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Your solution to the ME crisis

Zionists like you are so funny with your Satanic prophecies and all, thanks for the entertainment. For a Christian like me who believes in Jesus teachings, I know it is the meek who shall inherit the land. And I frankly see the conflict as a test of God forward all the inhabitants of the land, with opportunities and choices to make, they each choose how they respond every single day to injustices they live with and in the midst of. And their choices effect their eternities. And that is what matters, individuals and their choices, not what government has power. Governments are controlled by Satan, all of them.

Sherri, as you claim you are a bible believing Christian I am going to give you some sound advice. You need to stop referring to the Hebrew prophets and the Old Testament as satanists and Satanism. You are grieving me to the core here. I don't know what your hangup on Satan is about but it has nothing to do with the Hebrew Prophets or the Torah so please for the love of G-d leave it alone.


I did not call the Prophets Satanic, learn to read. And stop putting your filthy words into my mouth. My opinion is that the best way to solve the conflict is by the people following the teachings of Jesus, for the people to turn from violence and hate. Not to follow the teachings of Zionists.

You said their prophecies were satanic therein implying they are satanists. Please stop it.
Doing the same thing over and over for three generations has not worked.

As long as parents teach their kids to hate and fear, kids will kill and die.

Bobby Kennedy noted in 1968 that if a third world war began, it would begin in the ME.

God is not on anyone's side, hence a Giant Building should be built in concert by Jews, Christians and Muslims which includes a sanctuary for each and a place of peace for all. It should also provide social services and an activity center wherein the youth of each religious order play with, compete with and get to know each other.
My solution would be to move Israel to somewhere like Canada or Australia that has some room to spare and have people who don't mind Jews.
Sherri, as you claim you are a bible believing Christian I am going to give you some sound advice. You need to stop referring to the Hebrew prophets and the Old Testament as satanists and Satanism. You are grieving me to the core here. I don't know what your hangup on Satan is about but it has nothing to do with the Hebrew Prophets or the Torah so please for the love of G-d leave it alone.


I did not call the Prophets Satanic, learn to read. And stop putting your filthy words into my mouth. My opinion is that the best way to solve the conflict is by the people following the teachings of Jesus, for the people to turn from violence and hate. Not to follow the teachings of Zionists.

You said their prophecies were satanic therein implying they are satanists. Please stop it.

Your prophecies, the prophecies of one who describes herself first and foremost as a Zionist, your interpretations of their words, is what I call Satanic. Get it straight, please. The Prophets did not write about Russia and modern day nations, all of those teachings are the teachings of Zionists, not the teachings of the Prophets, and not the teachings of Jesus. We solve the conflict by the people turning from violence, on both sides, and by people seeking justice and seeking to end human rights abuses and seeking to treat each other equally. It starts with the individuals working on fixing themselves and the people on their own side, dealing with their own shortcomings, doing what is right, treating each other right.
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My solution would be to move Israel to somewhere like Canada or Australia that has some room to spare and have people who don't mind Jews.

Move Israel to somewhere like Canada or Australia who don't MIND JEWS?????!!!!

Did you seriously just say that???!!
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I don't know that much about Christianity, because I know more about my own religion. I'm aware, also, that Christians give more weight to the New Testament than the Old. But I was always under the assumption, perhaps mistaken, that Christians study the Old Testament, at least somewhat, and believe in it, at least somewhat. So can you tell me, Sherri, how it is that you don't know or believe in the Old Testament at all? Was it all a mistaken assumption on my part?
Forever, I am the exception without doubt. I am an OT Christian, having studied OT for over 20 yrs hardly ever having read the New Testament in those first 20 years. I did later spend time studying NT.
I say it is impossible for a Christian to study the New Testament and understand it without reading the Old Testament thoroughly. I can't imagine it. Sherri's ignorance of the Hebrew prophets and what they had to say about Israel is disturbing to say the least.
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How can a christian understand the importance of Jesus Hebrew roots if they don't know the History of the Hebrews? Explain that one please!!

One more comment:

Granted anyone can hear the Gospel and become a believer but I am talking about getting to know Jesus and Who He is! It is like marrying a Jewish Rabbi and saying don't tell me about your family members because I can't stand the Jews! Can you imagine such ignorance?
Will Hamas, Hezballah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and etc.... EVER EXCEPT THE EXISTENCE OF ISRAEL?
Unfortunately, no. They won't. But after the first battle in which Israels neighbors, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Muslim brotherhood are driven out ( or perish ) there will be a 7 yr peace treaty made with Israel and half way through that period the treaty will be broken. Then the Russian led Islamic Army will march to the mountains of Jerusalem to make war against Israel.

Saigon has a great deal of knowledge about the middle east. I have no such abilities nor can I claim such knowledge. I only shared what the Hebrew prophets have to say about it. I have nothing else to add. Interesting discussion. Thank you.

