Your solution to the ME crisis

Kondor -

Israel: pay-off the Palestinians to leave what little is left of the West Bank and Gaza and let Israel consolidate their gains and make an end of all this. They're gonna do it anyway.

They are probably are going to do it anyway, but what pay-off do you think the Palestinians might accept? Egypt?

A 'pay-off / final settlement' amount per person and/or per family designed to pay for their departure and compensating for any provable loss of land and setting up of new homes in another country and enough to live on for a little while after they get there, as a helping hand to get them properly started with their new lives.

For some, it will be voluntary. For the less sane and practical, it will be forced. But it's coming. And it will be decisive. A game-changer and the only logical end to the madness given the history and the present state of affairs and the rapidly shrinking map of Palestine.

Where will the Palestinian residents of the West Bank go?

Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, the US, Europe, various Central and South American nations, etc. - as individuals and families rather than en masse - any country that will accept a number of them as refugees and applicants for citizenship - scattering the former population of former Palestine to the four winds forevermore. It's only 2-3 millions - manageable, if the Israelis, the UN, and various supporters put their minds to it.
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Lipush -

What about them?

There is simply no historical case for Israel to claims towns like Nablus or Ramallah, that Jews have never lived in. It would make no more sense that a Palestinian state claiming Qiryat Shemonah or Tel Aviv. I understand that it is difficult to give up Jericho, but no harder than it is for Palestinians to give up Akko, I would have thought.

I am not talking about Ramallah oe Nablus. I am talkinf about Amona. Tapuah. Yakir. Ariel. Ma'ale Rehavam, Hebron, Quityat Arba. All those places Jewa *do* have connection to and history.

I am talking about the hundreds of thousands of people in those areas.

There are hundreds of thousands of settlers, but most only have 5 -10 years of history of living in the area. Palestinian history in towns like Nablus goes back a millenium.

It is not fair nor logical to say that Asfar was settled by Jews in 2003, thus must be considered to be part of Israel in future.

The only towns in the West Bank with a long history of Jewish settlement are Jericho & Hebron, both of which I think Israel should give up, along with Israeli settlements deep in the WB, like Qiryat Arba.

Also,some of the areas you mention could be held by Israel as part of a trade off.

Give up Hebron?

LMAO. As if!

The settlers will open up an intifada which will put to shame all Palestinian riot through history if anyone even suggests it!
The Palestinians NEVER had a country as such and many of them are Jordanians...But even they don't want them back...

I think we should stop ALL aid to islamic countries...The peoples lives would then be even more miserable under the shariah and this would cause one of two things...They would either rise up and cast out the religious extremists that cause all the trouble there and everywhere else in the world, or they'd be killing one another because of the stupid way they think they want to live....
It's a win-win solution for all non muslims :eusa_whistle:

I've got a better plan...Why don't we get rid of Islam and 99% of the worlds problems will disappear....
Give up Hebron?

LMAO. As if!

The settlers will open up an intifada which will put to shame all Palestinian riot through history if anyone even suggests it!

If the alternative is the kind of semi-war that Israel has experienced for the past 20 years - maybe it is worth considering?

Any real peace settlement will hurt - and will hurt both sides.
Notice how Tinmore and Sherri couldn't offer a constructive solution. They just want to destroy Israel. BTW, Nablus used to be called Shechem, where Joseph's Tomb is located and where it was destroyed. Palestine was never an independent country, but neither was South Sudan, until last year. I say they should try out an independent West Bank, but without West Jerusalem and the Old City. It's enough that Israel is giving up the Biblical cities of Hebron, Bethlehem, Jericho, Shechem, Bethel, Shiloh, etc. The Arab town of Silwan, which was annexed to Jerusalem in 1967, can be their capital. Jerusalem is the heart-and-soul of the Jewish People. If there is even the slightest move of Palestine to let in the Iranians or take over the rest of Israel, the new Palestinian state should be destroyed.
Give up Hebron?

LMAO. As if!

The settlers will open up an intifada which will put to shame all Palestinian riot through history if anyone even suggests it!

If the alternative is the kind of semi-war that Israel has experienced for the past 20 years - maybe it is worth considering?

Any real peace settlement will hurt - and will hurt both sides.

Can you live without a soul?

Physically, of course you can, but won't be you an empty shell?

Can Israel live without Hebron, Jericho, Jerusalem?

It can, but what will it make of us?
I'd like to hear your solution to the ME crisis, so present your peace plan with as much or as little detail as you like.

