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Zero In On The United Nations


Sep 23, 2010
Repeatedly going over all of the lies coming out of Gina McCarthy’s EPA is an exercise in futility. She, along with every global warming environmental parasite, only laugh at everybody else who picks up the tab. The little freak makes no pretense:


Members of Congress are probably well-aware of every EPA lie cited in a terrific, fact-filled, piece by Stephen Moore and Kathleen Hartnett White; nevertheless, Congress should not waste time on the well-known environmental lies the public has been hearing for decades and zero in on the United Nations.

. . . the overall reductions in the planetary volume of carbon-dioxide emissions would be microscopic — like trying to reduce the rise of the oceans with a syringe. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s own official number crunchers say that we must reduce global carbon-dioxide emissions by 80 percent over the next several decades to avert catastrophic warming. The EPA’s proposed cut would yield an immeasurable 0.018 degree Celsius cooling.

This is going to save the planet from catastrophe? Good luck.​

Think Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration Was Outrageous? Check Out What He’s Doing at the EPA.
Stephen Moore / Kathleen Hartnett White / December 07, 2014

Think Obama s Executive Action on Immigration Was Outrageous Check Out What He s Doing at the EPA.

The EPA is a de facto United Nations agency. Everything that comes from the EPA originates in the United Nations. With that in mind it might be easier to defund the UN than it is to rein-in the Clean Air Act the way the EPA treats it as though it is untouchable. My reasoning tells me that Democrats will not be too quick to defend the United Nations the way they defend the EPA.

Finally, for years I’ve suggested this is the perfect fighting song to lead the charge against the UN:

LOL. Why yes, of course, and also the CDC, NOAA, NASA, and all those other agencies that are just full of subversive scientists. In fact, let's not let anyone with more than a high school education make decisions that concern science.
Ummm............anybody who in 2014 thinks the EPA is actually a governmental organization that gives a rats ass about the environment is dabbling heavily in the funny!!:smoke: Seriously speaking.........they don't get it.

The EPA and the UN are amongst the chief organizations that are pushing towards an NWO along with political frauds like Bush and Obama.
The indisputable facts in Alan Caruba’s piece nail the EPA:

The United States has plenty of enemies in the world that want it to fail. It is insane that we harbor one as a federal agency.

The New Congress Must Save the USA from the EPA
By Alan Caruba December 10, 2014

The New Congress Must Save the USA from the EPA

Mr. Caruba did not tie into the United Nations; so once again I’ll remind everybody that HR 1146 is still in the hopper:

To end membership of the United States in the United Nations.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2009'.


(a) Repeal- The United Nations Participation Act of 1945 (Public Law 79-264; 22 U.S.C. 287 et seq.) is repealed.

(b) Termination of Participation in United Nations- The President shall terminate all participation by the United States in the United Nations, and any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations.

(c) Closure of United States Mission to United Nations- The United States Mission to the United Nations is closed. Any remaining functions of such office shall not be carried out.


(a) Repeal- The United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act (Public Law 80-357) is repealed.

(b) Withdrawal- The United States withdraws from the agreement between the United States of America and the United Nations regarding the headquarters of the United Nations (signed at Lake Success, New York, on June 26, 1947, which was brought into effect by the United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act).


(a) Termination- No funds are authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for assessed or voluntary contributions of the United States to the United Nations or any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body thereof, except that funds may be appropriated to facilitate withdrawal of United States personnel and equipment. Upon termination of United States membership, no payments shall be made to the United Nations or any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body thereof, out of any funds appropriated prior to such termination or out of any other funds available for such purposes.

(b) Application- The provisions of this section shall apply to all agencies of the United Nations, including independent or voluntary agencies.


(a) Termination- No funds are authorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available for any United States contribution to any United Nations military operation.

(b) Terminations of United States Participation in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations- No funds may be obligated or expended to support the participation of any member of the Armed Forces of the United States as part of any United Nations military or peacekeeping operation or force. No member of the Armed Forces of the United States may serve under the command of the United Nations.


