01/06 Domestic terror alert

Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".

The wall mart shooter was a LEFTY, you fucking clown! He was a environmental wacko who liked your honey in your avatar you imbecilic clod!

Here is how Wikipedia describes the El Paso Wal Mart shooter's manifesto:

Manifesto[edit source]

The anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement,[2][32] often attributed to the French writer Renaud Camus.[44]

Who gives a fuck how wiki describes him. YOU could be the author of that crap. Wiki has zero credibility about anything.

The El Paso shooter was a blob supporter. Any contention otherwise is dumb.

There are no facts that support your lie. He WAS however, PROVABLY an aoc lover. Face it, 99.999% of extremist violence comes from your goons.
More than that are killed every weekend in Chicago. Murder is almost exlusively a left wing phenomenon.
Gang bangers usually aren't politically affiliated. But you're right, the violence in Chicago is abhorrent.

Until they get bought by the chinese communist party to do violent acts to bring down this government.
Your list
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".
Your list is tiny, and it spans many years. Democrats did more than this in a single night on many occasions in 2020.

Really? How many were killed during during these riots in 2020. Cite your source.
How out of touch are you, you uninformed fool? You lefties murdered a bunch of people at your fucking riots.

25....23 were killed at the El Paso Wal Mart alone...James Fields killed one, Dylan shot at least five as I recall.

Six kids (at least) died in Trump's death camps:

And was an aoc roadie, bot a Trump supporter no matter how much you try and lie about him.

He's one of YOURS!
Your list
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".
Your list is tiny, and it spans many years. Democrats did more than this in a single night on many occasions in 2020.

Really? How many were killed during during these riots in 2020. Cite your source.
How out of touch are you, you uninformed fool? You lefties murdered a bunch of people at your fucking riots.

25....23 were killed at the El Paso Wal Mart alone...James Fields killed one, Dylan shot at least five as I recall.

Six kids (at least) died in Trump's death camps:

And was an aoc roadie, bot a Trump supporter no matter how much you try and lie about him.

He's one of YOURS!
The El Paso shooter was just one in a long line of blob supporters who crave violence.

Arguing otherwise makes you look dumber than usual.
More than that are killed every weekend in Chicago. Murder is almost exlusively a left wing phenomenon.
Gang bangers usually aren't politically affiliated. But you're right, the violence in Chicago is abhorrent.
90% of black people support democrats. You own their crime.

So since Hitler was white...you own his.

Talk to Germany about their citizens. They have nothing to do with the US.

The Nazis are a voting block for republicans as are white supremacists and other domestic terrorists.
You own all Nazi crimes.
Sorry....perhaps you should stop supporting ethnic cleansers, pedophiles and hate groups.
The Nasis were defeated 80 years ago half way across the world. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
The ones who were at the Proud Boy riot in Charlottesville (Trump's "very fine people") apparently didn't get the memo. You own their violence...

As long as you ascribe skin color to ideology..you're going to own Nazi violence. If you wanted to actually have a mature debate about it...we could do that but you're saying that gang bangers are politically affiliated based on skin color. It's as dumb as any of the other blob-supporter arguments. This one just backfires on you.
The proud boys are led by a cuban black guy. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Their figurehead is a black guy, white supremacist, conservative hero Gavin McInness is the grand dragon....

Anyway, their crimes are your crimes...by virtue of skin color alone. Your rules....not mine.
The Proud Boys are responsible for virtually no crimes, so im happy to be responsible for them. Meanwhile, you are responsible for the millions of crimes committed by BLM and ANTIFA.
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".

The wall mart shooter was a LEFTY, you fucking clown! He was a environmental wacko who liked your honey in your avatar you imbecilic clod!

Here is how Wikipedia describes the El Paso Wal Mart shooter's manifesto:

Manifesto[edit source]

The anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement,[2][32] often attributed to the French writer Renaud Camus.[44]

Who gives a fuck how wiki describes him. YOU could be the author of that crap. Wiki has zero credibility about anything.

