1,204 U.S. sites Recorded their Coldest-Ever October Temperature

A staggering 1,204 U.S. sites Recorded their Coldest-Ever October Temperatures last month - Electroverse
According to official NOAA data, more than twelve-hundred monthly low temperature records fell ACROSS the U.S. in October 2019 — multiple Arctic air masses rode anomalously-far south on the back of a wavy jet stream flow, itself associated with historically low solar activity.

The sun is currently in its deepest solar minimum of the past 100+ years, and the jet stream has weakened as a result; its usual tight ‘zonal’ flow has more-often-than-not reverted to a loose ‘meridional’ one. This wavy flow has diverted brutal Arctic air into the lower-latitudes, and is responsible for the U.S. either busting or tying a staggering 1204 all-time MONTHLY low temperature records in October 2019 (double the number of new heat records).

Now this is why the cooling is important... night time temps are dropping globally.
Not that the denier idiots seem to get this, but the united states is less than 2% of the planet's surface.
A staggering 1,204 U.S. sites Recorded their Coldest-Ever October Temperatures last month - Electroverse
According to official NOAA data, more than twelve-hundred monthly low temperature records fell ACROSS the U.S. in October 2019 — multiple Arctic air masses rode anomalously-far south on the back of a wavy jet stream flow, itself associated with historically low solar activity.

The sun is currently in its deepest solar minimum of the past 100+ years, and the jet stream has weakened as a result; its usual tight ‘zonal’ flow has more-often-than-not reverted to a loose ‘meridional’ one. This wavy flow has diverted brutal Arctic air into the lower-latitudes, and is responsible for the U.S. either busting or tying a staggering 1204 all-time MONTHLY low temperature records in October 2019 (double the number of new heat records).

Now this is why the cooling is important... night time temps are dropping globally.
Not that the denier idiots seem to get this, but the united states is less than 2% of the planet's surface.
how about Australia?

79% of the earth is water. where are all the stations?
A staggering 1,204 U.S. sites Recorded their Coldest-Ever October Temperatures last month - Electroverse
According to official NOAA data, more than twelve-hundred monthly low temperature records fell ACROSS the U.S. in October 2019 — multiple Arctic air masses rode anomalously-far south on the back of a wavy jet stream flow, itself associated with historically low solar activity.

The sun is currently in its deepest solar minimum of the past 100+ years, and the jet stream has weakened as a result; its usual tight ‘zonal’ flow has more-often-than-not reverted to a loose ‘meridional’ one. This wavy flow has diverted brutal Arctic air into the lower-latitudes, and is responsible for the U.S. either busting or tying a staggering 1204 all-time MONTHLY low temperature records in October 2019 (double the number of new heat records).

Now this is why the cooling is important... night time temps are dropping globally.
Not that the denier idiots seem to get this, but the united states is less than 2% of the planet's surface.
Had you read the link, you would have noted that 2/3 of Canada, Europe and Russia were also 3-9 deg F below average... But hey, being ignorant is what alarmists are all about.
A staggering 1,204 U.S. sites Recorded their Coldest-Ever October Temperatures last month - Electroverse
According to official NOAA data, more than twelve-hundred monthly low temperature records fell ACROSS the U.S. in October 2019 — multiple Arctic air masses rode anomalously-far south on the back of a wavy jet stream flow, itself associated with historically low solar activity.

The sun is currently in its deepest solar minimum of the past 100+ years, and the jet stream has weakened as a result; its usual tight ‘zonal’ flow has more-often-than-not reverted to a loose ‘meridional’ one. This wavy flow has diverted brutal Arctic air into the lower-latitudes, and is responsible for the U.S. either busting or tying a staggering 1204 all-time MONTHLY low temperature records in October 2019 (double the number of new heat records).

Now this is why the cooling is important... night time temps are dropping globally.
Not that the denier idiots seem to get this, but the united states is less than 2% of the planet's surface.
how about Australia?

79% of the earth is water. where are all the stations?
Australia is having a brutally cold spring... But hey, that must be ignored..
so no stations to give the readings. hmmmm how does that coloring book page give you a differential in temperature of 1.0 degree temps?

Do you mean weather stations? ... there's no agricultural interests in the middle of the ocean ... why would there be weather stations? ... the website should explain how all this data is collected, it's completely up to you whether to accept the data or not ... charter a boat and go out there with a cheap-o Walmart thermometer, see how accurate the numbers are, I don't think NOAA uses much better ... weather forecasts are actually pretty good out two days, reasonable good at three days ... and what I posted is useful for this purpose ... it's great information when used for the what it was designed to do ...

Do you want the 100 year average for climate studies? ... you'll have to wait 100 years for that ... or maybe 75, I don't know how long these satellites have been in orbit ...

(Big hurricanes will leave a trace in that image, a line of blue where the hurricane passed over and sucked all the energy out of the water, making it cold ... pretty cool ...)
so no stations to give the readings. hmmmm how does that coloring book page give you a differential in temperature of 1.0 degree temps?

Do you mean weather stations? ... there's no agricultural interests in the middle of the ocean ... why would there be weather stations? ... the website should explain how all this data is collected, it's completely up to you whether to accept the data or not ... charter a boat and go out there with a cheap-o Walmart thermometer, see how accurate the numbers are, I don't think NOAA uses much better ... weather forecasts are actually pretty good out two days, reasonable good at three days ... and what I posted is useful for this purpose ... it's great information when used for the what it was designed to do ...

Do you want the 100 year average for climate studies? ... you'll have to wait 100 years for that ... or maybe 75, I don't know how long these satellites have been in orbit ...

