Zelensky wishes he'd have supported Trump and sunk Biden instead...

If Ukraine told the truth about the Bidens corruption would they be better off?

  • Yes, Trump would have helped Ukraine more

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • No, Biden is helping Ukraine more than Trump would have

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • It wouldn't have mattered

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
Ukraine President Zelensky could have released the damaging information about Biden's extortion and corruption. To fire prosecutor Shokin or lose $1b in aid, and protect the $83,000 a month Burisma cash cow.
Now Putin is about to invade Ukraine and Zelensky will end up against a wall. The stupid POS should have told the truth about Biden and helped Trump win in 2020 instead of getting Trump impeached.
Life Choices. Volodymyr is a dope. Maybe Zelensky didn't know that the Moscow mayor's wife is a Biden cash cow, duh?? Too late now...

Pardon my interpretation here but Zelensky is a Jew...and as such is probably a Zionist.

The Zionists HATE Rad Vlad Putin.

Trump wanted to work with him.

If Zelensky supported Trump he would probably be living in exile somewhere, or be fertilizer.

Zelensky, like much of the media, realize that Americans have the critical thinking capability of a grapefruit...thus articles like this.

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Ukraine President Zelensky could have released the damaging information about Biden's extortion and corruption. To fire prosecutor Shokin or lose $1b in aid, and protect the $83,000 a month Burisma cash cow.
Now Putin is about to invade Ukraine and Zelensky will end up against a wall. The stupid POS should have told the truth about Biden and helped Trump win in 2020 instead of getting Trump impeached.
Life Choices. Volodymyr is a dope. Maybe Zelensky didn't know that the Moscow mayor's wife is a Biden cash cow, duh?? Too late now...

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russia russia russia is not going to invade ukraine.
Biden wants to look tough. \
Is it any coincidence that biden bombs some raghead in BFE at the same time this is all going on.
Ukraine President Zelensky could have released the damaging information about Biden's extortion and corruption. To fire prosecutor Shokin or lose $1b in aid, and protect the $83,000 a month Burisma cash cow.
Now Putin is about to invade Ukraine and Zelensky will end up against a wall. The stupid POS should have told the truth about Biden and helped Trump win in 2020 instead of getting Trump impeached.
Life Choices. Volodymyr is a dope. Maybe Zelensky didn't know that the Moscow mayor's wife is a Biden cash cow, duh?? Too late now...

View attachment 598300
Ukraine is trying to escape political corruption, not embrace it.

Zelensky had only one option and that’s to not play Trump’s corrupt game.
Ukraine President Zelensky could have released the damaging information about Biden's extortion and corruption. To fire prosecutor Shokin or lose $1b in aid, and protect the $83,000 a month Burisma cash cow.

Has it ever occured to that there may not have been such information?

Zelensky hired back the prosecutor. Not Shokin, but Shokin's deputy who quit during Poroshenko's term in protest of Shokin' corruption.

Not only did firing of Shokin not "protect Burisma", but on the contrary case against the company's owner resumed after he was removed.
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An obvious lie. What information? What crime did Hunter or Burisma commit by hiring Hunter Biden under either US law or under Ukraine law. What law are the "Cheddar Shredder's" propagandists claiming either one of them broke this time?
Has it ever occured to that there may not have been such information?

Zelensky hired back the prosecutor. Not Shokin, but Shokin's deputy who quit during Poroshenko's term in protest of Shokin' corruption.

Not only did firing of Shokin not "protect Burisma", but on the contrary case against the company's owner resumed after he was removed.

Ukraine is trying to escape political corruption, not embrace it.

Zelensky had only one option and that’s to not play Trump’s corrupt game.
Actually, Zelensky was preparing to give an interview to CNN to make the public announcement of Biden being under investigation that Trump asked of him. So he did have that option. Only because a whistle-blower exposed Trump's abuse of office just before that scheduled appearance did Zelensky cancel it.

You think they are moving in 100,000 troop in specific strategic positions that are needed to take over Kiev....for fun?

