Your Opinion/Thoughts. What Are Joe Biden's Most Feared/Unexpected Questions? No Wonder He Wont Speak To Anyone.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Will the smartest Democrat on earth ever come out of his mousehole for questions? have a chat with Chris Wallace or Sean Hannity?
We all know that he's hiding a number of things from us 300 Million People. He cannot continue being a little tit-mouse hiding in his hole forever!
So, my conservative friends here. What do you think are his 3 to 10 most feared questions?
Most of us know what they are, but just for fun, what do you all think they are?
i know at least two in the top five,,but they are a bit graphic, and just cant talk in an R rated manner being we may have children here under the age of 27
Will u release trump phone records while he was in office ?

Will u have the AG suppress any investigation of the former president

Will u continue building the wall that Trump promised

Will u disinfect the white house prior to taking office

will u require trump to wear a mask by issuing an executive order

inquiring minds want to know
when u grab Ivanka's butt do u clear your mind.

Senator Biden, why would someone as credible as the actress "Tara Reed" make up a story that you {fill in the blank} your {fill in the blank} into her {fill in the blank} ??
Joe what is your middle name?

Joe: Ah well ah you see, let me tell you a story about the time I almost had to pilot an air force C130.
Most feared question? That is easy.

"Joe, what is your name", long pause follows
"starts with a J", another long pause
"ends with an e", another pause
"there is an O in the middle Joe",

Biden responds, "joe"
What is today?

What state are you in?

How many grandchildren do you have?

Who is your running mate?

How many fingers am I holding up?
Joe, what exactly are you watching on the net before you go to bed?
Biden will do just fine.

As long as he has a script to go by and the questions given to him in advance allowing his handlers to go ova with him....ova and ova again what he should say...but then he will forget, his train of thought will vanish aka like obama said...........never under-estimate joes ability to fuck everything up.
Biden will do just fine.

As long as he has a script to go by and the questions given to him in advance allowing his handlers to go ova with him....ova and ova again what he should say...but then he will forget, his train of thought will vanish aka like obama said...........never under-estimate joes ability to fuck everything up.
Chuckle. No. Apparently you didn't watch the debates. Or anything else for that matter for the time that Obama and Beiden were in office for 8 years.
Biden will do just fine.

As long as he has a script to go by and the questions given to him in advance allowing his handlers to go ova with him....ova and ova again what he should say...but then he will forget, his train of thought will vanish aka like obama said...........never under-estimate joes ability to fuck everything up.
Chuckle. No. Apparently you didn't watch the debates. Or anything else for that matter for the time that Obama and Beiden were in office for 8 years.

i was watching the night hillary was given the debate questions in advance.....I told those with me that she had been given the answers to the questsions in advance. It was obvious to me and it indeed turned out that Donna Brazille had indeed helped hillary cheat...and never suffered any repercussions for it fact she was given a job with fox news.
Will u release trump phone records while he was in office ?

Will u have the AG suppress any investigation of the former president

Will u continue building the wall that Trump promised

Will u disinfect the white house prior to taking office

will u require trump to wear a mask by issuing an executive order

inquiring minds want to know

Rather, one immediate question comes to mind... Mr. Vice President, did you enjoy grabbing Tara Reade's in your groping... Yes inquiring minds do want to know...
Biden will do just fine.

As long as he has a script to go by and the questions given to him in advance allowing his handlers to go ova with him....ova and ova again what he should say...but then he will forget, his train of thought will vanish aka like obama said...........never under-estimate joes ability to fuck everything up.
Chuckle. No. Apparently you didn't watch the debates. Or anything else for that matter for the time that Obama and Beiden were in office for 8 years.

i was watching the night hillary was given the debate questions in advance.....I told those with me that she had been given the answers to the questsions in advance. It was obvious to me and it indeed turned out that Donna Brazille had indeed helped hillary cheat...and never suffered any repercussions for it fact she was given a job with fox news.
mr biden, when a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound, or grope the nearest bear?

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