Your Thoughts On Aipac, Please :)

Stop trying to defend the indefensible, Rocco, you are making a fool of yourself.

You have some nerve! You bring up the subject of God and the defining of Christianity and then say here about Israel being attacked by terrorists - That's Israel's problem and not ours? Are you morally insane, Rikurzhen?

Do you not even know what the scriptures declare? God said, I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee. Who was God speaking about? Israel! That's who! You have put yourself under a curse by your own words!

Israel is our closest ally and has been since May 14, 1948. Here's your wake up call so pay attention:

USS Liberty was an accident. Not intentional. It was thoroughly investigated. There was no motive. NONE. There is no crime without a motive. That is a fact. There was no motive. Research it and put down the kool - aid. America was attacked on 9/11 by Islamic terrorists - the people waging terrorist attacks against Israel are Islamic terrorists. We are facing the same enemies and on 9/11 it was Israelis who wept for Americans while Palestinians danced in the streets and passed out candy! It is not difficult to tell your mind at all, Rikurzhen! As a man thinketh so is he! Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! Your speaking what is in your heart and on your mind! Are you not?

FYI! The Catholics who support this pope who has just denied Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation are by their very actions denying Christ and can in no way claim to be Christians anymore than you can claim to be a maserati because you sleep in your garage at night.
Got it?

The Jews are my friends as they are Christ's friends and if you had ever bothered to read a bible ( most Catholics have not - if they had they wouldn't be Catholic! ) you'd know that in Romans the reason for the Jews having not believed is very clearly stated along with the reminder that All Israel shall be saved - just as the prophets foretold!

The Lord Jesus Christ loves the Jews tremendously! God's love for the Jews has never changed! God loves his people and shall do great things for His people in the coming days in Israel! The world shall see it with their own eyes! The whole world shall know He is the God of Israel! He loves His people! Don't you ever forget it either!

Your nerve is only exceeded by your ignorance as to who the Jews are and who you are not! Do not boast against the natural branches (the Jews), Rikurzhen. You're in no position right now to be provoking God to anger over this subject. Not in the least!

As for AIPAC? Mind your own business!

Your worship those jews who wrote a book, those are not Gods word, you don't even know who God is, but do you really think he wrote a book, the horrible disgusting stuff they wrote and you think its of God? The Lord Jesus was a man of God, but he said the Pharisees are of Satan the devil (they are who are in Israel now) Read what the Jews think of Jesus, the Muslims think higher of him and Mary, Lavon Affair and SS Liberty were both done to blame Egypt . They were never monotheistic during the years in their books, kings building altars to other Gods, they will stab you in the back as fast as 1,2,3, look at 911.. Most Jews in Israel are secular , do not believe their book is from God or believe in God , and here you idolize them. The GL summer parade in Tel Avie is the new hotspot for gays, they have more abortions and gov pays for them. This is a country you worship...Remember that one said God if I win this war whoever greets me first I'll sacrifice to you, that was his daughter, do not ever say the Jews never did human sacrifice. Did Isaac ever come down from the mountain, no.

AIPAC needs to loose influence and needs to stay out of our gov. The Chair of the Fed Reserve for the last 30 years has been a Jew, the Chair of the ACLC a jew, and look at the writers of PNAC and Clean Break. Israel is bad for us. As were fighting with Russia ,Bibi is over there kissing Putin. They can't be trusted for a moment .

Mark my word they will do a false flag if not done already on Assad who they want out, I hope Assad hangs on tight. They are nothing without our hellfired bombs which they took down the high-rises in Palestine with.

Wow.. Now I'm upset with AiPac for sure. Because Penelope writes about some link to 9-11 and because there is tolerance for gays in Tel Aviv.. What a load.. I actually worked on an AIPAC sponsored joint technology deal. They wanted my Company to partner with an Israeli company on the development of an Animation system (similiar to the H/W and S/W used by Pixar and Ind. Light and Magic). Went there twice to consult with them. All very innocent and beneficial compared to our US COMMERCE dept that exists SOLELY to promote deals abroad for US companies.. They essentially lobby foreign governments to grant favors and preference to US companies abroad. And that is most ALL that they do. An ENTIRE AGENCY of our govt dedicated to starting little Lobbies and Programs for American companies all over the world.. IT's 95% corporate American welfare being dished out...

