Your List.Questions That Likely Will And Will Not Be Asked Of Hillary Clinton. CNN Debate.

It is not gonna be a debate. It's going to be a Hill-Beast policy infomercial where Sanders closes it out by licking the bottom of her shoe.
It is not gonna be a debate. It's going to be a Hill-Beast policy infomercial where Sanders closes it out by licking the bottom of her shoe.
Hillary, being you never poll more than 32 per-cent, why wont u just bow out gracefully?

If she wins the Democratic Primary..she will be America's next President.

None of the clowns currently in the running at the Republican circus has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the general election.
What SHOULD Be Asked:

1. Why did you sell Putin 1/5th of the US Uranium supply?

2. Why did you try to sell Russia part of the aleutian Islands, to include their mineral rights, to Putin?

3. Why did you, as Sect of State, protect a foreign donor from punishment as he violated US Sanctions on Iran by delivering outlawed material to them?

4. Why did you hire an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect the now DEAD US Ambassador Stevens?

5. Knowing about the pending terrorist attack on 9/11/12, knowing Al Qaeida had called for his assassination in retaliation for the death of one of their leaders month earlier, and knowing his compound was attacked twice already weeks earlier, you still descreased the number of US Security team members before the attack then blamed the GOP for cutting the budget....
- Couldn't you have made cuts to security details in safer countries, like Australia, Canada, etc., instead of where sworn attacks were coming?
- Why didn't you just take Stevens out of there until after the anniversary of 9/11/01 was over / until it was safer?

6. Why did you and the WH modify the CIA report calling this a terrorist attack 13 times, removing all references to 'terrorism' from the report, before releasing it?

7. Whose idea was it to falsely blame the video? Who specifically put Rice up to lying the next morning on the Sunday talk shows, and why did you go along with it?

8. We know Obama was not in the WAR Room during the attack, according to 'Doogie' who was seemingly running the country during the attack from there himself, so where the hell were you and Obama the 12 hours this all went down? The WH, Obama, the State Department, nor you have ever said...

9. The CIA testified that they notified YOU within an hour of the attack beginning that this was a terrorist attack. So why then, testifying after they did, did you claim you had no idea if this was a terrorist attack or a protest...before demanding to know why such a point mattered?

10. Why was your server, with highly classifed information on it, found in the BATHROOM of a small IT Company? Is this what you call 'secure'?

11. Why did you reveal the name of a CIA operative?

12. Do you think a woman who has proven she can't be trusted with handling classified information, whose judgement is this bad, whose credibility is shot (60% of the country saying you are the least trustworthy of ALL candidates), and who is so technology challenged (stupud) that you have no idea how to run multiple e-mails off 1 device (encrypted blackberry) SHOULD EVER BE PRESIDENT...and if so, WHY?

13. Why are you taking campaign donations from nations that arm/finance/support terrorists, who oppress women - treating them like property (while claiming to be a womens'rights advocate), that engage in female genital mutilation, and that horribly murders homosexuals? Why won't you release the full list of your donors? What are you further hiding?

14. If you do become President, once your time is over and it's time to leave the WH, WHAT WILL YOU STEAL FROM THE WH ON THE WAY OUT THAT YOU DID NOT STEAL LAST TIME?

Most of those questions have already been proven to be nothing more than partisan accusations with no wrong doing on Hillary's part.
It is not gonna be a debate. It's going to be a Hill-Beast policy infomercial where Sanders closes it out by licking the bottom of her shoe.
Hillary, being you never poll more than 32 per-cent, why wont u just bow out gracefully?

Here's a spy-vid of Bernie practicing for the debate...........(Bernie is the one with extended tongue.....)

I'm sure all the brainless rubes would like the debate to be all about their tabloid bullshit instead of about issues that actually matter.
This is a Clinton vs. Sanders debate and I think Sanders is going to score some points.

Any questions about the email bullshit and the Benghazi bullshit will put Clinton on the defensive. Sanders has no manufactured scandals pushing him off balance. He gets to stay on message all night, while Clinton will always have a part of her brain trying to remember her canned responses to Benghazi and the emails.

However, McCarthy handed Clinton a Get Out Of Benghazi Free card last week.

Those issues will probably be raised right out of the gate and thus will get them out of the way.

Then Hillary has to deal with the ingrained habit of most politicians: triangulation. Trying to answer a question without answering. Being against the TPP while being for it but really being against it for the moment. Saying she will combat ISISBOOMBAH by saying how tough it will be to fight ISIS and how a seasoned hand is needed to guide us through the mess, and never saying exactly what she will do about ISISBOOMBAH. Then the usual "tax the rich more" pablum.

I think the only person so far who has said exactly what they would do about ISISBOOMBAH is Carly Fiorina. All the others are too chickenshit to commit to anything. Carly, though, said she would kick ISIS in the nuts, blast them with a bazooka, then smoke some cigarettes.

Sanders is a lot like Donald Trump. He has no filter. He doesn't triangulate. He just tells it the way he sees it from his perch in the Loony Tree. He's going to go down smooth with the Democratic voters who are just as sick of Establishment candidates as the Republican voters are.

Sanders differs from Trump in that he doesn't soften up later. He stays entirely on message. Sanders has been waiting his entire life to have the giant megaphone he has just been handed. And the country is at a point where they are ready to listen to the weird old geezer.

"I thought they said this guy was crazy."
There's really no need to watch the Democrat debate. It will be very dull and boring. Just like watching a bunch of old folks at an old folks home. Hillary will be pass gas. Donald Trump has already said that without his being there it will be really boring.
It's funny to watch CNN hype and salivate over the possibility that Biden "may" show up. They even have a lectern in place for him. I am finding Biden more and more disgusting and creepy.

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