Zelensky labels Nato Summit´s Declaration ABSURD

This is the full text of the joint statement from NATO and nowhere in it is any criticism of Ukrainian statehood. What is wrong with you to tell such stupid lies?

This is not the declaration from July 12. I ask you to read before you start judging. The July 12 declaration contains:

"For its part, Ukraine undertakes:

(b) Continue to implement reforms in law enforcement, judiciary, anti-corruption, corporate governance, economy, security sector and public administration that underscore its commitment to democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and media freedom, and put its economy on a sustainable path of development;"

The text clearly claims that there are lacks of respect for human rights, media freedom, ect. In addition, the text claims that Ukraine agrees to this claims and will improve the situation but Ukraine was neither involved in creating the declaration nor did Ukraine agree to it. Ukraine has nothing to do with this declaration. The text is even absurd according to Selensky.
And he has every right to. Now all he has to do if he doesn't like it is to go fuck off and go whine and beg somewhere else.
Another point of view for you to consider:

The west gets never tired of stressing that they will support Ukraine as long as it takes. So why does Selensky have to beg for each and every bullet? Why does he have to beg for something that has already been promised?
Fact is that the Vilnius meeting - has hugely increased Ukraine's time-frame to become a full NATO member - due to NATO dropping it's required MAP process towards Ukraine. (Which would normally have taken 3-5 years).
Once the requirement (e.g. peace or ceasefire deal) in enacted - Ukraine immediately can become a full NATO member. (off course depending on a ratification by e.g. Erdogan or Urban).
The Goebbels scholar and everyone else knew from the very beginning that no one would announce Ukraine as being a new member. But the MSM show, must go on.
No country can announce that another one will join Nato because all member states have to agree to the newcomer. So while a country cannot invite another, it can indeed block another.
Another point of view for you to consider:
The west gets never tired of stressing that they will support Ukraine as long as it takes. So why does Selensky have to beg for each and every bullet? Why does he have to beg for something that has already been promised?

Good question. Wish someone would ask both him and Joe that! IMO, it is all a game and the American people are being taken for a ride.
Good question. Wish someone would ask both him and Joe that! IMO, it is all a game and the American people are being taken for a ride.
Not a game, I guess. The west wants to pull Ukraine in its sphere of influence and Russia raised the stakes in 2022.
This is not the declaration from July 12. I ask you to read before you start judging. The July 12 declaration contains:

"For its part, Ukraine undertakes:

(b) Continue to implement reforms in law enforcement, judiciary, anti-corruption, corporate governance, economy, security sector and public administration that underscore its commitment to democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and media freedom, and put its economy on a sustainable path of development;"

The text clearly claims that there are lacks of respect for human rights, media freedom, ect. In addition, the text claims that Ukraine agrees to this claims and will improve the situation but Ukraine was neither involved in creating the declaration nor did Ukraine agree to it. Ukraine has nothing to do with this declaration. The text is even absurd according to Selensky.
Again, there is no "massive criiticism of Ukrainians statehood" which you claimed, so what is wrong with you to tell such a stupid lie?
Well looks like Zeleln$ky was told to forget about blowing up ZNPP

I don't make bets on stuff like this, but I will reiterate: the war is over, Ukraine and the WEF lost, Russia will control everything East of the Dnieper, not sure what happens with Kiev and the West - maybe merge with Poland? In any event they stay NEUTRAL!
Okay, dude, you think that Russia will occupy everything through the Dnieper till this year's end. I think that the frontline will remain largely still. See you later, so to speak.

Okay, dude, you think that Russia will occupy everything through the Dnieper till this year's end. I think that the frontline will remain largely still. See you later, so to speak.
The front line is moving, but slowly because clearing minefields while under fire is slow work, but as the long range missiles and cluster munitions and F-16's arrive, Ukraine will be able to continue to do major damage to Russian forces beyond the front lines while they continue to clear the minefields in preparation for major advances.
No, seriously, is it that you felt the need to tell such a stupid lie because you are so depressed about the condition the war has forced Russia into or is it that you are too stupid to understand what you read?
Stop claiming bs, the text of the declaration is cut and dried. Everyone here can see how you ridicule yourself.
Biden-Zelensky (quote): "The bad news for you is that we're not going anywhere. You're stuck with us."
The mobster's speech
And then it finally dawned on the drug clown that he was in the thick of a bad gangster blockbuster movie, with an ending that wasn't good for him.
But neither escape from the theater, nor wake up screaming in a cold sweat will not work
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