"The largest unknown factor of the war is Europe. Moscow will take the Baltics in seven days. NATO’s reaction time is ten days"I “Europe is in mortal

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
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i think , Poland and Finland will take Moscow in ten days!


“Europe is in mortal danger,” Macron

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One thing has become abundantly clear since the Russian adventure in Ukraine: The Russian military machine is grossly over-estimated. Their pool of soldiers is depleted, disorganized, and inferior. Their weapons are mainly old and in poor condition. They ain't taking over anything in the next decade or so, at least.
One thing has become abundantly clear since the Russian adventure in Ukraine: The Russian military machine is grossly over-estimated. Their pool of soldiers is depleted, disorganized, and inferior. Their weapons are mainly old and in poor condition. They ain't taking over anything in the next decade or so, at least.

Complete garbage , but because so many people resort to MSM this type of propaganda has a popular currency among the uninformed .
All the funnier because chapter and verse details show the exact opposite is true and that it is the US which lags decades behind in some areas .
In fact the whole of Europe is in a parlous position of unpreparedness .
One thing has become abundantly clear since the Russian adventure in Ukraine: The Russian military machine is grossly over-estimated. Their pool of soldiers is depleted, disorganized, and inferior. Their weapons are mainly old and in poor condition. They ain't taking over anything in the next decade or so, at least.

in the same time, 🇷🇺 they know that very few of us are ready to fight a war ....



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