue down the drain. And if you want a true Cognitive Elite instead of bootlicking brainwashed conformists, pay students a higher salary in college than they can expect to get anywhere else at that age.

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