I support a two-state solution, with a Palestinian state based on contigious borders including Gaza and around 85% of the West Bank. Israel would then cede an equivalent area of land bordering Gaza and the south of the West Bank close to the northern shore of the Dead Sea. Palestine would concede the Gilo area and land around East Jerusalem, but would maintain control over East Jerusalem proper.

Israel would accept limited right of return (e.g. 15,000 people per year for 10 years), but would be able to deport anyone committed to terror-related crimes. All migrants would need to swear allegiance to Israel, and could not be members of any terrorist organisation.

Palestine would recognise Israel, and would accept international inspectors at all borders and airports for 10 years.

Jerusalem would be divided east of Damascus Gate, with a section of wall extending north from the Old City. The Old City would be contolled by international peacekeepers.

All neighbouring states would recognise Israel and commit to opening land borders.
As my political science sense tells me that the best solution would be a Confederacy between the Palestinians and Israel. The Confederacy would have freedom of movement to each others Holy sites. Sounds impossible, but if it works then Israel might be protected as a state from the horde because of acceptance by two religions spawned by their mutual father Abraham.
Lipush -

With Jerusalem, I agree with you. Palestinians must have access to Temple Mount, and Israel must have access to the Wailing Wall.

With Hebron and Jericho I disagree. A Palestinian state that included too many Israeli islands would create a kind of polka dot pattern that would be a security nightmare, and be simply impractical in terms of borders.

It may be that one of the two could be included within a strip of land curling into the West Bank, and I think the closer the map can stick to the Green Line, the better and easier it is for everyone.

It is a massive sacrafice, I agree, but then so would Akko and Jaffa would be also.
I'd like to hear your solution to the ME crisis, so present your peace plan with as much or as little detail as you like.

I support a two-state solution, with a Palestinian state based on contigious borders including Gaza and around 85% of the West Bank. Israel would then cede an equivalent area of land bordering Gaza and the south of the West Bank close to the northern shore of the Dead Sea. Palestine would concede the Gilo area and land around East Jerusalem, but would maintain control over East Jerusalem proper.

Israel would accept limited right of return (e.g. 15,000 people per year for 10 years), but would be able to deport anyone committed to terror-related crimes. All migrants would need to swear allegiance to Israel, and could not be members of any terrorist organisation.

Palestine would recognise Israel, and would accept international inspectors at all borders and airports for 10 years.

Jerusalem would be divided east of Damascus Gate, with a section of wall extending north from the Old City. The Old City would be contolled by international peacekeepers.

All neighbouring states would recognise Israel and commit to opening land borders.

You're not talking about the ME, you're just banging on the jews, again.

a real solution would be to leave.

don't help any of them for any reason ever ever again.

at least not until they get into the 20th century.
There will never be Peace there. As long as the Ideologies against Israel and to any that Dare not accept Islam exist, the fighting will continue.

They have been fighting there since Biblical Times.

Which simply leads me to my Fire Ant theory. If you decide to not do anything about Fire Ants in your yard they will take over your yard. When you go out and kill the Fire Ant Beds they may be gone for a little while, but they will return. So you must stay on top of it and kill the Fire Ant Beds as you find them.
Notice how Tinmore and Sherri couldn't offer a constructive solution. They just want to destroy Israel. BTW, Nablus used to be called Shechem, where Joseph's Tomb is located and where it was destroyed. Palestine was never an independent country, but neither was South Sudan, until last year. I say they should try out an independent West Bank, but without West Jerusalem and the Old City. It's enough that Israel is giving up the Biblical cities of Hebron, Bethlehem, Jericho, Shechem, Bethel, Shiloh, etc. The Arab town of Silwan, which was annexed to Jerusalem in 1967, can be their capital. Jerusalem is the heart-and-soul of the Jewish People. If there is even the slightest move of Palestine to let in the Iranians or take over the rest of Israel, the new Palestinian state should be destroyed.

Ask either of the above about " cpmpromise" or " negotiations" there is no answer... Well, that's not true. The fake " christian" doesn't respond. Tinmore says there is no reason for negotiation. He admits that in time the Jewish State will disappear; I believe his quote was "It's Israel's problem".

With that " mentality" the " palestinian state" is dead :clap2:
There will never be Peace there. As long as the Ideologies against Israel and to any that Dare not accept Islam exist, the fighting will continue.

They have been fighting there since Biblical Times.