More about trade and joint development than any nefarious "interference" in American govt policies.. Iron Dome is the best example of saving innocents ON BOTH SIDES from militant idiocy.. Worth every penny of our investment. Because BOTH countries got a terrific result.

AIPAC should DROP all of the foreign policy issues and focus on free market economic relations, trade and mutual defense.
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You have some nerve! You bring up the subject of God and the defining of Christianity and then say here about Israel being attacked by terrorists - That's Israel's problem and not ours? Are you morally insane, Rikurzhen?

Do you not even know what the scriptures declare? God said, I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee. Who was God speaking about? Israel! That's who! You have put yourself under a curse by your own words!

Israel is our closest ally and has been since May 14, 1948. Here's your wake up call so pay attention:

USS Liberty was an accident. Not intentional. It was thoroughly investigated. There was no motive. NONE. There is no crime without a motive. That is a fact. There was no motive. Research it and put down the kool - aid. America was attacked on 9/11 by Islamic terrorists - the people waging terrorist attacks against Israel are Islamic terrorists. We are facing the same enemies and on 9/11 it was Israelis who wept for Americans while Palestinians danced in the streets and passed out candy! It is not difficult to tell your mind at all, Rikurzhen! As a man thinketh so is he! Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! Your speaking what is in your heart and on your mind! Are you not?

FYI! The Catholics who support this pope who has just denied Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation are by their very actions denying Christ and can in no way claim to be Christians anymore than you can claim to be a maserati because you sleep in your garage at night.
Got it?

The Jews are my friends as they are Christ's friends and if you had ever bothered to read a bible ( most Catholics have not - if they had they wouldn't be Catholic! ) you'd know that in Romans the reason for the Jews having not believed is very clearly stated along with the reminder that All Israel shall be saved - just as the prophets foretold!

The Lord Jesus Christ loves the Jews tremendously! God's love for the Jews has never changed! God loves his people and shall do great things for His people in the coming days in Israel! The world shall see it with their own eyes! The whole world shall know He is the God of Israel! He loves His people! Don't you ever forget it either!

Your nerve is only exceeded by your ignorance as to who the Jews are and who you are not! Do not boast against the natural branches (the Jews), Rikurzhen. You're in no position right now to be provoking God to anger over this subject. Not in the least!

As for AIPAC? Mind your own business!

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long while and there are a lot of Leftist screeds from which to choose.

If the Jews are "God's people" and God loves them then what are you, two day leftovers or something on the bottom of Jesus' sandal? Our closest ally is Canada, followed by the UK, certainly not Israel. Why don't you instead worship Canada?

As for putting myself under a curse, thanks for being the messenger from God because if not for you I wouldn't have known that God cursed me. Wow, you're lucky that you have a phone direct to God so that he can tell you that he cursed me. Question, when you talk to him do you use an iPhone or an Android?

As for your Catholic fixation, you're batty. You're allying with a more distant religion that repudiates foundational beliefs of your Christian sect and making an enemy of Catholics, a religion which shares far more common ground with you than do the Jews. This is simply bizarre and irrational.

As for AIPAC, I am minding my own business and that's why AIPAC needs to piss off and tend to their own knitting. We don't need foreign agents in the US corrupting American politics for the benefit of Israel and to the detriment of Americans.

I have no Catholic fixation. That appears to be your angle when you are not busy posting some thread on a statue / monument being erected to honor Satan on the side of some highway. (what's wrong with that picture? hmm....) As to what you find to be of God and not of God - here's some fyi - Salvation is of the Jews. (Jesus said so. Read John 4) Further more the Scriptures which make up the bible were recorded by the Jews. The oracles of God given "to the Jews".... oh yes! The Christian faith is founded in the faith of Abraham. Abraham is the father of my faith and had the Catholics believed the bible instead of their leaders who headed up the inquisition and murdered millions of them - ordering a witch hunt against born again protestants and Jews they would have kept their hands off the Jews AND the Christians ( instead of nailing their tongues to the roofs of their mouths!).