The El Paso shooter was a blob supporter. Any contention otherwise is dumb.
He was an AOC supporter you imbecile. :laugh:
More than that are killed every weekend in Chicago. Murder is almost exlusively a left wing phenomenon.
Gang bangers usually aren't politically affiliated. But you're right, the violence in Chicago is abhorrent.
90% of black people support democrats. You own their crime.

So since Hitler was white...you own his.

Talk to Germany about their citizens. They have nothing to do with the US.

The Nazis are a voting block for republicans as are white supremacists and other domestic terrorists.
You own all Nazi crimes.
Sorry....perhaps you should stop supporting ethnic cleansers, pedophiles and hate groups.
The Nasis were defeated 80 years ago half way across the world. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
The ones who were at the Proud Boy riot in Charlottesville (Trump's "very fine people") apparently didn't get the memo. You own their violence...

As long as you ascribe skin color to ideology..you're going to own Nazi violence. If you wanted to actually have a mature debate about it...we could do that but you're saying that gang bangers are politically affiliated based on skin color. It's as dumb as any of the other blob-supporter arguments. This one just backfires on you.
The proud boys are led by a cuban black guy. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Their figurehead is a black guy, white supremacist, conservative hero Gavin McInness is the grand dragon....

Anyway, their crimes are your crimes...by virtue of skin color alone. Your rules....not mine.
The Proud Boys are responsible for virtually no crimes, so im happy to be responsible for them. Meanwhile, you are responsible for the millions of crimes committed by BLM and ANTIFA.

That and they are listed as a hate group and had nazis at their Charlottesville riot--the nazis are another blob-centric group whose violence you own.
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".

The wall mart shooter was a LEFTY, you fucking clown! He was a environmental wacko who liked your honey in your avatar you imbecilic clod!

Here is how Wikipedia describes the El Paso Wal Mart shooter's manifesto:

Manifesto[edit source]

The anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement,[2][32] often attributed to the French writer Renaud Camus.[44]

Who gives a fuck how wiki describes him. YOU could be the author of that crap. Wiki has zero credibility about anything.

The El Paso shooter was a blob supporter. Any contention otherwise is dumb.
He was an AOC supporter you imbecile. :laugh:

The El- Paso shooter was a blob supporter and one of your heroes.
More than that are killed every weekend in Chicago. Murder is almost exlusively a left wing phenomenon.
Gang bangers usually aren't politically affiliated. But you're right, the violence in Chicago is abhorrent.
90% of black people support democrats. You own their crime.

So since Hitler was white...you own his.

Talk to Germany about their citizens. They have nothing to do with the US.

The Nazis are a voting block for republicans as are white supremacists and other domestic terrorists.
You own all Nazi crimes.
Sorry....perhaps you should stop supporting ethnic cleansers, pedophiles and hate groups.
The Nasis were defeated 80 years ago half way across the world. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
The ones who were at the Proud Boy riot in Charlottesville (Trump's "very fine people") apparently didn't get the memo. You own their violence...

As long as you ascribe skin color to ideology..you're going to own Nazi violence. If you wanted to actually have a mature debate about it...we could do that but you're saying that gang bangers are politically affiliated based on skin color. It's as dumb as any of the other blob-supporter arguments. This one just backfires on you.
The proud boys are led by a cuban black guy. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Their figurehead is a black guy, white supremacist, conservative hero Gavin McInness is the grand dragon....

Anyway, their crimes are your crimes...by virtue of skin color alone. Your rules....not mine.
The Proud Boys are responsible for virtually no crimes, so im happy to be responsible for them. Meanwhile, you are responsible for the millions of crimes committed by BLM and ANTIFA.