(a) Withdrawal From United States Government Property- The United Nations (including any affiliated agency of the United Nations) shall not occupy or use any property or facility of the United States Government.

(b) Diplomatic Immunity- No officer or employee of the United Nations or any representative, officer, or employee of any mission to the United Nations of any foreign government shall be entitled to enjoy the privileges and immunities of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961, nor may any such privileges and immunities be extended to any such individual. The privileges, exemptions and immunities provided for in the International Organizations Immunities Act of December 29, 1945 (59 Stat. 669; 22 U.S.C. 288, 288a-f), or in any agreement or treaty to which the United States is a party, including the agreement entitled `Agreement Between the United Nations and the United States of America Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations', signed June 26, 1947 (22 U.S.C. 287), and the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, entered into force with respect to the United States on April 29, 1970 (21 UST 1418; TIAS 6900; UNTS 16), shall not apply to the United Nations or any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body thereof, to the officers and employees of the United Nations, or any organ, specialized agency, commission or other formally affiliated body thereof, or to the families, suites or servants of such officers or employees.


The joint resolution entitled `A joint resolution providing for membership and participation by the United States in the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, and authorizing an appropriation therefor' approved July 30, 1946 (Public Law 79-565, 22 U.S.C. 287m-287t), is repealed.


The United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973 (22 U.S.C. 287 note) is repealed.


The joint resolution entitled `Joint Resolution providing for membership and participation by the United States in the World Health Organization and authorizing an appropriation therefor,' approved June 14, 1948 (22 U.S.C. 290, 290a-e-1) is repealed.


As of the date of the enactment of this Act, the United States will end any and all participation in any and all conventions and agreements with the United Nations and any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations. Any remaining functions of such conventions and agreements shall not be carried out.


Nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the rights of employees under subchapter IV of chapter 35 of title 5, United States Code, relating to reemployment after service with an international organization.


Effective on the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall notify the United Nations and any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations of the provisions of this Act.


Except as otherwise provided, this Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act.



The United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973 (22 U.S.C. 287 note) is repealed.​

HR 1146 is looking up:

EXCLUSIVE: The Obama administration can expect a knock-down battle with the next Congress over its announced $3 billion contribution to the United Nations-affiliated Green Climate Fund, a centerpiece of talks over a new treaty on greenhouse gas emissions held in Lima, Peru, last week.

“If they think they are going to get all that money for the fund, they’re mistaken,” a senior aide to Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., told Fox News. “You’re going to see us being more aggressive about not sending more money to the U.N. and elsewhere for climate change.”

Fight looms over $3 billion Obama administration payment to UN-linked climate fund
By George Russell
Published December 15, 2014

Fight looms over 3 billion Obama administration payment to UN-linked climate fund Fox News

The United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973 (22 U.S.C. 287 note) is repealed.​
HR 1146 is looking up:
EXCLUSIVE: The Obama administration can expect a knock-down battle with the next Congress over its announced $3 billion contribution to the United Nations-affiliated Green Climate Fund, a centerpiece of talks over a new treaty on greenhouse gas emissions held in Lima, Peru, last week.

“If they think they are going to get all that money for the fund, they’re mistaken,” a senior aide to Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., told Fox News. “You’re going to see us being more aggressive about not sending more money to the U.N. and elsewhere for climate change.”

Fight looms over $3 billion Obama administration payment to UN-linked climate fund
By George Russell
Published December 15, 2014

Fight looms over 3 billion Obama administration payment to UN-linked climate fund Fox News

The house cut payments to the UN from its CR.. Its a step in the right direction..
Anybody who is paying attention to the two filthy “spiritual leaders” probably knows what they are up to. It will be next year before the head priest writes his encyclical. I want to point out that the filthy Catholic sneak is pulling a swift one in conjunction with the piece of scum in the White House. Here is how it works:

The pope can voluntarily shake the can with Catholics, but by tying environmental fraud to the IRS, and to the EPA, every NON-CATHOLIC American taxpayer will be forced to tithe a lot more than 10 percent to the Catholic church, and to the United Nations.