Zionists like you are so funny with your Satanic prophecies and all, thanks for the entertainment. For a Christian like me who believes in Jesus teachings, I know it is the meek who shall inherit the land. And I frankly see the conflict as a test of God for all the inhabitants of the land, with opportunities and choices to make, they each choose how they respond every single day to injustices they live with and in the midst of. And their choices effect their eternities. And that is what matters, individuals and their choices, not what government has power. Governments are controlled by Satan, all of them.

.Not interested in your filthy distortions of my words or your filthy beliefs about my belief in Jesus. Frankly, I think it all goes back to your rejection of Jesus as Messiah and hate of Christians. You should read Matthew 23 and the Gospel of John Back to the thread, a tragic death occurred and a young child lost his mother.

For those who believe I am " trolling" I apologize. Everytime this Anti Semite talks about her " religion" and " jesus" I have to expose her for the Hypocrite that she is.

Like to see the Hypocrites reaction if anyone on the board referred to Muslims as being " Satanic". Talking about being " Satanic" proof has been offered that " Honor Killings" are MAINLY ( not all ! ) carried out among those in the Muslim Faith and she took offense! lol


Again, there are many religions who DON'T follow the Christian faith
I don't know that much about Christianity, because I know more about my own religion. I'm aware, also, that Christians give more weight to the New Testament than the Old. But I was always under the assumption, perhaps mistaken, that Christians study the Old Testament, at least somewhat, and believe in it, at least somewhat. So can you tell me, Sherri, how it is that you don't know or believe in the Old Testament at all? Was it all a mistaken assumption on my part?

Rejecting Zionism is not rejecting The Old Testatement. Christianity and Christians existed for 1800 years without Zionism. ZIONISM is the reason there is a conflict today in Palestine. The idea that one people can go and kick another people off their land and use God to justify it, there is certainly nothing whatsoever in the teachings of Jesus to justify this. Christians believe in Jesus and the teachings of Jesus, John 3:16 being a key verse. And back to the OP again, I think the Palestinians should keep practicing samud, standing on their land and staying on their land God gave them, where God placed them, and passionately embracing nonviolent resistance. And one day, the Injustice that is Occupation will end, God will reward their samud.
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The bottom line is, after 1900 years as a Scattered People, and after being slaughtered nearly to extinction in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, some sizable percentage of the world's nations and peoples figured that the Jews ought to have a homeland again...

And, given Palestine's tremendous Jewish history and ancient spiritual and legal claims, Palestine drew the short straw, to make room for that new Homeland...

It's not as if the existing residents were doing anything particularly remarkable with it anyway, and parking the Jews there seemed the lesser of various evils at the time...

Trouble is, it was done badly, by the fledgling United Nations, and some of its more bleeding-heart members, and those co-conspirators (co-founders) simply folded their tent and walked away from the situation before the job was done - leaving the principal players to go at each others' throats...

Had the UN possessed more teeth and courage at the time, it might have carved-out a very different future than they one those early UN types bequeathed to us...
The only solution is to just live. studying, working, fall in love, have kids.

That's what we know best of doing. this conflict doesn't design our lives. We do.

This is nothing but the reality. We manage this like we manage everything else in life.
How can a christian understand the importance of Jesus Hebrew roots if they don't know the History of the Hebrews? Explain that one please!!

One more comment:

Granted anyone can hear the Gospel and become a believer but I am talking about getting to know Jesus and Who He is! It is like marrying a Jewish Rabbi and saying don't tell me about your family members because I can't stand the Jews! Can you imagine such ignorance?

Christian Zionism was a creation of the 1800s and has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus and the teachings of Jesus. If The people in Palestine followed the teachings of Jesus, who said love your enemies, the conflict would be ended today. They cannot kill and love at the same time. http://whtt.org/newwhtt/main.php?nid=1122
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How can a christian understand the importance of Jesus Hebrew roots if they don't know the History of the Hebrews? Explain that one please!!

One more comment:

Granted anyone can hear the Gospel and become a believer but I am talking about getting to know Jesus and Who He is! It is like marrying a Jewish Rabbi and saying don't tell me about your family members because I can't stand the Jews! Can you imagine such ignorance?

Christian Zionism was a creation of the 1800s and has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus and the teachings of Jesus. If The people in Palestine followed the teachings of Jesus, who said love your enemies, the conflict would be ended today.

They cannot kill and love at the same time.

Unlike the Muslims who show their " love" for their tolerance of other Religions and " love their enemies?" lol
The bottom line is, after 1900 years as a Scattered People, and after being slaughtered nearly to extinction in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, some sizable percentage of the world's nations and peoples figured that the Jews ought to have a homeland again...

And, given Palestine's tremendous Jewish history and ancient spiritual and legal claims, Palestine drew the short straw, to make room for that new Homeland...

It's not as if the existing residents were doing anything particularly remarkable with it anyway, and parking the Jews there seemed the lesser of various evils at the time...