That and they are listed as a hate group and had nazis at their Charlottesville riot--the nazis are another blob-centric group whose violence you own.
See, like i said, virtually no crime. You found 2 people, meanwhile i can produce thousands of left wing criminals.
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
They're not democrats. The violence you've seen is from the DNC backed BLM and Antifa. Republicans only use violence when attacked. Are you saying the democrats are going to go on the attack more than they have in the last four years? If that is your point, then yeah, you may see more right wing violence--but you'll be on the losing end of it this time.
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".

The wall mart shooter was a LEFTY, you fucking clown! He was a environmental wacko who liked your honey in your avatar you imbecilic clod!

Here is how Wikipedia describes the El Paso Wal Mart shooter's manifesto:

Manifesto[edit source]

The anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement,[2][32] often attributed to the French writer Renaud Camus.[44]

Who gives a fuck how wiki describes him. YOU could be the author of that crap. Wiki has zero credibility about anything.

The El Paso shooter was a blob supporter. Any contention otherwise is dumb.
He was an AOC supporter you imbecile. :laugh:

The El- Paso shooter was a blob supporter and one of your heroes.
That has never been proven any further than the BS MSM report. How about your shooter at a ball game, for crying out loud. Hypocritical moron.
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".

The wall mart shooter was a LEFTY, you fucking clown! He was a environmental wacko who liked your honey in your avatar you imbecilic clod!

Here is how Wikipedia describes the El Paso Wal Mart shooter's manifesto:

Manifesto[edit source]

The anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement,[2][32] often attributed to the French writer Renaud Camus.[44]

Who gives a fuck how wiki describes him. YOU could be the author of that crap. Wiki has zero credibility about anything.

The El Paso shooter was a blob supporter. Any contention otherwise is dumb.
He was an AOC supporter you imbecile. :laugh:

The El- Paso shooter was a blob supporter and one of your heroes.
Only democrats turn criminals into heros. Dont confuse me with your shitty party.
More than that are killed every weekend in Chicago. Murder is almost exlusively a left wing phenomenon.
Gang bangers usually aren't politically affiliated. But you're right, the violence in Chicago is abhorrent.
90% of black people support democrats. You own their crime.

So since Hitler was white...you own his.

Talk to Germany about their citizens. They have nothing to do with the US.

The Nazis are a voting block for republicans as are white supremacists and other domestic terrorists.
You own all Nazi crimes.
Sorry....perhaps you should stop supporting ethnic cleansers, pedophiles and hate groups.
The Nasis were defeated 80 years ago half way across the world. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
The ones who were at the Proud Boy riot in Charlottesville (Trump's "very fine people") apparently didn't get the memo. You own their violence...

As long as you ascribe skin color to ideology..you're going to own Nazi violence. If you wanted to actually have a mature debate about it...we could do that but you're saying that gang bangers are politically affiliated based on skin color. It's as dumb as any of the other blob-supporter arguments. This one just backfires on you.
The proud boys are led by a cuban black guy. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Their figurehead is a black guy, white supremacist, conservative hero Gavin McInness is the grand dragon....

Anyway, their crimes are your crimes...by virtue of skin color alone. Your rules....not mine.
The Proud Boys are responsible for virtually no crimes, so im happy to be responsible for them. Meanwhile, you are responsible for the millions of crimes committed by BLM and ANTIFA.

That and they are listed as a hate group and had nazis at their Charlottesville riot--the nazis are another blob-centric group whose violence you own.
See, like i said, virtually no crime. You found 2 people, meanwhile i can produce thousands of left wing criminals.
six people and they were called far right hate group by the FBI... Sorry. And of course, you also have to ignore the Charlottesville riots they organized which lead to deaths and destruction by the "very fine people". You don't want to ignore facts...do you?
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".

The wall mart shooter was a LEFTY, you fucking clown! He was a environmental wacko who liked your honey in your avatar you imbecilic clod!

Here is how Wikipedia describes the El Paso Wal Mart shooter's manifesto:

Manifesto[edit source]

The anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement,[2][32] often attributed to the French writer Renaud Camus.[44]

Who gives a fuck how wiki describes him. YOU could be the author of that crap. Wiki has zero credibility about anything.