Pope Francis has even gone as far as to call the destruction of the rainforest a sin, and cautioned Catholics and non-Catholics alike that protecting the environment is a sacred matter, going as far as back as his inaugural mass in 2013.

“The vocation of being a ‘protector,’ however, is not just something involving us Christians alone; it also has a prior dimension which is simply human, involving everyone. It means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live.”​

And have you noticed that the hustling priest is suddenly popular with Communists:

These views, as well as the pope’s humility and his example of leading a far less lavish lifestyle than previous popes, have made him very popular among non-Catholics as well as members of his own church.

Free Republic
Pope Francis: Environmental Destruction A Sin, Will Write Encyclical On Climate Change
Posted on 12/30/2014, 8:11:40 PM
The beauty is that the two charity hustlers working together will seat hundreds of thousands of environmental parasites at the public trough —— in addition to using American tax dollars to establish a universal welfare state based on the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The UN’s human Rights must be paid for by free people until those freedoms are lost forever; so you can be sure that Catholic priests, along with United Nations charity hustlers, will rake in billions forever.

NOTE: Throughout history priests kept mankind in poverty. It was America’s freedoms that gave the world the only, and the best, country with the most liberties including THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF LIVING FOR THE MOST PEOPLE, yet filthy priests are close to convincing fools that eliminating liberty will NOT bring mankind back to poverty which is the only thing priests ever gave to humankind.

Finally, I do not know which of the two hustling environmental priests is the foulest piece of garbage. My call gives the scum in the White House the edge because the one in the Vatican cannot force Americans to do pay through the nose.
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Anybody who is paying attention to the two filthy “spiritual leaders” probably knows what they are up to.

Wow, you are truly whacked. Lots of people have been paying attention to the activities and statements of the Pope and the President. I'm quite certain that virtually NONE of them have come to the same conclusions as have you. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool atheist and I wouldn't talk about the Pope like that, even if it wasn't a pope I personally liked. Obama was elected, twice, by a majority of American voters but I guess offending your fellow Americans and disparaging democracy doesn't bother you. Where you get the idea that he is or pretends to be a spiritual leader is a great mystery.

It will be next year before the head priest writes his encyclical.

So what?

I want to point out that the filthy Catholic sneak is pulling a swift one in conjunction with the piece of scum in the White House.

Filthy? Scum?

Here is how it works:

The pope can voluntarily shake the can with Catholics, but by tying environmental fraud to the IRS, and to the EPA, every NON-CATHOLIC American taxpayer will be forced to tithe a lot more than 10 percent to the Catholic church, and to the United Nations.

So, what has the president done in regards to Catholics and what has the Pope done in regard to US taxpayers? Have our taxes been increased to pay for CO2 restrictions? Has the Catholic church commanded its parishioners to contribute additional funds to the church to support global warming efforts? What effort, asides from speeches and thermostat settings, has the church made in that regard?

Pope Francis has even gone as far as to call the destruction of the rainforest a sin, and cautioned Catholics and non-Catholics alike that protecting the environment is a sacred matter, going as far as back as his inaugural mass in 2013.

“The vocation of being a ‘protector,’ however, is not just something involving us Christians alone; it also has a prior dimension which is simply human, involving everyone. It means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live.”​

That far?!? Shocking. What an extraordinarily radical point of view. Where could he possibly have gotten such ideas?

And have you noticed that the hustling priest is suddenly popular with Communists:

He's popular with everyone except you.

These views, as well as the pope’s humility and his example of leading a far less lavish lifestyle than previous popes, have made him very popular among non-Catholics as well as members of his own church.

Free Republic
Pope Francis: Environmental Destruction A Sin, Will Write Encyclical On Climate Change
Posted on 12/30/2014, 8:11:40 PM​

Let me get this straight: because the Free Republic magazine observes that the Pope is popular inside and outside the church, you have concluded that he's well liked by Communists? Wow...