(Big hurricanes will leave a trace in that image, a line of blue where the hurricane passed over and sucked all the energy out of the water, making it cold ... pretty cool ...)
it's called accuracy. and if you can't track 79% of the globe accurately, how can one claim 1.0 degree changes globally? I've been waiting for six years for one of you to post how that's done. still nothing. just another reiny day.
it's called accuracy. and if you can't track 79% of the globe accurately, how can one claim 1.0 degree changes globally? I've been waiting for six years for one of you to post how that's done. still nothing. just another reiny day.

Ah ... using dynamic models in static mode ... it's as accurate as the equipment being used ... so drop the decimal point, it makes you look like a flatlander ... Wow, six years, this is all on NOAA's website ...
it's called accuracy. and if you can't track 79% of the globe accurately, how can one claim 1.0 degree changes globally? I've been waiting for six years for one of you to post how that's done. still nothing. just another reiny day.

Ah ... using dynamic models in static mode ... it's as accurate as the equipment being used ... so drop the decimal point, it makes you look like a flatlander ... Wow, six years, this is all on NOAA's website ...
so nothing huh, so typical in here.
"... using dynamic models in static mode ..."

"so nothing huh, so typical in here."

You've asked for six years ... you just haven't listened to the answer ... makes sense ...
"... using dynamic models in static mode ..."

"so nothing huh, so typical in here."

You've asked for six years ... you just haven't listened to the answer ... makes sense ...
No answer has been given. So nope
79% of the Earth's surface is ocean, average temperatures over the ocean don't change much, neither warmer nor colder ... that's the wrong place to look for any unnatural changes in temperature ... ..

That is true so long as the temperature of the ocean isn't changing much...the southern seas between 50 and 70S have been cooling since the 80's and the north atlantic has cooled 1C since 2004.
Not that the denier idiots seem to get this, but the united states is less than 2% of the planet's surface.

What you cultists don't seen to get is this...if you look at the global temperature map, it shows the US warming at the same rate as the rest of the world. The CRN proves this is wrong...the US has been in a cooling trend for some time...if the global data set is wrong for the US by such a significant amount, what thinking person would believe that the global data set is just wrong for the US and not equally wrong for the rest of the planet?
Do you mean weather stations? ... there's no agricultural interests in the middle of the ocean ... why would there be weather stations? ...

Observation:......when your position requires that you go about picking the fly shit out of the pepper...there is a great likelihood that your position isn't worth holding...
A staggering 1,204 U.S. sites Recorded their Coldest-Ever October Temperatures last month - Electroverse
According to official NOAA data, more than twelve-hundred monthly low temperature records fell ACROSS the U.S. in October 2019 — multiple Arctic air masses rode anomalously-far south on the back of a wavy jet stream flow, itself associated with historically low solar activity.

The sun is currently in its deepest solar minimum of the past 100+ years, and the jet stream has weakened as a result; its usual tight ‘zonal’ flow has more-often-than-not reverted to a loose ‘meridional’ one. This wavy flow has diverted brutal Arctic air into the lower-latitudes, and is responsible for the U.S. either busting or tying a staggering 1204 all-time MONTHLY low temperature records in October 2019 (double the number of new heat records).

Now this is why the cooling is important... night time temps are dropping globally.

Er, um, if it ain't warming it's climate change
I think you're reading the data wrong ... 1,244 stations reported a record daily low temp year-to-date ... only 748 set all time daily records low in the past 30 days (October) ...
Now this needs to be compared to 1,638 stations reported a record daily high temp year-to-date ...

I'm sorry ... this will put downward pressure on the final Global Average Temperature that will be calculated next year ... but the USA is barely 1/50th the planet and this is just 1/12th the year ... or about 1/600th of the Global Average ... and this is the reason we use averages in climatology, try to smooth out these extreme dynamic fluctuations ... I said these same things back in 2015 and 2016 when Alarmists were raging over all the record daily highs, no where close to being relevant to 50 or 100 year temperature trends, I have to say the same about record daily lows ... it's all dynamic contamination ...

Not to mention many of these new records are only 1ºF higher/lower and this is within the instrumentation error of +/- 1ºF ... see the problem there? ...

2016 remains the warmest year on record since 1880 ... 2017 was a bit cooler and 2018 a bit cooler still ... the Alarmists' temporary "plateau" after 1998 seems to be heading down now ... again, far too short a time period to make any claims of any kind ... but funny listening to the rhetoric change ... get ready for "higher amplitude Rossby waves caused by CAGW" ... we're not sure what causes waves along the polar jet stream, very difficult to say weather whether a little warming would change it much ... if at all ... so beware ...

But nobody cares abuot the "average global temperature". We know that with 100% certainty. What people care about is that 8 months out of the year, they are freezing their balls off. Its what they feel. Its all that matters. Its what makes the public say to themselves, "Meh" about global warming.

And how do we know this?

We know this because the public has taken zeRo interest in climate change action despite knowing what the scientists are saying. It is called human behavior. Oh they might care about climate change......but only a little bit. The climate crusaders fail to understand this dynamic...…...they point to "well but the scientific consensus says...…..". All the research shows very clearly.....peoples perceptions on the climate are based upon the local weather. Well...………..d0y. Nobody is going to care about 0.2 degree's if they are walking round from October to May with nut sack warmers in the back of their car. Its just not going to happen. Same reason nobody cares about sea level rise. Only folks interested in watching paint dry are going to care. Its human behavior! This is also why climate skeptics are winning and in decisive fashion for 20 years now. The science can say whatever it wants......but if it isn't transcending beyond its own field, its not mattering for dick!! Thanks be to God for that!:hello77:
"... using dynamic models in static mode ..."

"so nothing huh, so typical in here."

You've asked for six years ... you just haven't listened to the answer ... makes sense ...
Because ALL of your models FAIL, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. I dont use garbage to predict what is coming.

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