The El Paso shooter was a blob supporter. Any contention otherwise is dumb.
He was an AOC supporter you imbecile. :laugh:

The El- Paso shooter was a blob supporter and one of your heroes.
Only democrats turn criminals into heros. Dont confuse me with your shitty party.
When you guys finally secede, you'll have his face on whatever the equivalent is for confederate script in Conservistan.
These lunatics need to be incarcerated for life.

Yes, I can see why you're so terrified.

Surely, nothing could be scarier than a group of ordinary, law-abiding citizens, dressing and behaving like normal, law-abiding citizens.

To assuage your fears, they should be forced, by law, to dress like subhuman Black Lies Matter terrorist thugs, and to behave accordingly.

View attachment 436229
The Proud Boys are not going to behave like ordinary, law abiding citizens. They never do. You know this, but you lie to defend them.
Are you defending the violent protests that occurred all summer long by Antifa and BLM? You sound like you are justifying THEIR actions. Pot meet Kettle. You are what you are protesting.
More than that are killed every weekend in Chicago. Murder is almost exlusively a left wing phenomenon.
Gang bangers usually aren't politically affiliated. But you're right, the violence in Chicago is abhorrent.
90% of black people support democrats. You own their crime.

So since Hitler was white...you own his.

Talk to Germany about their citizens. They have nothing to do with the US.

The Nazis are a voting block for republicans as are white supremacists and other domestic terrorists.
You own all Nazi crimes.
Sorry....perhaps you should stop supporting ethnic cleansers, pedophiles and hate groups.
The Nasis were defeated 80 years ago half way across the world. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
The ones who were at the Proud Boy riot in Charlottesville (Trump's "very fine people") apparently didn't get the memo. You own their violence...

As long as you ascribe skin color to ideology..you're going to own Nazi violence. If you wanted to actually have a mature debate about it...we could do that but you're saying that gang bangers are politically affiliated based on skin color. It's as dumb as any of the other blob-supporter arguments. This one just backfires on you.
The proud boys are led by a cuban black guy. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Their figurehead is a black guy, white supremacist, conservative hero Gavin McInness is the grand dragon....

Anyway, their crimes are your crimes...by virtue of skin color alone. Your rules....not mine.
The Proud Boys are responsible for virtually no crimes, so im happy to be responsible for them. Meanwhile, you are responsible for the millions of crimes committed by BLM and ANTIFA.

That and they are listed as a hate group and had nazis at their Charlottesville riot--the nazis are another blob-centric group whose violence you own.
See, like i said, virtually no crime. You found 2 people, meanwhile i can produce thousands of left wing criminals.
six people and they were called far right hate group by the FBI... Sorry. And of course, you also have to ignore the Charlottesville riots they organized which lead to deaths and destruction by the "very fine people". You don't want to ignore facts...do you?
Republican congressman and many others are shot while playing baseball in a public park by a left wing whack job. You don't want to ignore facts....do you? Hypocrite.
More than that are killed every weekend in Chicago. Murder is almost exlusively a left wing phenomenon.
Gang bangers usually aren't politically affiliated. But you're right, the violence in Chicago is abhorrent.
90% of black people support democrats. You own their crime.

So since Hitler was white...you own his.

Talk to Germany about their citizens. They have nothing to do with the US.

The Nazis are a voting block for republicans as are white supremacists and other domestic terrorists.
You own all Nazi crimes.
Sorry....perhaps you should stop supporting ethnic cleansers, pedophiles and hate groups.
The Nasis were defeated 80 years ago half way across the world. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
The ones who were at the Proud Boy riot in Charlottesville (Trump's "very fine people") apparently didn't get the memo. You own their violence...