The beauty is that the two charity hustlers working together will seat hundreds of thousands of environmental parasites at the public trough —— in addition to using American tax dollars to establish a universal welfare state based on the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Your sentence is incomplete. The president cannot establish a "universal welfare state" and the government as a whole - which could - is extremely unlikely to do so.

The UN’s human Rights must be paid for by free people until those freedoms are lost forever;

How about explaining what this is supposed to mean?

so you can be sure that Catholic priests, along with United Nations charity hustlers, will rake in billions forever.

Donations to the Catholic church have been declining steadily for years. See The Catholic church in America Earthly concerns The Economist, Report Church giving reaches Depression-era record lows - Religion News Service and Catholic Data Catholic Statistics Catholic Research

NOTE: Throughout history priests kept mankind in poverty.

Would you care to substantiate that?

It was America’s freedoms that gave the world the only, and the best, country with the most liberties including THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF LIVING FOR THE MOST PEOPLE

Again, your syntax could use some work. America was not the first country to ever have liberties and many nations had wealthy individuals. Neither is the US without poverty.

yet filthy priests

On what grounds do you continue to call priests "filthy"?

are close to convincing fools that eliminating liberty will NOT bring mankind back to poverty which is the only thing priests ever gave to humankind.

What liberties do you believe the Catholic church is attempting to curtail?

Finally, I do not know which of the two hustling environmental priests is the foulest piece of garbage.

What I am unable to fathom is why this post is placed in the Environment forum.

My call gives the scum in the White House the edge because the one in the Vatican cannot force Americans to do pay through the nose.

Neither man can force anyone to pay anything.

The opinions you've expressed here are ignorant and offensive. They lack any merit whatsoever and reek of unjustified bias.
Here is a bit for half-wits:

Pope Francis has already caused consternation among knowledgeable Catholics with his criticisms of economic freedom. Some have tried to defend him or reinterpret his words, but it is hard to sugarcoat the fact that he is instinctively hostile to free enterprise. Perhaps this is because, as a native of Argentina, he has never seen free enterprise at work and doesn’t understand what it can do for the average citizen.

Now Francis has taken on the global warming cause. Again, it is hard to interpret his words as representing anything but ignorance of the relevant science.


Nevertheless, even the Pope’s most casual comments may be influential. It therefore behooves Francis to either 1) learn what he is talking about when it comes to climate science–probably a poor idea, since the field is in its infancy and there is no consensus about virtually any important proposition, or 2) go back to saving souls and keep his mouth shut about the climate. I recommend the latter course.​

Posted on December 30, 2014 by John Hinderaker
Pope Francis, Put A Lid On It. Please.

Pope Francis Put A Lid On It. Please. Power Line
There is no consensus regarding AGW among climate scientists? It is Mr Hinderaker who ought to "put a lid on it" till he learns what he's talking about.
You actually want to go with Legates? That'll look good on your CV. Make certain you mention that in your next job interview.
Since every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, I would have say there is a broad consensus, worldwide, in the Scientific Community.
In 2014, the UN has one mission: wealth redistribution. That is all. Climate change is one of the pillars of being able to establish that.

Manufacturing a crisis is essential...............

United Nations 8217 New Plan Redistribute Wealth Remove Sovereignty Barriers CitizenLink

UN officials even admit it >>>

UN Official Admits Cap and Trade Is Wealth Redistribution

The UN is an official arm of the push towards global governance........supported of course, by the progressives who took Plato a wee bit too seriously decades ago and have been hopelessly duped ever since.:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Fucking morons.............:desk:
Last edited:
Anybody who is paying attention to the two filthy “spiritual leaders” probably knows what they are up to.

