Disinformation is enemy #1.

Real Americans don't support proxy wars that put us on a path to WW III. Foreigners like you have no skin in the game so you just pop off with your anti-Trump bullshit.
Wait he isn't American, well tell that crackhead mamby pamby punk to pound sand!
I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

And who are you ?

What makes you so special ?

What puts you in a position to dictate what is necessary and how our self-governance works ?

You think we should just "believe you" ?

Because you said so ?
If the US had not been complicit in the color revolution in Ukraine, and messing around, meddling in Ukrainian internal politics, you might convince me the Russia is some sort of threat to us. . . but it seems to me, we are the threat to Russia, not the reverse.

. . . and most of these folks know this.

You need to find new propaganda, IMO.

Russia is still having elections, Ukraine is not.
NOT free & fair elections.
See post # 796.

You can watch Trump sycophant Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R) outside the NY courthouse make a false accusation about Rep. Dan Goldman. She claims Goldman helped to prepare Michael Cohen for his testimony against Trump. The truth is Goldman interviewed and deposed Cohen in 2019 when he was counsel for the Jan. 6 committee.

So this - if you actually read it -

Is a truth.
Not a lie.

Is there something else in there?
And who are you ?

What makes you so special ?

What puts you in a position to dictate what is necessary and how our self-governance works ?

You think we should just "believe you" ?

Because you said so ?

Berg is probably the greatest offender when it comes to spamming mis and dis information that I have seen.
After watching how easy it was for the Establishment make heroes out of Fauci, Zelensky, and now Navalny, I'm convinced Satan could pop up and they'd get Americans to cheer as long as he says he hates Trump or calls Putin a dictator.
Manufacturing Fear: How Fox News leveraged images of an exonerated 22-year-old to fearmonger about migrant crime

From February 1, the day after Boada was released following his arraignment, through March 10, Fox News aired footage of him or alluded to Boada in at least 84 segments, including 66 segments showing images or b-roll of the 22-year-old. Notably, Fox's supposed “news-side” shows aired nearly as many images (31) of Boada as the network’s opinion-side programs (35).

We would be living in a different country if not for Faux's 24/7 propaganda. A word I don't use lightly. But it fits when their purpose is to misinform with an agenda in mind.
WE would all be better served if we cut back our viewing hours of the major party machines.
IT just keeps the anger boiling.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

Anybody in their right mind knows that the two are NOT natural enemies and that Deep State has fed the Sheeple the narrative that Russia is ---- blah , blah .

But like Nazi Israel separately , you reap what you sow.

And if there is a recovery road for America I have not yet seen it .
So you're saying you are too stupid to source out truth? so they ought to be punished for telling lies? Is that what you're saying?
In all honesty, its very difficult to find Truth in all the distorted misleading information out there.
Everything seems centered around Winning for one tribe or the other.

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