As long as you ascribe skin color to ideology..you're going to own Nazi violence. If you wanted to actually have a mature debate about it...we could do that but you're saying that gang bangers are politically affiliated based on skin color. It's as dumb as any of the other blob-supporter arguments. This one just backfires on you.
The proud boys are led by a cuban black guy. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Their figurehead is a black guy, white supremacist, conservative hero Gavin McInness is the grand dragon....

Anyway, their crimes are your crimes...by virtue of skin color alone. Your rules....not mine.
The Proud Boys are responsible for virtually no crimes, so im happy to be responsible for them. Meanwhile, you are responsible for the millions of crimes committed by BLM and ANTIFA.

That and they are listed as a hate group and had nazis at their Charlottesville riot--the nazis are another blob-centric group whose violence you own.
See, like i said, virtually no crime. You found 2 people, meanwhile i can produce thousands of left wing criminals.
six people and they were called far right hate group by the FBI... Sorry. And of course, you also have to ignore the Charlottesville riots they organized which lead to deaths and destruction by the "very fine people". You don't want to ignore facts...do you?
Six people? :laugh:
Rightwing violence will hit an all time high under Biden's administration. I think that's a given.
It will still be practically non existent, as it always has. Meanwhile, left wing violence will be rampant and devastating to all cities unfortunate enough to be left wing.
So what cha doing, getting ready to brand middle aged white men domestic terrorist, so you and Briben can formulate some kind of plan to get their guns ????

Blob supporters crave violence.
That isnt what we are seeing in the news.

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

Yes, you endlessly trot out that ONE incident, while ignoring the THOUSANDS of leftist assaults, murders, and billions upon billions in damage your leftist goons have done.

You are a one trick pony, and clearly a paid Chinese stooge.
One incident?

You missed the story about a blob supporter running over a woman and 10 others in Charlottesville?
You missed the story about a blob supporter shooting up a Wal Mart because brown people shopped there?
You missed the story about a blob supporter mailing bombs to people?
You missed the story about the blob keeping kids in cages as a deterrent--and now we have 500+ orphans?
You missed the story about blob supporters wanting their opponent's heads on pikes?
You missed the story about blob supporters doing a tiki-torch march chanting nazi slogans?
You missed the story about the blob supporters who are pining for secession?

I left off Dylan Roof shooting up a black church, James Fields running over people in his car, the coast guard guy making a kill list of his enemies, you guys storming the Michigan state capitol building with guns, "2nd Amendment solutions" and your daily general assholery. Shit I could go on forever about your blob telling hate groups to "stand by", his telling his supporters to "beat the crap" out of people and saying he'd pay their legal bills, you guys wanting to mow down migrants coming across the border saying its an "invasion".

The wall mart shooter was a LEFTY, you fucking clown! He was a environmental wacko who liked your honey in your avatar you imbecilic clod!

Here is how Wikipedia describes the El Paso Wal Mart shooter's manifesto:

Manifesto[edit source]

The anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant manifesto promotes the white nationalist and far-right conspiracy theory called the Great Replacement,[2][32] often attributed to the French writer Renaud Camus.[44]

Who gives a fuck how wiki describes him. YOU could be the author of that crap. Wiki has zero credibility about anything.

The El Paso shooter was a blob supporter. Any contention otherwise is dumb.
He was an AOC supporter you imbecile. :laugh:

The El- Paso shooter was a blob supporter and one of your heroes.
Only democrats turn criminals into heros. Dont confuse me with your shitty party.
When you guys finally secede, you'll have his face on whatever the equivalent is for confederate script in Conservistan.
Tell us about that confederate script, they were democrats. moron. Learn YOUR history.
You sound like you are justifying THEIR actions.
Where do you see me doing that from the post?
You stated and I quote "The Proud Boys are not going to behave like ordinary, law abiding citizens. They never do. You know this, but you lie to defend them." If you attack one side while backing the other through omission, you are justifying one violent group while vilifying another. Please try to be an equal opportunity SJW.

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