My faith is Jewish to the very core - it is a Jewish Book I study - the bible - it is a Jewish Messiah I follow -Jesus Christ -It is a Jewish God I serve - Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is One! Yes, - it is the Hebrew Prophets I study, my favorite books inside the book - including Psalms and Isaiah- written by Jews - 3/4 of the New Testament written by Paul who was a Jew - you have a lot of nerve, Rikhurzhen, and it is not I who say you are under a curse but the scriptures that warn - touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. The Jews were not "thrown away" - nor are they "disgarded" by the LORD. The LORD permitted an allotment of time where the Jews could not recognize Messiah and the Gentiles could be graffed in to Abraham's family but that time is almost over and so there is soon a time coming when they shall know their Messiah. Jesus said, Salvation is of the Jews. ( read John 4 )

Again you can thank the Jews! You should be so very grateful for the Jewish people and yet you appear to be clueless. How sad is that? I do not worship the Jews. I love the Jews and when people like this Gwendolyn person try to stir up trouble against them I feel compelled to say something ( or a few somethings! ) As for who I worship? I worship "a Jew" named Jesus Christ. He is the King of Kings and the LORD of LORDs and one day even your tongue will be confessing that while you are on your knees no less.

I will have to keep you in my prayers. Good bye.
Followed by Rocco redefining words, concepts and generally working hard to mislead. Basically: Lies
You deceitful son-of-a -bitch! Rocco!
You can find all the legal text you fucking well like, but to try to pretend that AIPAC is not an agency of Israel is just the biggest fucking lie made here for weeks! And with your contributions, that is SAYING SOMETHING!
As to being "Un-American" - If being American is being cheated on, deceived by and manipulated by foreign powers, no it is not un-American.
But DO try to get your head out of your arse, dear Rocco.

Drivel is what people with empty minds say, one word answers!

I strongly disagree, Penelope.

People who can nail it with a one word reply impress me to no end! Docmauser1 nailed it.
You have some nerve! You bring up the subject of God and the defining of Christianity and then say here about Israel being attacked by terrorists - That's Israel's problem and not ours? Are you morally insane, Rikurzhen?

Do you not even know what the scriptures declare? God said, I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee. Who was God speaking about? Israel! That's who! You have put yourself under a curse by your own words!

Israel is our closest ally and has been since May 14, 1948. Here's your wake up call so pay attention:

USS Liberty was an accident. Not intentional. It was thoroughly investigated. There was no motive. NONE. There is no crime without a motive. That is a fact. There was no motive. Research it and put down the kool - aid. America was attacked on 9/11 by Islamic terrorists - the people waging terrorist attacks against Israel are Islamic terrorists. We are facing the same enemies and on 9/11 it was Israelis who wept for Americans while Palestinians danced in the streets and passed out candy! It is not difficult to tell your mind at all, Rikurzhen! As a man thinketh so is he! Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! Your speaking what is in your heart and on your mind! Are you not?

FYI! The Catholics who support this pope who has just denied Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation are by their very actions denying Christ and can in no way claim to be Christians anymore than you can claim to be a maserati because you sleep in your garage at night.
Got it?

The Jews are my friends as they are Christ's friends and if you had ever bothered to read a bible ( most Catholics have not - if they had they wouldn't be Catholic! ) you'd know that in Romans the reason for the Jews having not believed is very clearly stated along with the reminder that All Israel shall be saved - just as the prophets foretold!

The Lord Jesus Christ loves the Jews tremendously! God's love for the Jews has never changed! God loves his people and shall do great things for His people in the coming days in Israel! The world shall see it with their own eyes! The whole world shall know He is the God of Israel! He loves His people! Don't you ever forget it either!