Wow, you are truly whacked. Lots of people have been paying attention to the activities and statements of the Pope and the President. I'm quite certain that virtually NONE of them have come to the same conclusions as have you. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool atheist and I wouldn't talk about the Pope like that, even if it wasn't a pope I personally liked. Obama was elected, twice, by a majority of American voters but I guess offending your fellow Americans and disparaging democracy doesn't bother you. Where you get the idea that he is or pretends to be a spiritual leader is a great mystery.

It will be next year before the head priest writes his encyclical.

So what?

I want to point out that the filthy Catholic sneak is pulling a swift one in conjunction with the piece of scum in the White House.

Filthy? Scum?

Here is how it works:

The pope can voluntarily shake the can with Catholics, but by tying environmental fraud to the IRS, and to the EPA, every NON-CATHOLIC American taxpayer will be forced to tithe a lot more than 10 percent to the Catholic church, and to the United Nations.

So, what has the president done in regards to Catholics and what has the Pope done in regard to US taxpayers? Have our taxes been increased to pay for CO2 restrictions? Has the Catholic church commanded its parishioners to contribute additional funds to the church to support global warming efforts? What effort, asides from speeches and thermostat settings, has the church made in that regard?

Pope Francis has even gone as far as to call the destruction of the rainforest a sin, and cautioned Catholics and non-Catholics alike that protecting the environment is a sacred matter, going as far as back as his inaugural mass in 2013.

“The vocation of being a ‘protector,’ however, is not just something involving us Christians alone; it also has a prior dimension which is simply human, involving everyone. It means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live.”​

That far?!? Shocking. What an extraordinarily radical point of view. Where could he possibly have gotten such ideas?

And have you noticed that the hustling priest is suddenly popular with Communists:

He's popular with everyone except you.

These views, as well as the pope’s humility and his example of leading a far less lavish lifestyle than previous popes, have made him very popular among non-Catholics as well as members of his own church.

Free Republic
Pope Francis: Environmental Destruction A Sin, Will Write Encyclical On Climate Change
Posted on 12/30/2014, 8:11:40 PM

Let me get this straight: because the Free Republic magazine observes that the Pope is popular inside and outside the church, you have concluded that he's well liked by Communists? Wow...

The beauty is that the two charity hustlers working together will seat hundreds of thousands of environmental parasites at the public trough —— in addition to using American tax dollars to establish a universal welfare state based on the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Your sentence is incomplete. The president cannot establish a "universal welfare state" and the government as a whole - which could - is extremely unlikely to do so.

The UN’s human Rights must be paid for by free people until those freedoms are lost forever;

How about explaining what this is supposed to mean?

so you can be sure that Catholic priests, along with United Nations charity hustlers, will rake in billions forever.

Donations to the Catholic church have been declining steadily for years. See The Catholic church in America Earthly concerns The Economist, Report Church giving reaches Depression-era record lows - Religion News Service and Catholic Data Catholic Statistics Catholic Research

NOTE: Throughout history priests kept mankind in poverty.

Would you care to substantiate that?

It was America’s freedoms that gave the world the only, and the best, country with the most liberties including THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF LIVING FOR THE MOST PEOPLE

Again, your syntax could use some work. America was not the first country to ever have liberties and many nations had wealthy individuals. Neither is the US without poverty.

yet filthy priests

On what grounds do you continue to call priests "filthy"?

are close to convincing fools that eliminating liberty will NOT bring mankind back to poverty which is the only thing priests ever gave to humankind.

What liberties do you believe the Catholic church is attempting to curtail?

Finally, I do not know which of the two hustling environmental priests is the foulest piece of garbage.

What I am unable to fathom is why this post is placed in the Environment forum.

My call gives the scum in the White House the edge because the one in the Vatican cannot force Americans to do pay through the nose.

Neither man can force anyone to pay anything.

The opinions you've expressed here are ignorant and offensive. They lack any merit whatsoever and reek of unjustified bias.
So an atheist eh? So how is it you believe in the US? Our currency is stamped with in god we trust. So you believe all of our currency is irrelevant since God's name is on it? I see, no morality belief for you!!!!

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