Your Iowa Predictions. Within Five Points. Does It Look Like Cruz/Rubio/Trump?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:dance::clap::clap::clap: At least one of us will come close, but what if there is a completely different outcome than the media is predicting? It does look like Cruz is going to win and then we have Trump and Rubio fighting for second place. Will there be a "Trump Upset" and a "Rubio Surprise" ??
Lets start making our predictions early, and you can always update it as we get closer to the Iowa Crocus in two weeks.
Now here is an example for those of you who can't do math {like most Democrats}.
1) Cruz 33.33 %
2) Rubio 32.34%
3) Trump 24.4%
4) Christie 18.9 %
5) Bush 00.042%

In two weeks we will have a winner and he/she will win 18.6 Trillion Dollars !!!!
IF they cut taxes and do more nation building that debt will go to 25 billion before their first term is up. Our country will be in another depression as our infrastructure falls into rivers and we don't lead in shit anymore.

Of course you don't give a damn if we become a central American shit hole...

My guess is trump will win it with 32%, Cruz 28%.
i cant make any prediction yet,,,but Cruz around 32/35 seems realistic,,,but i have a feeling trump and rubio will be close numbers.
Not Reality:

Rubio win Iowa and New Hampshire and Trump win South Carolina and Nevada making it a Rubio and Trump race and Cruz is deported back to Canada and Canada declares war on us for not keeping their mental midget!

( Sarcasm )


Trump could be the GOP Nominee and he win Iowa by a slim margin over Rubio and Cruz finishes third.
IF they cut taxes and do more nation building that debt will go to 25 billion before their first term is up. Our country will be in another depression as our infrastructure falls into rivers and we don't lead in shit anymore.

Of course you don't give a damn if we become a central American shit hole...

My guess is trump will win it with 32%, Cruz 28%.

^^^ why the left should leave math to Conservatives.
Iowa: Cruz, Trump, Rubio about four points distance between each candidate

Iowa: Clinton and Sanders - dead tie
IF they cut taxes and do more nation building that debt will go to 25 billion before their first term is up. Our country will be in another depression as our infrastructure falls into rivers and we don't lead in shit anymore.

Of course you don't give a damn if we become a central American shit hole...

My guess is trump will win it with 32%, Cruz 28%.

^^^ why the left should leave math to Conservatives.
You mean like the unskewed polls you idiots pushed in 2012?
Cruz 33% Trump 25% Tickle Me Elmo 23% Oscar The Grouch 18% Jebby 2% Sarah Palins Left Breast 8 votes.
Romney is going to win in a landslide!

Rove is running around on the Fox set with his eyes like he tooted Chapo's latest shipment in three seconds.

Even my son, who follows this stuff only lackadaisically, telephoned me three days before the election. "Sandy froze Mitt just when he started getting traction. Obama gets to look president, he gets a hug from Christie, and Romney stands there frozen. We will lose by three points at least."
Trump is going to win Iowa. Around 25 percent.

Cruz will be a very close second.

Rubio will score about 15 percent.
I suspect the evangelicals will give Cruz the advantage and the win however if he and Trump continue to go after each other I can see Rubio slipping in and taking it.

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