Your nerve is only exceeded by your ignorance as to who the Jews are and who you are not! Do not boast against the natural branches (the Jews), Rikurzhen. You're in no position right now to be provoking God to anger over this subject. Not in the least!

As for AIPAC? Mind your own business!

This is the funniest thing I've read in a long while and there are a lot of Leftist screeds from which to choose.

If the Jews are "God's people" and God loves them then what are you, two day leftovers or something on the bottom of Jesus' sandal? Our closest ally is Canada, followed by the UK, certainly not Israel. Why don't you instead worship Canada?

As for putting myself under a curse, thanks for being the messenger from God because if not for you I wouldn't have known that God cursed me. Wow, you're lucky that you have a phone direct to God so that he can tell you that he cursed me. Question, when you talk to him do you use an iPhone or an Android?

As for your Catholic fixation, you're batty. You're allying with a more distant religion that repudiates foundational beliefs of your Christian sect and making an enemy of Catholics, a religion which shares far more common ground with you than do the Jews. This is simply bizarre and irrational.

As for AIPAC, I am minding my own business and that's why AIPAC needs to piss off and tend to their own knitting. We don't need foreign agents in the US corrupting American politics for the benefit of Israel and to the detriment of Americans.

I have no Catholic fixation. That appears to be your angle when you are not busy posting some thread on a statue / monument being erected to honor Satan on the side of some highway. (what's wrong with that picture? hmm....) As to what you find to be of God and not of God - here's some fyi - Salvation is of the Jews. (Jesus said so. Read John 4) Further more the Scriptures which make up the bible were recorded by the Jews. The oracles of God given "to the Jews".... oh yes! The Christian faith is founded in the faith of Abraham. Abraham is the father of my faith and had the Catholics believed the bible instead of their leaders who headed up the inquisition and murdered millions of them - ordering a witch hunt against born again protestants and Jews they would have kept their hands off the Jews AND the Christians ( instead of nailing their tongues to the roofs of their mouths!).
Whatever you say.

My faith is Jewish to the very core - it is a Jewish Book I study - the bible - it is a Jewish Messiah I follow -Jesus Christ -It is a Jewish God I serve - Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is One! Yes, - it is the Hebrew Prophets I study, my favorite books inside the book - including Psalms and Isaiah- written by Jews - 3/4 of the New Testament written by Paul who was a Jew - you have a lot of nerve, Rikhurzhen, and it is not I who say you are under a curse but the scriptures that warn - touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. The Jews were not "thrown away" - nor are they "disgarded" by the LORD. The LORD permitted an allotment of time where the Jews could not recognize Messiah and the Gentiles could be graffed in to Abraham's family but that time is almost over and so there is soon a time coming when they shall know their Messiah. Jesus said, Salvation is of the Jews. ( read John 4 )

Again you can thank the Jews! You should be so very grateful for the Jewish people and yet you appear to be clueless. How sad is that? I do not worship the Jews. I love the Jews and when people like this Gwendolyn person try to stir up trouble against them I feel compelled to say something ( or a few somethings! ) As for who I worship? I worship "a Jew" named Jesus Christ. He is the King of Kings and the LORD of LORDs and one day even your tongue will be confessing that while you are on your knees no less.

I will have to keep you in my prayers. Good bye.

I've heard about people like you, Christian Zionists who worship Jews in some kind of Rapture Fixation, the Dispensationalists. It's odd that you focus so much on apocalypse rather than on living the lessons taught by Christ.

I like to study religions and I find yours odd in that I can't think of another religion which focuses on other people, other tribes, and fixates and elevates them as though they are angels or minor gods. This is a unique development, to the best of my knowledge. All other religions focus on the people within the religion and their relationship to their god. Now that I'm thinking about it, the head hunters of New Guinea kind of approached what you're doing - they thought the white man who brought marvelous "cargo" to them via the air were some form of god's messenger or emissary. Close enough. Fascinating to see your religion developing along this track.
Penelope, et al,

It is rare in politics that proponents (of Israel in this case) do not have opponents (against Israel in this case).