Which simply leads me to my Fire Ant theory. If you decide to not do anything about Fire Ants in your yard they will take over your yard. When you go out and kill the Fire Ant Beds they may be gone for a little while, but they will return. So you must stay on top of it and kill the Fire Ant Beds as you find them.

In this case, it is also a simple historical fact that Israel chose to settle on land which fire ants had lived in for a millenium or more; land to which Israel had neither historical claim nor connection nor legal right to. Hence, the analogy is a little strained.

It is also worth remembering that this conflict sparked into life a good 50 years before Islamic extremism raised the hackles of the west.
There will never be Peace there. As long as the Ideologies against Israel and to any that Dare not accept Islam exist, the fighting will continue.

They have been fighting there since Biblical Times.

Which simply leads me to my Fire Ant theory. If you decide to not do anything about Fire Ants in your yard they will take over your yard. When you go out and kill the Fire Ant Beds they may be gone for a little while, but they will return. So you must stay on top of it and kill the Fire Ant Beds as you find them.

In this case, it is also a simple historical fact that Israel chose to settle on land which fire ants had lived in for a millenium or more; land to which Israel had neither historical claim nor connection nor legal right to. Hence, the analogy is a little strained.

It is also worth remembering that this conflict sparked into life a good 50 years before Islamic extremism raised the hackles of the west.

That is a LIE. They were there before that. Much of the territory they built on HAD NOTHING ON IT.

Secondly, The Country of Palestine was going to be formed at the same time but all of the Arabs attacked.

Why hasn't Jordan or Syria taken these people in to their country? Or Egypt? They leave many of these people in camps as Cannon Fodder instead of OFFERING THEM A HOME.

And again, Arabs and those who believe in Islam live in Israel as well. You don't see the Israeli's killing them. They accepted them and gave them a place to live. Not in Peace of course because they are attacked CONTINUOUSLY.
[ame=]Israel Palestine History Facts.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

A history lesson on the region. Does anybody want to know what Arafats Father did in WWII as well?
There will never be Peace there. As long as the Ideologies against Israel and to any that Dare not accept Islam exist, the fighting will continue.

They have been fighting there since Biblical Times.

Which simply leads me to my Fire Ant theory. If you decide to not do anything about Fire Ants in your yard they will take over your yard. When you go out and kill the Fire Ant Beds they may be gone for a little while, but they will return. So you must stay on top of it and kill the Fire Ant Beds as you find them.

In this case, it is also a simple historical fact that Israel chose to settle on land which fire ants had lived in for a millenium or more; land to which Israel had neither historical claim nor connection nor legal right to. Hence, the analogy is a little strained.

It is also worth remembering that this conflict sparked into life a good 50 years before Islamic extremism raised the hackles of the west.

"No historical claim nor connection to..." Are you serious?
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Forever Young -

"No historical claim nor connection to..." Are you serious?

This isn't a controversial claim - any Israeli will tell you that Jews have never settled in towns like Ramallah, Nablus or Jenin, pr much of what is now the northern West Bank.

Census numbers from 1850 confirm this:


Muslim households: 1,356
Jewish households: 14

Nalbus countryside:

Muslim households: 13,022
Jewish households: 0

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The situation with Hebron and Jericho is obviously very different.
Your question demonstrates the problem: Your solution to the ME crisis
The US should have absolutely no solution, since it is not our problem.
Let the countries involved work out their own solution.
The US should just leave. Stop the aid to all parties and have absolutely zero involvement.
There will never be Peace there. As long as the Ideologies against Israel and to any that Dare not accept Islam exist, the fighting will continue.

They have been fighting there since Biblical Times.

Which simply leads me to my Fire Ant theory. If you decide to not do anything about Fire Ants in your yard they will take over your yard. When you go out and kill the Fire Ant Beds they may be gone for a little while, but they will return. So you must stay on top of it and kill the Fire Ant Beds as you find them.

In this case, it is also a simple historical fact that Israel chose to settle on land which fire ants had lived in for a millenium or more; land to which Israel had neither historical claim nor connection nor legal right to. Hence, the analogy is a little strained.

It is also worth remembering that this conflict sparked into life a good 50 years before Islamic extremism raised the hackles of the west.

Israel didn't have any historical claim to land that was declared theirs after 1948? Another Pro Palestinian lie. Israel's most sacred Holy sites are in E. JERUSALEM. Prior and after 1948 Jordan DESECRATED JEWISH CEMETARIES. The Palestinians have done the same.
Meet the Grand Mufti and the Waffen SS.

[ame=]Nazi Collaborators - The Grand Mufti - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

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