1,000 new species in New Guinea!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Lots and lots of new guys popping up in the Pacific...........some real cool new kinds of animals, fish etc............


Conservationists discover more than 1,000 species in New Guinea | Environment | The Observer

Interesting because if you talk to an environmentalist, they ALWAYS say all the species are dying out and that no new speicies are forming.

I lol'ed. No way in hell are we going to wipe out all life on earth. Not even the kt could wipe anywhere near it..The pt came closer, but couldn't. It is laughable to think everything is going to die even in the worst case 7-10c global warming.
First, nobody is claiming that we will wipe all life off of earth. Just another dingbat strawman from the wingnut section. In fact, we are not claiming that it will even wipe out mankind. However, it will make a much harder existance for our descendents.

The Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction May Be Underway

Current Extinction Rate
Branosky et al. find that over the past 1,000 years, the average extinction rate is 24 E/MSY (13x background). Breaking the data into 1-year bins, the maximum extinction rate over that period is approximatley 693 E/MSY (385x background). Clearly these values far exceed the background rate. And the worst case scenario, if all currently threatened species go extinct, results in a clear divergence from the natural extinction rate:

"In the scenario where currently ‘threatened’ species would ultimately go extinct even in as much as a thousand years, the resulting rates would far exceed any reasonable estimation of the upper boundary for variation related to interval length"

The authors also find that the extinctions over the past 500 years are happening at least as fast as the species extinctions which triggered the Big Five:

"Current extinction rates for mammals, amphibians, birds, and reptiles, if calculated over the last 500 years (a conservatively slow rate) are faster than (birds, mammals, amphibians, which have 100% of species assessed) or as fast as (reptiles, uncertain because only 19% of species are assessed) all rates that would have produced the Big Five extinctions over hundreds of thousands or millions of years"
Do these fools really think because we just classified these creatures that they are new?

There is only one species that is the biggest concern and its man.

If you dont understand that all life on the planet is connected in some way then you have no idea what Cannary in a coal mine means.
How very sad they refuse to learn about reality yet lap up like pablum what the manipulators say.
Jesus the stupidity of some of these people just seems to grow exponentually
Interesting because if you talk to an environmentalist, they ALWAYS say all the species are dying out and that no new speicies are forming.

Where does it say that these are newly formed species?

That's rhetorical, you don't have to answer. Just pointing out the lies. No desire to debate.
Lots and lots of new guys popping up in the Pacific...........some real cool new kinds of animals, fish etc............


Conservationists discover more than 1,000 species in New Guinea | Environment | The Observer

Interesting because if you talk to an environmentalist, they ALWAYS say all the species are dying out and that no new speicies are forming.


WTF? do any of the "envoiromentalists" say there were never be a new species? And you link says discovered not newly formed. Nice spin though

Here is the rest of the story:

A remarkable 1,060 new species have been discovered on the island of New Guinea from 1998 to 2008, but poorly planned and unsustainable development - particularly from logging and forest conversion to agriculture - is putting many of these unique creatures at risk, a new WWF study reports.

Final Frontier: Newly Discovered species of New Guinea (1998 – 2008) shows that 218 new kinds of plants, 43 reptiles and 12 mammals, including a unique snub-fin dolphin, 580 invertebrates, 134 amphibians, 2 birds and 71 fish, among them an extremely rare 2.5m long river shark, have been found on the tropical island over a ten year period.

“This report shows that New Guinea’s forests and rivers are among the richest in the world. But it also shows us that unchecked human demand can push even the wealthiest environments to bankruptcy,” says Dr. Neil Stronach, WWF Western Melanesia’s Program Representative.

New Guinea is the largest tropical island on Earth and is divided between the countries of Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the East and Indonesia in the West. It contains the third largest tract of rainforest in the world after the Amazon and the Congo. The island covers less than 0.5 per cent of the Earth’s landmass but shelters 6 to 8 per cent of the world’s species. An estimated two-thirds of these species are unique to New Guinea.

More than 1000 new species found in New Guinea | Press and media centre | WWF UK - species, WWF, New, Guinea, logging, forest, river, Indonesia, Amazon, Papua, congo, environment
Lots and lots of new guys popping up in the Pacific...........some real cool new kinds of animals, fish etc............


Conservationists discover more than 1,000 species in New Guinea | Environment | The Observer

Interesting because if you talk to an environmentalist, they ALWAYS say all the species are dying out and that no new speicies are forming.


So...we can remove the anthropomorphic origin of species extinction' from the list of 'Crises du jour"?

