1.3 Billion

If illegal immigrants were having a big negative impact on the US economy, you can be sure Bush would oppose it. In fact, the US benefits by having enough people who are willing to do the shit-jobs that nobody else wants. Bush isn't worried about the illegals because his economic advisors tell him that in many ways it's good for our economy to have them.
Originally posted by Socrates
Arizona might pay 1.3 billion for illegal immigrants, but they get paid about 1.3 billion from those same immigrants, so it's not a big problem.

California has the highest number of illegal immigrants in the US, and the experts say that they don't cost the state any money. They ride the buses (which they pay for), they pay sales tax every time they buy something, they pay rent, they pay property taxes, etc. All in all, their labor contributes to our communities just like the labor of citizens does, and they cost about the same amount as they contribute.

So, the prediction that the US will look like Mexico when the money runs out is misguided.

As is your false portrayal of the situation. Perhaps you could provide proof of this occuring. I'd really like to see how illegals give as much as they take.

Great sig! I'm going a bit off topic here, but I've got another P.J. O' Rourke quote you might enjoy:

" The sexual revolution is over, and the microbes won. "
Originally posted by musicman

Great sig! I'm going a bit off topic here, but I've got another P.J. O' Rourke quote you might enjoy:

" The sexual revolution is over, and the microbes won. "

O'Rourke is a genius.
Originally posted by dilloduck
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
Because I'm not the one concerned about "the few", you are. I would recommend you doing the leg work and finding these people a shrink so that they no longer infringe on your civil liberities. Or better yet, if you feel that your or other peoples civil liberties are threatened in any way, you should contact the ACLU. [/QUOTE

The ACLU legal assists those would would take away my rights. Why would I go to them? Just face it--the ACLU is a puppet of the libs that encourages judicial activism.

Well, your rights are those that everyone else has, unless you are exceptional, which I doubt you are. If your civil rights are violated, and you believe you have a good case, I would suggest that you do go to the ACLU. Just because your view points don't exactly go with a liberal side, doesn't mean that they are any more wrong than you are or anyone else who doesn't agree.

Personally, as I have stated before. I do not agree with every legal action that the ACLU takes, but I agree with most.

If you'd like, we can continue this whole "hole in the bucket" thing. Personally I think people are tired of seeing us post. No one is going to sway the other.
Originally posted by brneyedgrl80
Well, your rights are those that everyone else has, unless you are exceptional, which I doubt you are. If your civil rights are violated, and you believe you have a good case, I would suggest that you do go to the ACLU. Just because your view points don't exactly go with a liberal side, doesn't mean that they are any more wrong than you are or anyone else who doesn't agree.

Personally, as I have stated before. I do not agree with every legal action that the ACLU takes, but I agree with most.

If you'd like, we can continue this whole "hole in the bucket" thing. Personally I think people are tired of seeing us post. No one is going to sway the other.

now you've done it----my exceptionality has been offended. Get me my free lawyers !!!!
Originally posted by Socrates
If illegal immigrants were having a big negative impact on the US economy, you can be sure Bush would oppose it. In fact, the US benefits by having enough people who are willing to do the shit-jobs that nobody else wants. Bush isn't worried about the illegals because his economic advisors tell him that in many ways it's good for our economy to have them.

Bull shit. George Bush is too busy whoring himself out to the espanics for votes to care about illegal immigration.

Yeah I like our Prez', but I'm dead against his handling, ideas and inaction on illegal immigration from mexico.
Originally posted by Socrates
If illegal immigrants were having a big negative impact on the US economy, you can be sure Bush would oppose it. In fact, the US benefits by having enough people who are willing to do the shit-jobs that nobody else wants. Bush isn't worried about the illegals because his economic advisors tell him that in many ways it's good for our economy to have them.

Yeah, it's big business to use illegal labor in this country. Titans like Wal-Mart and Tyson have been busted using cheap, illegal labor to boost stock prices.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
This is where I also STRONGLY disagree with Bush.

You should try living here. You'd see first hand just what kind of bullshit it really is.

When I lived in Chula Vista, we would sit on the back porch, drink beer, and spotlight the illegals as they came through the back yards.

But if Dubbyuh really wanted to do anything about it, he would add labor and evironmental protections at least as strong as the protections for businesses to NAFTA. With higher wages and living standards in Mexico, the problem would be much smaller. And then, they do fill a niche in the American labor market by taking jobs no American will take for wages that no American will work for under conditions no American would tolerate
I do credit them to some extent with the natural beauty simply because the land has not been populated with residents or commercial businesses (at least not yet) so they have been able to retain the natural beauty

Please tell me you are kidding, right ?

These roaches neither have the will, desire, or the knowledge to develop any type of industry or commerce, except the smuggling of drugs and more roaches across our boarders.

I have been there, unfortunately, and other than what Mother nature has created, it is a shithole, plain and simple.