Penelope, et al,

It is evidence that there is an ongoing debate in America concerning the American-Israeli relationship. In some ways it is healthy.

U.S. Republican Senator Ted Cruz said he walked out of a speech to a Christian organization Wednesday night after some audience members booed his comments in support of Israel and the Jewish people.

Is this hard evidence enough for you?

But it is not hard evidence in connection to the allegation that AIPAC is a foreign agency.

Most Respectfully,

Its so obvious I don't need written evidence. You can tell the Zionist in the congress, the one who sell out for money and make an oath to Israel. One needs to be blind not to see it.

In the recent letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights criticizing its bias towards Israel, there were 106 signatures. In contrast, there are at least 138 Congressmen which voted against Israel at-least once, the following 60 have voted against the Jewish State the most; between 2 and 5 times on the above mentioned issues.

# of times voted against Israel
2010 Opponent
Robert Steele​
Jerry Hashimoto​
Tom Watson​
Rick Tubbs​
Robert Broadus​
Don Ukrainec​
Art Robinson​
west virginia​
Elliot Maynard​
Ruth McClung​
forest baker​
Jeff Taylor​
Jim Judd​
Nick Popaditch​
Bill Gunn​
George Burton​
Jeff Perry​

Yes, it is quite obvious who is for supporting Israel and who is against. But I'm not sure that the Members of Congress in support of Israel are rightly called "Zionists" (a nationalist movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the creation of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the Land of Israel). The Zionist Movement (which is a nationalist movement) was understood and accepted by both the Arab and the Jews to a point in time --- as least as early as 1919 in the Agreement between HRH the Emir Faisal and Chairman Weizmann. They said in part: "mindful of the racial kindship and ancient bonds existing between the Arabs and the Jewish people, and realising that the surest means of working out the consummation of their national aspirations, is through the closest possible, collaboration in the development of the Arab State and Palestine."

Members of Congress are not supporting Jewish National Aspirations, their is already a Jewish State (Israel); just as agreed upon by the Emir and Chairman. What the Congress is supporting is the protection and preservation of the established state against Arab aggression, and Israels right to self defense.

Oh BTW, even The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Navi Pillay) agrees in her letter to Congress that Israel does indeed have the right of self defense against indiscriminate fire from HAMAS.

Most Respectfully,

Thank you, Roccor! Wasn't CAIR ( Council of American Islamic Relations) listed as one of the 108 un-indicted co - conspirators in the outcome of the HLF Trials? Wasn't the entire list of these unindicted ones - all 108 un-indicted co-conspirators put on hold for further action by DOJ - headed up by Eric Holder? Nothing has been dropped to my knowledge so with that Roccor how many of the Democrats on that list made complaints , voiced their opinions publicly against CAIR since 2009? How many times have they done it? 10? 15? How about 0? How many of the Democrats that you listed here even once made a complaint against the other 107 co- conspirators such as ISNA, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. 10 times? 15 times? How about 0? How many of these Democrats have complained to DOJ about Eric Holder not doing his job in regards to going forward with the 108 un - indicted co- conspirators listed in the Holyland foundation Trial? All of them? 5 of them? None of them? Not even once? Not a word? Do tell us.

I believe the answer would help "shed some light" on what is going on here. Thank you, RoccoR.

- Jeremiah
I do not believe in the rapture, Rikhurzen but if you have ever read the new testament - even the book of Acts - you have surely heard of people such as myself.

We're known as "Believers". Some call us "Christians"! We actually believe the Scriptures and obey what is written. A novel idea for some outside the faith, I'm sure. As for the whatever you say comment? You're catching on. Good for you.
I do not believe in the rapture, Rikhurzen but if you have ever read the new testament - even the book of Acts - you have surely heard of people such as myself.

We're known as "Believers". Some call us "Christians"! We actually believe the Scriptures and obey what is written. A novel idea for some outside the faith, I'm sure. As for the whatever you say comment? You're catching on. Good for you.