1. Heterosexual Aids “A quarter of a century after the outbreak of Aids, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has accepted that the threat of a global heterosexual pandemic has disappeared.” Threat of world Aids pandemic among heterosexuals is over, report admits - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

2. Killer African Bees “Killer bees” are nothing more than a hyped-up scam foisted on the public to milk federal research dollars, a group of southern Arizona” Beesource Beekeeping » Some Beekeepers Believe “Killer Bees” are Fraud

3. Swine Flu? “Richard Schabas, Ontario's former chief medical officer of health, said in an interview yesterday that the first wave of the virus this spring was not as dire as expected, and the number of people infected in the Southern Hemisphere, now in the middle of its regular flu season, is nowhere as bad as feared.” H5N1: Canadian health expert: Swine flu panic overblown

4. Mad Cow Disease [Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)] “However, a fair review of the evidence from Britain and France indicates that the threat to human health from BSE in the United States is minimal.” “Mad Cow”: Is the Media Milking an Overblown Threat? | CEI

5. Bird Flu was about to ‘jump’ from chickens to humans. “Doomsday predictions about bird flu seem to be spreading faster than the virus itself. But a small group of skeptics say the bird flu hype is overblown and ultimately harmful to the public’s health. There’s no guarantee bird flu will become a pandemic, and if it does there’s no guarantee it will kill millions of people.” Skeptics warn bird flu fears are overblown - Bird Flu- msnbc.com

6. "SARS is a media circus more than a medical crisis." Letter From Hong Kong - SARS Threat Overblown - NAM

7. “Silicone gel implants were taken off the market in 1992 amidst fears that they could be linked to cancer, autoimmune and connective tissue disorders (such as lupus). But since the FDA approved their use again in 2006 many women and their surgeons have opted to use them rather than the implants filled with saline (salt water)." Silicone breast implants: Are they safe? - Your Health

8. “Y2K taught us lessons that will always be applicable: Dont believe everything the experts tell you, and be especially skeptical of worst-case predictions for technology” . Some Perspective 5 Years After Y2K - Security from eWeek

9. “… during the early 1990s a massive cholera outbreak in Latin America caused 10,000 deaths as a result of countries refusing to use chlorine to disinfect water supplies because of the labeling of chlorine as a carcinogen by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)” Milloy SJ. Junk Science Judo - Self-Defense Against Health Scares and Scams. The Cato Institute, Washington, DC, 2001, p. 1.

10.”… in 1975 research showed a cancer-causing effect of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in rats. The ensuing panic led to the 1976 federal law banning their production. In 1999, the same researcher found no association with human cancer. But the federal law remains in force.” Junk Science Judo by Steven J. Milloy

11. “According to Marjorie Mazel Hecht and [San Jose State University] professor J. Gordon Edwards at 21st Century Home Page, DDT is safe and indeed saved and can save human lives, and Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is full of lies. According to them, the banning of DDT was politically motivated and went against the majority of scientific opinion…. No one has conclusively proved that DDT can give you cancer.” The Straight Dope: Was Rachel Carson a fraud and is DDT actually safe for humans?

12. Global Warming…"the sky is falling" with a political twist.

As H. L. Menken said,
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

Whew! Glad we're still gonna have some animals!
How I wish they cared about what sceince really says.

Instead they weave some silly con bullshit into a smear of science and extrapolate a whole pant load of pablum for the right wing masses to harummph at so they can pretend they are smarter than the people who actually do the science.

Then they remain pliable for the next disaster their masters will benifit from.

A little bit of science and a whole lot of false political posturing, its how they keep them on the farm.
What about "poorly planned and unsustainable development - particularly from logging and forest conversion to agriculture - is putting many of these unique creatures at risk" doesn't PC understand? This isn't a "Crisis du Jour", as the minimizers like to say, but something we've been documenting and worrying about for over a 100 years. The dodo was a loser and the bison almost so. Those are hardly recent developments!!!
What about "poorly planned and unsustainable development - particularly from logging and forest conversion to agriculture - is putting many of these unique creatures at risk" doesn't PC understand? This isn't a "Crisis du Jour", as the minimizers like to say, but something we've been documenting and worrying about for over a 100 years. The dodo was a loser and the bison almost so. Those are hardly recent developments!!!

Konny, you are such a sap. You'll believe anything the crisis-folks put in your 'news.'

