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Zero In On The United Nations

Since every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, I would have say there is a broad consensus, worldwide, in the Scientific Community.
Except...........The IPCC is confused by the observed.

No one has a model that is correct. No lab work. hmmm... what happened to the consensus, hmmmmmm?

The Chicago gutter-bum preacher and his little maggot have no use for the doctrine of Separation of Church and State:

EPA administrator Gina McCarthy visited the Vatican recently to discuss climate change EPA officials said “McCarthy used the meeting to applaud the pope’s efforts to fight climate change, and to brief the Vatican on Obama’s plan for cutting greenhouse gas emissions that are driving global warming.”​

I have two observations to add about authority:

Voltaire enshrined the inherent dangers in dealing with authority with his observation: “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.”


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can be viewed as a modern-day stand-in for the Roman Inquisition on all topics environmental.


The vigor with which both the Church and the EPA have linked their common belief and dogmatic position that mankind is the prime driver of climate change should concern those staunch defenders of the doctrine of “separation of church and state.” Challengers to either authority ought have Voltaire’s admonition in mind.​

1. The EPA’s authority originates with the United Nations.

2. The combined power of the United Nations and the Roman Catholic Church do not YET have the authority to slaughter environmental heretics. Never forget that Jesuits were always the goon squad for the R.C.Ch.

However, truth will out, and Galileo subsequently managed to offend formerly supportive Pope Urban VIII, a Jesuit, and members of the Jesuit Order, . . .


The parallels to Pope Francis’ expressed ideas on environment and climate change are notable. The Pope is also a Jesuit.

February 2, 2015
No Separation between Church and State on Climate Change
By Charles Battig

Blog No Separation between Church and State on Climate Change
Both the government and the church agree that murder is a bad thing. Does that make separation of church and state invalid? Flanders, your logic is not merely flawed, it is non-existant.
Both the government and the church agree that murder is a bad thing.

To Old Rocks: Your stupidity constantly amazes me. The church and state have long histories of murder. Communist governments well-over 100,000,000 in the last century, and Islam’s total is only known in recent decades.

Does that make separation of church and state invalid? Flanders, your logic is not merely flawed, it is non-existant.

To Old Rocks: I’m sure your muddled brain can explain what you mean by invalid when a wall of separation between church and state church is unquestionably valid.
Gina McCarthy is not stunningly ignorant among her own kind:

“This is a stunning development, that the head of the Environmental Protection Agency – who should know more than anybody else in the world, who is imposing hundreds of billions of dollars in cost to prevent this climate temperature increase – doesn’t know whether their projections have been right or wrong,” Sessions said, AL.com reported.​

If you analyze McCarthy’s responses you will see a parasite in action who is smart enough to advance the UN’s agenda without answering questions. Watch the video and you’ll see how her kind play the game. Notice that the designer-scientists she ‘believes’ have all been discredited time after time:

Sessions dismantles EPA chief for stunning ignorance

Sessions dismantles EPA chief for 'stunning' ignorance
Posted By Cheryl Chumley
On 03/05/2015 @ 10:26 am​

Senator Sessions is one of the good ones. I only regret that he could not come right out and call McCarthy a parasite looking for more money to feed more parasites on tax dollars.
Repeatedly going over all of the lies coming out of Gina McCarthy’s EPA is an exercise in futility. She, along with every global warming environmental parasite, only laugh at everybody else who picks up the tab. The little freak makes no pretense:


Members of Congress are probably well-aware of every EPA lie cited in a terrific, fact-filled, piece by Stephen Moore and Kathleen Hartnett White; nevertheless, Congress should not waste time on the well-known environmental lies the public has been hearing for decades and zero in on the United Nations.

. . . the overall reductions in the planetary volume of carbon-dioxide emissions would be microscopic — like trying to reduce the rise of the oceans with a syringe. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s own official number crunchers say that we must reduce global carbon-dioxide emissions by 80 percent over the next several decades to avert catastrophic warming. The EPA’s proposed cut would yield an immeasurable 0.018 degree Celsius cooling.

This is going to save the planet from catastrophe? Good luck.​

Think Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration Was Outrageous? Check Out What He’s Doing at the EPA.
Stephen Moore / Kathleen Hartnett White / December 07, 2014

Think Obama s Executive Action on Immigration Was Outrageous Check Out What He s Doing at the EPA.

The EPA is a de facto United Nations agency. Everything that comes from the EPA originates in the United Nations. With that in mind it might be easier to defund the UN than it is to rein-in the Clean Air Act the way the EPA treats it as though it is untouchable. My reasoning tells me that Democrats will not be too quick to defend the United Nations the way they defend the EPA.

Finally, for years I’ve suggested this is the perfect fighting song to lead the charge against the UN:

The UN is the head organization for HUMAN RACISM!!!

The EPA exists for one reason and it has ZERO to do with the environment: they scam billions from US taxpayers each year. The EPA is exactly like the small town cops in Bumfook USA who zap you with radar and hit you with a nice $100 speeding ticket for going 35 in a 30........the pols in those towns tell you they are keeping their town safe!!! Of course, only people like the AGW zombies buy that line!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

EPA? Same thing.:spinner:
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