What a US Trap for Russia in Ukraine Might Look Like​

The U.S. and NATO are pouring weapons into Ukraine. Kiev says it plans no offensive against Donbass, but if Washington forced one, Moscow would have a major decision to make, writes Joe Lauria.

". . . Joe Biden has said a Russian invasion will come in February, when the ground freezes. But it could also be the time for a Kiev offensive to recover the two Donbass provinces. NATO nations are pouring weapons into Ukraine supposedly to defend it against the “invasion.” But the weapons transfers could instead be preparation for an offensive, on orders from Washington. Since the 2014 U.S.-backed coup the U.S. essentially runs the country and all Ukrainian leaders, including Zelensky, serve at the pleasure of the U.S. president.

The ground will also be frozen for Kiev’s forces in February, which was the month of the 2014 coup, while Putin was in Sochi for the Winter Olympics. He is now in Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympics, away from the command center in Moscow. (The 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing was also the time Georgia instigated its war with Russia against its renegade provinces at the behest of the United States.)

When Kiev stepped up attacks against Donbass in March and October 2021, Russia both time increased its troop deployments near the Ukraine border, which this time is being interpreted by Washington as plans for an “imminent” invasion.

It is an invasion the U.S. absolutely needs to implement its plans to weaken Russia (and ultimately to replace Putin with a pliable leader in the mold of Boris Yeltsin.) As Moscow has never openly threatened such an invasion, the U.S. appears to be devising ways to get it.

The Russian ‘Plot’

On Thursday U.S. intelligence leaked what it says is a diabolical scheme by Russia to stage a provocation in Donbass or even on Russian territory itself to provide a pretext for an invasion. The New York Times reported the lurid details of this supposed plot:

Of course unsaid is that the U.S. can get Kiev to launch an actual attack, even inside Russia, and then say it was the false flag event, to try to prompt the Russian intervention.

As usual, the U.S. “intelligence officials” refused to provide any evidence for such a plot. “Officials would not release any direct evidence of the Russian plan or specify how they learned of it, saying to do so would compromise their sources and methods,” the Times reported.

That prompted AP State Department correspondent Matt Lee to have this exchange with spokesman Ned Price on Thursday. Because Price was unable to produce any evidence he resorted to smearing Lee as taking “solace” in Russian information. . . . "

In the West, we are told that Putin is a dictator. I am not certain that is necessarily so.

From this report?

Kremlin reacts lukewarmly to State Duma’s initiative​


January 21, 2022

The Kremlin on Friday reacted lukewarmly to an initiative by the State Duma to recognise two pro-Russian breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as independent states, saying it was important to avoid actions that could increase tensions.
The State Duma spokesman said Friday it would hold discussions next week on the idea of recognising the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic.
Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, speaking ahead of talks in Geneva between senior US and Russian diplomats for spokesmen, said not to try to score political points in such a fragile situation.
Peskov added that the Kremlin did not expect a written answer from U.S. Secretary of State Blinken on Russia’s broad security guarantee demands.



That article from Consortium News? Seems to be right on the money. I remember learning way way back in Junior High, then in High School, and at University, that the whole point of WWI, was to give free people everywhere, the right to self determination. I am tired of western propaganda trying to tell us that the people of Crimea ARE NOT ethnically Russian, or that the people in Donetsk and Luhansk aren't either. If the government in Kiev were not a puppet of Washington, I am not sure it would matter to these people. . . .

But we really are playing with fire here. Russia is not going to let these areas of Europe, which have Russian nationals living in them, be dominiated, and controlled by Washington. And I don't think Putin or Lavrov want to make an issue of it, but I don't really think they are going to be given a choice, other Russians have family and friends that they are connected to. . .

We would accept a Chinese take over of Japan, or the Philippians?

. . or Australia?


Even if Biden, as weak as he is, WANTED to roll over for Chinese, does anyone believe for an instant that the public would allow that? Of course not. There is no way we would ever allow the Chinese to just take Japan or the Philippians. :rolleyes:

So, we need to ask the question, if the Americans FORCE Ukraine to crack down on Donbas, and the Russian State Duma, forces the issue on Putin and Lavrov, by overwhelming majority. . . it could cost him the head of the Russian government if he does not acquiesce.