Tell your liberal friend that it's growing so fast there's a danger that within a few decades it might reach the southern borders of the United States, menacing our great-grandchildren with its evil leafy tendrils and its deadly population of jaguars, bullet ants, snakes, killer bees, and such like. You think we exaggerate? According to a January 2009 report in the New York Times-and what liberal could ignore the voice of Pravda?-"For every acre of rainforest cut down each year, more than 50 acres are growing." Do the math. Then be afraid. Very afraid. And start stockpiling the Agent Orange.
From “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy”

2. (Reuters) - The world's tropical rainforests are making a comeback, but young vegetation may not be able to sustain as much diverse wildlife or lock up nearly as much climate-warming carbon dioxide as old trees did, scientists report.
The rainforest debate has raged publicly for decades, and more recently has been the subject of behind-the-scenes ferment among conservation scientists. It is the main topic of a Smithsonian symposium on Monday at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington.
These discussions are taking place as the international community is trying to figure out how to stem global warming. Because tropical forests sequester the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, they are considered an essential part of the solution.
About 135,000 square miles (350,000 square kilometers) of the original forested areas that were cut down by humans are growing back, according to Greg Asner of the Washington-based Carnegie Institution, a presenter at the symposium. That is only 1.7 percent of the original forest.
This regrowth is relatively quick, with the shady forest canopy closing in after just 15 years as trees grow taller and denser, offering habitat for creatures adapted to just this environment, such as birds with huge eyes able to see in the leafy gloom.
Using United Nations projections of population growth, Wright and Muller-Landau predicted in a 2006 journal article that "large areas of tropical forest cover will remain in 2030 and beyond, and thus that habitat loss will threaten extinction for a smaller proportion of tropical forest species than previously predicted."
Tropical rainforests are regrowing. Now what? | Reuters

3. I don’t know if you saw it, but the New York Times recently ran a piece in which two scientists, Dr Joe Wright and Dr Bill Laurance, from the Smithsonian debated regeneration of rainforests in Panama. The gist was that in some places rainforest is re-growing and whether because of this saving untouched rainforest is as urgent a problem as it is portrayed. There may be a lot of deforestation going on, but there is also re-growth elsewhere. Cool Green Science just posted a piece which offers a thoughtful response to both positions:
It’s one of those things where both people are right and both are wrong, in degrees.
Rainforests Are Tougher Than We Tend to Think
After describing how in Brazil’s first national park, Tijuca, you’d be hard pressed to figure out what parts of the land had be a coffee plantation one hundred years ago, post author David Cleary points out that,
We think of tropical forests as porcelain-like, fragile and impossible to put back together if broken. Tijuca back’s up Dr Wright’s argument that it’s more accurate to view tropical rainforests as tough and resilient, able to absorb a huge amount of punishment and come back.
Rainforests In Some Regions Are Re-growing Rapidly: Should We Worry Anymore About Deforestation? : TreeHugger

4. These new “secondary” forests are emerging in Latin America, Asia and other tropical regions at such a fast pace that the trend has set off a serious debate about whether saving primeval rain forest — an iconic environmental cause — may be less urgent than once thought. By one estimate, for every acre of rain forest cut down each year, more than 50 acres of new forest are growing in the tropics on land that was once farmed, logged or ravaged by natural disaster.
“There is far more forest here than there was 30 years ago,” said Ms. Ortega de Wing, 64, who remembers fields of mango trees and banana plants.
The idea has stirred outrage among environmentalists who believe that vigorous efforts to protect native rain forest should remain a top priority. But the notion has gained currency in mainstream organizations like the Smithsonian Institution and the United Nations, which in 2005 concluded that new forests were “increasing dramatically” and “undervalued” for their environmental benefits. The United Nations is undertaking the first global catalog of the new forests, which vary greatly in their stage of growth.
“Biologists were ignoring these huge population trends and acting as if only original forest has conservation value, and that’s just wrong,” said Joe Wright, a senior scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute here, who set off a firestorm two years ago by suggesting that the new forests could substantially compensate for rain forest destruction.
Dr. Wright and others say the overzealous protection of rain forests not only prevents poor local people from profiting from the rain forests on their land but also robs financing and attention from other approaches to fighting global warming, like eliminating coal plants.
About 38 million acres of original rain forest are being cut down every year, but in 2005, according to the most recent “State of the World’s Forests Report” by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, there were an estimated 2.1 billion acres of potential replacement forest growing in the tropics — an area almost as large as the United States….In Panama by the 1990s, the last decade for which data is available, the rain forest is being destroyed at a rate of 1.3 percent each year. The area of secondary forest is increasing by more than 4 percent yearly, Dr. Wright estimates.
New Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests - NYTimes.com

Konny....this seems to be over your head, but I'll keep trying. 'Member what I told you about the French Revolution being the birth of Liberalism?
Well, again, they believed that 'science and reason' dominates all endeavors...and this means that humans control the earth and can make and break same.