Does it bother you that God prefers Jews over you?
Not in the least. I'm delighted for them that God chose them first. If I labor 50 years in the harvest for the LORD and they labor 2 minutes and then die and go to heaven and receive everything I received for 50 years I'll be the happiest woman who ever lived. I want them to have the very best room in the house! That is how I feel about my Jewish brethren. I want the best for them. Here on earth and in heaven. Nothing changes. How about you? Can you say that from your heart and mean it? I surely hope so. Because that is the Lord's heart for the Jews. You know it took awhile for Jacobs sons to appreciate Joseph but once they understood the meaning of Joseph's dream? They were ever so grateful for their Father having given their brother such favor. One day you too will understand the meaning of that story, Rizhurzhen. It will be a very humbling experience. I'm believing God for Him to reveal it to you very soon now.
Not in the least. I'm delighted for them that God chose them first. If I labor 50 years in the harvest for the LORD and they labor 2 minutes and then die and go to heaven and receive everything I received for 50 years I'll be the happiest woman who ever lived. I want them to have the very best room in the house! That is how I feel about my Jewish brethren. I want the best for them. Here on earth and in heaven. Nothing changes. How about you? Can you say that from your heart and mean it? I surely hope so. Because that is the Lord's heart for the Jews. You know it took awhile for Jacobs sons to appreciate Joseph but once they understood the meaning of Joseph's dream? They were ever so grateful for their Father having given their brother such favor. One day you too will understand the meaning of that story, Rizhurzhen. It will be a very humbling experience. I'm believing God for Him to reveal it to you very soon now.

So why don't you sell your house and send the money to the Jews in Israel? That would make them happy and if they're happy, then you'd be happy. Right?
this entire thread sounds like 5 yr olds fighting over a CandyLand game.
Can ANYONE give me examples of Pro-Israel legislation passed with the influence of AIPAC?

For that matter -- Rocco posted a list of ANTI-ISRAEL votes by prominent Leftist Dems. WHat WERE those votes on? I seriously doubt that any policy or legislation directly benefitting Israel ONLY has been passed in recent years other than funding for Iron Dome and weapons contracts.

And if they are BURIED in a general Defense Authorization Budget, who is to say that the PENNIES for Israel influenced the vote? This is all smoke and furor over nothing.

Israel should NEVER be a welfare client of the USA. But when their vested interests align with ours -- I'm not blaming Joooooossss for the decision.. So if AIPAC calls for more Iranian sanctions --- I'm concerned with the ISSUE --- not who is supporting it. Same with pronouncing Hesbollah and Hamas as terrorist organizations.

There is really no evidence to ANY of the accusations that AIPAC is successful in promoting Israel only interests politically. And there is NOTHING wrong with promoting technology exchange and commerce with the nation of Israel in general..

If all you haters expect that Israel would EVER be sanctioned or blockaded or blackballed if only lobbyists were silenced -- you are daft and deluded..
I do not believe in the rapture, Rikhurzen but if you have ever read the new testament - even the book of Acts - you have surely heard of people such as myself.

We're known as "Believers". Some call us "Christians"! We actually believe the Scriptures and obey what is written. A novel idea for some outside the faith, I'm sure. As for the whatever you say comment? You're catching on. Good for you.

Christian? That would mean you believe in Jesus Christ. Obviously you, do not just as the Jews do not. As Jesus remarked in John 8. But then, I would leave religion out of it if I were you.

"Jesus said unto them (the Jews, ed.), If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."
I do not need to sell my house, Rizhurken. I have a husband who has money and I send his money to Israel among other places. It's my own idea on "wealth redistribution". How do you like it?

The benefit to my husband is that he knows he is giving to God rather than to some false preacher who desires to own a bentley and some real estate. He has received many wonderful blessings for realizing the truth about blessing Abraham's children. He is blessed in supporting the elderly and the widow and the orphan. Why would I ever throw his money away on someone else's greed? Wouldn't that be sort of like financing their one way trip to hell?

