Zuckerberg Warned - Harmful Content and the UK


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Culture Sec confronts Zuckerberg over failure to remove self-harm content

whatever happened to "sticks and stones" that ended "but words will never hurt me"? seems we're now doing all we can to ensure people *never* see painful things in life or never have to actually think, just react and get mad someone was mean to them.

while i hate facebook, i hate the tone this sets even more. if i hate facebook enough to leave and find other ways to keep up with friends, i'm out. that is *my* call. i don't need the government or anyone else bailing me out and ensuring i am "safe" all the time.

life simply doesn't work that way and it's a bullshit expectation.
wtf is a "culture secretary?" :71:

And can you imagine if Donald Trump created such a post and appointed David Duke or Richard Spencer as the first "Secretary of the Culture?"


SJW heads. . . .

Seriously though, I remember something similar happening in 2006. It spelled the end of Myspace.

Suicide of Megan Meier - Wikipedia

It gave Myspace all sort of bad press, and all across the nation, parents forbade their kids from using it, and older folks stopped using it b/c it got such a bad name in the press.

Cyberbullying case to test Megan's law

Best thing that could come out of this? It would finish off Facebook. :lmao: But, then again, Myspace didn't have the same business model or revenue stream, so meh? :dunno:
wtf is a "culture secretary?" :71:

And can you imagine if Donald Trump created such a post and appointed David Duke or Richard Spencer as the first "Secretary of the Culture?"


SJW heads. . . .

while i think it would be stupid *if real* - it would be the most epic trolling ever. :)
Seriously though, I remember something similar happening in 2006. It spelled the end of Myspace.

Suicide of Megan Meier - Wikipedia

It gave Myspace all sort of bad press, and all across the nation, parents forbade their kids from using it, and older folks stopped using it b/c it got such a bad name in the press.

Cyberbullying case to test Megan's law

Best thing that could come out of this? It would finish off Facebook. :lmao: But, then again, Myspace didn't have the same business model or revenue stream, so meh? :dunno:
myspace lived in a time where people wanted/needed a social network. in time another solution becomes popular and people shift.

the problem is - there is no "shift" these days cause a better "facebook" hasn't come along. in fact, people have split up and facebook has to own several platform to keep up with people's ever changing moods. in time, those will tire and move on also.

facebook has a world of hurt coming their way. twitter and google also but i'd say facebook and twitter are high up on the list. when you get "too big to fail" so to speak, then you play by a different set of rules, period. i was at microsoft in the early 90s through almost 20 years - i saw the changes brought about by government intervention. it was never for the consumer directly, it was for the vendors whining they couldn't get their crap on the desktop or installed w/windows.

these days that's bloatware no one wants really.

zuckerberg is touting a single mindset and wants to control information. best i can say is, good luck with that. squeeze too tight and people pop out and go elsewhere.
Culture Sec confronts Zuckerberg over failure to remove self-harm content

whatever happened to "sticks and stones" that ended "but words will never hurt me"? seems we're now doing all we can to ensure people *never* see painful things in life or never have to actually think, just react and get mad someone was mean to them.

while i hate facebook, i hate the tone this sets even more. if i hate facebook enough to leave and find other ways to keep up with friends, i'm out. that is *my* call. i don't need the government or anyone else bailing me out and ensuring i am "safe" all the time.

life simply doesn't work that way and it's a bullshit expectation.
/----/ As soon as they ban their idiotic progressive agenda that I find offensive -
Culture Sec confronts Zuckerberg over failure to remove self-harm content

whatever happened to "sticks and stones" that ended "but words will never hurt me"? seems we're now doing all we can to ensure people *never* see painful things in life or never have to actually think, just react and get mad someone was mean to them.

while i hate facebook, i hate the tone this sets even more. if i hate facebook enough to leave and find other ways to keep up with friends, i'm out. that is *my* call. i don't need the government or anyone else bailing me out and ensuring i am "safe" all the time.

life simply doesn't work that way and it's a bullshit expectation.
/----/ As soon as they ban their idiotic progressive agenda that I find offensive -
i just dont play in that part of their world. i stopped talking politics on facebook and came here where it's ok. that means i have to filter out idiots but i'd rather filter out what i don't want to put up with, not have some authoritarian telling people what they can and can't say.
whatever happened to "sticks and stones" that ended "but words will never hurt me"? seems we're now doing all we can to ensure people *never* see painful things in life or never have to actually think, just react and get mad someone was mean to them.

while i hate facebook, i hate the tone this sets even more. if i hate facebook enough to leave and find other ways to keep up with friends, i'm out. that is *my* call. i don't need the government or anyone else bailing me out and ensuring i am "safe" all the time.

life simply doesn't work that way and it's a bullshit expectation.
Yeah, the UK doesn't secure our inherent rights as human beings like the US does.

Please, regulate me!

That was Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's message to Congress recently.

"Lawmakers often tell me we have too much power over speech, and frankly I agree," he wrote in an op-ed. "We shouldn't make so many important decisions…on our own."

It sounds so self-sacrificing.

But give me a break. Big companies use regulation to their advantage.

His smaller competitors can't afford the squads of "compliance officers" that Facebook employs.

Zuck Is A Crony Capitalist.

If he cooperates early and enthusiastically, Facebook is likely to get to work with the regulators to shape the rules.

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