Isn't true.

‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’ from the D of I, the world, earth...has its own timetables, and rules and cycles....

You can do all the 'poorly planned and unsustainable development' and it won't destroy the earth.
Example? The gases put into the atmosphere by a volcano...as opposed to man.
Do a little studying on your own.
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You're the one talking about crises. I'm just pointing out that many of the problems are of long standing. All you've shown is how certain people will do anything to minimize things so as to make them look foolish. How is that any different than the "fear mongers" you're talking about?
You're the one talking about crises. I'm just pointing out that many of the problems are of long standing. All you've shown is how certain people will do anything to minimize things so as to make them look foolish. How is that any different than the "fear mongers" you're talking about?

Now, try to focus.

This is hardly about "fear mongers."

This is about a philosophy that has demanded that one believe that man controls everything that happens...in this case, to the planet.

In short, you have been manipulated by the same kind of folks who have organized the revolutionary clubs and take oaths to a new humanocentric religion, the Cult of Reason (which is French for ‘People for the American Way’).
You're the one talking about crises. I'm just pointing out that many of the problems are of long standing. All you've shown is how certain people will do anything to minimize things so as to make them look foolish. How is that any different than the "fear mongers" you're talking about?

Now, try to focus.

This is hardly about "fear mongers."

This is about a philosophy that has demanded that one believe that man controls everything that happens...in this case, to the planet.

In short, you have been manipulated by the same kind of folks who have organized the revolutionary clubs and take oaths to a new humanocentric religion, the Cult of Reason (which is French for ‘People for the American Way’).

No, it isn't. I think you're HYPER-focused on making sure that your particular biases are treated as if they're absolute truth. Why should we think your philosophy is any more correct? Apparently we have to have "faith" that we aren't doing to the planet, which really isn't science and has no place in the discussion.
You're the one talking about crises. I'm just pointing out that many of the problems are of long standing. All you've shown is how certain people will do anything to minimize things so as to make them look foolish. How is that any different than the "fear mongers" you're talking about?

Now, try to focus.

This is hardly about "fear mongers."

This is about a philosophy that has demanded that one believe that man controls everything that happens...in this case, to the planet.

In short, you have been manipulated by the same kind of folks who have organized the revolutionary clubs and take oaths to a new humanocentric religion, the Cult of Reason (which is French for ‘People for the American Way’).

No, it isn't. I think you're HYPER-focused on making sure that your particular biases are treated as if they're absolute truth. Why should we think your philosophy is any more correct? Apparently we have to have "faith" that we aren't doing to the planet, which really isn't science and has no place in the discussion.

Yes, yes...the claim of 'science,' or 'reason,' or....philosophy?

At the risk of being redundant, you must do some reading, study.

Your views echo that earlier revolution...the one that went so well...

1. France’s new leaders – fishmongers, cobblers, butchers, and lots of lawyers and journalists- set out to invent a new, nonreligious calendar. It began with “Year 1,” witch was really 1972, and had 12 30-day months based on ‘reason’ and ‘nature.’ Each month was three 10-day weeks.

a. “Has any reform been more futile? The Government’s arrogant discard of Christianity means that weeks have been extended to ten days instead of seven. The revision’s intent is to supplant the papal calendar with a uniform alternative of twelve months of thirty days each, based on the system of ancient Egypt. Bibles themselves were torn up to make paper gun cartridges in the grim days of 1793, and now the biblical week has been guillotined, each month instead divided into three decades of ten days, with the year, with the year beginning at the autumn equinox and five to six holidays added to balance idealism with our solar orbit. Not content with regimenting the calendar, the government has introduced a new metric system for weight and measure. There are even proposals for a new clock of precisely 100,000 seconds each day. Reason, reason!...The new calendar is the kind of logical idea imposed by clever people that completely ignores habit, emotion, and human nature and thus forecasts the Revolution’s doom.” From the novel “Napoleon’ Pyramids,” by William Dietrich
While written in a novel, it is clearly well research, as all the charges are true.

b. Napoleon abolished the French Revolutionary Calendar on January 1, 1806.

Of course, your 'science' is just as tenuous. It will be rejected, as well, but sadly, will be replaced by other nonsense....because there are folks easily led.
If the shoe fits....

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