Trouble is, it was done badly, by the fledgling United Nations, and some of its more bleeding-heart members, and those co-conspirators (co-founders) simply folded their tent and walked away from the situation before the job was done - leaving the principal players to go at each others' throats...

Had the UN possessed more teeth and courage at the time, it might have carved-out a very different future than they one those early UN types bequeathed to us...

The UN only has the power its members give it, you cannot just blame the UN for the conflict. Back in 1947, the UN had only been in existence a few years. They had no resources to force the Partition Plan on the people in Palestine. When Israel was admitted as a member nation in 1949 after her representatives agreed to abide by the UN Partition Plan and the resolution calling tor the refugees to be allowed to return to their homes, the UN had no way to force Israel to abide by these agreements and resolutions which she has yet to do, after the passage of 64 years.
The bottom line is, after 1900 years as a Scattered People, and after being slaughtered nearly to extinction in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, some sizable percentage of the world's nations and peoples figured that the Jews ought to have a homeland again...

And, given Palestine's tremendous Jewish history and ancient spiritual and legal claims, Palestine drew the short straw, to make room for that new Homeland...

It's not as if the existing residents were doing anything particularly remarkable with it anyway, and parking the Jews there seemed the lesser of various evils at the time...

Trouble is, it was done badly, by the fledgling United Nations, and some of its more bleeding-heart members, and those co-conspirators (co-founders) simply folded their tent and walked away from the situation before the job was done - leaving the principal players to go at each others' throats...

Had the UN possessed more teeth and courage at the time, it might have carved-out a very different future than they one those early UN types bequeathed to us...

The UN only has the power its members give it, you cannot just blame the UN for the conflict. Back in 1947, the UN had only been in existence a few years. They had no resources to force the Partition Plan on the people in Palestine. When Israel was admitted as a member nation in 1949 after her representatives agreed to abide by the UN Partition Plan and the resolution calling tor the refugees to be allowed to return to their homes, the UN had no way to force Israel to abide by these agreements and resolutions which she has yet to do, after the passage of 64 years.

There are a few things that she doesn't mention because she has wished for the destruction of the JEWISH STATE many times

Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees:
International Law and Humanitarian Considerations
When Israel was created in 1948, Arab states and Arab Palestinians attacked the Jewish community in Palestine and the Jewish state, vowing to "drive the Jews into the sea." They lost the war however, and some 725,000 Arab Palestinians fled or were expelled from the area that became Israel. Thousands of Jews were displaced from areas conquered by the Arab forces as well, and some became refugees for a while.In December 1948, UN General Assembly Resolution 194 called for return of refugees who were willing to live in peace with their neighbors. Jewish refugees, including refugees from Palestinian Arab areas and hundreds of thousands of others expelled from Arab lands, were absorbed into Israel and did not claim refugee status. Arab refugees were placed in camps.

Palestinian Arabs claim that any peace agreement with Israel must allow the descendants and families of these refugees, numbering about 4 million, to return to Israel. This is the position adopted at present (2006) by the moderate Palestinian leadership of Mahmud Abbas, enunciated in the "moderate" Palestinian Prisoners' Document and presented as well by Palestinian negotiators at Taba in 2001: In the Palestinian "compromise" proposal, all refugees would return to Israel gradually. Jews would become a minority in their own state. Return of the refugees would put an end to Jewish self determination and the Jewish homeland, yet Arab Palestinians and their supporters insist that this solution is "justice" demanded by international law. This stand has been reiterated many, many times by "moderate" Palestinian officials

Which is exactly what the Pro Palestinian wants. If it can't be done from the outside ( A War) it will be done within

Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible;

Notable in this wording, is the fact that a "right of return" was not mentioned, and the reference to "refugees," rather than "Arab refugees" and "governments," rather than the government of Israel. This implies that the framers had in mind the rights of Jewish refugees in Palestine as well, and would also be applicable to Jewish refugees forced to flee Arab countries as a result of the conflict. The number of Jews were forced out of Arab and Muslim countries because of the conflict is about equal to the number of Arab Palestinian refugees.

The above also speaks of them wanting to live " At peace with their Neighbors" lol

Obviously, the above is not the entire post

Palestinian Refugees Right of Return - Zionism and Israel - Issues and Answers FAQ
How can a christian understand the importance of Jesus Hebrew roots if they don't know the History of the Hebrews? Explain that one please!!

One more comment:

Granted anyone can hear the Gospel and become a believer but I am talking about getting to know Jesus and Who He is! It is like marrying a Jewish Rabbi and saying don't tell me about your family members because I can't stand the Jews! Can you imagine such ignorance?

Christian Zionism was a creation of the 1800s and has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus and the teachings of Jesus. If The people in Palestine followed the teachings of Jesus, who said love your enemies, the conflict would be ended today. They cannot kill and love at the same time. We Hold These Truths -- A Strait Gate Ministry
Sherri, Jesus taught out of the Torah. 'Nuff said.

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