I had a pastor once who became enthralled with the money gospel. It seemed the more he loved money the less he cared for Israel. He had one of his worship leaders question me about tithes and offerings - (to God ). I told him the same thing I will tell you. I do. When I give to Israel I am giving to God. I do wonder why people get so concerned over how someone else spends their money. Don't you?

You'd think they would learn how to mind their own business!
I do not believe in the rapture, Rikhurzen but if you have ever read the new testament - even the book of Acts - you have surely heard of people such as myself.

We're known as "Believers". Some call us "Christians"! We actually believe the Scriptures and obey what is written. A novel idea for some outside the faith, I'm sure. As for the whatever you say comment? You're catching on. Good for you.

Christian? That would mean you believe in Jesus Christ. Obviously you, do not just as the Jews do not. As Jesus remarked in John 8. But then, I would leave religion out of it if I were you.

"Jesus said unto them (the Jews, ed.), If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."

this entire thread sounds like 5 yr olds fighting over a CandyLand game.
Can ANYONE give me examples of Pro-Israel legislation passed with the influence of AIPAC?

For that matter -- Rocco posted a list of ANTI-ISRAEL votes by prominent Leftist Dems. WHat WERE those votes on? I seriously doubt that any policy or legislation directly benefitting Israel ONLY has been passed in recent years other than funding for Iron Dome and weapons contracts.

And if they are BURIED in a general Defense Authorization Budget, who is to say that the PENNIES for Israel influenced the vote? This is all smoke and furor over nothing.

Israel should NEVER be a welfare client of the USA. But when their vested interests align with ours -- I'm not blaming Joooooossss for the decision.. So if AIPAC calls for more Iranian sanctions --- I'm concerned with the ISSUE --- not who is supporting it. Same with pronouncing Hesbollah and Hamas as terrorist organizations.

There is really no evidence to ANY of the accusations that AIPAC is successful in promoting Israel only interests politically. And there is NOTHING wrong with promoting technology exchange and commerce with the nation of Israel in general..

If all you haters expect that Israel would EVER be sanctioned or blockaded or blackballed if only lobbyists were silenced -- you are daft and deluded..

I agree with this post. I would like to point out that Israel has never been a welfare client. Has America given loans to Israel? Yes, America has given loans to Israel just as America has given loans to many other nations around the globe. The difference being Israel has payed us back! To the best of my knowledge no other nation ever has. AIPAC has had no part in the US granting or denying loans to Israel. AIPAC has had no part promoting Israel's political interests.

The accusations made against AIPAC are beyond the pale - ridiculous and what truly disturbs me is that those making the loudest noise are completely silent on the overwhelming evidence that Muslim Brotherhoood, CAIR, ISNA and others have indeed used their organiazation with a political agenda against Israel and America appealing and petitioning to the highest echelons of our govt - it is done right here inside the US of A without the slightest resistance!

The height of hypocrisy was reached some time ago!

AIPAC is the very least of anyone's problems! CAIR, ISNA & MB are the 800 lb. gorillas in the middle of the room. Let the people address the real problems facing the USA for a change and stop straining a gnat while swallowing a camel! My two cents.
I do not believe in the rapture, Rikhurzen but if you have ever read the new testament - even the book of Acts - you have surely heard of people such as myself.

We're known as "Believers". Some call us "Christians"! We actually believe the Scriptures and obey what is written. A novel idea for some outside the faith, I'm sure. As for the whatever you say comment? You're catching on. Good for you.

Christian? That would mean you believe in Jesus Christ. Obviously you, do not just as the Jews do not. As Jesus remarked in John 8. But then, I would leave religion out of it if I were you.

"Jesus said unto them (the Jews, ed.), If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."

Enough already. The topic is AIPAC. Address it or go visit the religion forum, Montelatici.
montelatici, Jeremiah, et al,

Well, I'm not sure this really addresses our friend montelatici's concern. The correlation between the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) is very slight. Where AIPAC is a legal entity existing as a “America’s pro-Israel lobby,” (as previously demonstrated in Post #28), the HLF was a subsidiary terrorist support mechanism that had the sole purpose for providing material support to HAMAS (a designated Terrorist Organization)(18 U.S. Code § 2339A - Providing material support to terrorists). The FBI Investigation disclosed that HLF was a "fundraising arm for the Palestine Committee in the U.S. created by the Muslim Brotherhood to support Hamas."

