01/06 Domestic terror alert

These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.
I like the proud boys-- they do keep the the terrorists in the left guessing.
Lol! They do show up won't go well, idiot fucking hillbillies going up against real spooks that will most certainly be present should be entertaining.
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.

I certainly hope so.
May I ask why?

Incessant verbal bickering is too tedious. It's too much like being married. Nothing ever develops in complacency.

Plus, it's been 150 years since the last time we had a good national slobberknocker. Maybe it's time we did it again.

Another way to say it is it is time for both sides to put up or shut the hell up for once!
No, another way to say it is to tell the right wing to shut the fuck up.

Personally I believe all sides need to take a pill and chill and ask themselves how many times can we keep on making false claims?

When Trump won in 2016 I accepted it and when Biden won in 2020 I accepted it and when the next GOP win in 2024 I will accept it...

Neither side can accept when they lose and neither side can take a moment and not gloat when their candidate win...

So maybe all sides need to calm the rhetoric and ask themselves if what they are saying and doing will change a damn thing and the answer should be no!

I don't recall very many liberals stating that because Hillary lost, it's time for armed conflict. A lot of the rhetoric was over-the-top about the world coming to an end and all but I don't recall a bunch of liberals talking about hoping for armed battle.
It's not about Trump------

The Proud boys would be beating blm and antifa ass even if trump wasn't around. It's about not allowing terrorists to burn and loot your city. Males---are designed by nature-------to stand up to would be invaders to protect the tribe. The Proud boys serves a purpose that benefits society.

Even without Trump---the dems brown shirts should be shot for rioting and attacking the cities.
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
Oh yeah ???? For 4 years of taunting, rioting, and property destruction by the leftist mob's, the so called right peacefully protested in a 99.9% of the time ratio. So why don't you go pedal your bullcrap elsewhere you political hack.
These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.

Why? I thought you digged violent protests?
Yeah what changed eh ??? LOL
Oh the ball is getting kicked to the other side of the field is what has changed for them maybe.

So now they are on the offense trying to move the ball down field be it play by play, but they worry about what the right might do to disrupt their play, and what it might do to keep them from scoring any touchdown's.

Hopefully everyone will be playing political tag football instead of tackle football.
These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.
I like the proud boys-- they do keep the the terrorists in the left guessing.
Lol! They do show up won't go well, idiot fucking hillbillies going up against real spooks that will most certainly be present should be entertaining.
Hillbillies and Spooks ????? Rotflmbo

Define each group if you will.
These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.
I like the proud boys-- they do keep the the terrorists in the left guessing.
Lol! They do show up won't go well, idiot fucking hillbillies going up against real spooks that will most certainly be present should be entertaining.
Hillbillies and Spooks ????? Rotflmbo

Define each group if you will.
Proud boys hillbillies. Do I really have to tell you who the spooks are? They normally are from places with 3 letter organizations like CIA,NSA, and the like.
Jeez people, do we really have to be so hostile in every facet of life?

My gut tells me that we are only seeing the tip of an (I think explosive) iceberg. USMB rules (though loosely enforced) and the fear of being reported to the FBI are about the only thing keeping the genie in the bottle here, as far as I can tell.

Am I projecting about that?

You tell me.
I think you're projecting. I'm not one of the yahoos wanting to go out in the street and punch someone, but I base this on the fact that if people were really serious about revolting, they would not be broadcasting it. Not even anonymously.


"Punch someone."

That's rich.

PS. Way to miss the point.
So you're dreaming of shooting those AR's, huh? Setting off some bombs, maybe?
he chooses life as a hypocritical sanctimonious scumbag.
Exactly what I typed--and then deleted--before posting!
These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.
I like the proud boys-- they do keep the the terrorists in the left guessing.
Lol! They do show up won't go well, idiot fucking hillbillies going up against real spooks that will most certainly be present should be entertaining.
Hillbillies and Spooks ????? Rotflmbo

Define each group if you will.
Proud boys hillbillies. Do I really have to tell you who the spooks are? They normally are from places with 3 letter organizations like CIA,NSA, and the like.
Yeah right... Ok
Proud Boys are just patriotic Americans doing what they can to protect western civilization from the real domestic terrorist groups Antifa, and BLM who are supported and funded by the Demonrat Chicom globalists.