. . . and if he doesn't? His replacement might be even worse.
An obvious lie. What information? What crime did Hunter or Burisma commit by hiring Hunter Biden under either US law or under Ukraine law. What law are the "Cheddar Shredder's" propagandists claiming either one of them broke this time?
Influence peddling. Extortion. Money Laundering. Probably more crimes on Hunter's laptop that the FBI covered up. We won't know what crimes Burisma was involved in since the prosecutor (Shokin)was fired, and no new one to continue, it was stopped by Biden to protect Hunter's cash cow. Hunter's $83,000 a month cash cow for a "no show" job??
Has it ever occured to that there may not have been such information?

Zelensky hired back the prosecutor. Not Shokin, but Shokin's deputy who quit during Poroshenko's term in protest of Shokin' corruption.

Not only did firing of Shokin not "protect Burisma", but on the contrary case against the company's owner resumed after he was removed.
Bullshit. Show ANY investigation results.......it was dropped......Burisma was protected by Biden.
Ukraine is trying to escape political corruption, not embrace it.
Zelensky had only one option and that’s to not play Trump’s corrupt game.
Hiding the Bidens crimes was the wrong decision for Zelensky, Putin owns the Bidens, they are addicted to Russian (and Chinese) cash. Corrupt to the core.
You have no proof of Trump corruption, none. If you do, post it.

From conservative Washington Examiner:

During his 2015-2016 tenure as chief prosecutor, Shokin did two things: He covered for the criminality of powerful figures close to then-President Petro Poroshenko, and he earned the ire of just about every anti-corruption group in Ukraine.

Don't take my word for it; take that of Shokin's immediate deputy, Vitaly Kasko. In 2016, Kasko resigned from his post, describing his boss' "hotbed of corruption."

The specifics of Shokin's corruption are most obvious in what he did not do. As Bloomberg documented in May, Shokin was particularly opposed to investigating high-wealth individuals suspected of corruption. Why those individuals? Presumably because a little of their high wealth would find its way into Shokin's hands if he was able to make their problems go away. This obviously infuriated civil society activists who noticed that Shokin was stonewalling obvious investigative needs.

Here is Shokin trying to go after Anti-Corruption Group in Ukraine:

Influence peddling. Extortion. Money Laundering. Probably more crimes on Hunter's laptop that the FBI covered up. We won't know what crimes Burisma was involved in since the prosecutor (Shokin)was fired, and no new one to continue, it was stopped by Biden to protect Hunter's cash cow. Hunter's $83,000 a month cash cow for a "no show" job??
"since the prosecutor (Shokin)was fired, and no new one to continue, it was stopped by Biden to protect Hunter's cash cow"

You lie. Shokin was replaced. And Shokin's replacement did go after Zlochevsky and successfully prosecuted him on tax related charges and fined him millions in penalties. It was Shokin who was protecting Burisma for two years. First shielding Zlochevsky from a case filed against him in Great Britain while Shokin was the Deputy Prosecutor General; then sitting on the Ukrainian case against Zlochevsky while Shokin was Prosecutor General.

Only after Shokin was sacked thanks to Biden's efforts was Zlochevsky found guilty of any charges. So in reality, from which you're divorced, Biden's actions only served to hurt Burisma Holdings, not help them.
Ukraine President Zelensky could have released the damaging information about Biden's extortion and corruption. To fire prosecutor Shokin or lose $1b in aid, and protect the $83,000 a month Burisma cash cow.
Now Putin is about to invade Ukraine and Zelensky will end up against a wall. The stupid POS should have told the truth about Biden and helped Trump win in 2020 instead of getting Trump impeached.
Life Choices. Volodymyr is a dope. Maybe Zelensky didn't know that the Moscow mayor's wife is a Biden cash cow, duh?? Too late now...

View attachment 598300
Biden cheated-----

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