"During the 1990s, the Muslim Brotherhood created a support network in the United States to help Hamas politically and financially. It was called the Palestine Committee. According to documents seized by the FBI by some of the committee’s members, that committee included some prominent Muslim American political activists, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) – perhaps the most influential Muslim American political group." (
CAIR’s Identity Crisis: Defending Civil Rights or the Palestinian (Hamas) Struggle? Posted on August 11, 2014 )

Note: Name Confusion: There was once a pro-Jewish Lobby in the US known as the "American Palestine Committee" (APC) --- which was a pre-AIPAC type organization with the purpose as a political lobby to influence American policy towards the establishment of a Jewish national home. The APC dissolved in 1948 with with the recognition of the new state of Israel. It should not be confused with the HAMAS-Palestine Committee mentioned about. (A couple of years ago, I was caught in a heated debate about the role the APC played prior to the implementation of GA/RES/181(II). It turned out that we were not on the same sheet of music. I don't want an instant replay of that disintegrating discussion.)

Stop trying to defend the indefensible, Rocco, you are making a fool of yourself.

Thank you, Roccor! Wasn't CAIR ( Council of American Islamic Relations) listed as one of the 108 un-indicted co - conspirators in the outcome of the HLF Trials? Wasn't the entire list of these unindicted ones - all 108 un-indicted co-conspirators put on hold for further action by DOJ - headed up by Eric Holder? Nothing has been dropped to my knowledge so with that Roccor how many of the Democrats on that list made complaints , voiced their opinions publicly against CAIR since 2009? How many times have they done it? 10? 15? How about 0? How many of the Democrats that you listed here even once made a complaint against the other 107 co- conspirators such as ISNA, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. 10 times? 15 times? How about 0? How many of these Democrats have complained to DOJ about Eric Holder not doing his job in regards to going forward with the 108 un - indicted co- conspirators listed in the Holyland foundation Trial? All of them? 5 of them? None of them? Not even once? Not a word? Do tell us.

I believe the answer would help "shed some light" on what is going on here. Thank you, RoccoR.

- Jeremiah

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, and trial exhibits show the Brotherhood created the Palestine Committee. CAIR officials adamantly deny any involvement with either Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood. The [Assistant Attorney General Ronald] Weich letter, however, shows that the Department of Justice has not wavered in its conclusion that the internal records it possesses prove a connection.

It echoes a letter last spring from an FBI congressional liaison explaining why Bureau policy bars communication with CAIR outside of a criminal investigation. In that letter, Richard C. Powers, an assistant director in the FBI's office of Congressional Affairs, said evidence "demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders (including its current President Emeritus and its Executive Director) and the Palestine Committee."
SOURCE: DOJ: CAIR's Unindicted Co-Conspirator Status Legit


There are actually over 300 “unindicted co-conspirators” relative to the HLF Case. The two most prominent names of course are the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). In THE FEDERAL COURTS LAW REVIEW (FCLR) 1, Section II.E.1, it is stated, “In order to name an individual as an unindicted co-conspirator, the presiding judge must agree that the individual qualifies for this designation by finding that his or her statements or acts were in furtherance of the alleged conspiracy.”

[II.A.1] The term “unindicted co-conspirator” refers to any person who allegedly “agreed with others to violate the law but who is not being charged with an offense and who, consequently, will not be tried or sentenced for his criminal conduct.” The law permits admission of unindicted co-conspirators’ statements and acts performed during and in furtherance of the conspiracy as evidence in determining the guilt or innocence of the indicted conspirators. Prosecutors often have enough evidence to indict these individuals, but instead name them as unindicted co-conspirators for a variety of strategic reasons.

Being named an “unindicted co-conspirator” is
essentially a "Free Get out of Jail Card;" but it implies guilt through admission.

Most Respectfully,


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