This is the post of an anti American pinko terrorist who voted for communism, and doesn't care that the Demonrats have turned us into a banana republic by orchestrating the 'Great Steal of 2020'.
These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.
I like the proud boys-- they do keep the the terrorists in the left guessing.
Lol! They do show up won't go well, idiot fucking hillbillies going up against real spooks that will most certainly be present should be entertaining.
Hillbillies and Spooks ????? Rotflmbo

Define each group if you will.
Proud boys hillbillies. Do I really have to tell you who the spooks are? They normally are from places with 3 letter organizations like CIA,NSA, and the like.
Yeah right... Ok
Shit I just realized how that could have been taken. Poor choice of words. Should have read trained under cover agents to avoid confusion my apologies!
Proud Boys are just patriotic Americans doing what they can to protect western civilization from the real domestic terrorist groups Antifa, and BLM who are supported and funded by the Demonrat Chicom globalists.

This is the post of an anti American pinko terrorist who voted for communism, and doesn't care that the Demonrats have turned us into a banana republic by orchestrating the 'Great Steal of 2020'.
Keyboard kommado, chairborne division checks in lol
Trump’s ultimate goal is turning his cult against everyone but Him.

When your ultimate objective is eternal adoration and grift, who needs to be president?

I mean, besides the protection it affords from prosecution…………

Donald Trump is, first and foremost, leader of the Trump Cult™. And the #1 objective of the Trump Cult™ is adoration and……...grift.

But to keep a cult pure and continually responsive to your every whim, the Leader must have total and complete fealty. This is achieved through the consistent brain-washing of his followers.

And the one idea that must be promulgated, above all others, is that the Leader is always right.

And that everyone who challenges him, is wrong.

Trump gained the followers he has, by proclaiming one obvious truth, back in 2015: “You can’t trust politicians.”

This is how he won the nomination.

This is how he “won” the White House.

And his followers’ faith was dutifully transferred from politicians…………..to him.

He has spent the last four years strengthening that one most important tie to his followers:

Only Leader Trump is worthy of your trust. Nobody else is.

So, in comes Election 2020………………….wherein Leader Trump begins a campaign not as much for reelection, but for control of the GO, using his cult to get it.

Trump’s first target was mail-in ballots

After the election seemed to be going his way the evening of Nov. 3rd, the election returns turned against him, and he told his flock that he was right: Mail-in-ballots were corrupted. The election was rigged.

And since then, with every lawsuit, with every tweet, Trump has managed to demonstrate to his followers that they cannot trust ANYBODY but him.

You Can’t trust Elections
Can’t trust Democrats = obvious

PA, WI, MI, & NV all run by Democrats, rigged the election for Biden.

Can’t trust GOP Governors = Neither Brian Kemp (GA) nor Doug Ducey would fight to show their states were stolen by Biden, and give their states to Trump.

Can’t trust GOP Secretaries of State = Brad Raffensperger wouldn’t nullify GA’s election to give Trump the win.

Can’t trust the GOP-run state legislatures, who wouldn’t nullify their state’s electoral process, take over the voting process, and give their states to Trump.

Can’t trust the State Supreme Courts, who wouldn’t rule for Trump, and give him their state.

Can’t trust the District Court Judges (even the ones Trump appointed (RINOs!!!) ) who wouldn’t rule for Trump.

Can’t trust the US Supreme Court who ruled against Trump or wouldn’t even accept the Texas case.

And on January 6th, the Coup de grâce: It will be proven to Trump Cult™ that they can’t trust the Vice President, nor the GOPs in the US Congress.

You can only trust Leader Trump.

Can’t trust the Media

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC et al have all been against Leader Trump from the beginning.

FOX didn’t fight hard enough for Leader Trump

Breitbart didn’t fight hard enough for Leader Trump


You can only trust Leader Trump.

And so, as he leaves office on January 20th, at noon, he will be taking with him around 25-35% of the GOP’s voters.

He will have ultimately managed to keep a large chunky of his chunkiest cult-members together.

What he DOES with them, is anyone’s guess.

The only sure thing, is that he grifts them, as he has been doing since November 3rd.

You need to put the shiny side outward.

These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.

Lunatics? Everything I've ever seen and heard about these people including direct interviews with its leaders is that they are anything BUT lunatics. They seemed more like the best of the best, true American patriots, and your article there is nothing but a vicious smear rag full of hateful lies and twisted propaganda.

That makes you more stupid than a dumb cluck.

Kind of like how leftwing violence hit an all time high under President Trump?
It did? You must not remember 68

I do. 1968 was NOTHING compared to the rioting in 2020. Back then, just a bunch of college students who had decided to be communists (really -- and proud of it) giving wild parties in the Deans' offices. They tried on some bombs in government buildings but were careful not to hurt anyone; closed buildings at night and so on.

The stuff going on today is much, much worse, and I know.

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