As far as illegals are concerned, they are a plague on our society, and I could not disagree more with my own party's catering to them. I for one am not concerned with cheap labor and do not allow our human resource department to even entertain the idea of hiring these criminals.

We need more people to wake up smell the coffee and do the same, as well as place the national guard of the boarder, and finally provide absolutely no entitlements for these maggots.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
they do fill a niche in the American labor market by taking jobs no American will take for wages that no American will work for under conditions no American would tolerate

This becomes the self fulfilling prophecy. Offer low pay so only illegals will take the job, then claim you had to do it because nobody legal would do the job for such a low wage. The employers created this situation through pure greed.
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
This becomes the self fulfilling prophecy. Offer low pay so only illegals will take the job, then claim you had to do it because nobody legal would do the job for such a low wage. The employers created this situation through pure greed.

I assume American consumers benefit by paying less for items made in the US with cheaper labor. I agree with the need for better controls on our borders however this stance seems to becoming an excuse for discrimination. Perhaps the Mexicans are satisfied with not having all the "beautiful" things Americans have and are finding their happiness in things other than materialism.
Originally posted by dilloduck
I assume American consumers benefit by paying less for items made in the US with cheaper labor. I agree with the need for better controls on our borders however this stance seems to becoming an excuse for discrimination. Perhaps the Mexicans are satisfied with not having all the "beautiful" things Americans have and are finding their happiness in things other than materialism.

The point I'm trying to add is this:

The arguement keeps being made that "no American will work these lousy jobs, so we have to keep allowing the illegals in to do it" What I'm saying is that we brought this onto ourselves by allowing this behavior by greedy employers to go unchecked.

What do you think would happen if all of the illegals were rounded up in one fell swoop and shipped out of the country? The employers would have to pay someone to do the dirty work that needs to be done. And they'd have to pay a decent amount to get it done. As it stands now they are exploiting these people and the system, and the government is complicit in this as well by not enforcing the law.
Originally posted by eric
Please tell me you are kidding, right ?

These roaches neither have the will, desire, or the knowledge to develop any type of industry or commerce, except the smuggling of drugs and more roaches across our boarders.

I have been there, unfortunately, and other than what Mother nature has created, it is a shithole, plain and simple.

As far as illegals are concerned, they are a plague on our society, and I could not disagree more with my own party's catering to them. I for one am not concerned with cheap labor and do not allow our human resource department to even entertain the idea of hiring these criminals.

We need more people to wake up smell the coffee and do the same, as well as place the national guard of the boarder, and finally provide absolutely no entitlements for these maggots.

Unlike some countries, they have been able to preserve the natural beauty of their lands. I have been throughout the country because that is where part of my heritage comes from. Have you been to Mexico City? One of the largest cities. Have you been to places in Central America which is part of Mexico? These people are not worthless as you would like to imply. The country is not shithole if you can get away from the tourist areas, though some tourist cities are nice, if you get away from the states. The tourist cities by the states are the worst. Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallerta, Cancun, and the like are all very pretty tourist cities. I would suggest going through he whole country before judging.

I've been to New York City and in no way would I judge the whole state of New York by what I saw in NYC.
America is a nation of immigrants. "Give us your.....etc".
Haveing said that, if someone is not here in compliance with our laws, then they need to be deported. If they have a kid, then it is a citizen and safe. Adopt it out as you deport the parents.

[flamebait]A national ID card showing encoded with your fingerprints, dna, and status (citizen, tourist, resident alien on citizen track, etc) would move toward documenting this issue. Got no card? You get a free ride back to Canada you hoser (see I don't 'scriminate).[/flamebait]

Those who employ illegals should be shut down until they prove that all employees are citizens or aliens properly on the citizenship track.

Just my two cent.
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
The point I'm trying to add is this:

The arguement keeps being made that "no American will work these lousy jobs, so we have to keep allowing the illegals in to do it" What I'm saying is that we brought this onto ourselves by allowing this behavior by greedy employers to go unchecked.

What do you think would happen if all of the illegals were rounded up in one fell swoop and shipped out of the country? The employers would have to pay someone to do the dirty work that needs to be done. And they'd have to pay a decent amount to get it done. As it stands now they are exploiting these people and the system, and the government is complicit in this as well by not enforcing the law.

In the case of farm workers and farmers if all illegals were deported most farmers(produce mostly) would simply go out of business because they cannot afford high wages. These guys operate on a very slim profit margin if they make any profit at all as most of their money they make goes back to paying off the loan they took out in order to plant and seed. We would have a major food crisis in America especially since 25% of the nation's produce comes from California.
Originally posted by Big D
When the money runs out, the U.S will look like the shithole mexico is. Any mexican neigborhood here in the U.S is proof of that.

Not exactly phrased the way I might have written it, but damned true!! Damned true, indeed....Ever been to Santa Ana, California? Every few weeks the health department has to shut down a boarding house for mexican immigrants where they find them in there sleeping 6 to a room. As many as 25 people in one house!! Do we want the entire country looking like that?

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